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Jallguar is a Decepticon Breastforce Warrior from the Victory portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

Jallguar (ジャルガー Jarugā, aka Jaruga and Jarugar)[1] is a member of the Breastforce team, the elite Decepticon troopers. The team's "Cyberneticist" (whatever that means), he's the most serious of the group, a model soldier who follows orders diligently, picking off those who escape his aerial comrades' attacks with his own "Spiral Attack" missile-volley. However, he is not without his flaws: he's not very imaginative, and more importantly, he really lacks initiative. If Jallguar is not given orders, he tends to stand around confused if he runs across something unexpected.

Jallguar's chestplate, Jaguarbreast, can disconnect from his body and transform into a robotic jaguar or the hand-held "Jaguar Cannon". Like his fellow Breastforce warriors, Jallguar is also armed with an Electromagnetic Nunchaku.

Jallguar can combine with his Breastforce teammates to form Liokaiser, becoming the lower torso of the super robot.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Victory cartoon

Voice actor: Hirohiko Kakegawa (Japanese), Shinobu Satouchi ("The New Warrior - Hellbat", Japanese), Rik Thomas (English, Omni Productions dub)
Speed Buggy.

Jallguar came to Earth alongside Drillhorn and Killbison to join their commanding officer Leozack in service of Deathsaurus. For his first mission on Earth, Jallguar aided in an attempt to take over an energy plant in the desert, Unite!! Multiforce then later helped raid the Neo Uranium Mines. Infiltration... The Uranium Mine Later still, when the Breastforce embarked on a scheme to drain electrical energy from American subway tunnels, Jallguar was the one to speak up when Leozack began ranting about Deathsaurus's methods, pointing out that it wouldn't be a good thing for their emperor to hear him. Leozack didn't react well. Once they were actually in the field, Jallguar narrowly avoided being run over by an oncoming train, and when Deathsaurus retreated, he brought the message to the other Breastforcers. Big City - Underground Terror

In the midst of a battle with the Autobots that followed the arrived of the Breastforce's fifth member, Hellbat, Jallguar joined with this teammates in unleashing his Breast Animal upon Star Saber. The New Warrior - Hellbat Later, when the Breastforce stole all the gasoline from Marine City so they could hold the town to ransom, Jallguar and Drillhorn were caught in the act by Blacker, but managed to outrun him. Tanker Hijack Operation

Jarugar head in the sand.jpg

After failing in an attempt to steal the payloads of a fleet of oil tankers, Rescue Jan!! Jallguar and the Breastforce began tapping hydroelectric power in Canada. When their operation was uncovered by the Mach and Tackle, Jallguar, Hellbat and Killbison pursued the two Autobots into the nearby forest. Tackle concealed himself beneath a blanket of soil and grass so that he could ambush Jallguar; a radio broadcast from Mach nearly gave him away, but he was still able to get the drop on Jallguar and ram his face into the dirt. Mach and Tackle

Following a mission to capture human spacecraft by hiding in the asteroid belt, A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid Jallguar accompanied the rest of the Breastforce when they headed for planet Micro in order to rescue the sixth member of their team, Guyhawk, from the prison on the planet's moon. Rescue! Guyhawk With Guyhawk back in their ranks, the team combined into the giant robot Liokaiser and defeated Star Saber in battle for the first time. Unite! Liokaiser

Once back on Earth, Jallguar joined the Breastforce in attacking the Schaeffer Energy planet, Battle Up of Wrath!! drilling for oil in Antarctica Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle and ambushing the Brainmasters and Greatshot in the desert. Crisis! Ambush in the Desert The Decepticons were forced to retreat at the end of the latter fight, but Guyhawk was still spoiling to settle things with Greatshot, and would have got in an argument with Leozack about pursuing him if Jallguar had not conveniently arrived to inform Leozack that Deathsaurus wanted to speak to him. A Deadly Battle Soon after, Jallguar and the Breastforce aided Deathsaurus in stealing energy from a solar energy power plant, Ginrai Dies!! and later embarked on a mission to pillage the Mount Asama geothermal power plant, only to wind up being defeated by Victory Leo. Awaken! Victory Leo

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When Deathsaurus used the threat of orbital missile bombardment to keep the Autobots from interfering with the Decepticons' energy thefts, Jallguar, Guyhawk and Killbison delightedly went about their work, pausing only to taunt the Autobots that could do nothing but watch. The Tide Is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification Jallguar proceeded to join in the Breastforce's plot to steal information on Star Saber and Victory Leo's combination process A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs then helped unleash the metal-eating Doriya insects upon the Autobots. The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!

