Jawbreaker (ES)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Jawbreaker" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Jawbreaker (disambiguation). |
- Jawbreaker is a Terran from the EarthSpark continuity family.
Jawbreaker Malto lives up to his name in both senses of the word: although he's the strongest of all the Terrans, he's a soft-spoken, big-hearted 'bot who's as sweet as the candy he's named after. Despite his raw physical power, Jawbreaker sometimes struggles with his own self-confidence—he worries easily, gets flustered under pressure, and sometimes has trouble standing up for himself.
It took Jawbreaker longer than all of his other siblings to settle on a suitable alternate mode. His Stygimoloch form might be the most unusual shape of the bunch, but mastering this hard-headed shape has given Jawbreaker the confidence boost he needs to become a truly effective warrior. Fast, powerful, and difficult to stop, Jawbreaker has a lot in common with his beast mode template: he'll fight fiercely to protect his "herd", but in the end he'd much rather enjoy some downtime with his friends and family.
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EarthSpark cartoon
- Voice actor: Cyrus Arnold (English), Nobuyuki Kobushi (Japanese), Fidel Garriga (Latin-American Spanish), Eduardo Bosch (Castilian Spanish), Bruno Tarta (Brazilian Portuguese), Marc Schülert (German), Philippe Llado (French), Mattia Billi (Italian), Bartosz Martyna (Polish)
Jawbreaker was first brought to life at the same as his other siblings Nightshade and Hashtag by the Malto siblings Mo and Robby via the Emberstone in the same cave where their other Terran siblings, Twitch and Thrash, were first created. The otherwise happy moment was interrupted by a cave-in caused by a battle outside the cave between Optimus Prime and Bumblebee against the Decepticon Seekers, Skywarp and Nova Storm. Age of Evolution, Part 1 Despite being only a few seconds old, Jawbreaker and the other new Terrans instinctually came to their new family's rescue by shielding them from the collapsing cave rubble.
Emerging from the collapsed cave, he was warmly greeted by Optimus, who inquired about Jawbreaker and his siblings' names. Stuck at a loss, Mo used her connection via her cyber-sleeve to inform everyone that his name was Jawbreaker, like her favorite candy, which the burly Terran seemed to be delighted by. Sensing the pain the other Maltos and Terrans felt about learning their mother was being held captive by someone called Mandroid, Jawbreaker volunteered to help rescue them. While infiltrating Mandroid's base with Nightshade and Hashtag by posing as Decepticons who captured Optimus, Jawbreaker inadvertently helped expose their ruse when Mandroid noticed the Decepticon insignia stickers he had were peeling off. A battle erupted that saw Mandroid's base turn into a walking mech that required the combined efforts of Malto family and their allies to take down, with Jawbreaker aiding Mo in taking out the Mech's cameras that allowed Mandroid to see. Following the battle, Jawbreaker was formally introduced to Dot and welcomed into her family. Age of Evolution, Part 2
Now a part of the Malto family, Jawbreaker was, unlike Nightshade and Hashtag, eager to acquire an alt-mode but wanted to make sure it was perfect like his mentor, Bumblebee's. Hashtag: Oops Fretting over how to pick the right alt-mode, Jawbreaker attempted to interview others on how they got theirs through the form of a video interview, though he soon found his quest usurped by Hashtag when she offered to help and turned the project more into an attempt to make a movie than help Jawbreaker. When taken to speak with Megatron and Elita-1 about how they got their alt-modes, Jawbreaker finally found some of the guidance he was looking for. Lamenting he didn't feel vehicles were right for him, he got his worldview expanded when Elita revealed to him Transformers could scan more than just vehicles. Jawbreaker then finally confronted Hashtag over her hijacking of his documentary, for which she apologized. Later that night, Jawbreaker cobbled together a movie made out of Hashtag's footage that they watched at family movie night, with Jawbreaker promising his sister she'd be the first to know when he gets an alt-mode. Outtakes
