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🧵Jem Bendell's Deep Adaptation framework offers a different perspective on climate change, suggesting that collapse is inevitable, and that we must focus on personal and community #adaptation. This framework is built upon the 4R model: Resilience, Relinquishment, Restoration, 👇 Image
and Reconciliation. Considering the concern of continuing industrialization and its impact on the environment, it is worth examining how the Deep Adaptation framework can guide us in determining the correct course of action.

Resilience:Strengthening Our Communities and Systems👇
#Resilience refers to the capacity of individuals, communities, and systems to withstand the shocks and stresses brought about by climate change and environmental collapse. The emphasis is on local resilience, including the development of self-sufficient food, water, and energy👇
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Women tend to spend more time on local and civic issues, or volunteering for schools and clubs, because they perceive these activities as more important than volunteering for a political party. Now is the time for Canadian women to step out of that comfort zone and #BringitHome
Increasing women's and minority representation in our #cdnpolitics is essential because it can lead to greater equality and to better social, economic and political outcomes.
Women need support to move from local and civic issues to becoming candidates for public office but I believe we are ready to move fast forward on this in 2023.
Is it time for Canadian woman to do a clean sweep of #cdnpolitics from grassroots up?
What do you think?
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Je viens de lire un testament qui m'a laissé bouche bée. Mon client, décédé il y a un mois, a révélé l'existence d'un trésor caché dans ses dernières volontés. #Notaire #Révélation #Heritiers
Il semblerait que les 3 enfants de mon client, qui ne se parlent plus depuis des années, ont reçu chacun un mois avant sa mort une lettre étrange et unique qui contient les indications pour découvrir ce trésor caché. #Mystère #Indices #Heritiers
Ces lettres ont été remises à chaque héritier par le défunt lui-même, et ils étaient perplexes et ne comprenaient pas leur signification immédiate. #Testament #Secret #Heritiers
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Ok, I wasn’t planning on doing any emotional labour today, & talking about the issues around the policies that attempted to literally destroy my family are labour.

But if any day is a teachable moment this is it.

Ready for the horror show?

This is a🧵

#Reconciliation #cdnpoli
I will be drawing from “21 Things You Didn’t Know About The Indian Act” - a book so good we published Indigenous authors are all jealous we didn’t write it first, ha.

So here we go, The Greatest Hits of Indigenous Genocide in Canada (or why things are the way they are today).
First, some background. Early journal entries of European contact with Indigenous peoples described them as such:

(ALT text enabled) "The natives, the so-called savages" Francis Danie"It is certain that good talents are found among them.&They strive after a sincere honesty, hold strictly to their
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#YYJPoli Guess who said it?
"If I was a citizen...I would be unsettled"
(cheat sheet: ref:@Adam_Stirling Hr1; this am; approx 11 mins in)
#IfIWasACitizen sums up the patronizing attitude we must rid #YYJ of. Pls don't vote4 any #CityFamily candidate…
2/ "I was speaking as the head of the #CityFamily "
Am I the only one who thinks it's beyond weird (and ultra colonial speak/action) that the elected #YYJ city mayor/councillors; decide which indigenous ppl get invited to #CityFamily? (and speak on their behalf?) #reconciliation
3/ "I am the Family head.. absolutely"
"wow wow wow wow" #YYJPoli #CityFamily
"I was representing the will of the family"
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1/10 PM @JustinTrudeau & #NATO @jensstoltenberg just visited #Canada’s biggest fighter jet base, CFB Cold Lake, in #Alberta. Canadians should know that the land for this @RCAF_ARC base & air weapons range was stolen from First Nations 70 years ago. 🧵⬇️
2/From 1952-1960 Liberal govt gave minimal compensation to Dene & Cree peoples for taking land then stopped all payments. Loss of land had devastating consequences: poverty, despair & trauma. They lost traditional hunting grounds & sacred sites that were under Treaties 6, 8 & 10.
3/For 7 decades, all year long, Canada’s #fighterjets conduct loud, low-level flights over reserves & they bomb, strafe and torpedo #ColdLake Air Weapons Range, it's boreal #forest habitat for endangered #caribou. Land contaminated w/ munitions & toxins from military. @IENearth
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Community-based justice services to Inuit peoples in Nunavik are at the heart of Makivik Corporation ’s Makivik Justice Program. @Makivik_Corp
This program helps to address overrepresentation in the criminal justice system by offering culturally adapted approaches that emphasize healing for individuals, families and communities and address the underlying causes of crime.
The Makivik Justice Program’s alternative justice processes help offenders understand their behaviour and its impacts on others. This helps to reduce their risk of reoffending and contributes to lowering the overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in the justice system.
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Today I stood to mark the one year anniversary of British Columbians and Canadians being awoken with the reality of the fate of thousands of Indigenous children who disappeared and never came home from residential schools. 1/ #bcpoli #EveryChildMatters #IndigenousPeoples
To all our relatives, all our elders, all our residential and day school survivors, to the generations of survivors of these genocidal acts perpetrated by this and other Crown governments, I raise my hands to you…
2/ #bcpoli #EveryChildMatters #IndigenousPeoples
...for your strength, for your resilience, for your patience, for your long-suffering, for your willingness to share your traumatic, tragic, and heartbreaking stories. 3/ #bcpoli #EveryChildMatters #IndigenousPeoples
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Yesterday in question period Premier @jjhorgan was surprised that I “don't support investing in our collective history.”

