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Chromia (G1)

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The name or term "Chromia" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Chromia (disambiguation).
Chromia is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"At least our animated character models didn't have high heels."

Chromia is a seasoned, tough-as-nails infiltrator who's adept at unflinching sabotage. Bluntly honest and a little married to her job, she doesn't make an ideal friend, but she can nevertheless be fiercely protective, a quality which also makes her an exceptional bodyguard. Her rough edges often find her a kinship with other like-minded security officers such as Ironhide. More diplomatic peers such as Windblade have attempted to socialize her, but beware—she might "arrange" an exit out of an overwhelming interpersonal situation with a quietly-placed detonator.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: ? (English); Masako Katsuki (Japanese), Yu Hong (Chinese), Esperanza Gracia (Spain-Spanish), Adalmária Mesquita (Brazilian Portuguese), Joëlle Fossier (European French)

Four million years ago, Chromia tried to board the Ark, while it was being attacked, with the rest of Elita One's team. The plan failed though, and she and the others appeared to be destroyed.

Cybertronic soccer mom.

Chromia led a mission to steal energon cubes from Shockwave. When Moonracer got trapped after disobeying orders, Chromia confronted the alerted Shockwave and managed to trick him into freeing Moonracer.

Shortly thereafter, a team of Decepticons from Earth came to capture Elita One. In doing so, Rumble destroyed the Female Autobots' underground base, trapping them inside. When they managed to free themselves, Chromia took charge of the search for their missing leader. On their way, they met up with a group of Earth-stationed Autobots who had come looking for Optimus Prime and Chromia was reunited with Ironhide. The two teams together fought the Decepticons, eventually winning when Optimus and Elita returned. Given a new base by Alpha Trion, Chromia stayed with Elita's squad on Cybertron when Optimus' team returned to Earth. The Search for Alpha Trion

Japanese cartoon continuity

MC Axis comics

Chromia and the rest of the team defeated a gigantic Decepticon. Chromia and her compatriots seemed confident that they could retake Cybertron on their own, though Elita One insisted that Optimus Prime was still their last hope to win the war. The Transformers: Elita One

Legends comic
Little known fact: Chromia is Stampy's great-aunt.

Tigatron of the Legends World had a dream in which Chromia appeared before him and warned him he was in danger, soon followed by all kinds of heroic female Transformers. Sure enough, a group of evil female Transformers then showed up to kidnap Tigatron, but Chromia picked him up and kept him safe during the ensuing battle. Bonus Edition Vol. 11

During Halloween, Alpha Trion summoned the real Chromia into the Legends Universe to help stop Megatron's latest grab for energy. Dressed up as a bunny girl, she confronted Megatron and his underlings alongside Arcee and Windblade, though she was confused and embarrassed as to why it being Halloween meant she had to dress like that. The three were then defeated and tied up by Blackarachnia, but it turned out the Decepticons hadn't gotten any energy anyway. Bonus Edition Vol. 17 Tigatron later had another dream of Chromia in which she explained that her new body was the result of changing armor parts, displayed her new altmode and ability to fly, and traded armors with Arcee. Chromia Chapter Chromia later swooned over the Springer from her home universe when he crossed over to the Legends Universe. Bonus Edition Vol. 19 Chromia and Ultra Magnus were tied up by Skids during his mission to send all interdimensional visitors to the Legends Universe back to where they came from, though he eventually gave up and allowed them to stay. Bonus Edition Vol. 20

While acting as cheerleaders at a soccer game for whatever reason, Chromia and the other girls found themselves being harassed by Wheelie. Bonus Edition Vol. 29 After Metroplex was sold off to the Decepticon Tera-Kura Co., Chromia joined the Decepticon organization so that she could remain with the city-bot. Bonus Edition Vol. 31 As Alpha Trion had done the same, she was near him when he was looking for his ultra-drill. Bonus Edition Vol. 33 As an office worker she wore a snazzy suit, though Apeface ripped it to pieces while displaying his telekinetic powers. Bonus Edition Vol. 38 She later started taking Astrotrain's new commuter service to work, Bonus Edition Vol. 40 and was exasperated with Alpha Trion when he lost his drill again. LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter

