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Geddis brothers

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The Geddis brothers are humans from the cartoon portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
"My friend doesn't like you."
"I don't like you either."
"You don't even know me!"

The Geddis brothers are a pair of two-bit New York-based gangsters, who aren't beyond selling their own race out to the Decepticons for a quick buck. They specialize in converting stolen cars. Jim Geddis is the fat one with grey hair, and Phil Geddis is the thin one with dark hair.

"You promised us a car by midnight."
"It is now one minute after midnight!"
"You're late."
The Geddis Brothers, about to teach Raoul what happens to bad little boys who break their promises, "Make Tracks"



The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Neil Ross (Jim, English), Walker Edmiston (Phil, English), Chikao Shiroyama (Jim, Japanese), Toshiro Ishii (Phil, Japanese), Francis Lax (Jim, European French), Pierre Garin (Phil, European French)

In need of money, Raoul promised the Geddis brothers a car by midnight. When he didn't deliver the car by the alloted deadline, the brothers went looking for him. Finding him in an alley, Jim roughed him up a bit, announcing ominously that they were going to take him for a ride to the river. Unfortunately for them, Raoul had made a new friend — an Autobot named Tracks. Mistaking Tracks for a Decepticon, the brothers jumped into their purple limo and made a run for it though Manhattan. Though Tracks took to the air and caught up with them, they managed to lose him at their warehouse.

When they had accumulated 500 cars, they delivered them to a secret base in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. The Decepticons had promised them a million dollars for their work, but when Jim asked for it, Megatron introduced the pair to the business end of his fusion cannon. Jim took a futile shot at the Decepticon leader with a laser pistol, but the return fire sent the Geddis brothers fleeing into the woods.

The Decepticons converted the stolen cars into drones for a massive attack on New York. Make Tracks

2005 IDW continuity

The Geddis brothers operated the Redcliffe Club in London. They incurred the ire of Doctor X and Storm Shadow, who resolved their complaints by ensuring the Geddises (and their little goons, too) would never earn anyone's ire ever again. Doctor X took the opportunity to enjoy the late Phil Geddis's very expensive wine, though Baron Ironblood pointed out that it was actually Jim's; Phil was the one that Storm Shadow impaled on the wall. Redcliffe Club


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Geddis Kyōdai (ゲディス兄弟 Gedisu Kyōdai, "Geddis Brothers"), Phil (フィル Firu), Jim (ジム Jimu)
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