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It's #WorldEnvironmentDay2023 & I thought why not discuss the influence of air pollution🏭 on various rheumatic diseases

The association of 🏭 is obvious with lung diseases, malignancies & skin problems

But, we have to understand that the effects are deeper than that😦
Particulate matter (PM10) is inhaled & affects the upper bronchi ⏩ local inflammation

Fine & ultrafine PM reach the alveoli & circulation ⏩ systemic effects

Levels of inflammatory markers ∝ exposure to 🏭 ImageImage
Does it increase the risk of disease development?


In a study from Italy, exposure to PM 10 increased the risk of RA & other immune mediated diseases Image
Read 6 tweets
[CASE REPORT] Brain biopsy detects #Bartonella in brain lesions: A 28-year-old woman presented to the neurology department with progressive vision loss in both eyes over the prior four months (continued in comments). #Lyme #Lymedisease
1/5 She had a history of #lupus and had been on high-dose prednisone. A brain MRI showed numerous lesions in her cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres.
2/5 A brain biopsy was performed, and Bartonella henselae was discovered. Antibiotics were started, her vision improved, and the lesions resolved.
Read 6 tweets
There’s so much to be said about the rheumatologists in LASUTH and LUTH that manage #LupusWarriors here in Lagos, their attitude to work and how they make us feel. If nobody will say it, I definitely will, and what better time than during #LupusAwarenessMonth
Today, I celebrate our doctors. For letting us invade their privacies and making themselves available every time we need them. For enduring hot stuffy consultation rooms to attend to tens of Lupus patients every clinic day.
For gladly joining our support groups and always responding to all our questions, even the most ridiculous ones. For supporting some patients financially and even helping us solicit funds from their colleagues. For always being at our beck and call 24/7
Read 20 tweets
“Good afternoon everyone. I am Jay’s husband. Just wanted to inform you all that we lost Jay some days ago.
She’ll be buried next week. We’ll share the details if some of her friends on the group will like to attend.”
“Good evening, family. I am sad to inform you all that we lost one of our sisters, Tee. We are mobilizing a team to go visit her family. Here’s her husband’s account number for us if we’d like to donate to her family.”
These are the kinds of messages we often get on our lupus support group chats and I personally cannot count how many times I’ve wanted to leave the groups because I just couldn’t deal with all the sad news about how #lupus is killing people like me.
Read 19 tweets
Perfil de anticuerpos #antifosfolípido en pacientes con #lupus eritematoso sistémico
Dra. Leyre Riancho Zarrabeita
#APS #aPL #SLE #LA #aCL #aB2GP1 #aPS #PT🩸
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
Antifosfolípido y manifestaciones #SAF
- Tipo de anticuerpos
- Isotipos
- Número de anticuerpos
#APS #aPL #SLE #LA #aCL #aB2GP1 #aPS #PT🩸
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
Antifosfolípido y manifestaciones no-criterio #SAF
#APS #aPL #SLE #LA #aCL #aB2GP1 #aPS #PT🩸
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
Read 11 tweets
CAR-T en #Lupus
Dra. María Galindo
#CARTcell #SLE 🧵🩺💊💉🧪🔬
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
Resetear el sistema inmune
#Reset #immune #system
#CARTcell #SLE 🧵🩺💊💉🧪🔬
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
¿Cómo se fabrica un #CART?
#CARTcell #SLE 🧵🩺💊💉🧪🔬
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
Read 9 tweets
¿Podemos cambiar el curso de la enfermedad en pacientes con #lupus?
Dra. María José Cuadrado
#SLE #disease #modifying #therapy
#damageaccrual #SDI #SLEDAI #reducetoxicity
Read 7 tweets
Tratamiento de la #nefropatía #lúpica: cambio en el paradigma
Dr. Ricard Cervera Segura
#Lupus #Nephritis 🫘🧪💉💊🏥⚕️🩻🫀🫁🔬🥼🩺
Epidemiología de la #nefropatía #lúpica
#Lupus #Nephritis 🫘🧪💉💊🏥⚕️🩻🫀🫁🔬🥼🩺
28% prevalence of #Lupus #Nephritis
Cambio de paradigma en el tratamiento de la #nefropatía #lúpica
#Lupus #Nephritis 🫘🧪💉💊🏥⚕️🩻🫀🫁🔬🥼🩺
#EuroLupus #CYC #AZA #MMF #TAC #IVIg #RTX
#LN #Tripleterapia
Read 7 tweets
#Neuropsychiatric #lupus (#NPSLE)🧠
Dr. Bortoluzzi
#SLE #lupus
#TenTopics 🔟
1⃣Definition of #NPSLE
2⃣Prevalence of #NPSLE
3⃣Attribution #NPSLE
Read 11 tweets
It's 🥶 & we're coming across many cases of peripheral ischemia/gangrene

🔢The semiology of seizures is what we are all taught, but gangrene is another condition where history is the king 👑

🔁It's essentially a demand≠supply mismatch

#MedEd #MedTwitter #RheumTwitter
The 📝 goes on & so that we can save ⏳ & 💰 on the tests, I like to broadly divide the pathology into:

1️⃣Luminal: atherothrombosis, thrombosis (APLA, DIC), cryofibrinogenemia

2️⃣Vessel wall: vasculitis (ANCA, PAN, SLE),vasculopathy (scleroderma spectrum)

3️⃣External compression
Q1️⃣: How was the onset?

