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The name or term "Zero" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Zero (disambiguation).
Zero is a Renegade from the GoBots continuity family.

Zero is a Renegade who turns into a Mitsubishi A6M Zero-sen. This plane-transforming high-ranking villain wishes to depose his boss and take control of the Renegades himself, and has big schemes for it that go awry and may threaten the very species in his quest for power...

...hang on, guys, we've done this profile before.

We haven't, he's totally an unrelated character? Huh.



Renegade Rhetoric

RenegadeRhetoric Farewell Zero.jpg

From Axiom Nexus, Cy-Kill, perhaps deliberately, misremembered Zero as showing him mercy during the Battle of Parthus when Cy-Kill was still a Guardian "stooge". He also cited Zero as an example of the GoBots' more impressive variety of alternate modes than most Cybertronians. Renegade Rhetoric 2015/10/14 Cy-Kill recalled the events of Zero's treachery to his audience, and remarked on how the Lord High GoBot of Level 17, Gunnyr, proved a suitable replacement for the subcommander vacancy in his hierarchy. Renegade Rhetoric 2015/10/15 In an alternate reality, Cy-Kill's Renegades had conquered the Guardians and ruled both Earth and Gobotron. Zero controlled Earth as Cy-Kill's viceroy, although this did mean he had to tolerate their long-time collaborator, Zebediah Braxis. Renegade Victory Part 1

In the main timeline, Zero and the Master Renegade met up at a bar in the Beta Leonis system while independently on the run from Cy-Kill. They formed a mutually beneficial alliance against Guardians and Renegades alike. Zero and the Master Renegade raided a global summit on pollution and made off with a plastic-eating algae that the Master was able to augment into a super-algae. On Gobotron, they used the super-algae to immobilize Zeemon's Guardian Council as well as Leader-1's team when they tried to intervene. Now in control of Gobotron, Zero turned on the Master Renegade and incapacitated him in the algae next to the Guardians. Unfortunately for Zero, the Master Renegade told Leader-1 how to disable the algae, and soon the Guardian commander was free, chasing Zero through space as he desperately tried to escape. Instead, he flew right into Cy-Kill and his cloaked Thruster. Leader-1 gladly left Zero to Cy-Kill's tender mercies, and Zero was carted away by the Renegades to face their unique brand of justice. Trash and Treachery


Tonka told me you'd be really cool if you bought the big, expensive Zero toy and not the small one.

Zero's home universe was on the eve of destruction. Zero grew fed up with the GoBots' response to the Cataclysm and secretly worked with the Buggyman on their own plan: restarting the GoBot race all over again if their universe fell! With a new Super Voyager body constructed, Zero prepared to head for a new reality when the Buggyman told him all was going to plan. High Noon

Echoes and Fragments

What Zero would've looked like if Hanna-Barbara had a budget.

Sideways and Gong attempted to have some fun by mingling the universal streams of a GoBots reality with those of a Transformers reality during the events leading to their first encounter with Unicron. As a result, Zero often found himself playing out a role previously reserved for the treacherous Decepticon second-in-command, Starscream. When Optimus Prime prepared to make a special run to Autobot City on Earth, Zero was present with the Renegades when Snoop returned from her spy mission with the information. Cy-Kill tossed a thinly-veiled insult at Zero while congratulating Snoop on her effectiveness. The Renegades intercepted the Autobot Command Center on its way to Autobot City. Zero led the Renegades as subcommander during their brief but furious battle with Brawn, Ironhide, Prowl, and Ratchet. When Cy-Kill crooned about how easy the hijacking was, Zero shot back that Moonbase One was a true target of value. Cy-Kill waved off his lieutenant, however, focused on the prize of Autobot City once they slipped by their defenses.

The Command Center failed to penetrate security undetected, however. Hot Rod and Nick Burns spotted Zero through the hole the Renegades blew in the shuttle, forcing the invaders to abandon ship before reaching the city. Zero tried to gun down Springer and Arcee before they transformed Autobot City into fortress mode, but ended up having to shoot his own foot when he got caught in the folding and reconfiguring components. After a few more reality-shifts caused by Sideways and Gong, Zero was second-in-command to Megatron in a combined Decepticon and Renegade army. As the villains were driven into retreat aboard Astrotrain, Zero took the opportunity to dispose of the seriously injured Megatron. He tossed his leader and the other injured soldiers out of the ship, and declared himself the new leader of the Decepticons. A number of objections arose from Tank, Snoop, Dr. Go, and the Puzzler components, but Zero eventually came out on top. At his coronation ceremony in the Renegade Hall of Heroes, Zero was crowned the new leader only seconds before being interrupted by the arrival of Galvatron. Shocked and confused by Galvatron's resemblance to Megatron, Zero didn't react when the newcomer converted to cannon mode and blasted him into ash. Echoes and Fragments

Animated cartoon continuity

Zero was held at Trypticon Prison. The AllSpark Almanac II

Go-Bots comic

Zero was one of the Renegade Go-Bots that flocked to Cy-Kill in the desert near Route 66. He helped surround and subdue the US government Go-Bot Leader-1 and retrieve military secrets from his brain. Go-Bots #1 Zero later took Cy-Kill's side against Leader-1's forces during the Go-Bot uprising. Go-Bots #2


  • Animated Zero has not been definitively confirmed to be GoBots Zero, but the author says so!
  • The Guardian propagandists at Hanna-Barbara claim that Zero actually tried to kill Cy-Kill, and getting his butt kicked (and Leader-1 doing better than him) was what made him join the Renegades.
  • Zero being a traitor is a reference to the GoBots episode "The Third Column", in which Zero splits from the Renegades.

External links

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