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Tracks (G1)

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The name or term "Tracks" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Tracks (disambiguation).
Tracks is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
If God had wanted Tracks to multiply, he would have given him the Creation Matrix and luscious lips. But he only gave him the luscious lips.

Tracks is a total narcissist, according to his Autobot buddies. But surely they're just jealous, since no one else turns into a sports car as stunningly stylish as he does. Not to mention his flight mode, which lets everybody ooh and aah over his elegant curves and paintjob as he glides about looking down on them all.

Whether defending San Francisco or displaying his trademark moves in Dancitron, Tracks always makes sure to be the center of attention. His blinding black beam gun casts everything around him into darkness. Since nothing besides himself is worth looking at, you're welcome!

He should be a dangerous opponent, but his concern with preserving his stylish appearance and poor ability to work with fellow Autobots hampers him. Often he simply cruises the metro area, looking for a good scene that he can make even better.

His Action Master partner is Basher.

Tracks--PAH! Had enough of him before. Crawler, vain, pain in...

Grimlock isn't much of a fan, "Makin' Tracks!"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Michael McConnohie (English), Show Hayami (Japanese), Masashi Ebara (Japanese, "Dinobot Island, Part 2" thru "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1", "Triple Takeover", "Hoist Goes Hollywood"), Kōki Kataoka (Japanese, "The Secret of Omega Supreme"), Xia Zhiqing (Chinese), Carlos Nieto (Latin American Spanish), Federico Di Pofi (Italian, second dub), Carlos Seidl (Portuguese, "Dinobot Island, Part 1" to "Blaster Blues"), Dario de Castro (Portuguese, "Make Tracks" onwards), Georges Atlas (European French), Serge Lhorca (European French, "Make Tracks" & "Prime Target"), Henry Djanik (European French, "Auto-Bop" & "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Jacques Ferrière (European French, "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1"), Unknown (European French, "The Secret of Omega Supreme")
How this show lasted this far without me, I'll never know.

Tracks was one of several Autobots who appeared out of nowhere one day. He listened in as Powerglide and Bumblebee reported the discovery of an island full of dinosaurs. Following another Dinobot mishap at base, Tracks helped with repairs. Dinobot Island, Part 1 He, Cliffjumper and Seaspray were sent out to intercept and drive back a pirate ship that had appeared through a temporal anomaly due to Megatron's interference on the temporally displaced Dinobot Island. Dinobot Island, Part 2 Tracks took part in a game of basketball with the Dinobots, and failed to stop Optimus Prime from making a slam dunk. Prime observed that Tracks was in need of maintenance, and he admitted that he'd had a deuce of a time trying to get an appointment with Hoist. As it turned out, Hoist and Grapple had somehow fallen in with the Constructicons to build Grapple's Solar Power Tower. Tracks was part of the mission to see what was going on, and ended up fighting Devastator. Following the Autobot victory, he helped dig through the ruins of the tower to find Grapple and Hoist. The Master Builders

And I said "let there be dark!"

When the Decepticons attacked a new solar power plant in Central City, Tracks took to the air and blasted Dirge with his black beam gun. In retaliation, Ramjet rammed Tracks, knocking the Autobot out of the sky. The Decepticons retreated, much to the delight of the humans present. Tracks complained about the annoying cheering noise they were making. He was happy enough to take part in Autobot Day, until an incriminating video (faked by Megatron of course) was shown and the crowds turned against the Autobots. They retreated to Headquarters, but a short time later, the authorities turned up to arrest them and put them on trial. The verdict was swiftly delivered, and the Autobots forced to leave the planet on a spaceship provided by Shawn Berger. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 Locked on course to the Sun, the Autobots abandoned ship and used Cosmos to return to Earth, where the Decepticon plot had already been revealed. The Autobots freed the enslaved humans and chased off the Decepticons. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2 After the theft of the Voltronic Galaxer, Huffer and Tracks reported from the field that they hadn't detected any Decepticon activity. Blaster Blues

It's not what it looks like, honestly!

Tracks and Blaster assisted the New York Police Department's Crime Buster program by parking themselves in a seedy, run-down neighborhood to entice car thieves to steal them, then capturing the thieves and their buyer. Back at Sparkplug's garage, Tracks opined that New York City was exhilarating and that they could remain there forever as far as he was concerned, to the amusement of the other Autobots. Annoyed at their attitude, Tracks took off for a joyride, but almost immediately fell prey to a gang of would-be car thieves who shot out Tracks' tires as he tried to run them off the road. Crashing into a streetlight, Tracks was badly damaged and unable to transform. Fortunately, the car thief with a heart of gold, Raoul, happened by and decided to take possession of Tracks, who quickly revealed he was no ordinary badly damaged dark blue Corvette Stingray with a giant flaming logo on his hood.

Together, the pair tailed the Geddis brothers to a Decepticon installation in the Pine Barrens, where the Constructicons were converting stolen cars. When an electrical fault disabled Tracks during the course of the investigation, Raoul came to his rescue, and they both fled through the woods, eventually running into some more Autobots. Tracks joined Bumblebee, Inferno and Sideswipe in defending downtown from the stolen vehicles, converted into drones by the Decepticons, and was appalled when they damaged the Chrysler Building. Tracks and Raoul took part in the assault on the Decepticon base, however Megatron grabbed the young human. Tracks announced that if Raoul was harmed, there'd be trouble, but the threat proved unnecessary, as Raoul made use of a can of spray paint to escape. At Prime's invitation, Tracks demolished the base with a few well-placed shots. Later, he volunteered Raoul to help Sparkplug Witwicky fix all the cars that the Decepticons had messed with. Make Tracks

But this is!

