Papers by Vladimir Holodkov
TIMS. Acta, 2013
Doc. dr Vladimir Holodkov, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad Sažetak U ovom radu traži se odg... more Doc. dr Vladimir Holodkov, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad Sažetak U ovom radu traži se odgovor na pitanje da li se može definisati minimalan i potreban skup kriterijuma (dimenzija, indikatora) za merenje kvaliteta usluga u turizmu. Odabrana metrika bi trebala da ispuni očekivanja svih aktera u turizmu, pre svega menadžmenta, zaposlenih i turista. U turizmu se javljuju razne ideje o upravljanju kvalitetom, koje se mogu iskazati kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim pokazateljima. Često je prisutna dilema koji skup indikatora odabrati. Primenjena je nabrajačka i analitička bibliografija raznih teorijskih i praktičnih pogleda u oblasti metrike kvaliteta. Dolazimo do saznanja da se fokus koncepta praćenja kvaliteta usluga u turizmu pomera sa korisnika usluga na zaposlene. Odgovor leži u činjenici da samo zadovoljan i uspešan radnik u turizmu može da pruži adekvatnu uslugu koju turista percipira kao odličnu.
Third age persons are an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A health... more Third age persons are an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A healthier and longer life, more free time, a realized social status and personal development are the key pull factors for the persons in third age to decide to go on a tourist trip. The research used the model of motivation in tourism for the persons in third age established by Astic and Muller (1999), and developed by Hsu, Cai and Wong (2007). The measured categories were wellbeing or a subjective assessment of the quality of life. Sažetak Osobe treće životne dobi sve više utječu na segment turističke potražnje u svijetu. Zdraviji i duži život, više slobodnog vremena, realizirani društveni status i osobni razvoj ključni su čimbenici za osobe u trećoj životnoj dobi da se odluče ići na turističko putovanje. Istraživanje koristi model motivacije u turizmu za osobe u trećoj dobi utvrđenih od Astica i Muller (1999), te razvijen od Hsu, Cai i Wong (2007.) Izmjerene kategorije su bile blagostanje ili subjektivna procjena kvalitete života.
Third age persons are an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A health... more Third age persons are an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A healthier and longer life, more free time, a realized social status and personal development are the key pull factors for the persons in third age to decide to go on a tourist trip. The research used the model of motivation in tourism for the persons in third age established by Astic and Muller (1999), and developed by Hsu, Cai and Wong (2007). The measured categories were wellbeing or a subjective assessment of the quality of life. Sažetak Osobe treće životne dobi sve više utječu na segment turističke potražnje u svijetu. Zdraviji i duži život, više slobodnog vremena, realizirani društveni status i osobni razvoj ključni su čimbenici za osobe u trećoj životnoj dobi da se odluče ići na turističko putovanje. Istraživanje koristi model motivacije u turizmu za osobe u trećoj dobi utvrđenih od Astica i Muller (1999), te razvijen od Hsu, Cai i Wong (2007.) Izmjerene kategorije su bile blagostanje ili subjektivna procjena kvalitete života.
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 2004
Third age persons are an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A health... more Third age persons are an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A healthier and longer life, more free time, a realized social status and personal development are the key pull factors for the persons in third age to decide to go on a tourist trip. The research used the model of motivation in tourism for the persons in third age established by Astic and Muller (1999), and developed by Hsu, Cai and Wong (2007). The measured categories were wellbeing or a subjective assessment of the quality of life. Sažetak Osobe treće životne dobi sve više utječu na segment turističke potražnje u svijetu. Zdraviji i duži život, više slobodnog vremena, realizirani društveni status i osobni razvoj ključni su čimbenici za osobe u trećoj životnoj dobi da se odluče ići na turističko putovanje. Istraživanje koristi model motivacije u turizmu za osobe u trećoj dobi utvrđenih od Astica i Muller (1999), te razvijen od Hsu, Cai i Wong (2007.) Izmjerene kategorije su bile blagostanje ili subjektivna procjena kvalitete života.
Materials Chemistry and Physics
Informatologia, Mar 31, 2015
Informatologia, Mar 31, 2015
Abstract In tourism, local communities exchange their products and services based on their values... more Abstract In tourism, local communities exchange their products and services based on their values with tourists for their money, thus creating experiences and meeting expectations. Cultural tourism is created upon cultural assets such as local narratives, cultural heritage, lifestyles and specific identities. However, propelled by the growing demand, distance between tourism products and local communities is expanding, creating conflicts, confusion and sustainability issues. Possible solution is to reconnect community’s sense of cultural identity and cultural tourism offer. In such case, local community is more likely to fully and proud fully participate in tourism services, which results in higher quality relations and better visitor experiences. Studying a local case of Novi Sad, Serbia, this research poses a question whether tourism industry and local communities share the same perception and vision of local cultural identity. Through a qualitative field research, paper aims to a...
Older adults comprise an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A health... more Older adults comprise an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A healthier and longer life, more free time, a realized social status and personal development are the key pull factors for the persons in third age to decide to go on a tourist trip. The basis of this research is founded on numerous previous studies, which indicate that in the subjective push and motivational deciding factors for the travel of the elderly, the dominant factors are those from the group of the quality of life. The goal of this research was to establish on a sample of senior population in Novi Sad what the dominant motivational factors are and the extent to which the factors of quality of life are present and featuring as important in the expectations of seniors and their deciding between the tourist travel programmes. The research was carried out by analysing results obtained after conducting semi-structured interviews with 16 people older than 60, who are still tourists-travelle...
The most dynamic and fastest growth in the European tourism industry shows the tourist destinatio... more The most dynamic and fastest growth in the European tourism industry shows the tourist destinations that have innovated their service, wellness and spa facilities. Modern tourists are increasingly understanding the importance of benefits to their own health, which is just what is being achieved by the programmed content of active tourism. A generally recognized global trend towards wellness tourism and innovation services in the traditional tourist industry is still not sufficiently recognized in developing countries. Stimulating factor relevant to the promotion of the tourism industry of these countries is certainly the financial profit to be realised in destinations that have included wellness and spa programmes in their offers. However, a significant factor in terms of innovating services and creating profit at a tourist destination can be improved by creating a model of business processes that are most acceptable for a given tourist destination. This article is based on two smal...
Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2014
Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2014
Older adults comprise an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A health... more Older adults comprise an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A healthier and longer life, more free time, a realized social status and personal development are the key pull factors for the persons in third age to decide to go on a tourist trip. The basis of this research is founded on numerous previous studies, which indicate that in the subjective push and motivational deciding factors for the travel of the elderly, the dominant factors are those from the group of the quality of life. The goal of this research was to establish on a sample of senior population in Novi Sad what the dominant motivational factors are and the extent to which the factors of quality of life are present and featuring as important in the expectations of seniors and their deciding between the tourist travel programmes. The research was carried out by analysing results obtained after conducting
Papers by Vladimir Holodkov