When the Decepticon Headmasters turned on Tera-Kura Co. and came to steal Metroplex's transformation cog, Chromia was defeated by Trickdiamond's earthquake powers. Decepticon Civil War She hung back at the office while the cog was used to rebuild Trypticon, then cheered Metroplex on when he defeated the beast. Bonus Edition Vol. 43 She was later among those pestered by Kickback and his clone army. Bonus Edition Vol. 47

As Scorponok's obsession with plasma energy threatened the entire Legends World, Chromia and Alpha Trion worked with the Jumpstarters to begin opening dimensional portals, evacuating the population. Targetmaster Chapter Finale Part Two Chromia and her Autobot allies returned to Cybertron of 2039. They faced the Powered Masters, corrupted and possessed by the spirits of Violengiguar. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 2 By 2039, peace reigned on Earth and on Cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons. Metroplex and Trypticon became sister cities on the planet Earth, and Chromia was on hand as a law enforcer, keeping an eye out for the few remaining criminal elements. Epiloge

Generations Selects Special Comic

In 2050, Chromia and the Autobots supported the Selectors' revolution on Earth. Volcanicus comic 2

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Arcee and Chromia were present at the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron in race queen outfits. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.
Welp, got left behind, time for a nap.

To gather energy for the energy-sapped Autobots, a crew was formed to pilot the Ark. Chromia was to be part of the crew, but a Decepticon attack blocked her and others from reaching the ship before it departed. Soon after, as their current reserve of energies was dangerously low, Chromia joined her comrades still on the planet in stasis hibernation as an energy-saving measure. Battle Lines, Part 6

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Generation One ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Chromia was a member of an elite squad of five warriors under the command of the Quintessons. Following a report from their Autobot sleeper agent, Arcee, that the awaited situation to commence their mission had come, Elita One used a space bridge to get to the Autobase on Cybertron. Chromia and the others waited patiently for her to signal that they could follow. Chromia joined her commander soon after it came. With only Firestar still to get through the portal, the group was attacked by Gnaw, but Moonracer and Elita One took care of that. While the rest of the team went further into the Autobot facility, Chromia was sent back to Quintessa with an unconscious Hot Rod. Generation 1 #11

Descent into Evil


Chromia and her ward Flareup were part of an Autobot strike force tasked with destroying the Decepticon general Deathsaurus' cloning lab on Ceti Alpha Seven. Although the pair had handily beaten Deathsaurus's Insecticon underling Buzzclaw on Regulon Four some time previous, they were taken by surprise by the first production run of clones. Although Chromia fought effectively against the clones, she was no match for Deathsaurus himself when he entered the battle personally. Falling before the general's might, she was taken captive.

Chromia, along with her teammates and the backup team of Ironhide and Ratchet, was ultimately rescued when Ricochet, who had evaded capture, came to the rescue of the entire Autobot party. Descent into Evil

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Robots in Disguise #25
DarkCybertron7 Chromia.jpg

One erroneous account presented Chromia as a Cybertronian, who was among those attended Bumper and Fastback's funeral. Megatron Origin #3 However, every other account shows that Chromia was born from the hot spot contained in the Titan Caminus, who founded a distant colony in his name that was cut off from Cybertron long before the war and whose citizens retained differentiated genders. Her people's isolation ended with the arrival of Thunderclash, who had come seeking help from a Cityspeaker in order to aid Metroplex. The chosen Cityspeaker, Windblade, needed a bodyguard, however, and so Chromia (and Nautica) were enlisted. A Bot and Her City If I Know You The three joined the crew of the Vis Vitalis shortly before it crossed paths with Alpha Trion. The legendary Autobot was preoccupied with an important quest, so the three volunteered to watch after Metroplex for him and keep him alive. Burning Bright Under their watch, Metroplex's insides were besieged with invaders, so Chromia and Nautica hunted them down to confront them and fight them off, if necessary. They found a small group of robots and Chromia threatened to put the hurt down on them. The Dead Are Not Enough