Tracks was part of a disastrous attempt to stop the Insecticons from eating Earth crops. Shrapnel set him on fire, forcing Inferno to put him out. Tracks bravely fought on until Smokescreen called a retreat and they returned to Headquarters for repairs. Some time later, after Cosmos had become trapped by an infestation of Morphobots, Tracks took part in rescue efforts. As Blaster used his music to repel the creatures, Tracks and Ironhide helped hook Cosmos up to Hoist. Unfortunately during the subsequent fight with the Decepticons, the robotic insecticide was destroyed, leaving them with no weapon against the Insecticon army. It all turned out okay, as said army was eaten by the Morphobots anyway. Tracks watched as the Morphobots were launched into space to wreck some other planet's ecology. Quest for Survival

Tracks Threatens his Hand: Part 1

When San Francisco was threatened by an alien bird creature, Tracks risked his life in battle to defend the city until Omega Supreme arrived to drive it off. The Secret of Omega Supreme Following Megatron's disappearance, Blitzwing took over a sports stadium and had the Constructicons build a maze leading to it. Tracks, Prowl, Bluestreak, and Skids attempted to traverse the maze, only to get totaled by Blitzwing and built into a throne. Fortunately Hoist came to the rescue and fixed them all up in time to witness Megatron's return and the downfall of Blitzwing and Astrotrain. The four repaired Autobots jokingly arranged themselves into a throne for Optimus afterwards. Optimus declined their kind offer. Triple Takeover

Whilst out on a supply run with Bumblebee, Tracks opined that Optimus Prime had sent him out on this task to show the humans that Autobots didn't just have strength, but refinement as well. When Bumblebee sharply pointed out his comrade's lack of humility, Tracks replied that he feared some Autobots had much to be humble about. Together, they watched a storefront television report by Hector Ramirez on the disappearance of a top secret Soviet jet, for which blame was placed on the United States of America. Bumblebee suspected Decepticon involvement, which was convenient, as Tracks saw Astrotrain and Blitzwing lurking about nearby. The Autobots gave chase, only to discover the 'Cons were holographs projected by the big game hunter Lord Chumley, and the pair were quickly subdued. After several more Autobots were captured, the imprisoned hostages were forced to run through several cruel and unusual torture devices. Tracks in particular was forced to race around a small, spiked track while laser cannons fired at him. Prime Target

"Eeek, Mr. Tracks, can I have your autograph?"
"Sure thing, baby."

Tracks and Blaster were reunited with Raoul when the human and Bop Crew were being chased by Furg's gang outside of the Dancitron night club. Tracks stylishly defeated the thugs by arcing his laser fire horizontally, simultaneously destroying several of the weapons wielded by Furg's men. As he did so, he noticed that one of the gang members was a man dressed in a business suit. The Autobots decided to investigate further.

Inside the club, Tracks declined to dance with some girls, and another patron asked him where he could "get those threads" (meaning Tracks's robot body). As Tracks left, remarking that Dancitron wasn't his kind of club, he noted that there were more out-of-place humans, including a housewife in a bathrobe and a garbage man. Tracks and Blaster came to Raoul's aid again when the driver of a train in which the humans were traveling was "activated' by Starscream and accelerated the train to unsafe speeds. Later, Tracks and Raoul were attacked by brainwashed "workers" at a construction site for something large and mysterious. Bravely risking his paint job, Tracks protected Raoul from red-hot rivets fired by a brainwashed construction worker.

Tracks forgot his safeword.

Returning to the club, Tracks was lured into a trap by the mind-controlled Poplock and Rocksteady. Barely evading Starscream's attack, Tracks was assaulted by the rest of the club's patrons and chained up to the sound system, where the Decepticons hoped the music would eventually shake him apart. After Raoul de-hypnotised the club patrons by getting them slightly wet, the humans freed Tracks, who proceeded to take off after the fleeing Starscream. Crazy like a fox, Tracks seeded the clouds above the mysterious construction site, causing rain to fall down on the hypnotised workers, totally ruining Starscream's plan forever. Knowing that despite his good looks, he was outgunned and outpowered, Tracks used his superior agility to trick Starscream into flying into the half-constructed building and damaging himself when the Decepticon failed to avoid obstructions. With the Decepticons defeated, Tracks and Blaster destroyed the mysterious building. Grateful to the Bop Crew for saving his life, Tracks had Blaster help them out by acting as the boom box for their curbside breakdance sessions, to the latter's horror. Auto-Bop

"What are the chances? The only two Autobots marching and we turned up wearing the same outfit."

After Hoist was hired to be in a film, a number of other Autobots got wind of it and decided to volunteer their services as well. Tracks and the others impressed the director enough that he cast them, and Tracks ended up as a stunt vehicle, flying into a fake brick wall. The Autobots were dissatisfied with their assigned roles and told Hoist to try and pull some strings. The director decided to rethink the movie, and had Tracks and the others dressed as "evil alien robots". Tracks confessed he felt like a fool, but refused to quit. While shooting another scene, the pyrotechnics turned out to be bigger than expected, and the Autobots were nearly blown up. The shoot had been sabotaged by the Decepticons, who were after film of Dirge, who had crashed while carrying a device stolen from Wheeljack's workshop on Cybertron. After the affair was resolved, Tracks and the other Autobots decided not to be a part of the movie business after all. Hoist Goes Hollywood

Later, Tracks was one of several Autobots facing off against the Stunticons near the Seattle-Tacoma area when Megatron was using the Key to Vector Sigma to transform the land into metal. He was rammed by Breakdown into a boulder and flipped over. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

Tracks was one of several Autobots who participated in the Europa 2000, a charity race from Paris to Istanbul which, if the Autobots won, would have netted them a million dollars, which they would give to charity. Tracks was disdainful of the arrogant American driver Auggie Cahnay and his suped-up Symultech Industries car. During the race, Tracks tried to contact the other Autobots, only to find out they had been disabled by the Stunticons in Megatron's quest to stop the Autobots from interfering with his plans for the Pearl of Bahoudin. Teamed up with Cahnay and a scientist who mysteriously disappeared during the course of the battle, the Autobots defeated Menasor and destroyed the Pearl. Trans-Europe Express

... And Part 2

After Perceptor was abducted by the Decepticons, Tracks was one of the Autobots who volunteered to go on the rescue mission, and was subsequently struck down with Cosmic Rust. Fortunately a cure was soon forthcoming. Cosmic Rust He also took part in the defense of Headquarters during a Decepticon attack. Megatron soon retreated, not because of anything the Autobots did, but because he had realised that Starscream was behind everything. Starscream's Brigade Tracks helped defend a human city from the Insecticons, however a Combaticon plan saw the Autobots searching for a component to get the space bridge working so they could reach Cybertron. They eventually tracked the component down, only to find the Insecticons had chewed it up. The Revenge of Bruticus

