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Annually, the tobacco industry costs the world:

๐Ÿ”ต600 million trees
๐Ÿ”ต200 000 hectares of land
๐Ÿ”ต22 billion tonnes of water
๐Ÿ”ต84 million tonnes of CO2.
๐Ÿ”ต& more than 8 million human lives

#SayNoToTobacco! It threatens our environment and our health. Image
Tobacco takes up to 9 months to mature, making it difficult for smallholder farmers to grow food crops within the same year.

It also degrades the soil, depletes its essential nutrients and decreases its fertility, making it difficult to grow food.

#NoTobacco #TobaccoExposed Image
349M people๐ŸŒ are facing acute food insecurity, many of them living in low & middle-income countries where tobacco cultivation has increased in the last decade.

Planting tobacco:
๐Ÿ”ดreduces soil fertility & productivity
๐Ÿ”ดlimits capacity to grow other crops
๐Ÿ”ดleads to more hunger Image
Read 13 tweets
#LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment)
Today dated 31/05/2023, on the occasion of "World No Tobacco Day" and under Mission- LiFE( Lifestyle for Environment) urging people to adopt, practice and promote an environmentally friendly lifestyle for a better and healthier Environment, ImageImageImageImage
@trafficchd in association with Indian Dental Association (IDA) Mohali, Punjab conducted an event of Cyclothon and Walkathon at Sukhna Lake Chd.
During this event special emphasis was given on # ๐‘๐ž๐ ๐‹๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐’๐ข๐ ๐ง๐š๐ฅ ๐Ž๐ง !!!!! ๐•๐ž๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ฅ๐ž ๐„๐ง๐ ๐ข๐ง๐ž ๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ ",
#No Unnecessary #HONKING, to adopt " #๐‚๐ฒ๐œ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ , ๐–๐š๐ฅ๐ค๐ข๐ง๐  & ๐‚๐š๐ซ ๐Ÿ“ท ๐ฉ๐จ๐จ๐ฅ " to save fuel, to avoid #Vehicular pollution, #noise pollution, to reduce #traffic congestions on road and to avoid #tobacco & Smoking for healthier life and healthier Environment.
Read 4 tweets
@eyes_lilly 1/ Scrutiny of strategists a good start. Unfettered access to Govt yet "secret" clients. Crosby a prime example. A toxic dripping tap since '05. Links with Iraq + Syria. Security clearance level of ALL SpAds must be declared. Vetting slyly moved from Defence to Cab Office. Why?
@eyes_lilly 2/ Has blatant plans to rig Lords to benefit Tories, advised VoteLeave's Elliott on strategy in 2011, Philip Morris was a client. It seems he lied about lobbying on #tobacco When challenged he denies all, threatens litigation. End of. Laughing his todger off. UK a soft touch
@eyes_lilly 3/ MP Frank Roy quizzed Hague re Crosby just pre big Syria vote in '13. A chance lost to discredit LC + Tories. The more he's got away with, the bolder he's become. @jimwaterson had loads on him but again it all died a death. The Hollow Men by Nicky Hager a good read + insight
Read 5 tweets
โ€œChapter 5,โ€ titled โ€œWWII Generation, Alcohol & Tobacco:โ€

โ€œโ€œI Need a Drinkโ€โ€ฆBooze & Tobacco Are Perfect Drugs for a Generation Rooted in Denial & Recklessnessโ€

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

fr *Culture War Class War 2022*

by Adzema

(pub 9/22)โ€ฆ

CW22Q 5/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] โ€œAlcohol numbs pain & creates a euphoric state by blotting out higher-order cerebral-cortical functioning. It reduces access to memory, diminishes physio-motor skills, blocks anxiety, depression, & nervousness.โ€[]


CW22Q 5/2
[] โ€œThese effects alone make [alcohol] the perfect drug to create & sustain a defensive style centered on denialโ€ฆโ€ []