Their adversaries turned out to be fellow Autobots from the Lost Light who were battling an army of angered Ammonites. Chromia and Nautica led them back to their boss, Windblade, who explained their mission, and subsequently the Lost Light was able to give Metroplex a jump, allowing him to spacebridge back to Cybertron. Burning Bright On arrival, they couldn't do much but hang on tight within Metroplex as the city-bot did battle with the Necrotitan. Finis Temporis Following Metroplex's victory, Chromia and her pals got to mingle with the locals, including another female Autobot named Arcee. The Becoming When Shockwave's army of Ammonites invaded Cybertron, the three Camiens returned to Metroplex to convince him to fight the invaders. Black Planet Toward the end of the battle, Mainframe contacted Chromia to let them to know the Lost Light was about to ram Monstructor, though she got frustrated by the vague, dramatic way he phrased it. ...And the Damage Done

Chromia accompanied Nautica to her audition to join the crew of the Lost Light, helping out by keeping her friend's rambling to a minimum. Chromia and Windblade later attended Megatron's trial. Towards Peace The pair went to find cover when a group of Decepticons disrupted proceedings with the intent to rescue the defendant. Predestination: A Beginner's Guide

Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot.

Six months later, Chromia had stayed behind on Cybertron in order to protect and train Windblade as she performed her role as Metroplex's Cityspeaker. She was highly untrusting of Cybertron's elected ruler, Starscream, though Windblade preferred to give him the benefit of the doubt. When Windblade sought advice on how to best interact with Starscream, Chromia scoffed at Windblade's choice of talking to the "mopey" Ironhide, but was visibly upset when Windblade teased her about telling Ironhide she described him as such. Later, Chromia accompanied Windblade as the pair investigated an area of the city that might reveal why Metroplex was suffering blackouts, and at the end of the day Chromia insisted they not over-exert themselves and reconvene in the morning. A 'Bot and Her City Chromia planted a bomb near where they'd be, in an attempt to make Windblade return to Caminus. Windblade vol. 1 #4 In the morning, when she and Windblade returned to the area, the bomb exploded, damaging Windblade. Chromia dragged her to medical care. A 'Bot and Her City

No, it's true, they actually elected Starscream.

Chromia was guarding Windblade when Starscream paid her a visit, and afterwards encouraged Windblade to pursue the idea that Starscream was behind the bomb. Enlisting Ironhide's help, they followed up a lead in the form of Waspinator whom Chromia had to physically tackle when he tried to run. Chromia stayed in Blurr's bar while Windblade went with Waspinator. After Windblade discovered Starscream was trying to mine ore from Metroplex, Chromia joined a team that went down to investigate. A Long Way Down They were attacked by the Terrorcons and Chromia went instinctively to Windblade's aid, eventually managing to avoid being arrested when Starscream and Rattrap arrived. Windblade vol. 1 #3 She arranged for Metroplex's spacebridge to activate, Windblade vol. 1 #4 and organized a jail break, successfully springing Windblade and the others. As they headed for Metroplex, Windblade revealed that she believed Starscream wasn't behind the bomb. Windblade vol. 1 #3

The pair rushed to Metroplex, where Chromia insisted Windblade merge with the Titan's mind. She fought with Starscream when he arrived, but he managed to injure Windblade and sliced off Chromia's right arm. Windblade, merged with Metroplex, was able to subdue him with the Titan's internal defenses and revealed she'd discovered Chromia was behind the bomb. Though Chromia encouraged Windblade to make Metroplex jump back to Caminus, Windblade instead opted to shut the spacebridge down in favor of making a deal with Starscream. Windblade vol. 1 #4

She was among the group present when Wheeljack was brought back online, though she wasn't as enthusiastic about the event when she observed how happy Starscream was. The World of Tomorrow Chromia then participated in the violent arrest of the Firecons, primary suspects in a series of murders, Quest for Fire and was present when they were locked up. The Killing Jar


Chromia and Ironhide found Windblade and Optimus Prime being attacked by Decepticons and Chromia managed to stop the fight through sheer force of intimidation. They retired to Metroplex to contemplate the spacebridge, now linked to Caminus. Optimus ordered Chromia and Ironhide to guard the portal; however they were unable to prevent Swindle from taking Menasor through. First Contact They headed through the portal with Starscream's forces and attacked Menasor. The giant briefly held Chromia in his fist until she broke free. In the end, the battle was decided when Superion joined in. The Sum and Its Parts Chromia was taking part in the subsequent cleanup on Caminus when Devastator arrived and started smashing more things. As the giant started trying to smash the spacebridge, Chromia rallied those present to fight him until Superion and Defensor defeated him. Mistakes and Mayhem As Starscream returned to Cybertron, Chromia went with him to make sure no one started shooting. She was later back on Caminus when Menasor again went through the spacebridge and started fighting with the combiners already there. You, Me, and the Universe As a combiner incorporating Optimus joined the fight, Chromia led a group back through to Cybertron to help prevent the Decepticons there from attacking Caminus. All That Remains

Prime Arcee vs. G1 Arcee.