Tracks was part of a responsive strike against a series of Stunticon raids on human compounds. He took to the air at one point, prompting Dead End to remark that his flying car mode was "droll". In retaliation for this unwarranted remark, Tracks blinded Dead End with his black light gun, which caused the Decepticon to drive into the car-crushing fists of Warpath. Masquerade

The Transformers public service announcements

When a couple of teens came across Tracks, one tried to carjack him; Tracks transformed to robot mode and chewed him out, warning him of the consequences should he get caught. Transformers Public service announcement

Japanese cartoon continuity

Scramble City

Tracks assisted in the construction of Autobot City and helped defend it when the Decepticons tried to interfere. Scramble City: Mobilization

Legends comic

Tracks defended the Autobot base when the Decepticons attacked to steal the Transform Super Cog. Slugslinger's Ambition

The Battle of the Star Gate

Tracks was led to Japan by Optimus Prime, along with a small team of other Autobots, to stop the Decepticons’ latest Energon-gathering scheme. Optimus ordered him to pursue Astrotrain to prevent the Decepticons from escaping with their loot. Activation

Tracks was amongst the Autobots who once more confronted Megatron and his Decepticons at the Trigger in Earth orbit. When Starscream combined himself with the Trigger to create a powerful new body for himself, Tracks had to contend with the volley of asteroids thrown towards both Autobots and Decepticons from Starscream's star gate. He was then almost sucked into a portal to a black hole when Starscream neared defeat, but was instead sent plummeting down to Earth when Optimus and Megatron worked together to defeat Starscream. The Battle of the Star Gate

Story of Binaltech

When the Decepticons unleashed Cosmic Rust on Earth, Tracks was one of the many Autobots infested with the virus. As Earth Defense Command created the Binaltech Project in order to help the Autobots, Tracks was one of the first patients to undergo transference into an electro-cell powered new body. With the help of his fellow Binaltech Autobots (Smokescreen, Hound, Sideswipe, and Bluestreak), Tracks and his new powers were used to drive the Decepticons off the planet. He remained part of the soldiers based at Autobot City on Earth.

Tracks had the power to change and update his paint job at will. Binaltech Is...

BT World

Tracks was stationed on a spaceship alongside a human crew and four BT Smokescreens when Mirage pulled a switch on Cybertron that was meant to immobilize all transformers. As Tracks and the Smokescreens continued to function even after the switch had been pulled, the Autobots came to the realization that all those in Binaltech bodies were unaffected by the device. With most of the Decepticons incapacitated, the Autobots secured an easy victory over their enemies. Kill Switch

The Headmasters cartoon
"Look, I'll stop asking you to fix my every little nick and scratch, I swear!"

Some time before the Transformers' war left Cybertron, Tracks briefly engaged the Decepticons with his comrades. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Years onward, Tracks was seen on Earth working with Ultra Magnus. Alongside Prowl, Jazz, and Inferno, he was dispatched to intercept invading Decepticons and prevent them from interfering with Hot Rod's search for the Matrix. The group was not actually seen to confront anyone. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime Later, while defending Cybertron, Tracks got kicked in the face really hard... by First Aid. Uh, heat of the moment? Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

Tracks was stationed in the Autobots' Japanese subdivision when Kenji came by for a visit. Kenji was excited to meet the new Autobot City Commander Ultra Magnus, whom Prime was fawning over while giving the tour. Tracks slyly whispered to Kenji that Prime thinks of Magnus as his "kid brother". Tracks' jest was interrupted by a sudden attack on Yokohama by Megatron, Starscream and Blitzwing. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #4

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Tracks accompanied the massive Autobot reinforcements called in to counter Megatron's nefarious Omega Wave Cannon. Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Rodimus vs. Cyclonus

Tracks was present during the battle for Autobot City, where he was grabbed by Devastator and lifted off the ground. Afterwards, he escaped with Grapple in a science vessel and hid out in the Rayzor Nebula. They were contacted by Kup when the old Autobot's vessel had come under fire, and at his request came out of hiding. This drew the attention of Scourge and his Sweeps. When Scourge saw Cyclonus engaged with Kup's ship, Scourge attacked Cyclonus to ensure that he would get to destroy the Autobots... this only served to allow all the Autobots to escape. Rodimus vs. Cyclonus

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

During the Battle of Autobot City, Tracks was part of a team which took down Devastator after the Decepticon breached Autobot City. They had to retreat when the Constructicons fought back. A Flash Forward

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
I was rebuilt out of better spare parts than the rest of you!

Tracks was (re?)constructed on Earth by the Ark when the Autobots' forces were depleted using the mind bank, his mind downloaded into a new body from a memory crystal. He attended Bumblebee's field training exercise on human culture—rock and roll wasn't quite Tracks's taste, but when the Seekers tried to steal and convert sonic energy from the concert, surface-to-air combat with the enemy seemed quite a bit more enjoyable for him. Rock and Roll-Out! On a later mission, he attempted to help Optimus Prime prevent Megatron from being reawakened by the Decepticons, but the mistrustful human armed forces kept them at bay long enough for Soundwave to revive his leader. I, Robot-Master!

Oh, well that just makes too much sense.

Upon discovering that the human Buster Witwicky had gone to take on the Decepticons alone in his battlesuit, Optimus Prime assembled a team of Autobots including Tracks, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Trailbreaker to rescue him. Robot Buster! Shortly thereafter, Tracks joined Ironhide, Smokescreen, and Brawn in guarding Buster as he attended a demolition derby. Tracks found the spectacle to be unsavory, as it resulted in scuffs and dents on the vehicles. The show was interrupted by Soundwave and the Constructicons, intent on abducting the boy. Tracks and Smokescreen actually managed to hold their own against Devastator for a short period of time. But victory came unexpectedly, as Soundwave called for a retreat despite having the advantage. Devastation Derby!

