From Transformers Wiki
- Windsweeper is a
neat freakDecepticon Triggercon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Neatness is an admirable quality in any creature. Windsweeper admires it very much. Head of Cybertronic sanitation, he dislikes being called a fancy garbage bot, but he loves to keep the world clean and pure, free of litter and stains. Litter and stains and slimy drippy oil spots and grubby rusty things, ugh. They make him feel itchy and dirty all over. Itchy and dirty. He hates the lazy litterbots who leave them behind. He hates them worst when they throw garbage at him and he has to scrub, scrub, scrub himself until he feels clean again.
As bad as Cybertron would be if he didn't constantly lock up oil-drippers and litterbugs in deep and dark (but clean) dungeons, other planets are far worse, covered in dirt, with the clean, blank sky full of disgusting clouds and birds and flying kites, and everything simply alive with creepy, crawly bugs. They give him the shakes, so he has to burn them and kill them dead, dead, dead with fire, pure, clean fire.
Sometimes he combines with Bludgeon to form Thunder Mayhem, which only makes himself a dirty limb in a messy battle. And sometimes his arm-mounted weapons transform into Ozone and Cleansweep, who hopefully shower before recombining with him again.
Contents |
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics

|Windsweeper and his fellow Triggercons were active on Cybertron during the early days of the war, when Optimus Prime and Megatron were just beginning their feud. While tracking the Autobot leader and the Triggerbots, Megatron and the Triggercons executed the keepers of Boltax and attempted to steal the power of the Underbase. They failed once Optimus Prime launched the Underbase into space to keep it out of Megatron's hands. The Flames of Boltax!
Millions of years later, Windsweeper and the Triggercons were toiling under the hedonistic decadence of the Triumverate. This trio had brought down the Decepticon army, reducing their interests to a series of gladiatorial games. Once "Megatron" returned and offered the Decepticons a return to the old ways, the Triggercons eagerly agreed and shot their current leaders in the back. The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire.
Afterwards, Windsweeper began working for the Decepticon High Council, who sent him back to Earth alongside Crankcase, Ruckus, Quake and Flamefeather to retrieve their candidate for Decepticon leadership, Thunderwing. Unfortunately, Thunderwing didn't take kindly to being retrieved and beat them up before commandeering them for an assault on the Ark itself. Rage! Although this was ultimately unsuccessful, Windsweeper and his comrades were able to return Thunderwing to the High Council, who named him Decepticon leader for attempting the assault in the first place. Assault on the Ark!
After three Decepticons were killed, Windsweeper, Ruckus, Sparkstalker, and Cindersaur went looking to take revenge against the Autobots, unaware that the real culprits were Demons, recently released from beneath the surface of Cybertron. Chancing across Jazz, Grimlock, and Bumblebee, they attacked before the Autobots could explain. Demons! Making their presence known, the Demons reduced the cocksure Cindersaur to a pile of rubble and then advanced on the Autobots while Windsweeper and Ruckus debated whether to help them or not. They joined the battle against the Demons only to find that their weaponsfire only made the creatures stronger, but were saved by the arrival of Emirate Xaaron and Red Hot who fed the Demons pure Energon, causing them to explode. Dawn of Darkness
When Lord Thunderwing learned of a series of Autobot teams being launched into one small cluster of the universe, Thunderwing brought Windsweeper, Needlenose, Spinister, and Ruckus to investigate. Their pursuit brought them to Pz-Zazz, where Windsweeper's team became known as the "Robot Mob." After quickly subduing and capturing Nightbeat, Siren, and Hosehead, Bird of Prey! they learned the Autobots were searching for their lost Creation Matrix, and so they turned their attentions towards another Autobot search team on the planet Cheyne. Windsweeper accompanied the others to the planet's surface, where they discovered the Autobot team there had fallen victim to a family of psychic vampires, and thus were useless to the Decepticons' mission. Kings of the Wild Frontier. Their next stop was Pequod, though for this leg of the hunt Windsweeper stayed on board their ship. Deadly ObsessionOn Cameron's third moon VsQs, where the Matrix was actually located, an idle Windsweeper was nearly killed by a Matrixspawn while his leader was focused on claiming his prize, but was released when the Matrixspawn panicked after being discovered. Thunderwing's willingness to allow Windsweeper be sacrificed caused further resentment from Needlenose over their leader's obsession. Dark Creation Their worst fears were realized after Thunderwing was possessed by the Matrix and went on a rampage through the Autobots' Ark—their former commander was a threat to Autobot and most importantly themselves. Thunderwing quickly proved this by firing upon Spinister. Before things could go further, Thunderwing was cast out into space by the trio of Autobot captives, who had secretly escaped. Windsweeper and the other Decepticons surrendered themselves into Autobot custody afterwards. All Fall Down
Windsweeper, Needlenose, and Spinister accompanied Crankcase and Ruckus in delivering battle plans to Megatron, the former three acting as the group's rear guard. The Autobots learned of the delivery and planned to ambush them, but their mission was botched by Backstreet, who gave away his faction's presence prematurely. As a result, Windsweeper and the other Decepticons were provoked into starting a firefight that endangered the inhabitants of Rivers' Town. The Decepticons wound up escaping with the plans still in-hand. Trigger-Happy!
