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.@kryhma @LidlSuomi @sryhma:
"myynnissä olevia Mondelezin tuotteita ei valmisteta Venäjällä."

Ilmeisesti suomalaisten konsernien rahoituksessa ja verotuksessa on toisenlainen logiikka. Ei valu ulkomaille! ☝🏽😂

K- ja S-ryhmä ovat siirtymässä poimunopeudella hyvin huonon paikkaan @HesburgerFIN seuraksi.

Pää pensaaseen & pisnes äs juusual niin kauan kun kassa kilisee eikä tule kauheaa kohua?

Ehkä arvot pitää kirjoittaa uusiksi? Esim K-ryhmä:
"Kannamme yhteiskunnallisen vastuumme

Toimimme vastuullisesti ja noudatamme eettisesti hyväksyttäviä periaatteita kaikissa teoissamme niin työyhteisössämme kuin yhteistyökumppaneidemmekin kanssa."

Read 7 tweets
Alžírsko má ministerstvo pro startupy, v čele s 29-letým ministrem, přijalo řadu zákonů v prospěch inovativních firem, spolupracuje se svými sousedy, aby podmínky pro rozvoj startupů byly shodné. Připravuje měřitelné KPI týkající se státní podpory. Jak jsme na tom v ČR? 👇
ČR nemá žádnou strategii rozvoje startup prostředí. Vláda má sice v programovém prohlášení, že bude řešit akciové opce pro zaměstnance (ESOP), ale výsledek zatím nikde. #fail
Častým argumentem úředníků proti ESOPu je, že neumí rozpoznat startup od běžné firmy.

Přitom stačí málo - přítomnost profesionálního investora, bez něj evidentní, že tam není exit strategie a tudíž ESOP nedává smysl, plus
Read 4 tweets
You're obviously, clearly forgetting to divide by population to get PER CAPITA (per person) numbers.

We're 330 million people, even France is small by comparison at 65m.

We're only #11 in MSD's per person.
You're more likely to die in a mass shooting in Belgium, for example.
::deep breath::

Quoting Snopes.
OOOOH, yes very good point.

If we squint at the data real hard, and do this one neat trick where we look only at years where European countries had zero mass shootings, and consider only those, THEN we can get Europe < US.

LOL #fail

Stick to....something you're better at.
Read 9 tweets
Ask AI doesn't want to be my my lawyer anymore
cc @daphnewelkin5 @Law360 @economics @business Re: Rental Car Cartel has definitely been playing the long game @ijournal @DavidBorreroFL
@JimBoydFL @DougBroxson @JoeGruters @edhooper @senpizzo @NickDiCeglie @jaytrumbull @ErinGrall ImageImageImage
Since Open AI won't represent mainly non white and more often than not immigrant small business one car transportation providers in #FlaPol I will just have to wing it self file
@ijournal @NickDiCeglie
@JimBoydFL @DougBroxson @JoeGruters @edhooper @senpizzo @jaytrumbull ImageImage
Read 107 tweets
It's going to get really ugly in the land of the @GOP starting right now

And I'm ☠️absolutely💀 down for it
As @ballabon explained, the #RNC is built to #fail

(Full interview )
And one more thing.

Over the last two months, @pnjaban showed as much courage, selflessness & dedication to the principles that motivated her to get involved in public life in the as anyone I've ever known.

She had everything to lose, personally, little to gain from doing this
Read 7 tweets
🇨🇳 Chinese paper suggest that >4💉would be detrimental. It is cheered by antivaxxers.

Good for in-depth look at paper.
💉A. Paper
💉B. Publicity
💉C. Data shown
💉D. Data not shown
💉E. Method used
💉F. Human data
💉G. Discussion.
💉H. Conclusion.
💉I. Notes.

💉A. Paper

🇨🇳 Chinese paper has provocative title:

"Extended SARS-CoV-2 RBD booster vaccination induces humoral and cellular immune tolerance in mice"

The title promises much more than the article does.…

💉B. Publicity

@chrismartenson tweets this as the definite proof repeated vaccination is dangerous.

Martenson has a commercial model of information conferences and books. This fits with his business model.

Read 16 tweets
This morning I’m one of the first new regional trains Maubeuge 🇫🇷 - Charleroi Central 🇧🇪 #CrossBorderRail
It was a bit of a #fail at the station. I needed a ticket to Erquelinnes, the first station in Belgium. But prior to today trains from Maubeuge didn’t stop there!