Tracks was on a reconnaissance mission in Greater Portland when he ran into Rumble, who grievously wounded him. Tracks transformed into vehicle mode and was discovered by Mark Brookes and J.D., two hoodlums who used him as a getaway vehicle for a series of robberies heading east to New York City. Meanwhile, when Tracks didn't report in back at the Ark, Optimus Prime had Jazz search for him in Greater Portland while he plugged himself into the Ark's computer to try and locate him. Ultimately it was Cosmos that found Tracks by listening in on human law enforcement communications. Prime dispatched Grapple, Inferno, and Hoist to retrieve Tracks but they got caught up in J.D. and Mark's latest robbery before they were able to return him to the Ark for repairs. Missing in Action

Tracks also was part of the Autobot strike on Decepticon headquarters which allowed Bumblebee to record Devastator's transformation and combination sequence, giving the Autobots a chance to replicate the unique gestalt technology. Command Performances!

The Autobots experienced a major setback when Optimus Prime, Prowl, and Ratchet dematerialized before their eyes at a meeting, seemingly atomized in seconds. Matters only became more pressing when Galvatron, Decepticon commander of 2006, arrived in the present, kidnapped Jazz, and co-opted the Constructicons for his own purposes. Goaded into rash action by their friend's distress, the Autobots rushed into battle with the new warriors. Tracks stood shoulder to shoulder with Jetfire, Ironhide, and Smokescreen against Galvatron, but the future Decepticon just laughed and voluntarily allowed them to unload their firepower on him. Staser bolts, high-density lasers, thermal charges, fracture rockets... all hit Galvatron dead center, and all did absolutely nothing. To add injury to insult, he then beat the helpless Tracks and his comrades into a pulp for good measure.

"Phew, that acid could have really ruined my finish...... I mean ohnoTrailbreaker!"

Beyond desperate, the Autobots actually stooped to reviving Megatron from where Galvatron had left him to rust earlier, and working with him to concoct a strategy against their common foe. Their gambit was somewhat successful, as Tracks and the Autobots managed to capture Galvatron's lieutenant, Scourge, with Megatron's aid. When Tracks and the others went for a prisoner exchange to get Jazz back, however, they found that Galvatron had lobotomized their friend and turned him into a rampaging zombie. Jazz disabled Tracks and the others for a time, and they only woke up into time to wander into the climax, when Kup and the future Autobots destroyed Galvatron's new space cannon in a massive explosion, convincing him to return the future empty-handed. Needless to say, the Autobots were glad when Optimus Prime and the others miraculously returned after Galvatron and his men returned to the future, reversing the mass substitution effect. Target: 2006

Hoist prowl tracks night the transformers saved christmas.jpg

While spying for the Autobots on Christmas Eve, Bumblebee spotted Soundwave and Laserbeak using an energy siphon to drain all the electricity from the town of Midville. He called in Tracks, Prowl, and Hoist and in the face of superior numbers, the Decepticons fled. Tracks and Bumblebee went after them but Laserbeak brought a tree down across their path, endangering the lives of Megan Perry and her family. Bumblebee stayed to look after the humans while Tracks pursued the Decepticons but he lost them and after meeting up with Prowl and Hoist again, he realised he had lost Bumblebee as well. They eventually found him in Midville, using his engine to provide electricity to power the town's Christmas tree. The Night the Transformers Saved Christmas Later, Tracks was present at the Ark to hear Prime announce that he was going on a lone reconnaissance mission into Decepticon territory. Prey!

"Aiggh, acid!! Now I know how Trailbreaker felt! Oh cruel karma!"

Following Optimus Prime's death, Tracks and the other Earthbound Autobots looked on as Ratchet tried and failed to repair his body. Funeral for a Friend! They became much less involved in Earth affairs when Grimlock assumed control of the army afterwards and took the Ark back out into space, where Tracks formed part of a security detail to apprehend the captured Blast Off, though they were stood down when it was discovered that the Decepticon was mode locked and only contained some human children. Spacehikers! Tracks disembarked with the rest of the Earth-bound Autobots from the Ark onto Earth's moon, where they witnessed a battle for leadership between Grimlock and Blaster. This was a moment of opportunity for Ratbat's Decepticons, who attacked Tracks and the others on the moon's surface. Tracks was hit in the enemy's first volley. Subsequently, he was left trapped on the moon for some time with the combined crews of the Ark and Steelhaven, as the attack had damaged their transport. Totaled! He was later deactivated while battling the combined Decepticon armies in the Arctic, when he received an unexpected acid bath from Blot's slime gun. Dark Star

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
We have the same reaction to Glee.

In his Body Shop at Autobot Earthbase, Wheeljack was attempting to revive Tracks, but Grimlock kept sabotaging his efforts, hoping to move efforts towards Autobots he thought were more deserving. Not only did he fail to stop the reconstruction, Optimus Prime ended up assigning Tracks to Earthforce, to Grimlock's eternal regret. Makin' Tracks!

Later on, he joined the other Autobots in hunting Motormaster, who had kidnapped their human ally, Irwin Spoon. The other Stunticons tried to stop them, and did manage to derail several others, but Tracks and Bumblebee got Motormaster to separate from his trailer (apparently he can do that..?) and then led Dead End and Drag Strip into knocking their own leader off the road. End of the Road!

Marvel Generation 2 comic

Cybertronian tracks total war.jpg

Tracks was operating out of Autobase on Earth after the Autobots began confronting the threat of the Cybertronians. When Megatron agreed to join forces with Prime, Tracks began working closely with the Decepticon Rotor Force members Leadfoot and Manta Ray. It's possible his friendship and influence had something to do with their interest in switching sides. Total War!