When the reclusive Decepticon scientist, Tarantulas, kidnapped Dot and Alex Malto, Jawbreaker arrived on the scene shortly after his parents were rescued by Nightshade. Missed Connection Jawbreaker, along with the rest of his siblings, found himself inadvertently trapped in the dugout when security measures installed by Nightshade and Hashtag went into effect when Agent Schloder arrived at the Malto farm. This made him and the others unable to help Dot and Alex as they tried to keep Bumblebee from getting arrested by G.H.O.S.T. Security Protocols
On Mother's Day, Jawbreaker found himself spending his first day experiencing the holiday being chased by a mutated mother bear looking for her cub that Twitch had kidnapped. As he fled, he lamented that the bear went after the one Terran who didn't have an alt-mode. Bear Necessities
Jawbreaker and the rest of the Malto children were taken to Spacebridge Memorial Park by Megatron, where he attempted to give them a history lesson on the Autobot/Decepticon War and the importance the Terrans represented. They found their nighttime history lesson interrupted by the return of Shockwave. Jawbreaker, along with Twitch and Hashtag, found themselves forced into stasis thanks to a shot from the Immobilizer by Shockwave intended for Megatron. When Megatron finally bested his former lieutenant, Jawbreaker was freed. Warzone
When taken, along with the rest of the Terrans, by Robby and Mo to Philadelphia for the first time, Jawbreaker's good time at experiencing city-life took a sour turn when he, Thrash, and Mo found themselves tricked into entering an underground Bot Brawl fighting ring. Initially pleased when his first opponent turned out to be an undercover Bumblebee, the two found themselves having to face down the mind-controlled Dinobot, Grimlock. Working together with Thrash and Mo, the group were able to free Grimlock from his mind control, though they had to quickly depart as the Dinobot quickly went on a fire-breathing berserker rampage, deciding to let him cool off. Reuniting with the rest of his siblings, Jawbreaker eagerly volunteered to go back to with Bumblebee to rescue Grimlock. Home, Part 1
However, the search for Grimlock soon turned into a battle with the returning Mandroid. After taking down one of Mandroid's newest Arachnamech creations, Jawbreaker and the rest of their family found themselves having to fight their brain-controlled sister Hashtag. Hesitant at fighting their sister, they group found themselves outmatched by her size and Wi-fi powers. They were all able free their her when they were empowered by a mysterious energy that originated back from the cave where the Terrans were born. With their sister freed, Jawbreaker and the others raced back to Witwicky in hopes of getting home before their parents woke up. Home, Part 2
The kids encountered Grimlock while collecting flowers in the woods and had to flee back to the farm. However, Jawbreaker's lack of an alt mode saw him benched during the ensuing fight. Disgruntled at his lack of combat ability, he leapt at the chance of training with Grimlock and steadily gained confidence. When they joined Hashtag and Elita-1 at the quarry, Jawbreaker unexpectedly proved able to scan a dinosaur fossil, giving him a Stygimoloch alternate mode. Jawbreaker's enthusiasm caused Grimlock to succumb to latent memories of Mandroid's mind control, resulting in the Dinobot losing control and rampaging through Witwicky. Though Jawbreaker blamed himself, after a talk with Mo helped him come to terms with events, the pair joined the others in Witwicky, with Jawbreaker successfully talking Grimlock down from his rage. A Stygi Situation When Robby's cyber-sleeve manifested a new shield ability, Optimus smuggled the entire Malto family into G.H.O.S.T. HQ to have Teletraan I scan the devices. The kids were later training in the base's rec room when Mandroid took control of it, unleashing a holographic Megatron on them, and though Hashtag was able to shut it down, the fight resulted in Robby's cyber-sleeve becoming inactive and the emotional link between the kids was lost. Disarmed
