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I've yet to see a well-designed study showing that #COVID #RapidTests are no longer efficacious.

This one is no exception. Why?
5 reasons.… Image
1. They compare same-day PCR against self-administered/interpreted rapid tests.

For most ppl, that's not reality. It's RAT today or PCR result in 1-3 days (or do both).

A fairer comparison would be a RAT today versus a PCR yesterday (since you'd have to wait for results).
2. They excluded 13% of the sample who were "confirmatory testers" (weird term) -- basically, people who had just tested RAT+ and were coming in for a PCR.

Basically, they excluded the people for whom the test easily worked. Drug trialists pull this stuff all the time.
Read 8 tweets
Remarkable day for COVID #rapidtests


FDA finally recognized Sensitivity of test *REGIMEN* is as/more important than single test

Sort of recognized virus load goes up & impacts Rapid Tests!

Sounds familiar! (ca 2020)…
OK, So... what did FDA actually say today?

They say if you do not have symptoms

and therefore don't really know where in your infection you are... if at all

and worry you were exposed

And you rapid test Neg... well, test again 2 days later and if Neg.. 2 days later still

For anyone following me or the "rapid test discussion" for past 2.5 years... you'll say:

Uhh... well yeah, of course!

Yes this has been obvious since Jan '20

But FDA previously refused to consider "sensitivity of a test regimen" - but only sens of a single test

Read 25 tweets
Important study of #rapidtests in children

~50% Pos children still Pos for days AFTER @CDCgov guidance says they can return (at 5 days)

Among those tested via virus culture, ALL culture Pos specimens were Rapid Ag Pos and Vice Versa

Test to Exit!

Importantly, numerous children were still #rapidtest Pos AND virus culture Pos as long as 14 days out!

Even though they had NO symptoms!

Symptoms often reflect how your body is doing with the virus...

Which is VERY different than whether you are infectious!

This is a good opportunity to point out how magnificently different viral loads can be that are virus culture or Rapid Ag Pos

Some are 10^4 and some 10^8.5

So... even among specimens that are culture positive, there is a massive gradient in transmissibility

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Viral kinetics in a controlled human experiment with WT Sars Cov2
- incubation period short: approx 2days
- virus first detectable in the throat
- 18hrs later in the nose
- viral load rose higher in the nose
- symptoms apparent after 2-4 days…
- viable virus for approx 6.5days
- but PCR positive in 33% at day 28 still

What does this tell us about rapid tests?
In summary:
- tests should be performed in the nose because they were optimized for the nose (most tests)
- an additional throat swab might detect the infection earlier
- but saliva can affect the test negatively
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It's surreal to see this @TIME cover today. @michaelmina_lab has dedicated nearly every waking moment of the past 2 years to make rapid testing a THING. And it seems like we finally did it. 🙌🙌🙌…
Going back to @TIME in November 2020... @michaelmina_lab wrote, "The government would ship the tests to participating households and make them available in schools or workplaces." Today, USPS says my tests will arrive!…
May 2021, @TIME again: "Without testing, we can’t see where it is or where it is going...outbreaks will again occur, sparked by the unvaccinated. And most people become infectious before they know they are infected."…
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#RapidTest Strategy

In light of WH/@POTUS massive distribution of #rapidtests ideally to all

Imagine if

a) Add extra swabs so 2-3 ppl pool specimens

b) All Americans simultaneously test 4x in a single week

We could see massive crashes in cases & more effective future efforts
@POTUS How would this work - if most american's detected that they are infected - across the whole of the US - in a single week AND acted to isolate appropriately, we could massively temporarily reduce the effective R of the virus and bring cases tumbling down.

@POTUS Although it would last for as long as the testing is going, it could help get things a better under control and provide a better footing for ourselves in the weeks after.

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Ein paar Worte zur Erklaerung der aktuellen Datenlage

Grundsaetzlich kann man sagen, dass die Schnelltests nach wie vor gut im Nasenabstrich funktionieren.