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Tracks was stationed at the Ironworks base when it was invaded by Ultra Magnus and the evil Autobots of the negative polarity universe. Tracks tried to defend the Autobot station from attack, but he was cut down by Magnus's Terminus Blade. Invasion

After the heroic Autobots' Earth passed through into the negative universe, however, Tracks was eventually rebuilt with a new body. Solar Requiem

Regeneration One

Jhiaxus rodimus tracks war to end all wars.jpg
Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Tracks travelled to a devastated planet Earth in 2012 with Optimus Prime in order to confront Megatron one last time. Loose Ends, Part 5 After returning to Cybertron, Tracks and Sideswipe provided security at Eugenesis Plaza for Rodimus Prime's meeting with Jhiaxus. The War to End All Wars, Part 2

Transformers '84

Auntie activates autobot drones secrets and lies.jpg

Shortly after the Ark crashed on prehistoric Earth its damaged computer AUNTIE registered the approaching Grimlock as a threat and as a defensive measure, downloaded and copied the memory engrams of the Autobots' reserve assets Smokescreen, Hoist, Skids, Grapple, and Tracks, creating new drone bodies for them but leaving their sparks in magnetic limbo. However, before the Dinobot commander could reach the Ark, Ramjet, Thrust, and Dirge arrived looking for Shockwave and engaged the drone Tracks and its companions in battle. Stripped of their Autobot morality and controlled by AUNTIE, the drones fought well against the Coneheads Secrets & Lies #3 but were shut down when Grimlock fought his way past Guardian units and a reanimated Megatron to take AUNTIE offline. Secrets & Lies #4

Big Looker storybooks

When the Decepticons invaded a car show at the Coliseum, Tracks was one of the robots in disguise who infiltrated the show to thwart the Decepticon plot. Car Show Blow Up

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Dinobots Strike Back

If Optimus Prime decided to stop the cerebro-shell-controlled Dinobots with an immediate all-out attack to make sure they didn't reach a human city, Tracks shot Grimlock in the eyes with his black-beam gun, provoking a harmless blind charge. He apparently did nothing else of note in that fight, even when Optimus ordered his troops to, "Bring them down fast and hard."

In an alternate path, Tracks was aerial back-up for Powerglide in a battle with Megatron's warrior jets. He cheered, "Got him!" as Powerglide's thermal beam laid waste to the Decepticons, "him" most likely being Skywarp, who had just dropped a missile on Topspin. Dinobots Strike Back

Desert Flight


Tracks was part of a group of the Autobots’ best scouts, led by Optimus on a fuel-finding mission. When the convoy heard a large explosion in the distance, Optimus sent Cosmos to investigate the noise.

If Cosmos radioed his findings to Optimus immediately, Optimus's convoy moved in to investigate a nearby Decepticon base. En route, the Autobots passed near a human town, but began floating in mid-air before being able to reach it. Evidently, the phenomenon was caused by a Decepticon anti-gravity weapon. Helpless in their current position, the Autobots were quickly eradicated by the Decepticons.

If Optimus ordered his troops to attack the Decepticon base, they soon reached an area free of the anti-gravity beam's influence. They were then attacked by a small fleet of Decepticons. The Decepticons were quickly forced to break off their attack and retreated. But with the battle over, the Autobots noticed a small human boy at their feet. The Autobots then headed for the Decepticon base, with their stowaway. Megatron delivered an ultimatum; if the Autobots did not surrender Optimus Prime to the Decepticons immediately, he would use his gravity beam to have the nearby humans float off into space.

If the Autobots decided to continue with their initial plan to simply attack the Decepticon base, their advance was halted by a force field. Megatron then fired his beam in all directions, causing a ripple effect that sent everything not fastened down to the Earth's surface to float helplessly out into space.

Alternatively, the Autobots could concoct a plan where Optimus would pretend to allow himself to be taken prisoner, per Buddy's suggestion. In actuality, Tracks and the rest of the Autobots were hidden away inside Optimus's trailer. The Autobots then led a surprise attack on their unsuspecting foes.

In the event that Buddy tampered with the gravity gun in the ensuing battle, the Autobots would emerge victorious.

If Buddy instead ran towards Beachcomber and Tracks over the course of the battle, Laserbeak would fire at the group at the same time as the gravity beam reached them, creating a tear in space-time above the group.

If Tracks and Buddy dived into the time anomaly, the pair were flung three hours into the future. They emerged to find all of the Autobots either dead, injured, or prisoners of Megatron. Tracks was forced to surrender, the situation now hopeless.

If Tracks decided that Beachcomber could wait, he helped Optimus overload the anti-gravity gun, starting a chain-reaction that would cause the weapon to explode in a tremendous explosion.

If Optimus destroyed the duplicate Cosmos, the real one would inform the Autobots of the Decepticons’ schemes, and the convoy would roll out to take on their adversaries. They were soon met by a squad of flying Decepticons, but were at a strict disadvantage against their adversaries as their vehicle modes possessed no weapons. Smokescreen hatched a plan where the Autobots would use their exhaust fumes to provide themselves with cover.

If Optimus went along with Smokescreen's plan, the Autobots gained the time they needed to transform and engage the Decepticons. A fierce battle ensued, though the Autobots began to lose ground when Dirge put to good use his fear-inducing engines. Tracks proved to be especially vulnerable to Dirge's engines.

The Autobots nonetheless managed to fight their way to the Decepticons’ base, one way or another, and defeated the Decepticons by using their own gravity weapon against them. Desert Flight

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

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Tracks was an active member of the Autobot forces as far back as the days of Sentinel Prime. He attended the ceremony that turned Optronix into Optimus Prime, and witnessed their new leader deal with three Decepticon assassins. The War Within #1 Tracks was present in Iacon when the Decepticons launched an all-out assault on the Autobot stronghold. He alerted Jazz to a squad of incoming Decepticons, allowing the Autobots to detonate mines to defend themselves. The War Within #3 But the Decepticons' offensive pressed on, and Tracks found himself a part of the Autobots' last desperate stand against Shockwave and his forces. The War Within #5 Afterwards, Tracks went on to serve with the Autobots for several million years until the time of the Great Shutdown. He worked with Prowl's faction during the Dark Ages, when Optimus and Megatron both disappeared into a prototype space-bridge, leading to the splintering of both their factions. Fragmentation