While trying to reactivate the cyber-sleeves with the cave water that the Maltobots were using to energize, the kids stumbled on a cave system through which Starscream, Nova Storm and Skywarp were trying to escape. Things were complicated more when they encountered the energon-feeding Dweller, forcing them to try to enact a desperate plan to imprison it so it couldn't escape the caves. What Dwells Within Robby's cyber-sleeve began affecting his health, and Dot assured the other kids that they'd do all they could to help the boy get better. When the other human members of the Malto family lapsed into unconsciousness, the Maltobots took care of them until they recovered, having an encounter with Quintus Prime that restored both Robby's health and the cyber-sleeves. Prime Time
When Bumblebee was tasked with infiltrating G.H.O.S.T. HQ, the kids resolved to help their mentor. Hashtag, Jawbreaker and Mo remained at the Dugout to monitor the others as they sneaked into the HQ. Stowed Away, Stowaways The trio rejoined the rest of the family in Witwicky when it turned out they were facing a Mandroid-controlled Shockwave, and managed to take down the Decepticon, shortly before being surrounded by G.H.O.S.T. agents. With a timely intervention by their parents, they were able to escape back to the farm and revive Shockwave, only for Croft to arrive with an army of Ghoids. During the ensuing battle, the Maltos, with the help of the Autobots, overcame the Ghoids, only to face Croft disabling the Autobots and the arrival of Mandroid, grotesquely enhanced into a new robotic form. The Battle of Witwicky
The Malto family attempted to escape from Mandroid and his two Sharkticon henchmen, but during the flight, a missile resulted in Thrash, Hashtag and Jawbreaker plunging over a waterfall. The Last Hope, Part 1 The trio survived the fall and successfully tracked down Twitch and Nightshade, who'd freed Bumblebee and Schloder from G.H.O.S.T. HQ., helping them overcome a Mandroid-controlled Optimus. As they headed for the spire Mandroid had erected, they encountered more controlled Autobots and Jawbreaker had to stay behind to battle the Sharkticons with Nightshade and Hashtag, allowing Twitch and Thrash to go on ahead. Despite their efforts, Mandroid successfully activated his superweapon, putting Jawbreaker and the other Transformers on Earth into shutdown. Fortunately Mo and Robby were able to reverse the process using their cyber-sleeves to channel the power of Quintus Prime, and the Malto family were reunited. The Last Hope, Part 2
During a mission to retrieve a shard of the shattered Emberstone, Jawbreaker successfully stopped Breakdown by headbutting the Con in dino mode. As part of a plan to steal the Decepticon's collection of Embershards, Jawbreaker took part in a diversion at the naval yard, battling Skywarp with Elita-1 and successfully keeping their decoy shard from the Con. Aftermath Jawbreaker teamed up with Hashtag as the family searched the Witwicky surrounding area for Embershards, but found only a piece of litter. In Ruins While disposing of junk from the old G.H.O.S.T. base, the Terrans found themselves having to battle reactivated ghoids. Control Alt Delete
Following the discovery of cyber-syncing, Jawbreaker ran into Aftermath. He failed to prevent the Chaos Terran from drinking contaminated energon, leaving Aftermath almost out of energy, so he began leading Aftermath to the cave water that the Terrans used for sustenance. On the way, the pair managed to cyber-sync into "J'BAM", something that Jawbreaker was significantly more enthusiastic than Aftermath about. They also were forced to work together to defeat mushroom monster that had been mutated by the energon, after which Jawbreaker believed he had made a connection with the Chaos Terran... only to later learn that Aftermath had stolen all of the cave water. Togetherness