The truth might be uncomfortable, but the history the Premier is celebrating is the graverobbing of our ancestors. 1/ #bcpoli #RBCM #Reconciliation
This museum has had no issue with its natural history or its settler-oriented exhibits. Its problem is how it relates to Indigenous people.

Whatever story the @bcndp want to tell themselves, we don’t need an $800 million new shrine to house systemic rot. 2/ #bcpoli #RBCM
.@jjhorgan and the @bcndp are treating our cultures as artifacts, while many of those items in their collections are relevant and important today. 3/ #bcpoli #RBCM #Reconciliation
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The recovery of unmarked burial sites at former residential schools is a reminder of the shameful legacy of residential schools and colonialism. A grey and navy graphic wit...
We must ensure continued support to communities as they respond to and heal from intergenerational trauma and the ongoing impacts of residential schools. The #GC is committed to undertaking this work in partnership with Indigenous peoples and communities.
To support the appointment of a Special Interlocutor who will work collaboratively with Indigenous peoples and make recommendations for changes to strengthen federal laws and practices to protect & preserve unmarked burial sites, #Budget2022 proposes $10.4 million over two years.
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Tomorrow a land management plan will be enacted that will allow the spraying of #glyphosate – a toxic, carcinogenic chemical – broadly across the unceded territory of Stó:lō, St’át’imc, Nlaka’pamux, Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh. 1/ #bcpoli #DRIPA
This is where food and medicines are harvested .

The plan will allow BC Timber Sales to spray #glyphosate for 5 years. These poisons will be used to kill berries, salal, mushrooms, hellebore, and other plants. 2/ #bcpoli #DRIPA
Angelina Hopkins Rose, from St’át’imc First Nation, has been calling for gov't to pause the plan - arguing they were not consulted and asking for a 60-day extension, at a minimum, before spraying begins, so that they may raise their concerns with gov't. 3/ #bcpoli #glyphosate
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Today the entire @bcndp caucus clapped and hollered as Minister @BruceRalston boasted about being the gov't to welcome the largest #LNG investment in BC's history.

Shocking behavior for “climate leaders”, and shameful given the context of my question. 1/ #bcpoli #ClimateCrisis
They did this just after being told the following:

The national inquiry into #MMIWG found that man camps and resource extractive industries directly cause increased violence against Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 Spirit People. 2/ #bcpoli #Reconciliation
2) Scientific studies have demonstrated birth defects, cancers, and asthma in communities near fracking.

3) Methane is 28 times more potent by weight than carbon dioxide meaning gases leaked from #LNG production are as highly polluting as coal.

3/ #bcpoli #ClimateCrisis
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I raise my hands to the Indigenous leaders and community members who shaped the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (Declaration Act) Action Plan. 1/ #bcpoli #Reconciliation #DRIPA
While the framing of the Action Plan is fine, the metric for success is not what we hear, but what we see. 28 months after the Declaration Act was unanimously passed in the Legislature, this government is only just moving forward. 2/ #bcpoli #DRIPA #Reconciliation
This plan outlines goals for reconciliation, but not the metrics for achieving them. Already the Action Plan lays the groundwork for excuse making. 3/ #bcpoli #DRIPA #Reconciliation
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This @RCYBC report demonstrates that there's a lack of transparency & accountability in MCFD practice and systems.

This leads to the worst possible outcome: traumatized & underserved children and families, the majority of whom are #Indigenous. 1/ #bcpoli…
.@RCYBC found that MCFD’s funding allocating system is broken. It was impossible for the report writers to connect spending with gov't priorities.