At some point, Ultra Magnus took command of the Autobots, and reunited them into a single faction. Under his leadership, the Autobots gained a significant hold over Cybertron's resources and territories. This eventually forced the Ultracons and Shockwave's Decepticons to sign a peace treaty with the Autobots. Tracks was in attendance at the signing of the truce, which was interrupted by a bombing, engineered by Starscream and his Predacons. This act of aggression only served to unite the Autobots, Ultracons, and Decepticons however, who struck back against Starscream's troops. A united Cybertron finally seemed within reach... that is, until Megatron made a dramatic return, accompanied by an army of Air Warriors. The Age of Wrath Megatron quickly took over the planet, and enslaved the majority of Autobots. Tracks was among the many unfortunates captured, and put to work in Internment Camp Pi. The Age of Wrath Pt.2

The Age of Wrath ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Optimus returned to Cybertron, and the Autobots were freed from slavery. The Age of Wrath Pt.6

Afterwards, Tracks seemed to lapse into semi-retirement while other Autobots worked towards establishing a new unified Cybertronian government with the Decepticons. He was seen among the general populace observing the Anti-Prime propaganda Shockwave was pumping out through the cortex. Cold War He eventually recognized the rotten core of their alliance with Shockwave, though. When Optimus sent out a call to arms to all Autobots, Tracks openly rebelled again the totalitarian leader alongside Broadside. Countdown to Extinction They and their allies joined the major offensive alongside Optimus Prime, Hot Rod and the other cells, which ultimately overthrew Shockwave's control. Revelation

Universe comic

Voice actor: Michael McConnohie (English)

In some incarnation of the past, Bumblebee and Cosmos were stuck with a mopey Tracks on the Autobot stellar freighter OTFCC. Tracks was disgruntled about the low-importance mission and considered himself increasingly marginalised as a classic Autobot in a world of binary-bonding and Pretenders. Meanwhile, in another time and place, Rhinox had built a device to counteract Unicron's attempts to abduct Transformers from across the multiverse and that accidentally sucked the 3H OTFCC into the Universe War.

While the others investigated a distress signal, Tracks was left behind and picked up a space battle. He teleported the Maximals off their ship to the safety of the OTFCC (who deliberately tried to avoid telling him he was in the wrong time zone). After a brief and victorious battle, Tracks was happy to hear the future Transformers were going to do "whatever it is" that brought them here to send them back. Voice Actor Drama

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Tracks was among the ranks of a team of Autobots led by Hot Rod, waiting for Serpent O.R.'s hostages to escape so that they could assault the Decepticon base. The Art of War #4 When the opportunity arose, they headed into the fray alongside human reinforcements from G.I. Joe, eventually defeating the Decepticon army. The Art of War #5

Universe cartoon

Tracks was one of the many oppressed Cybertronians who sought freedom when their planet's halls of power grew dark with corruption, greed and malice. He was one of the first Autobots to travel to Earth, and took on an alternate mode to disguise himself amongst the populace. Action Blast 1

Near the end of Action Blast 1, as the Autobots are taking on their Earth modes, Sideswipe is shown in robot mode amongst the other Autobots, but not Tracks. When the cartoon cuts back to the Autobots, now in their vehicle modes, Tracks has inexplicably taken Sideswipe's place in the line-up.


Tracks (in his Binaltech body) is one of countless "offworlders" residing in Axiom Nexus. Gone Too Far

Hearts of Steel


Tracks was among the Autobots who battled the Decepticons on Earth millions of years ago, until an ice age forced them to hide underground, powered down. He was reactivated in the mid-19th century when the Autobots learned that the Decepticons had woken up. Hearts of Steel #2

"Strange Visitors" establishes that events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occur in the 2005 IDW continuity; however, they happened to Maximal explorers brainwashed by Shockwave into believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: All Hail Megatron #1
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Tracks was the brother of Needlenose and an overbearing one at that. The two went into business together to make Chic Chips but Tracks decided, against his brother's wishes, to market them as a high-end flashy product rather than something for the masses. Things came to a head when he obliviously mocked his brother's new political beliefs and his new friend Horri-Bull (Tracks joking called him Needlenose's Conjunx Endura, not realising his brother did really have feelings for the Con); Needlenose stormed out, telling Tracks to be careful he wasn't on the wrong side of history. Chic Chips died a death under Tracks alone (how much of that was because of him, he ain't sayin') and he viewed this as Needlenose wrecking their chance to become somebody. The Transgressors

In the early days of the war, Tracks was among the new Autobot soldiers lined up to be inspected by Optimus Prime. Ironhide believed he'd never hack it in the war! Old Ways

He's too pretty (and too 1985) to die!

On his very first combat mission, Tracks' unit was attacked and he was the only survivor. He was rescued by Jazz, who was being tracked by the Predacons. The Predacons pinned the two down, but thanks to bravery and trickery by Jazz, three of the 'cons were disabled. When Jazz faced off alone against the remaining two, Tracks overcame his doubts and cowardice and attacked Divebomb, knocking them both unconscious. Jazz battled Razorclaw alone and was saved by a shuttle crew of Ironhide, Bluestreak, and First Aid, who repaired the two Autobots and took them back to base. Tracks didn't know Jazz's identity until later, but he knew what it meant to be an Autobot. Spotlight: Jazz (Suck it, Ironhide!)

During the battle for Sherma Bridge early in the war, Tracks and all other combatants dropped what they were doing to watch the first duel between Optimus Prime and Megatron. Chaos Theory Part 1

Four million years ago, Tracks was present at a victory celebration after the Autobots halted a major Decepticon energon convoy. The Iron Age

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In the modern day, both Tracks and Jazz ended up as part of Optimus Prime's forces on Earth, only to be defeated in battle with Devastator and unceremoniously dropped on the ruins of Cybertron. All Hail Megatron #7 There, they had to fend against the Insecticon swarm while Ratchet tried to repair Optimus Prime. All Hail Megatron #1 At one point during their stay on the planet, Tracks boosted his comrades' spirits by telling them the story about how Jazz had heroically saved him. Spotlight: Jazz Unfortunately, the positive emotions didn't seem to last, and everyone was back to brooding before long. All Hail Megatron #4 When the crew of the Trion crashlanded on Cybertron, Tracks listened to Hot Rod's tale about how it happened. All Hail Megatron #5 He wanted to know when Perceptor got scary. All Hail Megatron #6

