Saturday, April 18, 2009

Affairs of the Heart

All of us have things close to our heart. I do not begrudge anyone for their search for love and spirituality as long as you respect others. The key is your search for love and God must not conflict with my rights and public safety.

There are some Kahanist fools who are bent out of shape when the subject of Messianic Jews is discussed. In a free society we must respect everyone's right to see God in their own way lest we become as cartoonish as the Taliban. Oddly, these same types loathe Messianic Jews who support Israel and are friends to Communist Antisemites who rationalize terror and obsess 24/7 about the destruction of Israel. Never look for rationality behind lunatics of any stripe.

I do not begrudge anyone who seeks love. Everyone has certain requirements and some like Sunbeam require someone of the same faith. I took a great deal of heat at work from many who criticized me because Sunbeam was of my own ethnicity. A group of females from another race saw a bias. They really did not understand that this was someone I always wanted to be with and who I have known for well over thirty years.

Love is something we can not add, nor is it a science. I see PHD women fall in love with men who read comic books. I see men fall for junkies. I also see childhood sweethearts, coworkers and every unlikely story.

Love is what it is and true love is rare.

That being said I admire people like Junglemom, TMW and many others whose expressions of faith are from the heart. A normal religious experience is inclusive and does not seek to send those who do not believe into the next world.


Ducky's here said...

I took a great deal of heat at work from many who criticized me because Sunbeam was of my own ethnicity.


Get real. The only way you'd catch flak is if Sunbeam were male.

beakerkin said...


I was heavily criticized by some females at work when I started a relationship with Sunbeam. They were constantly trying to set me up with one or more of their friends who were almost always Black, usually from the West Indies.

To them Sunbeam is just another white girl who they do not perceive of as equal to their friends I had no interest in. To me I see a woman I have always loved and wanted to be with. She is very beautiful in my eyes and has a very loving personality. When
I am with her I feel complete.

There was shock and disbelief in that I fell in love so quickly with her. Then again I know her for thirty five years. Her ways always captivated my heart.

My coworkers in NYC know I am not gay. NYC types encounter gays with much more frequency than Vermonters. There has never been a case of mistaken identity in NYC.

Some coworkers assumed because I have never dated a Black woman there must be some hatred. It just never happened and there is nothing
more to it.

Amongst Sunbeam's family there is the anger that I have dated outside
my group quite often. I have always followed my heart as love is
a complex thing.

Ducky's here said...

Amongst Sunbeam's family there is the anger that I have dated outside
my group quite often.


Which group? Straights?