Let the words from my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psalms 19: 13
My father had developed dementia. He had always been strange throughout his fatherhood, but it was developing into a real dive.
I lived 2800 miles from them, came home every 2 or 3 months but I didn't how much it had progressed.
When I came home one time, Dad was unpredictable. He told us that we wouldn't inherit any thing. If we wanted to obtain them, Dad said that we would have to come to the auction and bid on them like everyone else. Yup.
I saw many other elements of dementia in my visit, and could see how worn out Mom was.
I didn't return to visit until Dad was in his bed, with hospice visiting daily. NO ONE of the hospice provided any in home assistance. My frail mother bathed, changed bedding and diapers all on her own. When I called Mom, she was tearful and relieved when I said I would be there the next day.
Nothing else I want to say. Dementia took everything away from him, and Mom. And dementia took Dad from us.