Tracks later defended the Autobot base against a massive swarm attack. All Hail Megatron #9 The battle didn't go in their favor, but thankfully they were saved by Omega Supreme. All Hail Megatron #10 Omega ferried Tracks and the rest back to Earth, where they battled the Decepticons in New York City. All Hail Megatron #11

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Two years later, Tracks defected alongside Hoist, Blurr, and Beachcomber, as they were afraid that Ultra Magnus might arrest the Autobots on Earth due to various recent events. The four left to join Hot Rod's team instead, only to come under attack from Skywatch. Upon seeing Campolongo take out Beachcomber, Tracks raised his gun at the human in panic and anger, but Hoist stopped him from firing. He tried to run for it, but didn't make it far before being stuck in vehicle mode and captured. A Rude Awakening

Eventually, Skywatch realized that the Autobots were good guys and formed an alliance with them, freeing Tracks in the process. He and the other Autobots fled the Skywatch base after a Decepticon attack, were chased by angry humans for a while, then were soundly defeated in battle with a newly upgraded Megatron. Woken Furies

Tracks was present at the Autobot base when Hot Rod (now calling himself Rodimus) showed up to warn everyone that Cybertron, which was habitable again, had been conquered by Galvatron. The Autobots quickly left Earth to reclaim their home planet. Orphans of the Helix Once they arrived, it turned out Galvatron was using Kimia Facility to attack the planet. Led by Silverbolt, Tracks and the other Autobot fliers attacked Kimia and fought with the many Sweeps defending it. Numbers

Following the defeat of Galvatron and the end of the war, Tracks remained on Cybertron and never once visited his brother in the Decepticon's makeshift prison. The Transgressors He later fought back against the Decepticons when they inevitably rejected the peace and tried to conquer the planet. Plan for Everything The neutral population, led by Starscream, didn't appreciate their continuing the war and banished both Autobots and Decepticons from Iacon. As they set up camp out in the wilderness, Tracks witnessed a fight break out between the Constructicons and Arcee. Second Exodus


Years later, when they were let out of the wilderness, a very bored Tracks had to run the spaceport. He learned that his brother Needlenose was involved in Decepticon revivalism and stormed off to the nearest 'Con bar to 'talk some sense into him'. Tracks being Tracks, that went as well as you expect. Unable to find common ground with his brother, he ended up decking him when Needlenose said Horri-Bull was the only one he'd ever loved. Tracks was aghast to hear that his brother felt he'd only ever taken and never asked what he thought; he only got out without a physical beating to go with the emotional one because of an intervention by Arcee, who he'd previously insulted by claiming she'd never lost anyone (i.e. actually cared about anyone). His brother told him to tell Prime that the Decepticons didn't want to fight but would if they 'had' to. The Transgressors

When Slug went berserk in Maccadam's, Tracks was one of those who tried to get him to calm down, but this was to little avail. Redemption During another day on the job at the spaceport, Tracks paid little heed at first when Zetca reported a mob of Decepticons marching outside, but soon changed his tune when he learned they were heading for the space bridge—with none other than his brother leading them! Frustrated by Starscream's not taking any action about this, Tracks went outside to confront Needlenose and his compatriots himself. Despite Needlenose's refusal to leave, and even inviting his brother to join them, Tracks continued to insist that he abandon the other Decepticons and threatened to call Optimus. This turned out to be a mistake, however, as Brawl then blasted Tracks in the chest to keep him from saying anything. With his last moments of consciousness, Tracks reached out for his brother, only to be kicked aside by him. Lagrange Luckily, this wound wasn't fatal and Tracks survived. Perihelion

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Tracks ended up joining Optimus's Autobots on Earth, and was asked by Prime to make contact with his brother on Sanctuary Station. Edge of the Earth While Arcee was checking on the comatose Sideswipe, Tracks had a conversation with her about how Needlenose hated the Autobots because of their killing the love of his life, Horri-Bull; this reminded Arcee of the true circumstances of Horri-Bull's death. The Medium and the Message Tracks was part of the small army formed by the new alliance of Optimus's Autobots and Soundwave's Decepticons and sent to attack the undersea Nemesis in an attempt to stop Galvatron's dreams of conquest once and for all. It's Beginning To And Back Again Tracks was one of those Needlenose led into the Nemesis, arguing with his brother all the way. However, when the team found Garrison Blackrock, both brothers stopped each other from getting hit by Marissa Faireborn's gunfire. As Above...So Below

While rounding up the prisoners, Blitzwing managed to break free prompting Tracks to ask Needlenose about any weaknesses the Triple Changer had. White Light When the Earth Defense Command began attacking, Blitzwing took the opportunity to sock Tracks in the jaw. Unconscious, Tracks was then loaded aboard Sky Lynx by his brother. White Heat

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When the time came for Earth to properly join the Council of Worlds, Tracks was interviewed for his opinion on the subject. While understanding that Prime liked the humans (or felt guilty about the Earth war or whatever), Tracks felt the safety of Cybertron should come first. That and the humans once locked him in his alternate mode. Primeless, Part 1

After the Iron Ring's invasion and Onyx Prime's return to Cybertron, Tracks was being visited by Needlenose in time for Soundwave to gather a posse with which to interrogate Liege Maximo. When expanding his thoughts to try and read the traitorous Prime's mind, Soundwave read that Tracks wished him to be an Autobot. Another Mine After an explosion erupted through the Spire, Tracks tried to help the mortally-injured Dreadwing, but was unable to do anything to save him. When Needlenose discovered that it was actually Soundwave who had murdered Horri-Bull, Tracks reminded his shocked brother that he had tried to warn him about the Decepticons since falling in with them all those years ago. The Ground As the remaining Decepticons fell back in with Starscream, Needlenose was too disgusted with the Decepticon movement to join Starscream or help Soundwave regain power. Instead, he welcomed reconnecting with his brother Tracks, intent on spending time with someone who truly cared about him. Unforgivable


