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Cold War (history)

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The name or term "Cold War" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Cold War (disambiguation).

The Cold War is a period in Earth history (specifically after World War II) when humans dug a lot of bunkers. This was apparently due to post-war disagreements between the United States of America and the Soviet Union.



The Transformers cartoon

In the Autobots' awakening on modern Earth, all of the planets' nations set aside their differences to aid them (presumably meaning the wartime tensions were eased). More than Meets the Eye, Part 3 Tensions increased when an experimental Soviet stealth fighter was mysteriously stolen, threatening to ignite a third global war. Prime Target

Live-action film series


The six movies are the primary component of the live-action movie continuity family. Their events should be taken as canon for all other pieces of fiction listed below, unless otherwise specified.
Dark of the Moon film

The Apollo 11 space mission, set during the war's "Space Race", secretly discovered Cybertronian life crashlanded on the moon. At the same time, the Soviet Union commandeered a Cybertronian engine part, which was apparently responsible for the Chernobyl event, not a nuclear meltdown. Dark of the Moon

Bumblebee film

Despite Jack Burns' objections, Dr. Powell eventually convinced General Whalen to work with Shatter and Dropkick, positing that the Decepticons would otherwise take their technology to the Russians and asking if Whalen wanted to be remembered as the one who cost the United States the Cold War. Bumblebee

IDW movie comics

A nuclear shelter was built in Odessa, Texas. Many years later, NEST used it as a base of operations while they tried to capture Soundwave. Nefarious #3

During the early 1960s, Bumblebee was an agent for P.R.O.G.R.A.M.M.E., partnered with David Reeve. Together with Diana Lux, they uncovered and thwarted a plot headed by the tiny Decepticon Malignus to escalate the course of the Cold War so that his unit of Decepticons could pillage as much Cybertronian treasures as possible. Bumblebee Movie Prequel

Transformers: Beginnings

During the Cold War, a bunker was built in New Mexico. Sector Seven later used it to try to trap Bumblebee after he arrived on Earth. Beginnings

Aligned continuity family

Prime cartoon

Autobot Outpost Omega One was originally a Cold War nuclear missile silo. After the 'Bots came to Earth, the silo was reconfigured for their habitation.

Rescue Bots cartoon

At some point during the Cold War, a bunker was built under the fire station on Griffin Rock. After the Rescue Bots were assigned to the island as protectors, they made use of it. Family of Heroes

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