Nightbeat (G1)
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The name or term "Nightbeat" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Nightbeat (disambiguation). |
- Nightbeat is an Autobot Headmaster from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Nightbeat, a self-declared detective, loves mystery, suspense, and conspiracy. When Nightbeat is on the trail for clues, nothing else matters. Deny him information, and he'll doggedly pursue every possible lead until he's obtained it. This monomania has famously gotten him into trouble over his head more times than he can count, yet in the face of adversity, he remains cool, confident, and even irreverent. Over the course of his investigations, Nightbeat's wont to ignore rules, regulations, and any sort of social niceties. He has insulted creatures many times his size and committed huge faux-pas to uncover the truth. It is not so much that Nightbeat is brave, but more that, when the thrill of the hunt has him, he will not be denied.
Nightbeat has a Headmaster partner, Muzzle, whom he gets along amazingly well with. The two seem to have been of one mind even before they were binary bonded.
“ | For me, it's all about the details. Look closely at something and it'll make sense. If it doesn't, look closer. | ” |
—Nightbeat, "Omega's Conundrum" |
Contents |
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
Shortly after being made a Headmaster and joining Optimus Prime's crew on Earth, Nightbeat learned of a mysterious robot corpse which had seemingly washed up on the Californian shoreline. He decided to investigate, bringing along Siren to serve as his personal "Watson". At the scene of the crime, they found a pair of Transformers hovering over the body, and who quickly burned rubber once they spotted the Autobots. Sending Siren off to chase them down, Nightbeat pulled out the giant retractable magnifying glass in his sleeve and went to work collecting evidence from the body.
Finding a serial brand from a Decepticon prison on the body, and identifying a signature Decepticon cyclone cannon as the murder weapon, Nightbeat concluded that a lone, well-armed Decepticon was hunting down escaped Autobot prisoners. Siren returned at that moment, correcting Nightbeat's analysis by informing him the prisoners weren't escapees, but deliberately let loose as prey to be hunted down. His source? The surviving prisoner, Hosehead, and the lone, well-armed Decepticon named Thunderwing who was right on their tails. Thinking quickly, Nightbeat had his Nebulan partner Muzzle binary-bond with the dead Autobot in order to partially reactivate his motor functions. Caught off-guard by his prey supposedly coming back to life right in front of him, Thunderwing left himself wide open when Muzzle disengaged and Nightbeat blew up the Autobot's fuel core at close enough range to send Thunderwing packing into the waves to dose the flames. Hosehead then returned to the Ark with Nightbeat and Siren. The Big Shutdown! Rage!
Optimus Prime was confiding in Nightbeat his desire to find a way to restore the warriors who were destroyed during the Underbase Saga when they received a distress signal from the Earth's surface. Nightbeat assembled a combat team that included Landmine, Siren, Hosehead, Getaway, and himself, and under Optimus Prime's command, they rushed to Earth to help their fallen comrades. There they found the Deathbringer, who had come to cleanse the planet of life. Ironically, Deathbringer was powered by the energies of the Creation Matrix, the very thing Prime had desired earlier to restore his fallen warriors! And it had to be destroyed to save Earth! While the rest of the combat team were getting slaughtered by Deathbringer, Nightbeat pulled away and consulted via comlink Waverider on the Ark. Through Waverider's information digging, Nightbeat learned that Deathbringers were mechanoids designed to give death painlessly to the terminally ill. Though this particular Deathbringer's purpose had been twisted, Nightbeat devised a means to use its own programming against it. Nightbeat clued Optimus in on his plan, and the Deathbringer was told that its own body was diseased, and that it should destroy itself. It did, leaving Nightbeat and Prime a hollow victory with questions about the true essence of the Matrix. Deathbringer
Later, Thunderwing emerged from the ocean, intent on destroying Nightbeat, Hosehead, and Siren. To this end, he led his troops on a suicidal attack on the Ark, interrupting the Autobots' downtime in the process. As he helped repel the invaders, Nightbeat revealed to Siren that he had already begun suspecting that Thunderwing had survived their previous encounter. Despite his immense power, Thunderwing was no match for all of the Autobots aboard the Ark, and was soon repelled. Assault on the Ark!
During the Matrix Quest, Nightbeat led Hosehead and Siren on a search of the planet Pz-Zazz for any sign of the Matrix. Pz-Zazz was on file as a vibrant, lush world; in reality it was a cesspool, festering with mob violence and untamed decadence. While questioning the wrong sort of people, the Autobots were caught in the middle of a crossfire between B'hgdad's men and Gutt's boys. One alien on the street fared worse than they did, passing on a mysterious bird statue to Siren before dying in his arms. Despite Nightbeat's keen interest in the clear film noir plot developing around them, Siren and Hosehead convinced him to put the bird aside and continue searching for the Matrix.
At the next bar they were canvassing, the Autobots were confronted by the delightful Miss Fatale. Fatale informed them of a legendary Font of Life which had once lit a nearby mountaintop. The sick and weak would pilgrimage to the mountain in order to touch a "sacred idol" and heal their wounds. She offered to lead them to the temple on the mountain in exchange for the bird, which she claimed was her property. Suspicious, Nightbeat sent Hosehead and Siren ahead to the mountain with Fatale while he retrieved the bird from where they had stashed it. Confronted by B'hgdad and his men, Nightbeat only managed to escape after chipping off a piece of the bird's outer enamel, revealing the radiant life-source within. Briefly considering keeping the bird as a replacement for the Matrix, to help heal all his comrades aboard the Ark, Nightbeat quickly rejected the idea and returned the bird to its rightful place on the mountain's altar, releasing waves of pure light and hope to revitalize Pz-Zazz and its people.
Then he got shot in the back. No good deed goes unpunished. Bird of Prey!
Thunderwing and his Mayhem Attack Squad had gotten wind of Autobot parties searching this one area of the galaxy, and his curiosity was piqued. Hooking Nightbeat and the others up to his torturous Mind Leech device, Thunderwing extracted all he needed to know about the Matrix Quest and the possible planets on the search list. Kings of the Wild Frontier. The Autobot trio remained captives on board the Decepticon ship until Thunderwing backhanded his minion Ruckus into some equipment. Deadly Obsession This caused a short circuit which, unknown to the Decepticons, freed Nightbeat and his team. Dark Creation Learning that Thunderwing had successfully found the Matrix in their absence and was planning to sneak aboard the Ark in a stolen Autobot shuttle, Nightbeat and pals stowed away on the shuttle in the hopes of disrupting the Decepticons' schemes somehow.