🐌Insidious onset, gradual progression is the most common

➡️peripheral vascular disease

➡️most vasculitides


#MedEd #MedTwitter
Read 12 tweets
No one knows the future of #COVID-19 but its not going away and will be an ongoing threat to the #immunocompromised even w #vaccines –these r our thoughts and plan to protect them NOW NB this will change! @sax
@CarlosdelRio7 @zeynep @CCalabreseDO @alhkim @Bob_Wachter
Immunocompromised pts (autoimmune, cancer, transplants PID/IEI) make up 3%+ of the pop. But are disproportionally affected w breakthrough and severe outcomes The @CDC definition of who is immunocompromised is inadequate @fitterhappierAJ @zach_wallace_md @jeffsparks @JYazdanyMD
First issue is how do we define #immunosompromised? This is complex and not simply by ICD Dx for sure- many people carrying immune mediated Dxs are not functionally immunocompromised though defining who is more complex
Read 17 tweets
Brilliant/provocative review proposing unifying view of medically unexplained illness w implications 4 #LongCovid #MECFS and beyond-why this syndrome is NOT MIND OR BODY @VirusesImmunity @fitterhappierAJ @EricTopol @MichaelPelusoMD @CCalabreseDO…
Many medically unexplained diseases #LongCovid #MECFS #Fibromyalgia @SjogrensOrg #Lupus share a common clinical endotype w prominent fatigue/pain/brain fog- as well as increased rates of psychosocial disruption
Brain and immune system are one organ and communication between brain & immune system is a 2 way street where psychologic stress can influence immune response & immune act can influence brain & behavior
Read 13 tweets
CLL - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia.

Depleted Lymphocyte B & T cells from persistent SARS-CoV viral infection of renal epithelium cells will no doubt lead to acquire all kinds of immunity dysfunction and will appear as CLL.

#AirborneAIDS #AirborneCLL
Patients are being tested for digestive disorders and diagnosed with CLL months after a SARS infection that nobody is testing for or tracking - because attempting to detect the viral persistence is invasive procedure.
What I really like about this study from just before the pandemic is use the term “repeated insults”!

Are they discussing lymphopenia draining naïve t-cells during graft procedure? YES! Guess what persistent renal infection would look like! Donated liver!…
Read 10 tweets
🧵 Short summary thread on our recent publication looking at the impact of Anti-Rituximab Antibodies in #SLE with our recent manuscript published in @RheumJnl

This has been a story that we have been looking at for a few years now

💻 Link -…
In spite of failing to meet primary endpoints in the LUNAR and EXPLORER trials, a number of Open Label studies have shown benefit of B cell depletion with Rituximab in #lupus

In England, we have access to the drug for severe and refractory cases 💊 💉…
During my time at @uclmedsci I was interested as to why patients receiving rituximab for #SLE occasionally developed infusion reactions to treatment, whilst I did not see this in patients receiving the drug for rheumatoid arthritis 🤔
Read 16 tweets
💭When we think of #Rheumatoid #Arthritis , a mental image of this comes up 👇

But does it have to get to this🤔???

🙅NO! Definitely, NO! 🙅

#MedTwitter #MedEd #RheumTwitter #Rheumatology


(1/8) Image
🪜The first step is early diagnosis, do not wait until the deformities to form!

💬Think of RA when a patient presents with

🔸Morning stiffness>30 minutes


(2/8) ImageImage
🧪👨‍🔬A positive Rheumatoid factor is seen in ~70% of cases and anti-CCP in ~75% cases, so about 1/5th of the cases may be seronegative!!