Windblade and Chromia were returning to Cybertron through the spacebridge while Optimus communicated with Arcee on Earth. Now and On Earth To celebrate the union between Cybertron and Caminus, the Mistress of Flame declared an official holiday that saw Chromia temporarily don some Cityspeaker-style face paint for the occasion. While she was guarding the Enigma of Combination with a Badgeless, Arcee stole the artifact. Chromia and Windblade pursued her into the Sea of Rust where their confrontation was interrupted by the Torchbearers. After the Torchbearers were merged into Victorion, the trio fought to survive the giant's onslaught until Windblade managed to talk the giant into separating. Chromia later returned the Enigma and resumed guarding it. An Uneventful Night

She and Windblade interceded in a quarrel between visiting Camiens and Decepticons, though Chromia was a little too aggressive with the Decepticons. Windblade left her to finish sorting things out. She later joined Windblade, Ironhide, and Blurr for a trip to Velocitron, where they found themselves in the path of Delta, a city fleeing a wall of fire. Windblade vol. 2 #4 Chromia managed to encourage Ironhide into safely making it onto the city by staying by his side. She accompanied Windblade and Clocker to inspect Navitas, the Titan on which the city was built, and stood by as Windblade talked to the Titan directly. Race Against the Light


When Windblade returned disappointed from Eukaris following the death of Chela, Chromia believed she'd done her best to save the Titan. The Will of the Few Following the formation of the Council of Worlds, Starscream declared Chosen One Day, a new holiday. Windblade hugged Chromia and forgave her for past discretions... if only for a night. Choose Me

Chromia, Ironhide, and Windblade helped re-secure the spacebridge nexus after a gaggle of Decepticons stormed it. Chromia was present when Optimus Prime used the bridge to go to Earth and annex it in advance of Galvatron's invasion. Perihelion Shortly after taking this drastic step, Optimus had a nightmare where he saw Windblade and Chromia bowing down before him. Once Upon a Time on Earth The real Chromia, meanwhile, had gone off to attend an emergency Council meeting to discuss this problem. New Worlds Order

Kinky, but at least buy her dinner first!

The uneasy peace on Cybertron was growing increasingly threatened by the distrust of the Badgeless, and compounded by a spree of mnemosurgical attacks on several Decepticons within Iacon, including a supplier of parts to Carcer. The Committee moved to have Ironhide investigate the issue. When the meeting was adjourned, Chromia went off to spar with Strika. 07:00:00 Tensions boiled over after the suspicious death of a disgruntled Decepticon, and Chromia participated in a Council meeting that saw Ironhide step up as the new head of Cybertronian security. Applicable Skills

Shortly after Sentinel Prime reawoke, Chromia was walking around in the Decepticon ghetto outside of Metroplex. The Last Autobot On learning that Windblade was being forced to help Starscream because he knew of Chromia's actions in bombing Acrolight, Chromia took over decoding security footage related to Swindle's death and discovered the Decepticon's body had been taken by Wheeljack and Rattrap. She visited Wheeljack, only for the pair of them to be taken prisoner by the rest of the Combaticons, who forced Wheeljack to lead them to Swindle's brain-dead body. Things We Said We'd Never Do After the Combaticons used the Enigma to merge into Bruticus, Chromia worked with Windblade to talk the Combaticons down, however Ironhide took matters into his own hands and blasted Bruticus. In the aftermath, Chromia coopted Circuit's broadcast to make a public confession of her actions in Acrolight, and was arrested by Ironhide. The Line Between Us

Please just this once... stay...