The situation was worse than they thought. The Matrix was corrupted from a series of unstable hosts, and now had an evil sentience that had overwhelmed Thunderwing and made him a puppet to its will. With the combined forces of the Ark unable to best the Thunderwing / Matrix combo, Nightbeat devised a desperate plan. As Siren triggered the shuttle's self-destruct sequence, Nightbeat fired the ship's grappling harpoon straight through Thunderwing's chest and shut off the docking clamps, just as Hosehead turned off the artificial gravity in the hangar bay. The result was the shuttle being sucked out into the black void, taking Thunderwing and the Matrix along with it before exploding. Thunderwing was last seen hurtling through space, still harpooned to a piece of flaming debris. All Fall Down
Optimus Prime next gave Nightbeat an investigational assignment to look into the disappearance and supposed death of Ratchet and Megatron in a massive explosion on Cybertron some months back. After reviewing witness statements and making a few leaps of deductive logic, Nightbeat reached the hypothesis that Ratchet may have been cast into a dimensional portal they knew had been active at the time of the explosion and then been caught between space as the explosion destroyed the delicate portal mechanism. To test his theory, Nightbeat arranged for an inter-dimensional probe to search for and retrieve Ratchet's spark signature in unspace, assuming it was anywhere to be found. Eye of the Storm
It was. Nightbeat witnessed Ratchet materializing on the Ark, fused at a molecular level to Megatron in a horrific blending of two mechanoids, both in constant and indescribable agony. Kup was more than willing to put the grotesque fusion down, but Nightbeat begged him to stay his hand. Upon explaining how the Ratchet/Megatron fusion had come to appear on the ship, Nightbeat was berated by Kup, who asked him if he didn't think their friend was better off dead than in his current state. The discussion on the matter was cut short by the creature tackling the Autobots into a nearby wall and then scampering off to cause havoc throughout the Ark. Nightbeat and the others tracked it down to the engine room, where Kup told Optimus that his recent unpopular decisions risked turning the rest of his crew against him. Optimus turned to the others for confirmation on Kup's statement, and Nightbeat couldn't bring himself to look his leader in the eye. Finding his resolve, Optimus managed to subdue the creature, and Autobot medic Fixit took steps to separate the pair, who were then placed in stasis chambers. The Pri¢e of Life!
During the aftermath, Optimus Prime surrendered his forces, including Nightbeat, to Scorponok's Decepticons on Earth, hoping to use his desperate action to unite both factions against Unicron. This alliance was about to form when the entire Decepticon base imploded in on itself due to an attack from Shockwave's small team of rival Decepticon forces. Surrender! Nightbeat survived this initial strike, and along with Optimus Prime and the other Autobots, emerged and tried to keep the new Decepticon Civil War from spreading beyond the area. Optimus charged himself and Nightbeat with keeping Scorponok specifically out of Manhattan. ...All This and Civil War 2 However, when G.B. Blackrock's team of robot-fighting mutants, the Neo-Knights arrived, Nightbeat was the first to fall at the hands of the psychotic Circuit Breaker. As the fighting neared its end, and the alliance began to form again, Primus teleported the Earth-bound Transformers to Cybertron; Nightbeat's antenna was in contact with the Neo-Knight's helicopter, accidentally bringing them to Cybertron as well! Out of Time!
Once on Cybertron, Nightbeat, able to stand up again, watched as Primus spoke through Emirate Xaaron, telling "his children" of their origin and their charge to defeat Unicron. The Void! Once Unicron arrived, the alliance was put to the test, and Nightbeat was among several Autobots who utilized sky-sleds in their attacks on the Dark God. He was annoyed at both Siren's and Hot Rod's reckless abandon when they joined in on the attack, but all three managed to survive this cataclysmic battle. On the Edge of Extinction!
Nightbeat nailed both an Autobot and Decepticon logo on the wall of their fragile alliance's headquarters Still Life! and joined the Autobots in their delayed evacuation of Cybertron. As they headed for Klo, he urged Prowl to cool down and save his bring-a-prick for the Decepticons. The Last Autobot? Unfortunately, the Decepticons were aware of the Autobots' surprise attack, and all but five Autobots were destroyed. Snapdragon kicked a head away from Nightbeat's remains. End of the Road!
Another Time & Place
When the Decepticons took control of the Nucleon on Hydrus Four, Nightbeat joined a commando unit of Autobots to infiltrate their position. Their first obstacle was Fangry, but luck was on their side. The Decepticon tracker was looking to kill something, and bent waaaaay over the water trying to skewer a fish. Nightbeat just had to give him a tiny nudge, and Fangry fell over into the waiting arms of the Autobots hidden in the murky water. The rest of the surviving Decepticons were defeated in short order afterwards, bringing an end to the Cybertronian civil war. Another Time & Place
Transformers Comic-Magazin
Nightbeat was present when Powermaster Optimus Prime led the Autobots against the joint Decepticon leaders Shockwave and Megatron, who had tried to hijack the oil reserves of Alaska. Nightbeat was hit by a laser, causing him to transform into vehicle mode. The Autobots drove off the Decepticons, but not before Quickmix shot a minibot because he turned off his targeting computer. Optimus then sat his troops down and explained to them the differences between Autobots and Decepticons. Attack at Dawn
Recordings of the attack on Alaska, along with Optimus Prime reviewing Nightbeat's characteristics to Bumblebee, were used in a wayward simulation experienced by Goldbug. Memories of Bumblebee
Nightbeat was among the Autobots who fought to safeguard the nuclear arms at Nevada Alpha. Save Nevada Alpha
Marvel Generation 2 comic
Nightbeat worked on a computer console as Optimus Prime and Megatron observed some data on the Swarm. When Jhiaxus's Cybertronian army attacked the base, Nightbeat's console exploded, sending him flying across the room. Tales of Earth Part Six
He later appeared among the Autobot forces just long enough to sacrifice himself futilely against the Swarm, self-destructing alongside Dirge. Moments later, Megatron showed up with the rheanimum that could have saved him. A Rage in Heaven!
When the war ended with the Decepticons' defeat on Klo, Nightbeat initially accepted Grimlock's offer to search the galaxy for Bludgeon and his scattered troops. However, Nightbeat soon tired of this mission and left. He and his former binary bonded partner Muzzle were put back on track when Optimus hired them as his personal investigative agents, but they quickly found themselves stifled by military authority, and struck out on their own. Classics Muzzle profile They teamed up with Siren and his partner Quig, and afterwards picked up Lug from Nebulos Classics Lug profile The group was afterwards joined by a new human recruit, Minerva. Sludge and Slag became part of the gang when the two intoxicated Dinobots burst in on one of their sting operations. Classics Slag profile
Nightbeat's crew once had to set their ship down on the planet Azure for repairs crash their ship into the only repair bay on Azure equipped to repair their ship, and they were stranded there for the interim. After a barroom brawl, Nightbeat found that he was a person of interest to a potential client, a sentient ship named Amory. Amory required the services of Nightbeat and his team in finding her pilot, Phyrion. However, the entire arrangement was a setup put together by the Decepticons Ruckus and Needlenose, who had assembled an alleged "new Mayhem Attack Squad" by promising payment to Octopunch and Stranglehold for their assistance. Ruckus wasn't very smart, however, and had brought his hostage with him. The Decepticons were brutalized and Phyrion was returned to Amory. Regretting her involvement, Amory paid the Autobots for her services, plus she chipped in for a new head for Nightbeat, as his was damaged during the battle. Despite their short run-in with good luck, Nightbeat and his crew were still stranded on Azure without a working ship. In the meantime, surely someone was in need of a detective... Cheap Shots
Nightbeat and the rest of the crew eventually set up an official "Nightbeat and Associates" agency for hire. At Fight's End Nightbeat and his team managed to survive the destruction of their universe and ended up in Axiom Nexus. Epilogue
Regeneration One
When "Primus" set Hot Rod adrift in Zero Space he witnessed a series of events that could spell the end of Cybertron including Nightbeat and Optimus Prime battling the Dark Matrix-infected Deathbringer. Less Than Zero After becoming Rodimus Prime, he formed Nightbeat and Bumblebee into the "Zero Unit", a group tasked with finding the cause of the Zero Effect around.
