dear blog friends,
It seems that I have hit the proverbial brick wall with my photo storage....the "free" limit, anyway. When was blogger gonna tell me I had a limit? When was blogger gonna tell me my unlimited was limited to pics of 800px or less to qualify for unlimited storage on Picasa?
Right now I am looking into trying to adjust my Picasa, but that has turned into a big ol' boon doggle of uploading the newest Picasa and then having it not let me upload anything else and then I removed a few pics(sorry if some of my posts get all nekkid because I deleted a few)
any long time bloggers out! I don't want to move and I do want to keep posting.
for now I have migrated my pictures to a new account, but that is short term. Now to figure out the 800px thing without having to download picasa 3.whatever so I don't have to fiddle with this again. lol
Or I could just cough up the 2.49 a month........ponder, ponder