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"Dangerous" Danielle Smith. A history of her bad takes, and how her bad judgement will hurt Alberta.

#AbLeg #abpoli #yyc #calgary #edmonton #alberta #yeg #yql #reddeer
After running on a platform of opposing the Alberta PC dynasty, she and seven other MLAs crossed the floor to join the party she had ferociously opposed for years before. What else did she lie to voters about?

#AbLeg #abpoli #yyc #calgary #edmonton #alberta #yeg #yql #reddeer
The jist of this terrible column? "Dangerous" Danielle Smith used her platform to argue that light cigarette usage can be good for you, and we need to put our energy into making cigarettes healthier.

#AbLeg #abpoli #yyc #calgary #edmonton #alberta #yeg #yql #reddeer
Read 11 tweets
A new report shows the UCP governmentā€™s plan to withdraw Albertans from the Canada Pension Plan will cost Albertans more in the long term while increasing the risk to their retirement savings. šŸ§µ

#ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #yyc #yeg #yql #ymm
According to documents acquired by Postmedia from Employment and Social Development Canada, the federal government anticipates that any provincial withdrawal from the CPP will lead to ā€œduplicate administration, limited risk pooling, and greater risk on investment returnsā€.
UCP leadership candidates including presumed frontrunner Danielle Smith and former finance minister Travis Toews continue to support the idea despite widespread public backlash.
Read 6 tweets
Here's your pre-Easter weekend look at #COVID19AB wastewater data.
At the risk of sounding glib, something has risen and it isn't a holy figure... šŸ§µ
Fort Mac #YMM has seen a general upward trend for the past 3 weeks (last data point today)
Grande Prairie looks to be starting a swing upward from an apparent nadir a few weeks ago (last data point Apr 12)
Read 19 tweets
Double-confirmed #YQL rumour that Kenney was loudly booed at the #Brier2022 in #Lethbridge when he came up on the jumbotron. #ableg
Small-city prairie curling crowds are not a constituency that conservatives can afford to lose (trust meā€¦ I know this works well!)
People have speculated that Team Botcher would be booed because Darren Moulding has Coaldale roots. Turns out it took the premier to bring the boos out.
Read 7 tweets
Thread: A bad budget from a bad government.

Albertaā€™s 22-23 budget is a master class of deception & gaslighting. It pretends to have a lot of good news, but page after page signals hardship for the province.

#alberta #ableg #abpoli #yyc #yeg #edmonton #calgary #yql
2. The UCP are claiming this is a good news budget because it forecasts a small surplus for the coming fiscal year. The surplus is 100% based on high gas & oil prices, which are not in the control of any government.
#alberta #ableg #abpoli #yyc #yeg #edmonton #calgary #yql
A balanced budget does not equal a healthy economy. Alberta has a 9% unemployment rate. Calgary has the highest unemployment rate among major cities.

#alberta #ableg #abpoli #yyc #yeg #edmonton #calgary #yql
Read 13 tweets
More than 43,000 Lethbridge residents do not have a primary care physician and none in Albertaā€™s fourth-largest city are accepting new patients.

Among those without healthcare is Branden Sant. 1/5 #ableg #abhealth #yql Image
Branden fell in the summer and fractured a vertebrae in his spine affecting his ability to work.

ā€œIt has been 151 days, almost 22 weeks, since my injury. The pain and the injury have both worsened,ā€ said Sant.

2/5 #ableg #abhealth #yql
ā€œIā€™ve been reduced to having to use a FaceTime-like app for any type of follow up because in my city there are literally no doctors available.ā€

Sant worked as a hairstylist in Lethbridge, but is unable to be on his feet all day due to the injury. 3/5 #ableg #abhealth #yql
Read 5 tweets
It's well-known @cathmckenna and I are friends - forged through similar challenges when we were both Enviro Ministers taking action on climate change.

A lot of what she says in the @globeandmail @garymasonglobe piece below resonated, especially: (thread) #ableg #cdnpoli
That feeling of being constantly on edge vis a vis my own safety has been something I have also lived with for more than 6 years.
For me, it hasnā€™t been people defacing my office so much as *literally* being targeted by the local police force. #lethbridge #yql
The first examples of targeting and victimization were justified - by the officers themselves - by their disagreement with my political decisions. There were no substantive consequences for those actions, and in fact the LPS hid the disciplinary process from me!
Read 8 tweets
I recently visited with some #Lethbridge ICU nurses about their pandemic 4th wave experience. A hospital is a very siloed work environment, so my experience in the ER can be quite different from that in the ICU. Here are some of the things they would like the public to know: 1/9
First, a big thank-you to everyone in the community who has expressed their support and kindness through the cards, gifts and words of encouragement the unit has received. This includes the silent majority of community members who trust and respect health professionals, 2/9
and are doing what they can to protect themselves and others from Covid-19. Also those willing to speak out about their experiences with #COVID19Ab, and counter the rampant misinformation around us. 3/9
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My Grandma was moved from #Lethbridge #yql ICU to the #Edmonton #yeg ICU to await a transplant.
Her liver and kidneys are both failing.
She is one of the ones drawing a short stick in the triage world.
she is too sick to wait and they need the room in ICU for the increasing #COVID19AB cases in the province.
She has now been taken off the transplant list, and they are going to decrease her life support.
We will lose her within days, none of us can see her, none of us get to say good bye. She will "live" her final days with no loved ones and only medical staff surrounding her.