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE...โ€ฆ #WWIIGen #Midterms #alcohol #psychology #tobacco #history #FBR #resist #CultureWar

CW22Q 5/3
Read 16 tweets
1/ @michaelpollan's highly-expected @netflix series #HowToChangeYourMind just premiered! ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ„ Despite near-universal praise, #HTCYM is rife with errors & borders on historical revisionism ๐Ÿคฅ

A critique ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿงต #LSD #MDMA #Peyote #Mescaline #Psilocybin #Mushrooms #Psychedelic @MAPS
2/ Before I get started, I'll give everyone a little bit of background information. @michaelpollan released a non-fiction work entitled "How to Change Your Mind" in May of 2018. Before the end of that year, his book about #psychedelic drugs became a @nytimes bestseller. Image
3/ @michaelpollan achieved massive coverage for this self-described "mental travelogue" of his #psychedelic experiences. Soon enough, Mr. Pollan became a prominent figure w/in the so-called "Psychedelic Renaissance". In the process, he gained a rather interesting reputation. Image
Read 104 tweets
Remember puffing on red-tipped Phantom Sweet Cigarettes as a child, to look cool?
With huge advertising, smoking was made a fashionably acceptable social behaviour, at work, in bars, cinemas
homes etc; imposing all activities being incomplete without a #Cigarette !
Smoking #cigarette was legitimated, celebrated & glamourized on Hollywood screen through stars like Edward G. Robinson, James Cagney
Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper
Humphrey Bogart,Lauren Bacall Marlene Dietrich etc, ensuring that itโ€™d never lose its sophisticated lofty significance
#Cigarette was โ€˜imposedโ€™ across all social classes & women!
In 1925, #Marlboro was introduced as a womanโ€™s cigarette, โ€˜Mild as Mayโ€™
The poison was thus transported to the rest of the world!
By 17th cent, ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ, China,SE Asia
Middle East, WAfrica started growing #tobacco
Read 7 tweets
What are the short-term effects of #vaping and #tobacco #smoke on lung ventilation and perfusion?

Inspired from a recent study in @radiology_rsna by Nyilas, Bauman et al.โ€ฆ

#tweetorial thread ๐Ÿ‘‡

Randomized control trials suggest that #vaping
can effectively support #smoking cessation.

What is the effect of #vaping on airway inflammation and airway resistance?
Answer: It has been shown that after 5 minutes of vaping the airway inflammation and airway resistance increasesโฌ†๏ธโ€ฆโ€ฆ
Read 17 tweets
The head of a particular department called me last week to inform me about a staff in his department. He was surprised to note that I knew the person and had referred him for more detailed work. I then told him where I see staff in his campus (without regn) to decrease #stigma
Today I saw three patients from his dept. He had sent them. He had enough trust. Would continue to work with all of them.
It is a great joy when people in your hospital start recognizing your work. Nothing pleases a clinician more than referrals from colleagues.
One of the three had optic neuritis. He is off #alcohol now. He is struggling with #tobacco. I told him it is understandable that he couldn't stop even though he knows the price he is paying is hugh. This is how #Addiction is. Told him to consider a quit date.
Read 4 tweets
The @ato_gov_au is hailing another big victory over #BlackMarket #tobacco in #Australia, via its mouthpiece @ABCaustralia.

Let's take a closer look..
That represents about 2 days and three hours (51 hours) of the annual supply of #BlackMarket #tobacco, a lot of which is imported rather than locally grown.
"But.." squeal ANTZ types in a #ScreamTest ".. you presume just one bust per year. HA! We. Own. You."