Chromia being in prison was later one of the factors Windblade mentioned that had demoralized her. Ping When a fleet of undead Titans arrived to destroy Cybertron (as they do), Chromia was marched onto a prison ship when Starscream gave the evacuation order. She broke the prison line to speak to Ironhide about Metroplex being felled and urged him to help Windblade who was doubtlessly with the Titan. Ironhide said Windblade was at the Spire (and he was right) and there was no need to worry but Chromia was convinced that without Ironhide, Windblade would do something stupid (she was also right). Desperate Times

Said stupid thing turned out to be releasing Carcer. When the evil Titan made planetfall, Chromia rushed back to Ironhide to try and find Windblade, only for the irritable warden to grab her and stuff her in a prison cell to be killed by the undead. However, Metroplex managed to release her and direct her to Windblade's location with Carcer so she could free her friend. Chromia rushed to the Titan and scaled up his body, breaching his body and arriving at his brain module just as Elita One had blown it into chunks, seemingly killing Windblade. Rubicon

Chromia was subsequently put back into prison and set to be tried for crimes against Cybertron. The Mistress of Flame attempted to get Starscream to turn Chromia over to her but when Starscream refused, she demanded Swindle and Menasor in exchange. The ghost of Bumblebee urged Starscream to hand over Chromia. Starscream instead opted to free Chromia and turn her into a hit-bot to hunt down and kill Liege Maximo, offering her a pardon in exchange, as well as saying he'd lost his own chance to be better, telling Chromia not to waste hers. Heavy Starscream and Obsidian provided Chromia with the Sabre, with Greenlight and Lancer as her crew, while the Camien herself recorded a goodbye message for Windblade, encouraging her friend to stay strong while she was away. The Chosen One

StrangerEons CaptainChromia.jpg

Shortly after setting out, however, the crew ran afoul of the Maximals. Though they managed to triumph over their foes, the Maximals had damaged the Sabre's long-range communication, leaving them unable to contact Cybertron. Stranger Eons When Liege Maximo returned to Cybertron as a prisoner of Onyx Prime, Windblade asked whether the bestial Prime had encountered Chromia or her team. Onyx chose to ignore the question and grill Soundwave instead. Another Mine

When the Sabre finally repaired its communications, the crew had caught up with the Decepticon Vengeance Division facing off against Unicron in G Nebula 89. Calling Cybertron, Chromia was quickly caught up on the recent political changes before she reported that, despite their incredible firepower, the Decepticons were failing to damage the Chaos Bringer. Unicron unleashing the Maximals on the Decepticons was enough incentive for Chromia to order a quantum jump back to Cybertron. Stranger Eons

The Sabre arrived back home to find Unicron had beaten them there and assumed a robot mode to attack the planet while having warped the DVD into his service. Acting as a battlefield coordinator, Chromia tried to deter Elita One from charging head-on to no success, the Carcerian confident in her plan. Our Finest As the Autobot fleet fell and Unicron began physically tearing into Cybertron, Windblade called upon the Spectral Knights to use their magic to teleport Cybertron's populace to safety. Noticing this, Unicron returned his attention to the fleet, preventing them from reaching the magic before Elita One defiantly slammed Carcer into Unicron's face, distracting him just long enough for the magical ribbon to reach the fleet and teleport them to Earth. Road's End


Safe on the organic world, Chromia reunited with Windblade before Prowl arrived with information on Unicron's origins and inner workings. As part of the do-or-die attack on Unicron, Chromia joined in the diversionary attack on the DVD. Assembly When Optimus Prime had successfully used the Talisman to collapse Unicron, Chromia pulled Centurion out of Trypticon's burning corpse before Metroplex space bridged everyone back to Earth. Ceremony Chromia was one of the mourners present at Optimus's funeral, Post before she invited Nautica and Velocity to Earth so they could catch up. How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2

Kre-O cartoon

Chromia's Pizza featured a picture of Chromia on the box. A box of this pizza sat on the floor near Megatron as he watched television. Megatron's Revenge

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


Chromia was a Ground Command Special Ops Sergeant, whose function was Counter Intelligence. Siege webpage[1] During the war for Cybertron Chromia was dispatched to locate a possible Autobot escape site located in the largest spaceport on Cybertron, the Hydrax Plateau. Anything else that may have been given to her as part of her mission's specifications, were classified. Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Georgia Reed (English), Masami Katsuyama (Japanese), Amanda Manso (Portuguese), Christèle Billault (French), Cornelia Waibel (German), Margot Lago (Castilian Spanish), Rommy Mendoza (Latin-American Spanish)