After contact with Velocitron was lost, Tracks helped operate the space bridge that sent a recon team to investigate. Unstopped and Unstoppable When the monster Unicron approached Cybertron, Tracks worked to maintain order among the panicked populous until a mental message from Soundwave reached all Decepticons, telling them that Starscream was planning to flee the planet without them. This sparked a riot and Tracks was shoved aside by his own brother Needlenose in the mad dash to escape Unicron. Our Finest However, everyone froze in fear as Unicron sank its claws into Cybertron's surface and began to tear the planet apart. Tracks and the others were thrown at super-speed by Blurr into a magical ribbon of energy generated by the Talisman, teleporting them to Earth and relative safety just before Cybertron was destroyed. Road's End After Unicron arrived in Earth's orbit, Tracks was part of an attack force that opposed the planet-eater's Maximal army. Assembly He fought alongside his brother and fellow allies, ultimately seeing Unicron defeated. Ceremony

In the post-Unicron world, Tracks and Needlenose sought to restart their Chic Chips business up again, seeking out the blessing of the new Mistress of Flame, Pyra Magna. She gave it despite Needlenose's rudeness and her confusion over what usefulness Chic Chips actually HAD. Tracks and Needlenose later attended Optimus Prime's funeral. Post


Tracks was amongst the victims of a deadly nano-virus. Thankfully, a team of Autobots were successfully in retrieving a cure for the disease from the planet Nebulos. Fully recovered, Tracks attended the ceremony that commended the Autobots responsible for saving his life. The Fierce Fighting on Planet Nebulos


After a negative polarity Ultra Magnus instigated multiversal chaos by destroying Primax 207.0 Epsilon, two iterations of Tracks of unspecified universal streams were caught in the chaos as their dimensions were suddenly merged into one. Invasion: Epilogue

Q-Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Sōichirō Hoshi (Japanese)

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Mystery of the Lowest Possible Standards Mystery of Game Balance Mystery of Return of Convoy

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Pursuing the AllSpark after it had been launched into space, Tracks was one of the many Autobots that found their way to Earth. There, he participated in a great battle within a human settlement against the Decepticons. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Transformers vs. G.I Joe

Tracks was among the Autobots that penetrated Trypticon, alongside Gears and Warpath. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

Precursor World

A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Tracks was a member of the Blue Order of the Primus Vanguard. He and his comrades followed their commander Blue Big Convoy into battle when a duel between dimension-tossed future warriors Ultra Megatron and Star Convoy threatened the Blue Planet and its people. The Warrior received a direct hit from Ultra Megatron for his trouble. Super Megatron comic 2

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


Closer than ever to reaching the AllSpark, the Autobots awakened after crash-landing on pre-Ice Age Earth. While battling the Decepticons, both sides were joined by the Maximals and Predacons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies.

Tracks' function was a warrior, and he trans-scaned into a flying car. His subsonic flight and heat-seeking missiles were his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his narcissism, stylishness, and being the center of attention. Tracks' message from the future was that appearances are not everything. Kingdom webpage[1]

Commercial appearances


Transformers Legends

Tracks took some time out from polishing himself to help Prowl and Red Alert track down the Stunticons, so they could stop the Decepticon team from committing crimes in back alleys. The Thin Blue Line When Omega Supreme accidentally released a space beast from an asteroid, Tracks joined in defending San Diego from it. The Secret of Omega Supreme

Transformers: Battle Tactics

I'm so more strong and stylish than any of those other Epic bots.

Tracks (G1) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character who first appeared in the "Disaster: Code Blue" event, and could be recruited by collecting 650 units of Cybermetal, 350 units of Transmetal, 150 exclusive cores, and 50 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Air
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Ability: Smoke Bomb: Cover an area in smoke, hiding your allies and blocking damage to them for a set amount of seconds.

Tracks at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki


Main article: Tracks (G1)/toys



I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
  • As mentioned above, the red Diaclone version of Tracks appears on Hasbro's 1985 packaging mural (along with several other toys in early or unused color schemes). What makes this particular appearance stranger than the rest is the red Tracks' depiction–apparently confronting Grimlock and shooting at Jetfire–which implies the artist thought proto-Tracks was a Decepticon.
  • Tracks' recurring third mode bears a close resemblance to the third modes of the Omnibots, being as they are mostly revealing or adding additional parts to their primary vehicle modes. It has not been clarified if they are actually related in concept or design.
  • In both the original commercial advertising the new 1985 Autobot cars, and any episodes animated by the unknown Generation 1 animation studios (including his first spotlight episode, "Make Tracks"), Tracks appears with an outdated color model. This model colors his head, wings, upper arms and launchers a stark, bright white instead of greyish off-white; his wheels the same grey as his arms and legs, instead of their normal darker, near-black shade; and his windows in robot mode (but not vehicle mode) solid black, instead of their usual clear/off-white.
  • In storyboards for The Transformers: The Movie, during the Battle for Autobot City after Devastator had breached the Defenses for Autobot City, Tracks, along with Ultra Magnus, Sideswipe, and Red Alert, would have attacked Devastator using their Missile mounts, forcing the gestalt to transform back into the Constructicons. However, this didn't make it into the final film.
  • A common misconception by Transformers fans is that Tracks is homosexual, largely based on his self-obsessed vanity and style of voice. There's no real canon evidence for this, though, as the character has not actually demonstrated any romantic interest in anyone, regardless of gender. Voice actor Michael McConnohie claims Tracks is not meant to be interpreted as a gay stereotype. He chose the voice of Thurston J. Howell III from Gilligan's Island, played by Jim Backus as well as Steve Franken as Chatsworth Osborne Jr. on The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, as the basis for Tracks' snooty voice and mannerisms. McConnohie refers to Tracks's manner of dialect as a "Harvard Lockjaw".
  • In the 2000s decade, toys of "Tracks" have required an additional prefix for trademark reasons, hence toys being officially named "Autobot Tracks" or "Turbo Tracks". Evidently, Hasbro recovered the plain trademark by the time of the 2021 Kingdom toy.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Tracks (トラックス Torakkusu)
  • French: Le Sillage (Canada, "The Trail")
  • Hungarian: Vágány
  • Italian: Puma
  • Mandarin: Lúntāi (China, 轮胎, "Tire")
  • Portuguese: Rasto (Portugal comic, "Track"), Trilho (Brazil comic, "Track")
  • Russian: Krakh (Крах, "Failure")



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