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Hasbro Q&A

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In October 2008, Hasbro, in cooperation with Hunter Public Relations, began a bi-monthly Question and Answer session for Transformers fans. The process was run through various major fan sites until early 2011. Members at those sites could submit questions; site moderators selected a set number of them to forward to Hasbro's design team, who would answer them in writing. Initially five questions could be submitted, but this was revised to three in 2009 and then two in 2010. Like many similar offerings by Hasbro, the Q&A sessions eventually simply faded away without fanfare.

The answers varied greatly in terms of usefulness: Sometimes, a question would get an elaborate, in-depth answer that not only gave an insight into the Hasbro design team's mentality, but also occasionally included bits of humor and hints at things that weren't ready to be officially revealed yet… while other times, a question would be answered with sterile corporate PR language that had all hints of personality sucked out of it, and would occasionally even miss the actual point of the question entirely, due to seemingly only responding to certain keywords in the question. Exactly what type of question would get what sort of answer was almost impossible to determine in advance; oftentimes, it seemed to be down to pure luck and timing. The fact that many fan sites repeatedly submitted questions along the lines of "Will you do a new toy of character X", which would more often than not get a "we cannot reveal all our future plans at this time" type of answer, didn't exactly help either.

Transformers Wiki was among the participating sites. answers:




Transformers Wiki has also been invited to submit questions to the Marvel team on occasion. Marvel Team answers:


For posterity's sake (won't someone think of the children?!) past questions and answers for all participating sites are archived/linked below:


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