Working out of Ops-Command HQ, the Zero Unit decided that out of the four disparate strands of the Zero Effect, their time would be best spent investigating the missing Senator Jhiaxus, realising that as a prominent Cybertronian he would most likely have had offworld dealings. They sent bulk pulsewaves to any mech civilisations that might have encountered him asking for information but received nothing back in reply until they launched a probe... and suddenly Jhiaxus's entire fleet materialised in the skies above Cybertron! The War to End All Wars, Part 1
Rodimus returned to the Presidium to consult with Nightbeat, Bumblebee and Perceptor. They cautioned against making any aggressive moves, instead advising the Autobot leader to meet with Jhiaxus at the Eugenesis Plaza where he could be covered by snipers nearby. The Zero Unit monitored the situation as Prime took the Cybertronian leader to Nova Point to continue their conversation in "private", moving in along with Jetfire the moment diplomacy went out of the window and Jhiaxus turned violent. Nightbeat directed First Aid to attend to the casualties while he, Blurr and Huffer dug out their leader. Appraising Prime of the situation, he noted that the Zero Unit had managed to capture a large amount of data during the Cybertronians' visit and had perhaps come up with a way to hurt them, convincing Rodimus to take the fight to the enemy. The War to End All Wars, Part 2
Along with Ultra Magnus, Kup, Hound and Bumblebee, Nightbeat landed at area 59, subdivision 17.4, branch 5: Z-9-#J-4 of the Hub Network and using telemetry from the probe they had launched and structural analysis of the Hub itself, he postulated that striking a key link of the superstructure—with the warhead yields synchronised with the local frequency harmonics—would cause a chain reaction, destroying the whole network. While the Autobot ships Lancer One and Lancer Two launched the warheads successfully, Jhiaxus had anticipated this entire strategy and taken steps to protect the Hub. He then sent his troops to retaliate against the invading Autobot forces, forcing Rodimus Prime to surrender. The War to End All Wars, Part 3
Locked up in the Corral and forced to watch their comrades being arbitrarily executed, Nightbeat and the rest of the Autobots were eventually freed when Rodimus Prime took advantage of the distraction afforded by the Starscream/Underbase and Shockwave/Ark hybrids. The War to End All Wars, Part 4
Upon their return to Cybertron they found that it was a ghost planet, populated by energy-draining shadow-leeches that Nightbeat quickly surmised were deadly to the touch after they sucked the lives out of Hosehead and Slingshot. As Rodimus Prime headed into Zero Space to confront the leeches' Dark Matrix master, the rest of the Autobots secured the Star Chamber where Nightbeat deduced that the situations unfolding on Earth and Nebulos were also part of the Dark Matrix's plan and dispatched teams of Autobots via space bridge to deal with them. The War to End All Wars, Part 5
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
One of the few remaining Autobots battling the Decepticons during the Age of Internment, Nightbeat was leader of a strike team consisting of Hosehead, Siren, Slapdash, Joyride, and Getaway. They were tasked with acquiring a member of the Aerospace Extermination Squadron for Perceptor to study and, hopefully, find some sort of defense against. Using Getaway as a decoy with the rest of the team hiding under a null-field cloak, they managed to lure three of them into a trap at Nova Cronum. The Age of Wrath Pt.2 After the first two drones were destroyed, the third simply shut itself down. As Nightbeat discussed the best course of action with Blaster, he approached it with an inhibitor claw - only for it to suddenly reactivate and slam Nightbeat against a wall, temporarily knocking him out of commission. Nightbeat revived shortly afterwards but was helpless to stop the rampaging drone, which was eventually put down by Getaway. The Age of Wrath Pt.3
Nightbeat and Getaway brought the inert drone to Perceptor, who discovered upon analyzing it that it was powered by cyberstatic energy. The Age of Wrath Pt.4 When Optimus finally returned to Cybertron, Nightbeat and Perceptor brought him up to date with their current situation. Under his leadership, the Autobots were able to overthrow Megatron and thwart a Quintesson invasion. The Age of Wrath Pt.6
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Transformers Spotlight: Nightbeat
Nightbeat of Yuss The Not Knowing was constructed cold. He was among the first of the first wave of constructed cold Cybertronian brought online. Twenty Plus One He desired to solve one of the "Big Three" mysteries, finding Luna 1, finding the Ark-1 or determining the purpose of Rung's alternate mode. Metastasis
Four million years ago, Nightbeat was a hostage negotiator with an interest in political news. He disapproved of the Clampdown and watched the early Decepticon movement with interest. Nightbeat was sharing a drink outside of Maccadam's New Oil House with his friend Quark when they discovered the body of Senator Sherma hanging from the underside of the Interstate Bridge. Post Hoc
Years later, Nightbeat was assigned by Zeta Prime to work a hostage exchange with Orion Pax and Alpha Trion. They were attacked by Slicers on the way there and Nightbeat was consistently annoyed by Alpha Trion's nebulous platitudes. The whole thing turned out to be a trap set by Bludgeon to capture Alpha Trion. Nightbeat and the others managed to get away while Orion Pax covered their escape. Omega's Conundrum
After the war officially began, Nightbeat was part of the 113th Battalion and took part in a massive battle against Black Shadow. Rules of Disengagement
Some time after Metroplex's departure from Cybertron, Nightbeat, Bumblebee, and Jetfire were in space pursuing Bludgeon's ship from a distance, trying to put a stop to them despite being outnumbered and outmatched. When Bludgeon found a remote asteroid with a small civilization of Urtuskians and his troops attacked the outpost, the Autobots intervened to save as many lives as they could. Nightbeat was left on the asteroid's surface while Jetfire took care of the Decepticons' shuttle, and Bumblebee pursued Thundercracker down a tunnel. Though tired after having been through a long day, Nightbeat warded off the Decepticons until they broke off their attack. With their ship destroyed, Nightbeat and the others found themselves stuck on the planetoid for an unspecified amount of time. Thankfully, this was another of those "Bumblebee makes a friend" stories, as Nightbeat put it, and so they had hospitable hosts until they were rescued. The Hunting Party
Decades ago, Flame was tried by Aequitas for several crimes as Prowl, Chief Justice Tyrest, Xaaron, Nightbeat, and others watched in disgust and/or intrigue. They decided that the records of the trials would be sealed until the final verdict was reached, for fear of the damage the information about the trials would do to Autobot morale and potential for Decepticon propaganda usage. Last Stand of the Wreckers #5 Nightbeat also participated in the infamous Magnus Inquiry in Room 113 of the Kimia Facility, where High Command investigated allegations that "Gideon's Glue", the substance which brought such devastation on Flame's original troop on Babu Yar, had been created originally by an Autobot. The investigation was ultimately inconclusive, and no formal charges were filed. Bullets
At some point Nightbeat was talking with Rewind, who recorded what he said. The Gloaming
Nightbeat, passing the time by trying to answer the mystery of the first Ark, went to meet with a mechanoid trader named Krakon, only to find him dead by unknown means. Nightbeat followed the clues that the late Krakon (and his killers) left behind and was lured into an apparent trap on Gorlam Prime. He found a strange dimensional portal deep beneath the world, but got captured by an unknown villain before he could tell anyone. They put something in his head, erased his memory, and then sent him back out into space. Shortly thereafter he was contacted by Optimus Prime and ordered to head for Earth. Spotlight: Nightbeat
Nightbeat was one of the many bots surprised to hear of Blaster's miraculous return. Spotlight: Blaster
Aboard Ark-32, Nightbeat arrived in Earth orbit with Hot Rod and Hardhead in tow just as Optimus Prime and his troops were confronting Megatron head-on in the breakaway Soviet state of Brasnya. Escalation #3 While his two rather over-eager companions headed to the surface, Nightbeat remained aboard the ship and provided intel for the Autobots below. Escalation #4
Planetside, Hot Rod succeeded in carrying out his primary mission, the capture of the Decepticons' facsimile avatar. Anxious to re-join the battle, he requested Nightbeat to send him through a double orbital bounce—transporting him up to the ship just long enough to drop off his captive, then returning to the planet. Nightbeat was rather bemused at the thought of the thrill-seeking Hot Rod abandoning a combat zone, but complied. At that instant, though, Skywarp and Thundercracker arrived and attacked Hot Rod. Nightbeat reported back to Prowl that Hot Rod was in a CR chamber, and the facsimile—injured by flak—had expired. Escalation #6