Ticket machine ⛔️
Ask at the ticket office. “Le train ne s’arrête pas à Erquelinnes!” I politely told the SNCF employee that yes, it did stop at Erquelinnes. I explained the situation to the SNCB train manager and he laughed, confirmed it did stop there, and I bought the ticket online!
Read 8 tweets
I'm compiling a thread of some #ChatGPT #fails 👇
Explaining the abstract programming term Monads, is kind of a challenge.

But I guess #ChatGPT can't really grasp that. Several humans give it a shot here:…
[dutch] example:
#ChatGPT fails to grasp that mars' gravity being less than on earth would mean higher jumping capabilities
Read 24 tweets
A thread for those who think we're going to be importing lots of hydrogen over vast distances.

1. Shipping liquid hydrogen is not going to be a thing. To understand why, you need to understand that hydrogen is basically liquid, -253C escapey, explodey expanded polystyrene. Image
2. What this means is that any comparison with LNG is, ahem, bollox. We cracked LNG shipping, but it's the most expensive gas on the market. And shipping the same BTUs as liquid hydrogen would require 3-4 times as many ships. Because of physics, not lack of learning, scale, etc. Image
3. Liquifying hydrogen is also a complete bear. It currently consumes 35% to 45% of the Lower Heating Value of the input. If you don't know about LHV and HHV, or about ortho-para isomer conversion, please read more and tweet less about liquid hydrogen!…
Read 16 tweets
#CaveatEmptor not always reliable tabloid Mail on Sunday citing anonymous "intelligence" sources -
Yet Another Tory Cabinet Minister phone #COMSEC #fail if true:

Liz Truss' mobile phone hacked during leadership campaign whilst still Foreign Secretary.… Liz Truss' mobile phone hacked during leadership campaign whsolves the mystery of why Ms Truss was forced to change the Numbers for former Chancellor Kwarteng, Defence Secretary Be
#COMSEC "Liz Truss’s *personal phone* was hacked by agents suspected of working for Russian President Vladimir Putin. They gained access to top-secret details of negotiations with key international allies"
Should have been on her *official phone" rather than her *personal* one !
After the multiple Tory Prime Minister and Cabinet Minster mobile phone security scandals, can @ncsc @gchq @CabinetOffice now assure the public that no Cabinet Ministers are using their private mobile phones for official government work ?
Read 5 tweets
Interesting reading some of the reaction to $NGM - despite the superficially sensible MoA, it never seemed likely an anti-C3 would work in GA...

Why not? After all, genetic variation that reduces function of the C3 inhibitor CFH is a causative factor in GA…

And the $APLS C3 inhibitor Empaveli pegcetacoplan had its NDA accepted by FDA earlier this year, although it wasnt as effective as some had hoped

The devil is in the detail: complement activation in GA occurs predominantly in Bruch’s Membrane - a tough place to get access

It is well-known that antibodies cannot penetrate Bruch’s Membrane, surely casting into doubt the primary hypothesis for NGM621 efficacy in GA

So the CATALINA #fail today seemed predictable

Read 4 tweets
Goh, dit roep ik ook al een half jaar.

Staat ook al de hele tijd in RIVM richtlijn voor professionals, >6 maanden interval geeft betere immuunrespons op lange termijn.

Waarom werd dit nooit duidelijk gecommuniceerd, zodat mensen hierin een goede keuze konden maken?!
Read 5 tweets
¿Y si peatonalizamos la Puerta de Alcalá?

¿A nadie le resulta inaceptable que el monumento más famoso de Madrid esté atrapado en medio de una glorieta, rodeado por siete carriles de tráfico, y sea totalmente inaccesible? Aquí va una idea para cambiarlo: #PaseoDeAlcala ⬇️Hilo⬇️
El problema es este: que en Madrid tenemos muy asumido que la que es quizá nuestra postal e imagen más internacional sea poco más que el centro de una rotonda, con lo que eso supone. A pesar de ser un monumento neoclásico original de 1778. Ni hablar, no puede ser.
Y es que no solamente es un Bien de Interés Cultural desde 1976, sino que desde 2021 la mismísima UNESCO lo reconoce como Patrimonio Mundial dentro de un gran área (Paisaje de la Luz) que incluye los Jardines del Buen Retiro y otros muchos monumentos más. Casi nada.
Read 24 tweets
Welcome to the 3rd August #CrossBorderRail extra day - exploring the DE-PL-CZ borders near Görlitz and Liberec…
#CrossBorderRail Train 146
IC 2173 08:33 Berlin Südkreuz - Dresden Neustadt 10:29
Ave speed: 105 km/h
Operator: @db_bahn