On their final mission, Jallguar and the Breastforce aided Deathsaurus in raising the lost continent of Atlantis and stealing its vast stockpiles of energy. The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves Deathsaurus and the Breastforce departed earth with the stolen energy, and used it to reactivate Deathsaurus's long-dormant Planet-Destroying Fortress. The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress! To keep the Autobots busy while the fortress's main cannon charged, Deathsaurus dispatched the Breastforce - combined as Liokaiser - to battle them. In the course of the clash, Victory Leo was able to blast Liokaiser into the fortress's cannon barrel, which drained his energy dry. With his consciousness fading and his body unable to move, Liokaiser could only utter a fading scream for help as he drifted off into the depths of space. Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification

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Attack the Shuttle Base!! Jan - Defend the Campus!!

Zone catalog

As part of Liokaiser, Jallguar was revived from death by some means. Lead by the reborn Dark Emperor Deathsaurus, Liokaiser joined several other powerful Decepticons in an assault on planet Zone. Attempting to steal their Energon Z, the Decepticons proved no match for the Micromasters and were driven away. Zone Project Story

Victory comic

Breastforce manga.jpg

Jallguar debuted silently, standing behind Guyhawk as he informed Deathsaurus that Leozack had gone off on a solo mission, foolishly believing that he could conquer Earth on his own. Leozack's Rampage! After Leozack was defeated by Star Saber, Jallguar and the rest of the Breastforce took the Autobot leader on, only to be taken out by a single slash of his Saber Blade. Star Saber, Warrior of Love!

Later, Jallguar and the other Breastforcers combined into Liokaiser to battle Star Saber on Energy Planet X. When the combiner warrior managed to seize Star Saber, his individual components began arguing over who would get right to destroy the Autobot leader; Jallguar petitioned his teammates to entrut the deed to him. Star Saber exploited the opening to turn the battle around, and Liokaiser was defeated and escaped. Star of Friendship, Jan and Star Saber! In their next battle with Star Saber, the Breastforce almost had him defeated thanks to the aid of Deathsaurus and Dinoking, but the tables were turned when Star Saber merged with new arrival Victory Leo, to form Victory Saber. The Strongest Pair, the Combination of Victory!

In their next battle, Liokaiser and Deathsaurus were defeated by the Autobots' "Five Stars of Victory" attack technique, and Liokaiser split back into Jallguar and the rest of the Breastforce to flee back to Deathsaurus's "Space Stronghold". Shine, Five Stars of Victory From the stronghold, the Decepticons began a final attack on Earth, bombarding the planet with meteors, but the Autobots succeeded in thwarting their scheme, despite a bit of attempted treachery courtesy of Leozack. At the battle's end, Deathsaurus revealed that the fortress was home to the Decepticon civilians, and that they had been fighting to keep them safe. Struck by this revelation, Star Saber decided that it was time for the Autobots and Decepticons to lay down their arms, and live in peace—the truest victory of all! The Grand Victory War

2005 IDW continuity


Jallguar was part of Deathsaurus's contingent of Decepticons stationed in their Warworld. In agreement with Tarn, Deathsaurus and his forces joined with the Decepticon Justice Division to continue the Decepticon dream and eliminate Megatron. The Permanent Revolution