She didn't end up with COVID but it was ultimately COVID that will take her away from us.

Read 6 tweets
šŸšØšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜žWhat a dayšŸ˜žšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸšØ

Is it ever going to get better?

How can there be so many people in need? So many people that are falling through the cracks?

It is so hard to keep going knowing we can only do so muchā€¦but when does one draw the line?

Who helps the helpers?
Today was a high stress and difficult to process day filled with so many people who are hurting and lost that it is heartbreakingšŸ’”.

We might have to make the difficult decision to close our doors. Too many people in need.


Who helps the helpers?
We normally take a few days on the weekend for self care.

We woke up to 171 phone calls, 83 text messages and 47 emails from people asking for help. Asking for direction.

People in Alberta arešŸ˜Ÿworried. Scared. Frustratingly frustrated with what has been happening in Alberta.
Read 14 tweets
THREAD: Alberta fundraising totals ā€“ second quarter (April-June) 2021

UCP: $769,847
NDP: $1,515,420

#ableg #abpoli #alberta #cdnpoli #yyc #yeg #yql
2. Year to date totals (Jan-June) 2021

UCP: $1,361,445
NDP: $2,701,420

#ableg #abpoli #alberta #cdnpoli #yyc #yeg #yql
3. This marks the third consecutive quarter the NDP has out fundraised the UCP. The NDP has won 4 of the last 5 quarters.

#ableg #abpoli #alberta #cdnpoli #yyc #yeg #yql
Read 8 tweets
A blanket of smoke is covering #Alberta today.

Climate change events like this are becoming more frequent. So here is a short thread on air quality.

#cdnpoli #ableg #abpoliā€¦
Right now there are air quality advisories across the province.

Health Canada uses a 1-10 scale where 1 is nice clean air and 10 is a like a #Conservative government in your lungs.

Alberta uses the same scale.šŸ”—

#ableg #cdnpoli #absmoke ImageImageImage
A 1-10 scale is beautiful in itā€™s simplicity, but it also fails to communicate whatā€™s really going ok with air pollution.ā€¦šŸ”—

@environmentca does offer explanations for these numbers, but you have to go looking for them. Image
Read 24 tweets
šŸ˜³šŸ†˜We need help!šŸ†˜šŸ˜³

We need to raise $870.00 by Monday afternoon or we will not be able to fill the last four requests we have on our list!

Two requests are for seniors and one is for a single mom and one is for a single parent who has left an abusive marriage and needs help! ImageImage
If you can helpā€¦we are at the point of begging. Our volunteers are out in full force today! So if you see any of us out and about come say šŸ‘‹ Hello šŸ‘‹

We have 4 hampers left to fill so please help us!! We do not want to have to turn these families away!!

@HarvestHillsYYC needs help.

PLEASE consider donating via Etransfer, PayPal or GoFundMe.

[email protected]

PayPal/Credit Cards:

Our GoFundMe:

@GrannyGTArp @JyotiGondek @gurbirward3 @TheBeaverton
Read 6 tweets
I was almost #attacked tonight. I was walking w/my friend back to her home tonight. We had encountered a young woman intoxicated &were trying to get her to the YWCA. 3 men ran out and up a small hill around the #library They had masks covering their faces and hoodies over hair
I watched them get closer as my friend stayed with this young intoxicated girl. Every step, they became faster. As they started literally charging across #stafforddrive I turned, faced them and yelled at them to #stop My friend was on the phone w/help & I kept #yelling
They retreated into the bus shelter outside the library. We Beelined to the YWCA
You know why they stopped? I looked one of them right in the eyes and I saw the small amount of skin visible. This man is #Caucasian & I donā€™t think they were expecting me or my friend to be #white
Read 13 tweets
With the news of Derek Chauvin being found guilty in the murder of #GeorgeFloyd, itā€™s probably a good time to remember that Canada also has deep-rooted problems in policing. šŸ§µ

#blacklivesmatter #blm Image
This starlit beating took place in Calgary in 2013.