Finding no way to measure the impact of ministry spending on the health & well being of #Indigenous children in care. 2/ #bcpoli
There is no way to know if federal funds channeled through MCFD meant for First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Urban Indigenous children ever reached the people they were intended for. 3/ #bcpoli
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Why is Nova Scotia NonStatus/Metis genealogy being used in Newfoundland for status, while we are not recognized and a white self identified professor from @smuhalifax @DarrylLeroux is allowed to harass, ridicule and cause so much division in Indigenous issues. Is that your idea
of #reconciliation .. I have several of the same root ancestors as chiefs of that nation in Newfoundland, I have 4 signatories in my family in the Peace and Friendship treaties. I have tried to get my disabled son services through Jordan's Principle when he couldn't get them
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@Carolyn_Bennett You know what I find very strange? You re-tweeting a self identified white professor, who is trying so hard to erase other Indigenous people. The people he has his focus on, the Eastern Metis, their genealogy is being used by Qalipu for Status rights and
benefits, while those of us who connect to the same ancestors are being called Pretendians and Fetis, can you please explain to me, how and why this happened? Nova Scotia, Acadian Metis genealogy is being used for Status in Newfoundland, is not recognized in Nova Scotia,
where it originated. Just so happens I have several root ancestors of this chief as well. Guess where I and my ancestors come from? Hint, it is not Newfoundland. So as you can see, I find it very confusing why you would be re-tweeting @DarrylLeroux, when he has me and my disabled
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While the @bcndp gov’t struggles with the severe impacts of flooding that are a result of the worsening #ClimateCrisis they are diverting critical #RCMP resources into #Wetsuweten territory again to protect the gov’ts #frackedgas pipeline 1/ #bcpoli #LNG
When @geoffmeggs delivered the news to the @bcgreencaucus that the @bcndp were going to support the #CGL #frackedgas pipeline I asked him how they would deal with the long-established blockades on #Wetsuweten territory. He said it was under control. Clearly not! 2/ #bcpoli
The chaos in Crown-Indigenous relations has been created by a @bcndp gov’t whose words and actions are not aligned. Say one thing, do another. @MurrayRankinNDP was on the #Wetsuweten file since early 2020 when he was brought in to mop up the mess gov’t created. #FAIL 3/ #bcpoli
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This was what I worried would happen with @Booker4KY. Not be on the offensive with @RandPaul, who's an abysmal, but only on the defensive when need to. Just like the @KyDems always do, which is a losing strategy. But Booker's running on policies that are materially popular!!!
Here's a fun fact about running in an election... If you run as an Aggressive & Offensive Candidate with Policies that help the People & their Material Well-being, then you win.
Here's how I know; In the 2015 Midterms, @AlanGrayson of the @FlaDems, he won with no problem. He was unapologetic when being a "#Progressive", stands up with his Principles & goes for the Jugular in Political Ads at his Opponents on how their Policies are Wrong, Evil & Bad &...
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A few thoughts on Liberal Twitter:

I've seen Erin O'Toole point to a blue outhouse, post a video of the PM dressed as woman, be unable to pick a lane to suit his supporters, flip flop on policy, suck up to the gun lobby & protect racists in the CPC. 1/6 #cdnpoli
I've seen Jagmeet Singh wax poetic about all the things he wants while forgetting how this country operates. Jurisdiction *is* a 'thing' ...snapping fingers does not work, threats to withhold support does not work 2/6 #cdnpoli
I've watched the PM stick handle the pandemic for 19 months, support Cdns, procure vaccines & keep the economy afloat. Meanwhile his wife was grossly insulted, gravel thrown at him. Premiers took $$ & still complained....send more Justin! 3/6 #cdnpoli
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A few months ago I went to the ceremony to honour #215children that were found at a residential school site. Since then thousands more have been discovered.

Here is a thread of videos from that day that I had not shared previously. #OrangeShirtDay
Singing from the drum circle.
A moment of silence.

Many in the crowd were wearing orange shirts that day.

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A Plea to Congressional Dem Moderates

Hello y'all, just a regular voter here and I've been wanting to share some thoughts.
Let's talk about passing the two infrastructure bills and the #VotingRightsAct for a bit okay? I know the process isn't exactly what you'd like and I know you've got donors who aren't too keen on some of the proposals, like prescription drug prices for instance.
You should know that your recalcitrance is making a lot of folks nervous, and for a myriad of reasons. But polls are showing there's one thing most Americans DON'T care about: the price.

The only people out here that care about the price aren't your voters.
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I want to start a new thread story. Not sure how long it will be and I may use different prompts: #vss365 #vssmagic #vssnature etc etc ... I love reading about legends and folk lore, and in my fantasy writing I often create my own myths. So this will be just a fun exercise...
According to #lore &myths of old,griffins nestled on these cliffs long ago. They swooped down on the unsuspecting;carried them off never to be seen again.
Griffins were not elemental creatures,but air & earth did have dominion over them; their only enemy -fire.
#vss365 #vssmagic
"I helped your troupe avoid #shadow and #gore," said the dark wizard simply, implying that he saved us from the mythical griffins. I gaped at him. "And now for what you promised."

"No," I was careful not to get trapped in words, "I said: after you summon her."
#vss365 #vssmagic
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What is going on in the #treasury market? 10 year treasury just hit 1.13%. Yet my fair value model has it at 1.75% (incorporates Copper/Gold and other ratios - r2 of 90%+) #bonds #yields #YieldCurve ImageImage
This is right as fears of growth slowing down are coming up #jobs #ADP…
Yet, the #ISM Manufacturing PMI is still in a highly expansionary state at 59.1 Image
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