Train type: Class 101 locomotive & InterCity carriages
🚲: ✅
🦽: ✅ (needs a ramp or lift)
📶: ⛔️
🍽: ❓
(I’m a bit confused here - I thought this was meant to be a Stadler ex-WESTbahn EMU. And then the issue of course is: if it’s a replacement train, does it have the same features, at least in terms of accessibility?)
Read 23 tweets
#Russia #Fails Et que dire de l’annonce officielle aujourd’hui de l’armée russe : elle déclare avoir abattu 261 avions et 145 hélicoptères ukrainiens.
Or, l’armée de l’air ukrainienne n’a jamais eu autant d’appareils (193 avions & 143 hélicos).
«Les comptes ne sont pas bons Ivan» Image
#OnlyInRussia Nouveau Fail avec ce prétendu missile britannique qui n’aurait pas explosé cette nuit ou ce matin à Zaporozhye.
Problème : la mise en scène est flagrante (trou creusé puis rebouché).
Et ce missile a le même Numéro de série que celui pas explosé en mai… #OhWait ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
#Russie Pour détendre (un peu) l’atmosphère, je propose un fil de quelques « fail » de la propagande Russe actuelle.
Le dernier en date : célébration aujourd’hui du jour de la flotte russe avec le porte-avion nucléaire US G.W. Bush (au lieu du Kuznetsov).
(Via @MiisaTrAnCe ) ImageImage
#Fail #OnlyInRussia On a eu aussi un F18 sur une affiche de propagande récente. Image
#Fail #OnlyInRussia Et bien sûr ces affiches célébrant la mémoire des courageux GIs #OhWait (certaines étaient encore déployées le 09/05/22 dans les zones occupées en Ukraine). Image
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Welcome to #CrossBorderRail Day 27 - Berlin - Praha - Wien…
The Spree has a silky quality this morning
Here’s today’s route map
Read 27 tweets
Remember Arabi Wasantha, who was arrested for torching an army bus in Mirihana on March 31st in full view of 100s of soldiers, to justify the emergency declaration? CID on Wednesday asked Gangodawila Magistrate Prasanna Alwis to release him on bail, saying Wasantha honestly (1/3)
did not know that the bus was "public property" when he set it on fire. The magistrate blasted the CID in chambers and they begged for mercy saying they followed orders from Tiran Alles, DIG Deshabandu Tennakoon and DSG Dileepa Peiris as @GotabayaR wanted Wasantha released (2/3)
at all costs. Today, Tiran Alles and AG Sanjay Rajaratnam have asked Dileepa Peiris to come to the Magistrates Court and ensure that Wasantha is granted bail. This is all the proof we needed that the attack was staged as a pretext for a crackdown on Aragalaya. ඒකත් #fail (3/3)
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#humour et humilité de la chose militaire, ici la chasse…
1/ Des risques de l’innovation dans la chasse. Pan ! 🔫🔥Dans la G… !😜
2/ #humour australopithèque 🪃 :
La magie de l’effet boomerang 😎
3/ 🚀#fail militaire 😱 : ou comment l’effet #boomerang du 2/⏫ recrée l’effet #pandagl 🧨🔥du 1/⏫. 😬

Respect 🙏 pour les servants de ces systèmes anti-missiles de défense, morts pour rien dans leur fonction. 👏
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Good morning! Tomorrow, 6pm, cst, we are taking a look at social class, crime, and the #AmericanDream.

Do YOU believe in the American Dream?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #SocialStructure #Strain
Good evening, all! In tonight's discussion, we are going to take a look at one of the oldest variables in regards to criminal behavior ... social class.

Before we get started, did YOU vote in today's Primary Elections? #Vote #PrimaryDay
Read 80 tweets
3 of 60 days before the new @IndianCERT poiicy comes into effect.

And nobody seems to have tried to use these NTP servers that are supposed to provide reliable and secure time service to the whole country...
@IndianCERT Not just the whole country, even MNCs with infra in other countries need to rely on these servers because...

"it is to be ensured that their time source shall not deviate from NPL and NIC"

From… Image
@IndianCERT The National Informatics Centre @NICMeity NTP server is pretty much impossible to find.

