Sea Spray (TF 2010)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Seaspray" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Seaspray (disambiguation). |
- Sea Spray is an Autobot from the live-action film continuity family (via the 2010 Transformers toyline).
Sea Spray (also Seaspray) has a surprise waiting for those Decepticons who think the water is a safe place to operate. Crankstart in particular mistakenly believes he is well hidden off the shore of Africa, but once Sea Spray and his partner Breacher burst out from the depths and turn the surrounding beach into ground zero, Crankstart will end up running.[1]
Contents |
Unite for the Universe
Sea Spray, Breacher, and Sideswipe were deployed to the islands of the Aegean Sea in a hunt for the origin of a Decepticon transmission picked up by NEST. Despite the fact that the Decepticon base responsible for the transmission was cloaked, the patrolling Skystalker tried to attack and sink Sea Spray and his passenger, tipping the Autobots off that they were close. After Sea Spray destabilized Skystalker with the blowback from his turbines, Breacher was able to shoot the Decepticon down.
The Decepticons soon regained the upper hand, however, as an ambush by Lockdown and Ravage disabled Breacher and left Sea Spray pinned down and in need of help. That help arrived in the form of Sideswipe and his NEST support, with the Decepticons were rapidly defeated. Unfortunately, their victory was too late to prevent the Unite-powered Starscream from escaping. Bludgeon's Revenge
Transformers (2010)

- Sea Spray (Voyager Class, 2010)
- TakaraTomy ID number: AA-05
- Accessories: 2 "Harpoon Launchers", 2 "harpoon" projectiles
- Known designers: Alex Kubalsky (TakaraTomy), Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
- Released in the first wave of 2010 Hunt for the Decepticons Voyager class toys, Sea Spray transforms into a transport hovercraft with rolling wheels underneath. The rear deck (featuring a fold-down ramp) can carry most Scout class vehicles, though it is intended to be used with Breacher. The Deluxe Class Hailstorm also fits snugly. Sea Spray's turbofans can rotate and tilt at several angles, and feature little fans inside that can spin (only by manual manipulation, as there is no gimmick mechanism linked to them). Sea Spray's harpoon launchers attach on the sides of his air cushion skirt.
- In robot mode, Sea Spray's design resembles that of a scuba diver, with a breather mask and "goggles" on his head, details resembling scuba air tanks (actually part of his vehicle mode air cushion) on his back and fold-out flippers on his feet. His harpoon launchers, using 5 mm posts, can be left attached to the underside of his arms as they were in vehicle mode, or placed in his hands. As with other toys in the 2010 line, Sea Spray has C joints, and in this case, it's the silver ladder rungs on his shoulders.
- TakaraTomy's release of Sea Spray features more vivid colors in an attempt to match Generation 1 Seaspray. Nearly all of the plastic colors on the TakaraTomy Seaspray are different from the Hasbro version, even the white. Of note is the yellow replacing gold, dark gray replacing light gray, and a more saturated blue replacing the muted blue.
- This toy doubles as the Beast Wars: Uprising character Sea Spray. Sea Spray's mold was also used to make Reveal the Shield Deep Dive and Timelines/Shattered Glass Octopunch.
- Autobot Seaspray (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2014)
- Accessories: Logo brick, 2 clip-on rifles, disruptor pistol
- Part of the sixth regular assortment of blind-bagged Kre-O Micro-Changers, Seaspray is a Kreon minifigure that can be rebuilt into a hovercraft. Oddly, his chest tampograph gives him a Decepticon insignia.
- Unlike prior Micro-Changer assortments, this series does not have any sort of identification code for the bags' actual contents, meaning you'd best be good at the feel-though-the-bag method.
- This assortment was originally slated to be a Toys"R"Us exclusive, but US stores dropped the line before its release. It was still available in Canada, Australia and Chinese/Asian markets. In 2015, the Collection appeared in US Dollar Tree stores, with a price tag of a whopping $1 a pop. They didn't last long.
Who is Sea Spray?
- The question of which continuity Sea Spray belongs in is the center of quite some confusion among the fandom. At Toy Fair 2010 and in the March 2010 answers to's questions in Hasbro Q&A, Hasbro representatives were adamant that Sea Spray is the same character as Generation 1 Seaspray, being a Classics-style upgrade of the Mini Vehicle placed in the attribute-less 2010 Transformers toy line because they felt he should be a Voyager-sized toy, and the Generations line (the torchbearer of the Classics aesthetic) was limited to the Deluxe size class at the time.
- This is contradicted by his on-packaging bio, pits him against Crankstart, a redeco of Revenge of the Fallen Dune Runner. With Crankstart appearing in an issue of Titan's Transformers comic magazine, this places him (and, by extrapolation, Sea Spray) in the live-action film series universe, or at least a micro-continuity offshoot. Furthermore, Sea Spray is included in the Japanese Unite for the Universe comic, which is also set in a version of the same universe.
- Conversely, in December 2010's Q&A, Hasbro stated that "Seaspray" and some other 2010 yellow-carded toys "do not exist in the movie world". Furthermore, TakaraTomy designer Alex Kubalsky posted design drawings of Sea Spray on his Deviantart account, referring to the toy as "Classic Seaspray"... while the art itself is clearly marked as a "TF Movie 2" design.
- Much later, the Earth Wars mobile game stylized the 2010 toy design for Generation 1 Seaspray.
- Fundamentally, the toy is fictionally both a version of Generation 1 Seaspray and a "movie series" equivalent. But should these comments by Hasbro and Kubalsky be filed under authorial intent? You decide!
- Sea Spray's vehicle mode appears to be loosely based on the military hovercrafts that dropped off the tanks in Egypt in the Revenge of the Fallen film.
- Concept art featured in Transformers: A Visual History depicts the HMS Alliance as having a robot mode modeled after Sea Spray. The Alliance's colors, however, hew closer to his redeco Deep Dive.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Sea Spray (シースプレー Shī Supurē)
- ↑ Hunt for the Decepticons Voyager Class Sea Spray packaging bio