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Orion's Gambit

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Transformers Legends
"Orion's Gambit"
Release date December 24, 2014
December 30, 2014
Written by  ?

Orion Pax escorts Rack'n'Ruin to a prisoner exchange, only for things to go horribly wrong.



Orion Pax, Nightbeat, and Alpha Trion escort Rack'n'Ruin through the Rust Spot to a prisoner exchange, on Zeta Prime's orders. Though they're attacked by Slicers en route, they eventually make it and find themselves meeting Bludgeon. The Autobots are promptly ambushed by their Decepticon hosts and Alpha Trion abducted. Orion opens his trailer, revealing the cache of weapons he's brought along, and the battle is on to rescue Alpha Trion. Orion and Nightbeat succeed in rescuing Alpha Trion, returning him to Zeta Prime. In the confusion surround the rescue, Orion himself is captured by the Decepticons and tied to the nose of a shuttle aimed to crash in Iacon.

You play as the Decepticons

Featured characters


  • This is a raid event.
  • The story is based on the 2012 IDW Publishing comic issue Spotlight: Orion Pax.
  • Of course, in IDW's continuity, Orion Pax is in law enforcement so it makes sense of him to be transporting a prisoner. In Legends, Orion Pax is an archivist, and his card for this event even mentions this in the bio, so it's a bit odd that Zeta Prime chose him for a prisoner escort.
  • Zeta Prime's art is based on War for Cybertron Zeta Prime rather than any of the G1 Zeta Prime bodies.

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