After Sunstreaker's disappearance, Nightbeat began investigating the sequence of events that led to his capture. Examining the SM-40 Notepad stolen by Verity Carlo, he discovered a homing device that had allowed Sunstreaker's unknown assailants to discover the underwater location of Ark-19. Nightbeat ordered Bumblebee on a scouting mission along the shores of Lake Michigan, where Bumblebee discovered a great deal of advanced surveillance equipment. Deducing that Ark-19’s location was compromised, Nightbeat advised Optimus and Prowl to move the ship immediately. Nightbeat handled navigation chores as the ship lifted off. Unfortunately, the Decepticon Sixshot attacked shortly thereafter, sending Ark-19 plummeting to Earth. Devastation #1
Per Optimus Prime's order, Nightbeat transferred the damaged ship's data to Ark-32, then moved with the other Autobots to the ship's cargo bay shortly before it crashed into the Gulf of Mexico and self-destructed. Devastation #2
Nightbeat and the others survived, however Devastation #3 and while the other Autobots battled Sixshot, Nightbeat attempted to activate the orbital bounce abilities of the Ark-32. After a few Autobot injuries, Nightbeat was able to beam them up to the ship, along with Jimmy Pink and Verity Carlo, who nearly died during the bounce. Optimus Prime stayed behind to battle Sixshot alone, but once Sixshot left the battle, Nightbeat also evacuated Prime seconds before an air strike by the U.S. military. Devastation #4
Afterward, Nightbeat studied the telemetry Hound's unit sent on Leadfoot's death. Devastation #5 After examining the data, Nightbeat observed that it was as though a virus of unlife had attacked and destroyed every living cyber-cell in Leadfoot simultaneously, in a fraction of a nano-klik. While it was something he had never encountered before, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he had forgotten something important, as if his memory had been tampered with. Seeking inspiration to jog his memory, he went down to the hangar of Ark 32 where his personal ship was stored. Devastation #6 Nightbeat soon found out that he logged a message about his trip to Gorlam Prime, which he had no recollection of. He asked Hardhead to help him with his investigation. Spotlight: Cyclonus
Discovering a large part of his memory missing, a worried Nightbeat realised someone may have tampered with him and asked Hardhead to accompany him to Gorlam Prime, with orders to terminate Nightbeat if he turned. Upon arrival, they found the entire planet frozen. Nightbeat theorised that the planet was evolving somehow, from organic to techno-organic... to something like Cybertronians. His musings were interrupted by a force of small Transformers. As Hardhead held them off, Nightbeat found some kind of tunnels leading down to a strange cavern. There, losing control of himself, he turned his gun on Hardhead and Jhiaxus revealed himself to be in control of the Autobot. After providing some background on their plans, Jhiaxus, as Nightbeat, shot Hardhead in the head. However, he had not counted on Hardhead's resilience, and the Autobot escaped to the strange pool that served as a portal between the living and Dead universes. Jhiaxus attempted to persuade Hardhead into accepting a quick death over pointless resistance, but as he did so, Hardhead suddenly shot Nightbeat. As the Autobot died, Jhiaxus screamed, revealing to Nemesis Prime that their agent was gone. Nemesis considered that he was now forced to take Nightbeat's mission as his own: Find and kill Optimus Prime. Spotlight: Hardhead
However, thanks to the Dead Universe, Nightbeat wasn't as dead as he seemed. Kept alive by its properties, he was dragged into the other universe, unbeknownst to Hardhead or anyone else, including the fabled Necrobot. But his brush with death left Nightbeat feeling that there was no Afterspark, no life after death. The Not Knowing Metastasis
Nightbeat would eventually reappear 7 years later, following Orion Pax's group when they entered the Dead Universe. Black Metal He later appeared to the group after Cyclonus started to leak strange fluids from his face. Into the Abyss He then proceeded to convince them of his reliability by recounting the circumstances of his death. He then performed a cold-reading of Cyclonus and reassured him that his friend would recover, though the stoic Tetrahexian did not remotely approve of being read without consent. He then lead the group to the contraction point of the Dead Universe.
All of this turned out to be a ruse on Nova Prime's part to lure the team into a trap, with Nightbeat still being a sleeper agent. Finest Hour He was then left by Nova to protect the containment field that Pax's team were trapped in. He was briefly broken out of Nova's control by the contents of Rodimus' palm just before Nova Prime arrived. No Exit He was then ordered to take the group to a separate cell where he explained that Nova was planning to use their sparks to strengthen the space bridge at the center of the Dead Universe.
He was fully broken out of Nova's control by Rodimus asking him to ask him the solve the mystery of what was in his palm, Rodimus knowing Nightbeat would never be able to resist a mystery. He then set them free from the cell. The Dead Are Not Enough He then led the team through the Sweep horde to the chamber holding Kup and was there when Nova Prime arrived. Burning Bright He helped the others keep the Sweeps busy while Orion Pax fought Nova Prime and reclaimed the title of Optimus Prime. Finis Temporis
However, the team still had more problems as the Dead Universe was rapidly contracting around them and the Gorlam Prime portal was nowhere to be found. Nightbeat found a miniscule tear in the fabric of the universe which the group used to send a transmission through to Wheelie. The Becoming The group escaped the Dead Universe in time to save Ultra Magnus from Bludgeon, via Brainstorm's chest. Black Planet Unfortunately Nightbeat, Cyclonus and Kup started to collapse due to the destruction of the Dead Universe, but Brainstorm managed to stabilize them. He later explained to Rodimus how the group managed to escape the Dead Universe: by creating a Space Bridge from Nova Prime's corpse. He also explained to Brainstorm why he had a space bridge in his chest, he was later interested in how Rodimus had gotten the Lost Light. ...And the Damage Done
Nightbeat later joined the crew of the Lost Light. Before Megatron's trial took place Nightbeat exposed Swerve's "crew auditions" as fake due to the fact that Ultra Magnus would never allow them to be advertised as "Crewditions". He was also present at Megatron's trial on Luna-2. Toward Peace Six months later, Nightbeat was among the group given a tour of the ship by Crosscut. No Guns, No Swords, No Briefcases He later joined Skids in trying to get Chromedome to leave his hab suite (number 208) and was instead intrigued by the number 8 being missing from the door. Toward Peace Chromedome approached the detective to investigate a sudden change in the content of Rewind's message, Nightbeat was quick to blame the change on the mnemosurgeon's grief (as the message had returned to its normal content) but quickly changed his mind when he saw Rewind himself standing in the doorway to the room. On the way back to Nightbeat's quarters the detective explained that he had seen a data ghost of Rewind due to the little 'bot's function as an archivist, but Nightbeat was shocked to find that the walls of his quarters had disappeared! Words Hang in the Air As part of "Team Rodimus" Nightbeat was called in to investigate the dead body of a duplicate Rodimus. When Rodimus came to the conclusion that hacking off his right arm was the best way to proceed, Nightbeat stopped him. He reasoned that the body was not Rodimus' future self due to the Crisis Vote missing from his right hand. However, Rodimus revealed he had removed the results from his hand due to a talk with Ratchet, only to be ignored as the wall in the room disappeared. When the entire ship began disintegrating Nightbeat and twenty other bots crammed into the new Rodpod. Predestination: A Beginner's Guide
Rodimus issued an order that everyone was to regroup at Ofsted XVII. Crosscut then suddenly disappeared, followed by Gears, Blaster, Huffer, Chromedome, Hound, and Highbrow. Ravage then made his presence known and was knocked out by Megatron. Nightbeat dedicated himself to finding a pattern linking those who had been taken. Inspired by Cyclonus, he put forward the theory that those who were taken were all Forged. The theory seemed to be accepted by the M.T.O.s present, only for Ratchet to point out several in the room were Forged and a few taken were constructed cold. Ultra Magnus eventually made contact with the Rodpod via holomatter and informed them everyone else had disappeared on the Leading Light, only for he himself to disappear mid-sentence. Nightbeat then requested all the information on the crew, trying to find the common denominator. It was only when Riptide revealed that he was not on board the Lost Light when it first launched did Nightbeat make the connection. Everyone who disappeared was part of the original crew. Megatron was not amused and scolded him for failing to save anyone. Nightbeat, rattled, tried (badly) to suggest that it still counted that he'd worked it out.