Good point. That same page at the ABC links three related stories - dating back to 2017. Here we are nearly 5 years later, with 4 busts to show for it.
Less than 1 per year.
Read 8 tweets
We understand the anger against politicians at #COP26 for delivering a weak, inadequate #ClimateChange agreement. But blaming individual decision-makers ignores the fact that the system rewards failure. Hereโ€™s how we tackle that reality. ๐Ÿงต (1/15)
Hereโ€™s the problem: the profits of the #FossilFuel economy are kept largely separate from its costs. That means that countries/companies/investors who generate products and burn fuels that cause #ClimateChange pocket the profits while others pay the price. ๐Ÿ’ต (2/15)
As a result, #FossilFuels appear profitable, and thereโ€™s massive incentive for political and economic structures to treat these industries as wealth creators. Which creates incentives for climate denial, downplaying the role of the #FossilFuel industry, etc. (3/15)
Read 15 tweets
๐ŸšจNew working paper๐Ÿšจestimating the effect of #ecig taxes on teens authored with @JCMecon, @Courtemanche_CJ, @AboukRahi, @sammsafford, @AFriedmanPhD Dhaval Dave, Joe Sabia, and Bo Feng. #EconTwitter๐Ÿงต

Press Release:

Most scientists believe #ecigs are safer than #cigarettes.

Regulating #ecigs such as with taxes therefore restricts access to a reduced-risk consumer product.

#Ecig taxes may reduce #ecig use, but they could also increase the use of more lethal forms of #nicotine.

31 states have enacted #ecig taxes, often with the stated goal of โ€œprotecting kids.โ€

The federal government is considering setting a federal #ecig tax at the same rate as the #cigarette tax.

Read 13 tweets
The @GlobalStateTHR's response to the @WHO's 8th 'annual report on the #tobacco epidemic' calls out its attempt to distract from years of failure to reduce #smoking with a misguided war on #safernicotine products that are helping smokers quit. 1/โ€ฆ
@WHO The WHO's release celebrates progress of its MPOWER strategy. Yet 1.1 billion people continue to #smoke worldwide and 8 million lives are lost annually to #smoking-related disease, figures that have remained static for two decades. This is not success.
@WHO Even progress on MPOWER is underwhelming. 41 of the 49 countries that have not implemented a single MPOWER measure are LMIC - home to 80 per cent of the worldโ€™s smokers. 3/
Read 10 tweets
@GregHuntMP / @TGAgovau pls note:
Reports are coming in that some batches of #varenicline (marketed as Champix or Chantix) have been recalled due to contamination with #nitrosamines.
[At low levels of - much lower than #cigarettes.]
#Israel has issued a recall on those batches of #varenicline as has #Greece, while #SouthKorea is conducting an ongoing investigation..
Hopefully our TGA in #Australia is aware of the problem and is investigating as well.
But this thread is less about varenicline specifically and more about product recalls, quality control & #nicotine containing products such as #snus, #HTP / #HnB & (most) #eCigarettes. Product recalls are not possible in an illicit mkt or practical in a poorly regulated mkt.
Read 19 tweets
Senescent, sour, Sydney moonhowler @SimonChapman6 has been 'shaking his cane' at #tobacco shops for selling #vapes. Thing is, they are a 'highly addictive' **0%** #nicotine strength.

Hey .. one is even sour, so may be right up his alley.

How ya' like /them/ apples, Simon? ๐Ÿ˜
As such.. it is not 'highly addictive', 'highly habituating', or even 'mildly habituating'.

I picked those two up in Sydney the other day at a tobacconist - who was proud to tell me they had no nicotine at all.
Reassuringly, one of those is actually /made in #Australia/. So applying sensible consumer regs(1) for Quality Control should be easy, and save us (consumers) from having to get them from countries that do not demand high standards in construction or ingredients.
Read 16 tweets
The Government has instructed your GP to hand over your lifelong medical history โ€“ your GP doesnโ€™t have a choice, but YOU DO... until 23rd June.

If you donโ€™t want your familyโ€™s #GPdata used & sold to Hancockโ€™s cronies, send/give this letter to your GP:โ€ฆ
While @NHSDigitalโ€™s #OptingOut page* says a #Type1 โ€œcan only be recorded by your GPpracticeโ€ & doesnโ€™t even link to the form, itโ€™s worth noting #GeneralPractice is currently the busiest itโ€™s ever been. Why is @DHSCgovuk putting even more work onto GPs?