Zwar ist die analytische Sensitvitaet wohl eventuell ein wenig geringer:…
Aber wichtig ist die klinische Sensitvitaet und die ist weiterhin sehr gut. Wohl auch, weil die Viruslast bei Omicron sehr schnell ansteigt. Hier eine der ersten Publikation zur klinischen Sensitvitaet einer mir sehr gut bekannten Gruppe aus USA.…
Die Frage ist mehr: Wuerden Tests, die einen Rachenabstrich nutzen, die Infektion frueher erkennen?

Das wird von mehreren Anekdoten berichtet.
Ausserdem zeigen Studien mit PCR vom Speichel, dass die Infektion früher erkannt wird.……
Read 9 tweets
Government leaders have failed to put the health, well-being & dignity of every resident at the center of our #COVID19 response. Many of us are suffering unnecessarily and every sector is impacted by preventable challenges. 🧵 1/…
This all could have been avoided. Our government leaders could have prioritized the needs of residents rather than protecting special interests and getting lulled into believing that a privatized response would save us. 2/ #mapoli #bospoli
We know how stressed our community members feel, how our nurses & doctors are #burntout, how much our teachers & students want to safely return to the classroom & how worried our parents are for their children and their aging parents, never mind themselves. 3/

Read 23 tweets
Ich habe in der letzten Zeit aus persönlichen Gründen viele Medienanfragen abgelehnt. Deshalb möchte ich diesem Wege versuchen ein paar der Fragen zu beantworten, die an mich gestellt wurden. Ich tweete aus dem Auto, deshalb kommt die Literatur dazu später
Erste Frage: wie schätzen Sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer nächsten Welle ein?

Antwort: sehr hoch. Die Daten aus England und Dänemark zeigen ganz klar, dass wir eine nächste Welle erwarten müssen. Und wahrscheinlich wird sie sogar ausgeprägter werden, da wir weniger Genesene und
Geimpfte haben als in England zum Beispiel. Außerdem werden wir viele Infektionen nicht erfassen, weil wir weniger testen als die Engländer (10x weniger in Durchschnitt). Dies zeigt sich auch an der höheren Sterblichkeit (2-2.5x), die wir in Deutschland haben
Read 26 tweets
Pandemic of #unvaccinated, more like #PandemicOfInequities‼️
🧵Below are a few interactions I’ve had in the past year with people who have been left behind by our inequitable approaches and deficit model assumptions and labels.
Shared with consent on the condition of anonymity
Case1️⃣: recent refugees, husband works min-wage in a bakery, wife pregnant and earns VERY modest income through knitting. Have 3 children < 12 yrs old.
Whole family was unvaccinated until recently.
Few months ago, one child was exposed in school. Family didn’t have access to
Case1️⃣ cont’d: #RapidTests & frankly didn’t even know that was an option. Husband couldn’t afford to take a half-day off to get tested even when symptoms emerged. He ended up in ICU—sole bread winner for the family.
Even then the wife was hesitant to vaccinate herself or her
Read 14 tweets
Στη Γερμανία υπάρχουν σε κάθε προάστιο,ειδικά κιόσκια (πέραν των φαρμακείων) που διενεργούν ραπιντ τεστ δωρεάν. Ο καθένας δικαιούται 1 την ημέρα και η ισχύς τους είναι 24ωρη. Ο εξεταζόμενος λαμβάνει το αποτέλεσμα μέσω Mail εντός 15λεπτου. #Omikron 1/2
Οι εμβολιασμένοι/ νοσήσαντες μπορούν να μπουν σε εστιατόρια,μπαρ, κλαμπ με επίδειξη πιστοποιητικού + τεστ ενώ οι ανεμβολίαστοι δεν εισέρχονται ούτε με PCR, ομως δικαιούνται τα δωρεάν Rapid για άλλες χρήσεις (πχ εργασια). #RapidTests
Ένα τετοιο μέτρο θα μπορούσε να ισχύει την περίοδο των γιορτών στην Ελλάδα. Με αυτόν τον τροπο και προστατεύεις και καθησυχάζεις τους πολίτες. Ακόμα και αν υποθέσουμε πως δεν υπάρχουν λεφτά, αντί να μοιραστούν 3 συνολικά self tests , θα μπορούσαν να γίνουν «επίσημα» Rapid.
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Well - it’s Finally happening!