Shortly after the Rodpod arrived at Ofsted XVII and found a bisected Lost Light. Twenty Plus One Boarding the ship, the Autobots released Ravage to use his tracking ability. Ravage eventually found a dead Ultra Magnus, or rather Minimus Ambus stripped of his armour. Skids identified that Magnus had been killed by a fusion cannon and Megatron and Ravage were locked up by the Autobots at Megatron's request. Nightbeat and Nautica made their way to the engines to try and stop the leakage of quantum foam. The two began to discuss the strangeness of recent events and began to bond in the process, Nautica eventually came across Brainstorm's briefcase. Opening it they found nothing - failing to notice local space-time warping around them. Eventually they came to stairs leading to a lower deck, despite them being on the lowest deck. There they found Overlord's headless corpse, Nightbeat realized who had attacked the ship and when he called his crew mates they all realized that the Decepticon Justice Division were responsible. Nautica, however, refused to leave until they had searched the entire ship for survivors, despite Megatron arguing there would not be any. Ravage however soon detected Rewind hiding in the Magnus Armor. slaughterhouse
Nightbeat's being alive, combined with a female Nautica and an Autobot Megatron proved too much for the alternate Rewind, who began whimpering and offered a data slug to Nightbeat to explain what happened. While he analyzed it Nautica realized that the Lost Light undergone a quantum duplication at launch, creating an exact copy just as valid as the original. Nightbeat confirmed this, saying the Rodimus they had found in the coffin was from this ship and had died during the Sparkeater fiasco. Drift interred him and someone (according to Rewind deliberately) deactivated Overlord's cell, luring the D.J.D. to the ship. Nautica proposed deactivating the engines as the foam would destroy Ofsted XVII and theoretically restore their ship. Rewind offered to deactivate one of the quantum drums but would need someone of equal size to deactivate the other. The Autobots went to find the mass-displacement gun that their Brainstorm invented, in the hope the alternate one had also built one, in order to shrink someone down to help Rewind. While there Nightbeat and Nautica theorized that the alternate Rewind and his altered message appeared on their ship due to cross-contamination. They concluded that their ship disappeared because of how close it got to the alternate one, the paradox being too massive to ignore. Nightbeat then made the startling discovery that Brainstorm had a Decepticon insignia painted in his faceplate and that made their Brainstorm a spy! When they could not find the gun, Megatron offered to shrink himself down and help Rewind. The drums were deactivated and the Autobots blasted off in Rodpod with the alternate Rewind in tow. Nightbeat and Nautica theorized over how Rewind survived the quantum erasure, with Nightbeat joking it was the "Power of Love". Nautica then asked him to explain how he managed to hold onto the alternate Brainstorm's briefcase. The Road Not Taken
It turned out the briefcase was actually part of an intricate time-travel machine. Nightbeat immediately went to work studying it, until Perceptor borrowed it. The Custom-Made Now
A few days later, the Lost Light set down on Scarvix. While wandering the ship, Nightbeat nearly got hit by Tailgate joyriding about on a hoverboard. Shortly thereafter he was present at Brainstorm's hearing at the hands of the Lost Light Internal Legal Affairs Committee. Our Steps Will Always Rhyme
When Rodimus summoned the entire ship's crew to make the momentous announcement that they'd actually accomplished something, Nightbeat and Nautica were some of the last to actually arrive, something Nightbeat felt was cool. It turned out Thunderclash was dying, and the entire crew had been invited to his pre-wake on the Vis Vitalis. Once there, Nightbeat was one of the four people present who didn't dance at all. Eventually, feeling judged by everyone else, he decided to borrow Nautica's wrench and go off for a snoop, brushing off Nautica's attempt to introduce him to her Amica Endura Firestar. He soon stumbled upon Getaway having a lie-down, and tried to fake concern at him. This was interrupted by a manic Ravage running past, babbling about "them" being "everywhere". Following him into the morgue, Nightbeat wasn't interested in the bodies contained within, until he looked over Countdown's corpse and found it was covered in hundreds of throbbing pustules, which were also growing on Getaway. Almost immediately, the two found themselves surrounded by strange shambling creatures. The Sensuous Frame
The creatures did not appreciate Nightbeat trying to determine how they'd managed to remain hidden, and attacked him. Fortunately, Ravage appeared to drive them off, and at Getaway's suggestion they fled the morgue, though not before Nightbeat took a moment to study Photon's corpse. The three soon met up with everyone else who'd ran into the creatures at the same time. Nightbeat began examining everyone, and found the creatures had already gotten to Skids, though he was confused as to why they seemed drawn to some people and not others. It was thanks to Firestar pointing out those people all had charismatic traits that finally clued Nightbeat in on what they were: personality ticks. Nightbeat had always dismissed these as a myth, but he worked it out from Firestar was burning a black diamond, which only came from the planet the ticks originated on.
He had an idea to kill the creatures, summoning the most charismatic people he knew of to kill them, but before he could implement it, the ticks attacked again. As the motley crew fought the ticks, they suddenly perished at the arrival of Rodimus and Megatron, baffling Nightbeat, since he hadn't had a chance to summon them. Turned out some other bunch of people had already come up with the idea and done it themselves. Afterward, Nightbeat attended an Earth Dance party at Swerve's, where he contributed to the dancing by tapping his foot. The Frail Gaze
When Swerve disappeared suddenly and was found half-dead, it was Nightbeat that worked out how the bartender had been using a holomatter avatar to appear in public for him while he wasted away. Everyone went on a massive rescue effort on the hologram planet of "Swearth" in human avatars, with Nightbeat working with Rodimus, Nautica, and Megatron. While there, he rebuked Megatron for commenting that humans were fragile, believing the man was calling them weak. The One Where They Go to Earth It turned out the cause of Swerve's ailment was an old injury, inflicted during an encounter with the D.J.D. many years ago. When Velocity examined the wound, she found a message from Agent 113, which included the location of the Necrobot's homeworld. Naturally, the investigative Nightbeat leapt at the chance to "explain" that, and joined the expedition. When the ship landed, Nightbeat spotted the Necrobot at the front door of the vast structure he lived in, only to get the door slammed in his face. This did not deter Nightbeat, who made it clear he wouldn't leave until he got answers.