Decisions arenโ€™t only made by @NHSDigital, of course -but it WILL give your data to others.

Like #CPRD, which gives it to companies to #identify specific patientsโ€™ #records; and #PHE, which gave #cancer patientsโ€™ data to a โ€œcauses of cancerโ€ study run by a #tobacco company...
Read 6 tweets
Every year #tobacco kills over 8โƒฃ million people around the world, and costs economies over USD1.4 trillion in health spending and lost productivity.

More info ๐Ÿ‘‰ #Tax4Health
โฌ†๏ธ Increasing tobacco taxes is the most effective way to reduce #tobacco use and lower the risk of associated death & illness, and healthcare costs. #Tax4Health

Learn more๐Ÿ‘‰
Tobacco deaths increased from 5โƒฃ million in 2010 to 8โƒฃ million in 2020.

Governments can reverse the trend with the right #tobacco control measures such as raising tobacco taxes. #Tax4Health

More info ๐Ÿ‘‰
Read 6 tweets
11 common ways men damage their #sperm without knowing

1. Tight underwears
2. Hot baths
3. Infections
4. Varicoceles
5. Laptops
6. Drugs
7. Mobile phones
8. Smoking
9. Marijuana
10. Heavy drinking
11. Steroids

A thread ๐Ÿงต

{Share to who needs this!}
Wear boxers instead of tight pants, & go to bed naked if you want to become a father!

Wearing tight #underwears like pants or shorts keep your testicles closer to the body, leading to warmer temperatures that may kill sperm & lower your sperm count.
Bathing with #hotwater frequently exposes your testicles to heat, which can reduce your sperm count.

Same thing happens to men who use saunas often.

In fact, if you're worried about infertility, it's best to bath with normal or lukewarm water.

Avoid hot water baths!
Read 15 tweets
Did you miss the talk "Panorama of #lupus in 2020?" I did yesterday for @LupusEurope?

No worries, I'm starting a #tweeter #SLE #thread so that you can pick up the slides you're interested in ๐Ÿ‘

Check below for the SLIDES โฌ‡๏ธ
Slide #1
Current classification of #Lupus
Slide #2
What is #lupus #SLE
Read 18 tweets
@SimonChapman6criticizes #vape advocate for mentioning success, not failure. What's the failure rate of #ColdTurkey, Simon? Not heard you mention that..
#AusTHRInquiry2020 #PH2
@SimonChapman6 criticizes #vape advocate for mentioning success, not failure. What's the failure rate of #ColdTurkey, Simon? Not heard you mention that..
#AusTHRInquiry2020 #PH2
Read 203 tweets
What Skerrit is saying in regard to not bringing #tobacco under the prescription model is complete rubbish. The @TGAgovau site explicitly mentions novel #nicotine products - #SLT & #HTP.
Huh.. @hollieahughes just said they're due to report by /18th/ December. I'd thought it was the 1st of December.
Emily Banks 'sum total of world experience' .. yeah, with some heavy #CherryPicking.
The Oz #ANTZ /all/ seem to be loving 'the #GatewayEffect' which is a 'real thing'.. ๐Ÿ™„
Read 137 tweets
The 1st Prof MK Bhan Memorial lecture has started live streaming
Please watch at
The Lecture will be delivered by Prof. Vinod K Paul @NITIAayog on topic 'Science & Art of Influencing Health at Transnational Scale: How Visionary Physician Scientists Do it'
Dr @RenuSwarup, Secretary @DBTIndia announces the renaming of the @THSTIFaridabad- @unescorcb cluster auditorium after Prof MK Bhan
Dr @RenuSwarup also announces the launch of a #Fellowship Program to encourage young #researchers to continue their postdoctoral research in India.
The MKB-YRFP scheme @DBTIndia
Read 20 tweets

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