US will make 500 million #Rapidtests available for free to Americans

@POTUS⁩ will invoke the Defense Productions Act to make this happen

STARTING in January… but note, *starting* - not all in January

It’s a terrific start and invoking DPA is a great move - I do believe I wrote that we needed to invoke DPA over a year ago!

Though to temper expectations - there’s 350 million ppl in the US and 500 million free tests distributed over a period of months only goes so far

But now the ball is rolling.

Don’t expect to be swimming in rapid tests. Do expect to be able to order them free and the WH will figure out how to keep keeping up.

This is a great start - along with putting @T_Inglesby at the helm in the White House Testing!

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Rapid tests work!

#Rapidtests given out to people for free in the UK cut hospital stays by a third!

Ppl say - but look there is still transmission. Sure - but it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have been worse.

A LOT of people are living today Bc of them

“we found that Liverpool city region’s early rollout of community rapid testing was associated with a 32% fall in Covid-19 hospital admissions after careful matching to other parts of the country in a similar position to Liverpool but without rapid testing”

“We also found that daily lateral flow testing as an alternative to quarantine for people who had been in close contact with a known infected person enabled emergency services to keep key teams such as fire crews in work, underpinning public safety.”

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A few thoughts on #Omicron and our healthcare system:

1️⃣ Our system is ALREADY overwhelmed- hundreds of thousands of people have been denied care and are waiting for critical procedures- the existing backlog will take YEARS to clear.
2️⃣ Triage IS occurring NOW - people are dying who have been unable to access care because the acute care systems is overwhelmed with #Covid. Thousands, yes thousands, of 🇨🇦’s have lost their lives for this reason.
3️⃣ Cancer screening has dropped by 25-35%- these people will show up eventually - they will be much sicker and will need more resources to treat them and their outcomes will be worse than they could have been.
Read 7 tweets
Dear @POTUS (& @PressSec)

An ambitious, but simple plan to convert holidays into an time to REDUCE #COVID19

1) Give every American 4 #RapidTests

2) Ask every American to test on Dec 25, 28, 31, Jan 3

3) Simultaneous mass severing of transmission chains can collapse outbreaks
@POTUS @PressSec I'm suggesting that US literally gives tests to all Americans & do so WITH A STRATEGY

No Insurance Reimbursements (this is public health, not medicine!)

Have a plan (I suggested a useful and doable one above) and get the tests out.

It will help curb spread

And Before ppl say "Not enough supply, impossible"

It's not true.

We CAN have the supply
There are billions of rapid tests across the world.
A small fraction come to the US. Why? Bc our FDA places massive barriers, foregoing millions of data points collected globally.

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Today's BC govt briefing on #Covid19BC was even more disappointing than anticipated. In response, there will be a briefing from @Protect_BC on Thursday, with lots of time for media Qs to PoP doctors, incl. @DrFiliatrault who stopped SARS in its tracks in Vancouver in 2003
@Protect_BC @DrFiliatrault Why was today's BC govt #covid19BC briefing disappointing?:
- NO rapid tests for BCers before Christmas/NYs! Nothing til mid Jan. Dangerously slow compared to other provs..
- rapid tests misinformation (see next tweet)
- NO acceleration of booster shots or kids vaxx shots
@Protect_BC @DrFiliatrault Misinformation on rapid antigen tests (RATs) from Bonnie Henry today:
1. 'BC has different RAT kits than elsewhere' - she has said this before & it's UNTRUE.
2. Her strange false distinction between lateral flow tests & RATs; they're the same: #covid19bc
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#Omicron is in #BC and provinces across #Canada, and it moves fast. Cases in #ON are doubling every 2-3 days. The need for #RapidTests is greater than ever. One key issue is how well the tests work for individuals and populations. So let’s talk about it. 🧵1/
In #PoPBC Briefing 3 on testing, @VicLeungIDdoc gave us the run down on rapid tests:
-Usually they are a shallow nose (not deep like a PCR test) or mouth swab
-You analyze at home
-Get the results in 15 minutes
One of the big questions here, is how well do rapid antigen tests work? And the answer is really really well if you want to know if you are infectious and can transmit to someone else.
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If anyone heard me in the media today (Dec 13), I would like to retract any comments that suggest Omicron may cause less severe disease. A lot still unknown right now and things look like they will be MUCH worse than I thought. Watch for more news in the next 24 hrs. 1/
In the meantime, these measures will keep you safe:
1. Get vaccinated (3rd doses if eligible)
2. Wear good-quality masks indoors and don’t take them off
3. Stay away from crowds and places with poor ventilation
4. Work from home if you can
5. Minimize # of contacts (bubble up) 2/
6. Use #RapidTests if you must gather
7. But better not to gather if there will be vulnerable people present (if they have not yet received 3 doses)
8. Don’t rely on vaccine certificates to keep you safe