Marvel UK future timelines
In 2009, Windsweeper and his fellow Triggercons helped Galvatron disable Rodimus Prime's Autobot resistance movement on Cybertron. He was not as eager to combat the Autobots as his comrades were, preferring instead to stay out of the battle. Galvatron's plan to corrupt the Matrix within Rodimus failed, however, and the Autobots escaped. Aspects of Evil!
Transformers Comic-Magazin
Windsweeper and the Triggercons were engaged by the Triggerbots and Sparkabots while attacking one of Earth's many cities. Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last ...
Regeneration One
Some twenty-one years after the war between the Autobots and Decepticons ended, Windsweeper had signed up with Soundwave's "Neo-Decepticons" on Cybertron. While Soundwave was off-planet, Windsweeper was gathered with his comrades at Fort Scyk when the resurrected Scorponok returned to Cybertron with a Gene Key capable of turning Autobots into Decepticons. Given the choice to follow the former Headmaster or be executed on the spot, Windsweeper chose the former. Natural Selection, Part Three Under the command of the Gene Key-infected Highbrow, he joined in the search for the missing Dinobots Sludge, Snarl, and Swoop across Iacon's surface stratum zero. Natural Selection, Part Four
After Scorponok's defeat and once again under Soundwave's command, Windsweeper attacked one of Cybertron's communications facilities alongside Needlenose, Ruckus, and Battletrap to blind the Autobots to the approach of Bludgeon's Warworld. Destiny, Part Two
2005 IDW continuity
Windsweeper belonged to the crew of the Thanatos, operating under Razorclaw and the Predacons. He was led into aerial combat by Divebomb during the battle with Thunderwing on Cybertron. Stormbringer #4
As one of the Decepticons on Starscream's asteroid base, Windsweeper witnessed Megatron return and punish Starscream for leading the Decepticons down the path of ruin. He considered interfering but was convinced otherwise by Skywarp. Spotlight: Megatron
Of Masters and Mayhem
Windsweeper was once an Autobot, but his cruelty led to him falling in with the Decepticons, a secret only Grabuge discovered.[1] Windsweeper and the rest of the Mayhem Attack Squad were drawn to a cavern on Earth by a Decepticon signal, finding upon their arrival that the extra-dimensional Ramjet was the one broadcasting it. Windsweeper was rather peeved over being called to the mudball, though he was curious to find out who had had the pistons to call upon the "Slaughterers of Worlds." Bludgeon spoke with their new acquaintance, who momentarily showed that he had power that rivaled the Squad's. Windsweeper was especially impressed by Ramjet's eldritch energies, and suggested the team make posters with their new ally's face on them as they began to plot the destruction of the universe. History
2019 IDW continuity
During the early days of the Deception coup, Windsweeper was part of the battle for the Pyramid. As he watched Acid Storm trying to melt his way through the wall, the Pyramid was flooded with molten plasma and the Decepticons retreated. Titans
Windsweeper was given the unglamorous job of fetching Energon from a remote Energon transmission station to bring back to the city he was based in. He was mid-way through complaining about the dust all around him when a strange noise caught his attention. Turning to its source he meets Skywarp asking for Energon, lots of it. Not recognising him, thinking he was a civilian, the unimpressed Decepticon refused his request. Skywarp considered his sense of superiority funny, before teleporting in front of him, flooring him in a single punch and stealing the Energon cube he was holding to boot. Before Windsweeper could stop him, or complain about being thrown on the dirty ground, he teleported away leaving the recently arrived Gutcruncher to confirm to Windsweeper that was indeed Skywarp. Swindle's II
After Megatron agreed to a nominal truce with the Autobots, he still tried to have them eliminated. As the Autobot procession made its way towards Darkmount, Jhiaxus began a bombardment of the area, boxing them in between the artillery fire and the rust worms. Windsweeper and a flight of Seekers patrolled the edges of the bombardment to turn back any Autobots trying to make it through. Radical Time End of Time
The Transformers
- Windsweeper (Triggercon, 1988)
- Released in the fifth year of Hasbro's US Transformers toyline (fourth in Europe), Triggercon Windsweeper transforms from robot to modified B-1B Lancer bomber. He has two permanently-attached, spring-loaded chrome-silver "lock-target, long-range laser cannons" that swing into firing position when their triggers are pressed, a gimmick available in both modes. In jet mode, the blasters are under his wings, while they end up on his arms in robot mode; in both modes, each cannon has its own trigger and must be deployed independently.