Searching for "NTP" or "NTP Server" on all ImageImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
When #Kannada textbooks are written by by unqualified people this was what going to happen. #Fail
Sad such books are supported by Karnataka Govt & Kannada Abhivrddhi Pradhikara

ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಭವಿಷ್ಯ ಹಾಳಾಗಲು ಇನ್ನೇನು ಬೇಕು? ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಸರಕಾರ ಇವನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆ ಎಂದರೆ ಅದಕ್ಕಿಂತ ದುರ್ವಿಧಿ ಏನಿದೆ? Image
ಕೊರಳು ಎನ್ನುವುದು ಹಳಗನ್ನಡದ ಕುರಲ್ ಎಂಬಪದದಿಂದಲೂ, ಕೊಳಲು ಎನ್ನುವುದು ಹಳಗನ್ನಡದ ಕುೞಲ್ ಎಂಬ ಪದದಿಂದಲೂ ಬಂದು ಬದಲಾವಣೆಯಾಗಿ ಇಂದು ಬಳೆಕೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಂತವು.
ಕೊರಳು ಎನ್ನಲು ಕೆಲವು ಕಡೆ ಆಡುಮಾತಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಕೊಳ್ಳು ಎನ್ನಬಹುದಾದರೂ,ಕೊಳ್ ಎನ್ನುವ ಕ್ರಿಯಾಪದಕ್ಕೂ (ತೆಗೆದುಕೋ), ಕೊರಳಿಗೂ ಸಂಬಂಧ ಇಲ್ಲ. ಕೊಳ್ ಎಂದರೆ ಕತ್ತು ಎಂಬ ಮೂಲಾರ್ಥವಿಲ್ಲ.
ಕೊರಳು ಮತ್ತು ಕೊಳಲು ಬೇರೆ ಬೇರೆ ಪದಗಳು. ಎನ್ನಲು ಕೊಳವೆ, ಕೊಳಲು, ಕೊಳಾಯಿ, ಮೊದಲಾದುವು ಒಂದಕ್ಕೊಂದು ಸಂಬಂಧ ಹೊಂದಿವೆ. ಕೊರಳುಪಟ್ಟಿ ಎಂಬುದು ಕೊರಳು ಎಂಬ ಪದವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಬಂದ ಪದವೇ. ಕೊಳ್ ಎಂಬುದರಿಂದ ಅಲ್ಲ. (ಇನ್ನು ಕೊಳಗ ಎಂಬ ಪದದ ವ್ಯುತ್ಪತ್ತಿ ನನಗೆ ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ತಿಳಿದಿಲ್ಲ)

Save students from bad textbooks! #Karnataka
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Les Bro, comme promis, voici les erreurs que nous avons faites en tant que débutant. On veut vous les éviter 🙂

Rappelez-vous un petit ❤️ ça fait du bien et 🔁 pour aider les autres 👍🏻
1) Jamais de #Futures, #Margin
2) Analysez le #Fondamental
3) Top 100 #crypto uniquement
4) Pas de #Swapping
5) Jamais de #FOMO
6) Ne jouez pas vos économies
7) Evitez les influenceurs "#ToTheMoon"
8) Ne perdez jamais la valeur de l’argent
9) Prenez vos profits
10) Pas d’affect
1) Les marchés dits "à effet de #levier" sont interdits quand on débute ⛔️

L'appât du gain est facile car vous pensez exploser vos gains grace à l'effet multiplicateur. Or vous allez surtout multiplier vos pertes et potentiellement tout perdre 🤕

Débutez par le marché #Spot 👍🏻
Read 13 tweets
खरे तर या विषयावर मी बोलणे म्हणजे लोक मला मूर्खातच काढतील. पण हे मी आज सविस्तर आणि प्रामाणिकपणे लिहायचा प्रयत्न करतोय.

पण लग्न का केले या प्रश्नाला सहसा लोकांकडे खरच उत्तर नसते. कारण लहानपणापासून हे डोक्यात बिंबलेले असते की एक वय झाले की लग्न करायचे असते.
आजूबाजूला 99 टक्के हेच पाहत आपण मोठे होते. पण खरंच लग्न संस्था म्हणजे काय हे कोणी कधीच पाहत नाही. एखाद्या इंजिनिअरिंग कॉलेजमध्ये admission घेण्या आधी देखील आपण तेथील रेकॉर्ड तपासून पाहतो. हल्ली तर पहिली मध्ये ऍडमिशन घेताना पण सगळे बघितले जाते. परंतु लग्न का करायचे याचे उत्तर
थातूर मातूर असेच मिळते की आयुष्याचा भाग आहे हा. आपल्या संस्कृती मधला आणि संस्कारातला एक भाग आहे हा. पण लग्न करायचे की नाही यापेक्षा लग्न संस्था अस्तित्वात का आली आणि तिचे फायदे तोटे कोणते यावर आपण कधीच विचार केलेला नसतो
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