Omicron requires that we go all-out on anti-coved measures.
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How Far We’ve come!

@nytimes editorial board recommendations for how Americans can live with COVID in our midst

#1 suggestion:

Ubiquitous accessible #RapidTests

To empower us to breakthrough uncertainty and sever transmission

Smart public Health.…
Here is a screenshot of their first couple of recommendations:

(Click the picture to see the full thing)
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You need to respond to this, @adriandix. Your ministry openly dodged reporter @PennyDaflos's questions. We don't pay you to run an opaque operation. You work for us. Come clean, start talking, and release the rapid tests to the public now. #bcpoli…
@adriandix @PennyDaflos Shall we review how much evidence there is that rapid tests work, and that BC health officials have been evasive, uncooperative, even negligent on this issue? This goes back a year. Start with this fantastic thread by @npescod #ReleasetheRATs #bcpoli
@adriandix @PennyDaflos @npescod Here's Bonnie last December & this December making untrue statements about rapid tests, followed by a counterpart in Nova Scotia who says that rapid tests work and are a crucial public health tool that should be handed over to the people. #FreeTheRATs
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BC public health is not doing math. We know that a chunk of transmission of #covid19 is by asymptomatic people. How can you break those chains of transmission if you're only testing symptomatic people? I don't understand. #math #bcpoli #FreeTheRATs

There's a whole component of epidemiology that involves stats. It's math: how many people does one person infect; how many of those go on to infect others, & over what space of time; what is the Rt value & is this exponential spread? You want to catch even ONE asymptomatic case.. Image
Breaking *one* chain of transmission can stop countless cases down the line. By not distributing #rapidtests to the public, isn't BC public health admitting they grasp neither asymptomatic transmission NOR the exponential function? #bcpoli #FreeTheRATs Image
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Alberta! Today is the day we let the Premier know we need protection by having access to 🆓 #RapidTests

1⃣Contact Premier @jkenney
☎️ 780-427-2711
📧 [email protected]

2⃣Sign the petition:

3⃣Use the hashtag #FreeTheRATs when you tweet

4⃣Share widely!
@jvipondmd @LeylaDAsadi + friends we would appreciate your support in spreading this message
Many thanks to @KimRigden and @birgitomo on initiating our national petitions - they help tremendously to attract media attention on the #FreeTheRATs movement

We have so far used them in ON and BC and have been successful in gaining media coverage from both of those provinces
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I performed this test on a child with autism in front of the pharmacy today. His mother wanted him tested because "he had a cold". This child has COVID. This child could have infected his whole class had his mother not PAID for this test.
This child could have caused his school to shut down, infections leading to hospitalizations, or worse.
#rapidtests cost around $1 when purchased in bulk, they can save countless lives, and prevent school and business shut downs. We've known this for over a year.
To every decision maker in government that is standing in the way of providing these tests for free to Canadians, I want you to read this carefully: your action/ inaction will cost lives
Read 7 tweets

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