So the Necrobot opened the door and ushered him in. As they walked and talked, he was surprised to find the Necrobot (aka Censere) could talk, and was old. Old enough to remember the first war. Nightbeat expressed profound disappointment that the Necrobot wasn't in fact magic, that he was just a "phony" using technology to track death, rather than what Nightbeat wanted: proof of life after death, proof he hadn't gotten after his headshot back on Gorlam Prime, which was causing him a severe amount of distress. However, Censere countered that just because there wasn't proof of the Afterspark didn't mean there wasn't either. Then Nightbeat asked why the Necrobot had let him in. It turned out it was because Nightbeat's unusual manner of death had made him a mystery, one of the disappeared. Learning of the list of the disappeared, Nightbeat examined it, and found the name of Dominus Ambus, something he showed to a depressed Rewind. Later, as the crew prepared to leave, Nightbeat asked whether Censere would've saved him, had he been able to. When he was told he wouldn't, Nightbeat suggested that maybe the ancient 'bot should try saving those still living in the future. The Not Knowing
At some point, Nightbeat was approached by Getaway and/or Atomizer and asked whether or not he would stand with them in a mutiny against Megatron. Responding in the negative, Nightbeat's memories of the event were then erased via nudge gun. Nightbeat later attended one of Megatron's lectures on the Knights of Cybertron where the class theorized about the clan markings they'd seen in their travels before Megatron, the victim of a psychic attack, punched Minimus Ambus across the room and dismissed the class. As part of Team Rodimus, Nightbeat got volunteered to go on a mission to discover the cause of the attack. The group found themselves back on Necroworld with Censere having been brutally murdered. Accessing the logs, Nightbeat found the signal was beamed to the Lost Light but Censere deliberately corrupted it to try and scare off the crew. Eventually making contact with the ship, they found Getaway had led a mutiny against Rodimus and Megatron and the Decepticon Justice Division was knocking at the door. How Bright Their Frail Deeds
With the D.J.D. due to return at sunset, Rodimus gave orders to search the fortress for anything useful. Nightbeat found a teleport chamber that had just enough power to teleport them all to safety before Nautica and Velocity revealed the existence of organics in life-support pods. As the group began to debate their actions, Megatron announced he was staying behind and made a passioned speech that convinced the group to stand and fight. The Sun in Flight With death seemingly assured, Nightbeat recorded a will asking that his head be preserved but that the rest of his body be burned. How Bright Their Frail Deeds
As Brainstorm measured Minimus for a new suit of armor, Nightbeat literally begged him for a chance to investigate the mystery of Necroworld's hollow interior in the hopes that solving one last mystery could save them all and promising to return before sunset. Taking Rung with him, the two briefly stopped off to take part in Nautica's Amica Endura ritual, in which the Camien boat thanked Nightbeat for his curiosity. At Close of Day Despite his earlier promise, the internal gravity played havoc with their internal clocks and Nightbeat and Rung were gone long past sunrise. As they emerged onto the center of the hollow world, Nightbeat revealed to Rung how long they had really been gone before the psychiatrist pointed out the inverted pattern of the Vinvissius Canals. The two realized that Necroworld was the mould that Cybertron had been poured into before the moment was ruined by a geobomb suddenly teleporting in. Do Not Go Gentle
After "very nearly" being teleported back to the surface, Nightbeat ran to Rodimus and explained his findings along with the geobomb's seemingly harmless detonation. With a group ready to return to Cybertron, Minimus ordered Nightbeat to keep an optic on Anode. Some Other Cybertron Nightbeat passed the time by analyzing a flower dedicated to people Starscream had killed before Rodimus called with news that caused Brainstorm to squee and do three laps. Taking over, Nightbeat was informed that they were in a parallel universe causing him to squee and do three laps. A World Misplaced
Seeking to break Rung out of his funk, Nightbeat invited the doctor to a sit-down. Rung soon revealed that information creep caused him to forget much of his past, including his ability to produce photonic crystals. Modes of Production With all three mysteries now lost to him, Nightbeat devoted himself to finding out if there was life after death. Metastasis
After returning to their native reality, Nightbeat was part of the group welcoming back Rodimus's team. This Machine Kills Fascists He later talked with Brainstorm about the science of how they'd made it home. Nightbeat then boarded Skip to leave Necroworld. After Megatron Aboard the cramped ship, Nightbeat sequestered himself in a small corner and had drinks. Sardines
When the ship started to collapse as the mass displacement override wore off on Skip, Ten (of all people) guided the crew through the Warren in effort to reach a Mederi facility so as to seek aid for Ratchet. While they managed to access the quantum structure, the crew was forced to bail out mid-transit, their bodies being ravaged by super-compressed space. Nightbeat then found himself in the Afterspark, the realm turning him melancholic at his failure to solve any of life's great mysteries, even the one he had set himself. Metastasis As the group continued to explore the Afterspark, Nightbeat continued to mope until he spied a trail of photonic crystals and followed them back to the hovering Matrix. In doing so, he belatedly realized that Rung had not needed to transform to produce the crystals, meaning their production could not have been his alternate mode's purpose. As he continued to gather them, he eventually worked out what Rung actually turned into but before he could share his discovery with anyone, his sheer joy at solving one of the Big Three mysteries caused him to "ascend" on the spot, The God War never learning that the "Afterspark" was nothing more than an elaborate hologram created by the telepaths on the original Mederi, a moon-sized euthanasia clinic that the crew had accidentally wound up on. You Are Here
Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material
An ancient Titan Master as well as a skilled detective, Nightbeat helped crew the massive Titan robots as they explored the universe near the dawn of time. His special spark gifts which he carried out to the friendly worlds they met and was able to share with any robot he joins with were enhanced tracking abilities. Upon returning in modern times he joined up with the Autobots. Titans Return Nightbeat online bio
Legends World
Nightbeat was a human resident of the Legends World and that universe's version of Minerva. When Minerva appeared in the same world, Nightbeat figured that if they were the same person, she could become a Masterforce warrior too. Bonus Edition Vol. 42 She succeeded thanks to a pair of prototype Master-Braces provided by Rewind, who hired her services to solve the mysteries surrounding the Masterforce system. As part of their partnership, Rewind collected data on the subject by having her Master-Braces mass-produced, temporarily creating an army of Headmasters identical to her. Bonus Edition Vol. 28
When Autobot Axalon Trading Company began building a new Godbomber, Nightbeat believed it held a clue and used her similarity to Minerva to infiltrate their base and copy Godbomber's blueprints. Caught in the act, she revealed her true identity as well as the fact that she was working with Decepticons despite them only wanting to use Godbomber for evil. They stole Godbomber and finished construction thanks to Decepticon Tera-Kura Co., and when they learned it needed a Headmaster to function, she took the spot to test her Masterforce abilities. Impressed by the power Godbomber granted her, she tested herself further by taking on and easily defeating Super Ginrai before another Godbomber showed up, controlled by its own Headmaster. It combined with Ginrai into God Ginrai, who defeated Nightbeat and explained that Godbomber itself was a Master-Brace that connected humans and robots through Chōkon Power. Realizing that Master-Braces served to bridge organic and robotic life to create a new type of lifeform, Nightbeat declared the mystery solved and was delighted that Godbomber's technology could be used for the Trypticon project. Bonus Edition Vol. 42