ā€œWhen the officers left him at a desolate construction site, it was ā€“28 C with the windchill, and Addai-Nyamekye was dressed in only a tracksuit and sneakers.ā€

ā€œThis is where he almost ended my life,ā€ says Addai-Nyamekye in the film, returning to the site where he was tasered and beaten.ā€¦
Read 31 tweets
Here is a summary of todayā€™s #COVID19AB update: We have administered 418K+ doses of vaccine. Starting Fri. at 8 am, AHS will open booking to all remaining 2A birth years, the booking tool will be offline from 7:30-8 am. Appts are also available at participating pharmacies. (1/7)
Over the last 24hrs, we IDā€™d 505 new cases & completed about 10.9K tests. Our positivity rate is 4.8%. We IDā€™d 91 new cases of variants of concern, about 12% of active cases. There are active alerts/outbreaks in 297 schools w/ 1,241 cases since Jan. 11. (2/7)
There are 264 people in hospital incl 43 in ICU. Sadly, 1 new death was reported in the last 24hrs. My condolences go to anyone who is mourning someone lost today. You are not alone. There is help to support you through this difficult time. (3/7)
Read 8 tweets
We are calling for necessary actions to get to the bottom of the senseless, tragic deaths and illnesses at the Olymel plant in Red Deer. #ableg #abpoli #yql #covid #covid19 #covid19ab #abcovid19 #abcovid
First, we are calling for an immediate public inquiry into the mishandling of the COVID-19 outbreak at the Olymel plant by both the UCP Government and the corporation that operates the facility.
This coincides with the inquiry call weā€™ve already made regarding the 1,500 cases and two deaths at the Cargill plant in High River as well as the 650 cases and one death of a worker at JBS in Brooks.
Read 7 tweets
Honestly I'm livid right now. Jason Kenney just told Albertans that his Ministers and MLAs didn't need to follow the public health recommendations because he didn't tell them to personally.

He is literally putting lives at risk.

#ableg #covid19ab #yeg #yyc #yql

While tens of thousands of doses of the COVID-19 vaccine went undistributed - the Minister responsible for Alberta's Emergency Management Agency was vacationing in Hawaii.

Kenney says Emergency Management isn't a factor during the pandemic.

#ableg #covid19ab #yeg #yyc #yql

I don't believe for a second the Premiers Office didn't know where Allard was during the holidays. Who was the acting Minister while she was away? This is par for the course in our Government.

He's only speaking now because they got caught.

#ableg #covid19ab #yeg #yyc #yql

Read 5 tweets
After a day of delivering shopping for and hampers with @merylyyc, I was dropping my daughter off at her dads for the week when I first got a call from a single mom that needed help.

Picture below is a truck full of hampers!
I answered the phone and explained the steps this person on the phone needed to do to apply for assistance. She told me she would head to the site right away.....and she did.

So this šŸšØEmergencyšŸšØ came in tonight. (See photo of email).
I immediately contacted her and asked her what she immediately needed. She explained that she needed to get out of the room she is sharing with her children & into a basement suite

She then said she wanted a meal or two so she could eat like a family with her kids for Christmas.
Read 12 tweets
Let me tell ya whatā€™s going to happen over the next week: CPC MPs & conservative Premiers are are going to try every way they can to blame Trudeau for skyrocketing COVID rates, especially in AB, MB, & SK. 1/ #cdnpoli #ableg
They will convince you to ignore that healthcare is a provincial jurisdiction, that the conservative premiers have completely failed to curb the spread, & they will blame Trudeau for lockdowns and for lack of lockdowns. Mark my words. #cdnpoli 2/
If Trudeau brings forward any kind of national mandate, Kenney will howl about Trudeau killing O&G by overreaching again blah blah blah. If Trudeau doesnā€™t, Bergen will howl Trudeau is letting Manitobans die.

Itā€™s all a goddamn game to them. And weā€™re the pawns. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Albertaā€™s NDP and small business owners are calling for a suite of support measures for struggling small businesses in light of new, last-minute COVID-19 measures announced by the UCP government last week.

#ableg #abpoli #yyc #yeg #yql #ymm
Once again Jason Kenney has delayed action until the last possible moment creating unfair pressure on struggling small businesses in many parts of Alberta. #covid19ab
Businesses need certainty, and they need support from this government so that we can all do our part to bring COVID-19 under control without completely sacrificing livelihoods.

#SupportLocalYYC #supportlocalYEG
Read 12 tweets
Here is a summary of todayā€™s #COVID19AB update. On behalf of AHS I want to acknowledge Albertans & our contact tracing team for notifying 43K+ close contacts from Nov.6-9. Thank you to cases & contacts who worked w/contact tracers. We have to keep this effort up. (1/16)
Together w/limiting social bubbles, maintaining distance, masking & staying home if sick, the efficiency & completeness of contact tracing efforts is critical to stemming new cases in AB. Today, AHS is launching an online portal for automated texting of close contacts. (2/16)
Confirmed cases can use the site to enter info of known close contacts. Once info is reviewed by the contact tracing team w/the case, the tool delivers a text to close contacts & informs them of exposure & to isolate. The name of the positive case is not disclosed. (3/16)
Read 16 tweets
***Daily Update*** ***Emergency Help Needed***

I have been sitting here at my computer here for the past half hour deciding whether or not I wanted to post about what me and a few members of my team experienced today.
I was out shopping for our food hampers, when my phone rang.

Before I go on....I want to make it clear that Harvest Hills Cares Calgary's Phone will always be answered. The only time it won't be is if we are in a meeting or driving.
I answered the phone...It was a mom of 4 that was told by her worker to come down to the AB Works office to turn in her 90 days of bank statements...& that if she didn't bring them down by the end of the day she would not get her check until Tuesday of next week.
Read 20 tweets

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