The following is some advice that all should follow to make lives easier.
Read the directions first.
Now this is the hard part. No matter how many times one has assembled an IKEA product, no one is an expert. No one can or should open an IKEA box, look at the parts, screws, and that one lonely Allen wrench…and then say, heck, I can do this. Then toss the directions (unread) aside, to proceed.
After screwing up the whole process, take the object apart and read the directions this time. Hopefully, your failure gone unobserved and no one is giggling. Hopefully, no screws are missing. If they have, you are in big trouble, especially if the Allen wrench is gone. Oh, man, this is bad.
Here is another bit of advice:
Set the timer.
It does not matter what is being done. If the directions say: Set the timer for 15 minutes to allow the glue to set.
This is also a hard part, as most assume that surely it was meant to say 45 minutes. After all you are the adult here. When maybe an hour has passed and the project is finally checked, no profanity should be allowed. It is your own damn fault. Call the 1-800 number to see what can be done to un-stick the glue.
Set the timer.
If the cake directions say 35 minutes at 350°, then do it. Do it. Taking a burnt dry cake, covered with thick icing, to a family function will not disguise this error. This also applies to any cooked project, be it jello or a roast.
Set the timer or else.
I When adding water to the pool, set the timer. When 45 minutes should do it, and then forgetfully, let it go for an hour and a half, water will flow out onto the concrete, etc. This, too, cannot be disguised. This also applies to any water-related activity. Water is unforgiving.
Set the blasted timer.
I If a soccer-playing child is supposed to be picked up at 4 pm, and 5 pm rolls around, that child will catch a ride with some other parent. Most likely this parent didn't like you in the first place. This parent and other parents will think that the aforementioned parent is inept. Embarrassment is inevitable. The child will also tell his other parent. Nothing ever remains secret.
Read the directions and then make a decision to pay someone to do something for you.
Write down important stuff with your hand, paper, and pen.
Write important stuff on an honest-to-God paper calendar. Smart phones are not always that smart and tend to need re-charging at bad moments. Pin info on the bulletin board, tape on the refrigerator, or write on a whiteboard.
OH, this list could go on and on. It is suggested that one add to this list on their own, and then
Follow the directions.
P.S. This is a re-post from 2015. It is still applicable, one of those timeless posts.