Nightbeat continued helping the Decepticons with Trypticon, even charming Rhinox into lending a hand. She participated in the Decepticons' attack on Metroplex, controlling Full-Tilt's transtector for him while his head component sneaked in and stole Metroplex's transformation cog. Decepticon Civil War She was among the world's Masterforce warriors when they all joined forces to defeat Devil Z. Bonus Edition Grand Maximus
After the Legends World was destroyed, Nightbeat watched on as the Autobots, Zamojin, and Legends refugees restored the universe. She was one of several people whose wishes were channeled through White Leo's MVP Weapon to aid in the recreation. Epiloge
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Transformers #13
When Sentinel Prime returned to Cybertron, he cracked down on policing, sending every Security Operations member to root out the Rise. Kicking down the door to a drug den, Nightbeat requested calm and to be directed to Sixshot's squad from the War of the Threefold Spark. The Change In Your Nature Part One
Nightbeat visited a brooding Prowl, seeking his old colleague's help. He commented on the unimaginative name Prowl had picked for his pet and told Prowl that Security had a new lead on The Rise. Soon, Nightbeat had cadets Strongarm and Bumper observing as Prowl forcefully interrogated Singe to shake loose some information. Singe's tip-off led them to Swindle's, with the illegal gambling den possibly having ties with The Rise. Nightbeat let Prowl form the plan to infiltrate Swindle's and look for evidence of Rise activity, waiting outside as Bumper entered alone and scouted the place. After Bumper was rumbled by Mindwipe, Nightbeat and the rest busted in and chaos erupted. Nightbeat was taken out when Visper rammed into him in jet mode, but recovered just in time to help Prowl apprehend and prepare to interrogate Storm Cloud. Swindle's
After Sentinel Prime convened a Senate session to denounce the Ascenticon faction, Nightbeat stood on guard outside the building facing a massive crowd, and watched them part to allow Megatron and his fellow Ascenticon senators to approach. We Have Deceived You
Following the start of the Decepticon uprising, Nightbeat was among those who accompanied Optimus Prime to the Forge Pyramid and helped defend it against a Decepticon attack. Titans Nightbeat later evacuated Iacon with the rest of the Autobots after Optimus Prime's parlay with Megatron failed. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness
Nightbeat took part in the defense of Darkmount when the Decepticons launched an attack to prevent the Autobots from leaving the planet. The Autobots succeeded in launching the Ark and headed to the Winged Moon to plan their future out among the stars. Fate of Cybertron
Commercial appearances
While being driven by Muzzle on the surface of an unidentified planet (with Siren and Hosehead at his side), Nightbeat transformed into robot mode. Shortly thereafter, three Decepticon Headmasters burst through a wall, and Nightbeat engaged Horri-Bull in battle. Small Headmasters Commercial
Transformers Legends
Early in the war, Nightbeat, Orion Pax, and Alpha Trion escorted the Decepticon prisoners Rack'n'Ruin towards a prisoner exchange. After encountering Slicers and fending them off, the group met with Bludgeon, only to be ambushed by the Decepticons. In the confusion, Alpha Trion was captured, only to be later rescued by the combined efforts of Nightbeat and Orion. Orion's Gambit
Nightbeat teamed up with Blaster and Prowl to investigate when a suspicious pattern emerged in a string of Decepticon victories. They eventually uncovered Soundwave's infiltration and sent the Decepticon and his tapes packing. Covert Operations
Nightbeat and Windblade were dispatched from the Lost Light to explore a distant planet. There they met a group of Decepticons, and joined forces with them to battle their mutual foes, the Ammonites. Though several Ammonite attacks were thwarted by the alliance, soon differing opinions caused infighting in the group. Eventually, both the Ammonites and the Decepticons were defeated, and the two Autobots returned to their spaceship. Into the Abyss
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Nightbeat participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Rare character that could be recruited by collecting 75 units of Cybermetal, 35 units of Transmetal, and 20 soldier cores. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers Roleplaying Game
A self-appointed detective, Nightbeat and his Headmaster partner Muzzle served as Optimus Prime's personal private eye. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
The Transformers
- Nightbeat (Headmaster, 1988)
- Accessories: "Muzzle" Headmaster driver, seat/helmet, "plasma blaster" rifle, left & right "photon pistols"
- Known designers: Tetsuya Ikeda (TakaraTomy)
- Released in the fifth year of the original The Transformers toyline (fourth year in the European line), Nightbeat transforms into Porsche 959. The roof is hinged and can be opened to reveal an interior that can seat a Headmaster in their humanoid mode; for the smaller fifth-year Headmasters, a secondary "seat" is required to keep the Nebulan from rattling around. In vehicle mode, he can also attach his rifle on his roof, and the smaller twin blasters on his hood.
- In robot mode, Nightbeat has a flip-down panel on his chest which covers a spring-loaded mini-Tech Spec meter which gives readouts for Speed, Strength and Intelligence when a Headmaster in head mode is plugged into his neck socket; Nightbeat's readouts are all on a single plate unlike the prior year's toys' individual tumblers, and will show the same ratings regardless of what Headmaster is attached.
- Siren comes with his Nebulan Headmaster partner Muzzle.
- In Japan, this mold was redecoed to make the Headmaster Junior Mienerva, then later offered without changes (and in Hasbro packaging!) as "Minerva Nightbeat" in a Robot Point mail-away offer.
- Nightbeat (Deluxe, 2008)
- A redeco and retooling of Energon Hot Shot, Nightbeat transforms into a modified Aston Martin Vanquish. The new head is based on the character model's head (by which we mean Siren's with some nods to the toy-Nightbeat's, see Notes below), but is missing its "ears" thanks to clearance and production timing issues. He can carry a transparent spring-loaded missile-launching weapon in either mode, and features a small Autobot spark crystal on his chest on which Energon chips can be mounted. Like nearly all other Autobots in the Energon line, he can powerlinx with like-designed toys to form the top or bottom of a super robot.
- He was one of two 2008 Fun Publications "Transformers Collectors' Club" exclusives. He was originally announced to be available by BotCon 2008 in April, but after multiple delays, preorders finally went up months later on August 27, 2008, with a release date of "within four weeks" of September 30, 2008.
- This mold (with the original head) was also used to make "Energon Hot Shot", and the new-head version was used to make Shattered Glass Nightbeat.
Energon mold: Hot Shot | ||

- Nightbeat (Deluxe, 2014)
- Series / Number: 02 / #020
- Accessories: 2 blasters
- Part of the tenth wave of 2012-onwards Generations Deluxe Class toys, Thrilling 30 Nightbeat is a retool of Thrilling 30 Deluxe Class Bumblebee with a new head, transforming into a muscle car that resembles a fifth-generation Ford Mustang. He comes with two blasters which peg via 5 mm post into his hands, forearms, and rear vehicle sides, and can also combine into a large weapon. The new head is designed to feature light-piping, but is painted over on both the front and back in red, thus rendering the gimmick useless. Some units have shins that are glued into place so that they no longer move laterally during transformation.
- He comes packaged with a copy of "Finis Temporis: Dark Cybertron Chapter 9", in which Nightbeat appears in the background of a single panel.
- Evidence indicates that a different sculpt was originally intended to be redecoed into Nightbeat for this release: In January 2014, Japanese online retailers Red Mercury and eToysJapan (among others) listed preorders for the wave containing Nightbeat, Windblade, and Jhiaxus, making this the first official confirmation of Nightbeat and Jhiaxus. The images used for Nightbeat depicted a retool of 2010 Reveal the Shield Special Ops Jazz with a new head sculpt and spotlight accessories.[2] In addition, the package art for the Nightbeat toy itself, i.e. the cover of the included IDW comic, also depicts him in the 2010 Jazz body,[3] suggesting that the decision to use the Bumblebee sculpt instead was made at a very late point in the development process.