- Windsweeper and his fellow Triggercons were among quite a few toys from Hasbro's 1988 Transformers lineup that did not see release in any way in Takara's version of the line.
Combiner Wars
- Windsweeper (TFSS 4.0, 2016)
- Accessories: "B-1B double barreled laser cannon", "heat seeking missile launcher"/Combiner hand/foot, "Matrix of Malice"
- Part of the Figure Subscription Service 4.0, Combiner Wars Windsweeper is a redeco of Deluxe Class Skydive, transforming into a fighter jet roughly based on a General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon, although with twin vertical stabilizers. His weapons can mount on the undersides of his wings.
- Windsweeper can also form either an arm or a leg for any standard-issue Combiner Wars-style super-robot (or into one of Legends Godbomber's legs), though his nominal placement is as the right leg to Thunder Mayhem.
- Windsweeper also comes with the Matrix of Malice accessory, redecoed from the Matrix of Leadership included with Masterpiece MP-10 Convoy. He can't do much with this on his own, it's mainly there for Thunder Mayhem to hold.
- This figure was also later available for purchase in the Transformers Collectors' Club Online Store.
Combiner Wars mold: Skydive | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Other versions:
- Prime Universe Breakdown / Windsweeper (Multi-pack, 2024)
- Accessories: Tailfin
- Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro)[2]
- Legacy: United Windsweeper is a new-head retooling of Legacy: Evolution Needlenose, transforming into a heavily-modified F-16XL variant of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. As such, he comes with a pair of Targetmaster partners, Cleansweep and Ozone, who turn into silver guns to represent his original Triggercon gimmick - and thanks to the 5 mm post-holes in his forearms, one can replicate the original toy's arm-mounted-guns look. Of course, they can also peg under his wings in jet mode, and quite a few other places. In jet mode, Windsweeper has some ports on his undercarriage, which can peg onto the top of the Prime Universe Skyquake/Prime Universe Dreadwing toy.
- He was only available in a set with Prime Universe Breakdown as part of the Mayhem Attack Squad-themed "Doom ‘n Destruction Collection". These sets are an Amazon exclusive in the US, with a small number sold through Hasbro Pulse.
- This set was revealed and put up for pre-order on February 29, 2024.
Transformers Trading Card Game
- Windsweeper, Air Defense (2020)
- Wave 5: Titan Masters Attack
- Rarity: SRT
- Card Number: T44/T46
- Stars: 10
- This card's set was originally set for an April 2020 release, however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the release was pushed back to May 29, 2020.
- It has been speculated that Windsweeper was originally supposed to be a Triggerbot, not a Triggercon. His chromed, spring-loaded guns line up with the two ground-based Triggerbots, while the Autobot flier Dogfight's unchromed, gear-turning guns would make him seem a more likely match with the Decepticons. His Combiner Wars bio pays homage to this theory by depicting him as a former Autobot.
- A leaked listing from 2023 suggests that Legacy: United's "Doom ‘n Destruction" figure was meant to release much earlier, as a Generations Selects figure alongside Antagony as an add-on for Legacy: Evolution.[3] For whatever reason, this plan didn't materialize, and the figure released a year later.
Foreign names
- French: Rafale (France, "Gust"), Tempétueux (Canada, "Stormy")
- Hungarian: Szélseprő ("Windsweeper")
- ↑ TFSS Windsweeper profile card
- ↑ March 7, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers 40th Anniversary Fanstream | March 7, 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks and Mark Maher.
- ↑
- Combiner Wars Autobots
- Combiner Wars Decepticons
- Combiners
- Defense specialists
- Generation 1 Autobots
- Generation 1 Decepticons
- Generation 1 toy Decepticons
- Generation 2 Autobots
- IDW (2005) Decepticons
- IDW (2019) Decepticons
- Legacy Decepticons
- Marvel Generation 1 Decepticons
- Mayhem Attack Squad
- Regeneration One Autobots
- Regeneration One Decepticons
- Scouts
- Targetmasters
- Wings Universe Autobots
- Security officers