So a good history and clinical examination is the king 👑

Read 8 tweets
This week I spoke to @JamesTGallagher at @BBCRadio4 about what it is like to be #immunocompromised and #shielding from covid for nearly 1000 days.👇…

Here's a 🧵 about why I told my family's story. 1/15 @LUPUSUK @RAIRDA_org #evusheld #Forgotten500k
I am one of 500k people in the uk who is still #shielding nearly 3 years into the pandemic. We are all #immunocompromised due to #autoimmune diseases, transplants and blood cancers 2/15 @bloodcancer_uk @kidneycareuk @LUPUSUK @RAIRDA_org #Forgotten500k @evusheld4theuk Image
Like thousands of others, I am not only more vulnerable to severe illness from covid due to my illness #lupus, but I am completely unprotected despite vaccination. As a result I need alternative treatments like #evusheld 3/15 @DHSCgovuk @RobertJenrick @evusheld4theuk Image
Read 15 tweets
Thread 🧵👇:
After so many years of work and as a post Epstein-Barr virus infection #MECFS sufferer it makes me really happy that they have put our article on the cover of the August issue of Pathogens journal 👉
Until recently nobody talked about post-viral syndromes (actually they should be called chronic infectious syndromes) and they left all of us patients isolated both at a health and social level. Unfortunately it took another virus like #SARSCoV2 to show us how viruses are ...(2/)
...capable of developing chronic diseases like #LongCovid . It is curious that for bacterial infections we use antibiotics but for viral infections we leave it to our immune system to manage to control it. This must change. (3/)
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A long thread 👇🏼:
I would like to share with you my latest review article. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has long been known to be behind the development of autoimmune diseases, cancer and is even suspected to be behind the development of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/… (1)
…Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Long COVID. But it is still unclear what pathways it uses.

In this review I describe how the possession of certain ancestral HLA-II alleles (a system used by our immune system to recognize which proteins are foreign,… (2)
…such as pathogens, and which are not) makes the individual genetically weak to control EBV latent cells, thus developing different diseases. EBV infects B cells through a protein on its surface called gp42, which allows it to bind to HLA-II molecules on the B cell surface. (3)
Read 23 tweets
Methotrexate is an important part of lupus care. We are aware of reports that some people are having difficulty accessing methotrexate in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dobbs case. Image
The health of all people with lupus is of utmost importance to the Lupus Foundation of America. We are working with our Medical-Scientific Advisory Council to guide our efforts going forward so we can help ensure that people with lupus have access to the treatments they need.
If you are a person with #lupus experiencing challenges accessing #methotrexate (#MTX), please email [email protected] with details of your experience.
Read 3 tweets
When Clarence Thomas was nominated for the Supreme Court in 1991, Black feminists were some of the only people who were willing to publicly stand with Anita Hill. They were some of the only Black people who were willing to critique Thomas publicly.
African American Women in Defense of Ourselves purchased a full pg ad in the NYTimes. Dozens of Black women signed their names to it.

Many of those Black women were sent dozens of death threats from Black men + Black women who said they “didn’t play” about protecting Black men.
You can imagine, many of those Black women academics, activists, and students, never spoke out publicly again. In protecting Black people, they were not protected by the Black community in the U.S.…
Read 13 tweets
There is a lot of confusion about what #LymeDisease tests under the #CDC #twotier standard are actually designed to diagnose. I’d like to elucidate for all but am feeling kinda lazy, lol. Let’s see here. 1/x
Some think #lymeDisease diagnostics are geared toward #earlylyme only, while some say #latelyme or #LymeArthritis. It’s more specific than that & there is a reliance on timing & interpretation of results to exclude as many cases as possible. 2/x
First of all, one must understand that #LymeDisease & diagnostic test outcomes vary based on people’s genetic makeup, among other factors. People with certain HLAs (studied in-depth by #AllenSteere) tend to have a stronger immune response. 3/x
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💊1/When you're in BC, it feels like The Amazing Race for Paxlovid if you test Cov+🦠and elig for this antiviral.😏Here's my experience. #BCpoli Yup, for those who hv seen my prev tweets, after my son caught Covid fr #BCed school 2 wks ago & ripped through all my fam, 🦠got me🤦🏻‍♀️
💊2/Tested 05/24, a faint T-line so once I saw Cov+ I knew had to act fast, due time sensitivity Paxlovid must be taken within 5-7d of symp (already helped dad get a box last wk)so I made calls to pharms to confirm who has ONE box(yes, seems many only gets 1 at a time) Found one
3/at Shoppers but within 5m they clbk that box is gone as just recvd a fax Rx for it. May hv 1 arrive 05/26. Next, get hold of a GP for prescription. My doc is overbooked, not avail til 26th. Called 1-888-Covid-19, person got my info, confirmed elig & said may take @Protect_BC
Read 8 tweets
Announcing 23 Allen Distinguished Investigator awards —representing $15.5M in total funding— aiming to advance #FrontierScience in: neural circuits of under-studied organisms, advances in mammalian synthetic biology & micropeptides involved in immunity 🧵1…
Allen Distinguished Investigator Robyn Crook @SFStateBIO is leading a project to study the neural control of movement in cephalopods, animals that have the most complicated nervous systems of the invertebrate world. #FrontierScience 🐙… 🧵 2 Image
How does a new kind of behavior arises in evolution? Allen Distinguished Investigators @neuroluci, & @SGRodriques at @TheCrick are studying larvae brains of a species of fruit fly that have evolved to jump 10 times their body length. #FrontierScience… 🧵 3 Image
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