- Nightbeat was redecoed into Generations Goshooter, and the mold was separately retooled into Timelines Carzap.
Titans Return
- Nightbeat (Titan Master, 2016)
- Accessories: Titan Master mini-vehicle
- Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro), Emiliano Santalucia (concept artist)
- Part of the first wave of individually-packed Titans Return Titan Masters, Nightbeat transforms from robot to a head based on the original Nightbeat toy's. In this mode, Nightbeat can serve as the head of any Titans Return Deluxe, Voyager, or Leader Class figure. He also features ports in his feet that allow him to peg onto a wide variety of Titans Return figures. His blue plastic matches the colored plastic used by Blurr and Topspin.
- Nightbeat is packaged with a small vehicle that can transform into three modes: a jet for Nightbeat to ride, a drill-tank formed by combining with Nightbeat, and a 5 mm drill weapon for larger figures. His head has a tendency to get stuck, causing it to pop off at the neck when removing him. The shape of the tank's back end also makes inserting him as instructed somewhat awkward. A solution to both problems is to insert him into the slot with his head mode face pointing up, rotating the body, and then finally folding the legs in place.
- As with most Titan Master vehicle accessories, care must be taken with the gun mode's handle: the handle fits tightly in many 5 mm-compatible closed hands, and combined with the handle's lack of metal pin running through the joint, removing it by force causes the handle to pop out of the joint. Also, most of the units had a problem with the legs not folding down neatly in head mode due to the tolerance of the side panels on the legs.
- Nightbeat was originally designed by Emiliano Santalucia as a new character, and sported an original head-mode design. Between the promotional render and the final product, the plastic color of Nightbeat's shins was changed from yellow to blue. His face is also a more orange-y yellow than the brighter yellow plastic, while his eyes are dark orange instead of blue.
- His vehicle was redecoed as Moguru and packaged with Legends Chromedome. His head mode served as the model for Soundwave's head in several e-HOBBY comics. Nightbeat, along with Skytread, was also re-released as part of the fourth wave of Titan Masters alongside Shuffler and Repugnus. Nightbeat's main body was later retooled into Ghost Starscream.
Titans Return mold: Nightbeat | ||
Titan Master:
- Rewind & Nightbeat (2016)
- ID number: LG28
- Release date: September 24, 2016
- Released in the fourtheenth wave of TakaraTomy's Legends toyline, Nightbeat is a redeco of the above Titans Return figure, only now extensively painted to get both modes closer to the original toy's... though the priority is on the head mode's deco, resulting in blue and black arms rather than yellow, giving him the black "antennae" look on the sides of his noggin.
- He was only available in a small set packed in with Rewind.
Titans Return mold: Nightbeat | ||
Titan Master:
- In Nightbeat's toy packaging photography, Muzzle's legs are blue instead of the final black, and the flame stickers on Nightbeat's doors are different. This early flame design made it into Nightbeat's Universe profile art and, as a result, into some Marvel Comics stories.
- For their character models, the face/Nebulan and helmet/seat pieces of Nightbeat and Siren were inexplicably switched. (It is difficult to tell for sure, but they may have kept the correct antennae/guns judging by the basic shapes involved.) This switch gave comic book Nightbeat the "shades" he's remembered for, as well as the crest on his forehead, while comic book Siren ended up with his trademark combined brow/nosepiece. Likewise, the model sheet for Nightbeat's car mode has Siren's antennae guns on the hood. Nightbeat and Siren's guns are even swapped on the commercial. How or why this switch happened, and in what stage of development it occurred, is unknown.
- He was depicted with his own toy's head (for the first time) in Dreamwave's Transformers: War Within: The Age of Wrath. Nightbeat's appearances in IDW's Transformers comics retain the Siren face design, but inside the Nightbeat helmet. In Fun Publications' "Cheap Shots", his appearance is based on his new toy, whose head is based on Siren's face and helmet.
- Another Nightbeat visual oddity is the large difference between the design of his toy's chest and of the character model's chest. While the toy's chest is an asymmetrical shape with one "boob" and a "tummy grill" not unlike Optimus Prime's, the character model gives him a concave octagon which symmetrically houses two hollow boxes. Where did this design come from, and why is it the only thing on his character model, other than the swapped head, that departs from his toy design?
- Due to his asymmetrical chest details, Nightbeat's original package art is noticeably flipped horizontally, putting his "boob" on the right instead of the left. Dreamwave's More than Meets the Eye profile art of him, seems to have been based on the boxart's flip, as well as IDW's material for a long time. In Devastation #6, IDW's Nightbeat chest is symmetrical, mirroring the half of his chest with the "boob," giving him an approximation of the made-up Marvel Comics/character model chest — but in "Spotlight: Hardhead", it's back to the asymmetrical design again.
- Nightbeat has worn the trenchcoat and fedora on occasion. Sometimes the artist remembers he has very tall shoulders under there, sometimes not.
- In the (hilariously bad) dub of Super-God Masterforce, Minerva is called "Nightbeat."
- At BotCon 1997, Simon Furman was asked why he killed Nightbeat in Generation 2. He said:
“ | I don't have a good answer for you... It was too easy to say, I'll kill off all the incidental characters, all the ones I don't like. It sort of added to the bigger picture by ... some of the favorites got it in the neck as well... It's like, say Rattrap or something died, it's like.. Who cares? I do like Beast Wars as well... it was too easy to just knock off 'B' characters... | ” |
- Suffice to say, Furman wasn't very familiar with Beast Wars at the time.[4]
- A "dinner mystery theatre" starring Nightbeat was planned for OTFCC 2004, with Optimus Prime as the murder victim. Instead, the Transformer theme was shelved and attendees were subjected to DEATH BY CHOCOLATE.
- Quite bizarrely, the Chinese and Korean release of the original toy had a sticker depicting Shūta Gō on the box; conversely, Minerva was on the box for Siren. Don't believe us? Here's your proof.
- Nightbeat's holomatter avatar in More than Meets the Eye #43 is based on Idris Elba as the eponymous Detective Chief Inspector John Luther in Luther.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Nightbeat (ナイトビート Naitobīto)
- French: Veilleur (Canada, "Watcher")
- Hungarian: Éjvadász ("Night Hunter")
- ↑ "The other of my first 2 proposals was Nightbeat from Energon Hot Shot. This one went through bigger changes when they went with it, as they wanted it for the Shattered Glass line. But it's fun to compare the concept to final here."—Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
- ↑ TFW2005 news story on the Red Mercury preorders for Nightbeat, Windblade and Jhiaxus.
- ↑ Nightbeat and other Generations toys on display at BotCon 2014.
- ↑ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About NIGHTBEAT at
External links
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- Disappeared
- Fan Club exclusives
- Female Transformers
- Generation 1 Autobots
- Generation 1 toy Autobots
- Generations
- Headmasters
- IDW (2005) Autobots
- IDW (2019) Transformers
- Legends Autobots
- Legends World humans
- Lost Light crew
- Marvel Generation 1 Autobots
- Regeneration One Autobots
- Timelines characters
- Titan Masters
- Titans Return Autobots
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Autobots
- Variable gender characters
- Variable species characters
- Law enforcement