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

Senran Jaguar
  • Jallguar (Breastforce, 1989)
  • ID number: D-332
  • Accessories: "Jaguarbreast" Breast Animal, two missile pieces
  • Known designers: Takashi Kunihiro (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
Released in the Victory portion of Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toyline, Jallguar transforms into a black and white Baja-style racing buggy with a rear-mounted (non-firing) missile rack. The missile warheads detach to clip to the sides of his feet in robot mode. Jallguar comes packaged with his Breast Animal partner Jaguarbreast, who can attach to Jallguar's chest as armor or be used as the hand-held "Jaguar Cannon" weapon. Unique among the Breastforce, Jallguar features a secondary chestplate that springs forward when the Jaguarbreast is removed.
Jallguar combines with the other members of the Breastforce, becoming the waist of their merged form, Liokaiser. In this form, Jallguar's missiles combine with Killbison's cannons to form Liokaiser's "Strike Missile Gun".
This mold was used to make Rescue Force 2.

  • Liocaesar [sic] (Gift set, 1989)
  • ID number: D-335
  • Accessories: "Jaguarbreast" Breast Animal, two missile pieces
Jallguar was also available in a complete six-piece box set of the entire Breastforce team. This release does not have bio/Tech Spec cards for the individuals, only the combined form.


A weird but wonderful deep cut.
  • Jarugar (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2014)
  • Bag number: ***** 52
  • Accessories: Stand brick, 2 double barreled guns
Part of the fifth assortment of Kre-O blind-bagged Kreon Micro-Changers, Jarugar can be rebuilt from robot mode into a racing buggy. He sports Hound's helmet.
Jarugar cannot be built according to his instructions... well... sort of. The instructions say to put his harness on the neck-peg in vehicle mode, but this interferes with the hood piece, keeping you from pushing the front-end blocks all the way down the neck peg. You can either put the hood-piece all the way forward on the attachment stud (as opposed to center-point as the instructions say), or put the harness on the waist pointed back to the feet and set the windshield part a bit forward to close the gap.
This assortment of Micro-Changers was functionally available only at Toys"R"Us stores in the US and Canada, as other large retailers had all but abandoned the Kre-O line. It was later made available in the US through discount chains like Five Below.


They call me Kibbleass!
  • Liokaiser (Multi-pack, 2026)
Legacy "Jaruga" and the rest of his Chest-force team constitute the fifth Transformers-based HasLab project. Like his original toy, Jaruga is capable of combining with his squaddies to form Liokaiser and includes his animal companion, the "jaguar Chest Animal". Notably, the demands of 2020's articulation standards lead to the set ending up with a big ol' chunk of combiner kibble for the combined mode's pelvis that Jallguar is tasked with hauling around as some manner of vague missile pod trailer thing.

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Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


Transformers Gum

  • Leozack · Jallguar · Killbison (Candy toy kit, 1989)
Released in the Victory portion of Kabaya's Transformers Gum candy toy line, this Jallguar is a tiny little version of his original toy, unassembled and unpainted, cast in white and red plastic, with add-on stickers for detailing. He even comes with a little Jaguarbreast that doubles as a handgun (it doesn't actually transform, just can be held as a gun). And he keeps the combiner functionality as well.
Jallguar was only available in a box packed in with Leozack, Killbison, and a plank of gum which by no means should you put in your mouth if you acquire it.


  • Jallguar's character model in the Victory anime omits many of the sticker details on the actual toy. Consequently, he is the only member of the Breastforce without any yellow markings on his knees.

Foreign names

  • Mandarin: Hēibào (黑豹, "Black Panther")
  • Russian: Dzhelger (Джелгер)


  1. Jallguar's name is derived from the Japanese rendering of "jaguar" (ジャガー jagā), with the "ru" syllable inserted in. The Romanization used in this wiki, "Jallguar", is from the toy's packaging; various English sources use "Jaruga" and the Kre-O toy spells it "Jarugar".
  2. HasLab Liokaiser campaign page
  3. NEW TRANSFORMERS HASLAB! Legacy Liokaiser Combiner - The Ultimate Combiner Awaits! at the Hasbro Pulse YouTube channel.
  4. HasLab presentation from the Megacon Orlando 2025 Transformers panel with Emily Bader and Evan Brooks, recorded at the "Blind Prime" YouTube channel.
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