As part of the Polyhex Protocol, the Malto family took part in an assault course to decide who would go on an Autobot mission. Jawbreaker did not make it past the first obstacle, getting caught under the cargo netting. Spitfire While Robby and Hashtag cleaned Optimus's trailer, Jawbreaker kept the big guy occupied with an interminably long interview, extending it when it turned out Robby and Hashtag were having problems. Dude, Where's My Trailer? Jawbreaker and the rest of the family celebrated completing their collection of Embershards. Witwicky, Part 1 Learning that Starscream intended to take control of the Titan Terratronus, the Autobots launched an attack on the Decepticon base in which Jawbreaker took part. Unfortunately Starscream reassembled the Emberstone and used it to offline the Autobot forces, until Robby and Mo were later able to reclaim it and bring everyone back to life. Witwicky, Part 2
Jawbreaker helped out organizing a movie night for Robbie and Izzy. He and Twitch provided extra special effects by blowing leaves at the pair, but then ended up having to try to round up the Mole Bots which escaped the film thanks to Nightshade's hyper-reality film projector. Attack of the Drive-In Movie The Malto kids were lured into a trap by Fairmaestro, who had them take part in a series of tests which they failed solely due to Twitch helping everyone else. This resulted in Hashtag, Jawbreaker and Nightshade being trapped as part of a ride until they were able to escape and help Twitch overcome Fairmaestro. The Great Escape
The Malto kids took the Hypershuttle to a disused G.H.O.S.T. base in the Arctic for some snow fun. This ended when Megatron and Optimus, infected with Hate Plague, turned up and fought each other until it turned out cold was an effective cure. Fire and Ice The family later assembled at the Autobot base for a briefing on the Hate Plague. The Truth Is Out There When the Quintessons arrived in a huge ship, the Autobots and Maltos assembled at the edge of the Chaos Dome to greet it. The Quintessons destroyed the dome, unleashing a violent storm of chaos energies and the group had to scramble to save Witwicky's citizens from it. Judgment Day, Part 1 Jawbreaker took part in a diversionary battle while Mo brought Terratronus back to life, and was subsequently one of the family members who cyber-synced with the Titan, enabling her to destroy the Quintessons. Judgment Day, Part 2
Transformers: EarthSpark - Expedition
- Voice actor: Bill Rogers (English), Frans Limburg (Dutch), Emmanuel Rausenberger (French), Andi Kroesing (German), Alessandro Fattori (Italian), Robert Ciszewski (Polish), Rafa Parra (Spanish)
- Terran Jawbreaker (Warrior, 2023)
- Released as part of the third wave of Hasbro's EarthSpark Warrior Class figures, Jawbreaker is a Deluxe Class-sized but generally simpler figure that transforms into a robotic Stygimoloch. His right forearm hides a flip-out, non-removable blaster weapon under the gunmetal panel.
- Terran Jawbreaker (Deluxe, 2024)
- TakaraTomy ID Number: ESD-12
- TakaraTomy Release date: July 27, 2024
- Accessories: Tail/whip, two guns
- Released in the sixth wave of Hasbro's EarthSpark Deluxe Series toys, this version of Jawbreaker is a more complex and screen-proportions-having version of the character, with a slightly-bigger robot mode and a far larger dinosaur mode than the Warrior. He also has a much more involved transformation and increased posability in both modes (including a moving dino-jaw, yay!). His beast mode tail can be detached and wielded as a whip, and he also includes two 5 mm post-compatible blasters that plug into his robot mode's shoulders/beast mode's thighs.
- The TakaraTomy release of the character, also in the sixth wave of their Deluxe range (which includes both Deluxe and Warrior-class molds from the Hasbro line), has a much more involved and show-accurate deco than the Hasbro version, which has some weird changes that make it less show-accurate than the Warrior in some places (most notably the robot torso). This is also the only version of Jawbreaker released in the Japanese line, having skipped the Warrior mold.
- As with previous Transformers who turn into members of the Pachycephalosauria, the status of Stygimoloch as a valid genus has been debated, with it being argued to actually just be a misclassified juvenile Pachycephalosaurus.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Jawbreaker (ジョウブレイカー Jōbureikā)
- Hungarian: Nyelvtörő ("Tongue-Twister")
- Mandarin: Yìngtáng (硬糖, "Hard Candy")