Before the war, Chromia lived on Caminus. Chromia was present when Elita-1, Wheeljack and Bumblebee returned from their mission. Siege episode 1 Chromia was sent to the fake coordinates of the AllSpark, which turned out to be a Decepticon ambush. Chromia dragged Cog to safety after he was shot in the chest, then rode on the back of Optimus with the injured Cog when they retreated from the battle. Siege episode 2 After Mirage's attempted holographic infiltration of a Decepticon squad failed, Chromia provided cover fire for him and helped defeat their foes. Siege episode 3

First she took Moonracer's body, now she's taking her skillset.

Chromia was part of the group sent to fix the space bridge. She served as lookout duty and managed to snipe three Seekers that attacked the group. Siege episode 4 Chromia continued to guard the bridge as Mirage cast a large hologram to hide it from further Decepticon discovery. Siege episode 5 Once Mirage's hologram finally failed, Chromia had to exchange fire with more Seekers. She tried to hold the Autobots' position beside the activated space bridge. Chromia was blasted trying to provide coverage for Optimus Prime as he boarded the Ark and ultimately left behind on Cybertron after the ship launched through the space bridge. She placed herself under Elita-1's command to continue the resistance on Cybertron. Siege episode 6

Chromia was part of an Autobot force to help free Decepticon prisoners and successfully liberated them. Elita-1 asked her to prep for another mission to raid a Decepticon prison-camp in the Kaon arena. The group performed reconnaissance on the next camp and suspected it might be a trap. Chromia sniped the few guards who were on duty and shot a Decepticon who was attacking Elita-1. Starscream soon sprung the trap and the Decepticons managed to capture Chromia's group. They were brought before Megatron, who showed the Autobots a demonstration of Project Nemesis. Earthrise episode 1

Placed in the detention cells, the Autobots tried to work out what Project Nemesis entailed. The group was soon brought before Megatron again and placed in tubes to have their sparks drained. As the machinery was activating, it was shut off just as quickly and the group was rescued by Scrapface, who helped them escape. Chromia knocked out a willing Skytread, who had his own doubts about Megatron's methods and let them leave. Earthrise episode 2 Chromia and the others trekked back to Autobot camp with Scrapface's Decepticons, trying to avoid further detection by Seeker patrols. The group observed Shockwave's message that recalled all Decepticons to Kaon with false promises of protection. Chromia pledged her support to return and stop the Decepticons' plans once and for all. Earthrise episode 3

Within the Dead Universe, Optimus Prime suffered a nightmarish vision that showed Chromia and other Autobots lying dead at Megatron's hands. Earthrise episode 5

Back on Cybertron, Elita-1's group returned to the Kaon arena, only to find it largely deserted. They began laying timed explosive charges to demolish the place, but Chromia was suddenly shot in the chest from out of nowhere and dropped to the ground. Decepticons utilizing stealth camouflage appeared and took the others prisoner, leaving Chromia for dead. She managed to get back up and snipe all the attackers, including Skytread, who tried to beg for mercy. Chromia and the others then tried to flee the area before the charges detonated, but couldn't get far enough and died in the massive explosion. Earthrise episode 6

When the AllSpark was returned to the Temple of the Allspark on Cybertron by Bumblebee, Chromia was among the Transformer spirits who witnessed Elita-1 banish Galvatron and Nemesis Prime. Chromia and the other deceased Transformers' sparks then rejoined the AllSpark, which restored Cybertron's vitality. Kingdom episode 6

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #2

Chromia was the head of Security Operations, a position she attained at least partly due to Prowl's unsociability. The World In Your Eyes Part Two After Cliffjumper returned from Probat with no energon and a comatose Deathsaurus, Chromia briefly questioned the minibot but eventually let him go. Wannabee, Part 2

Along with Prowl, Chromia was called to Brainstorm's energon transmission station when the scientist was found to have been murdered. After getting statements from Windblade and Bumblebee, Chromia asked Rubble, a newborn, to not consider the murder indicative of Cybertronian society. The World In Your Eyes Part Two

After Megatron created the Ascenticon Guard, with the notable inclusion of Quake, Chromia briefed Senator Orion Pax on the actions of The Rise before Froid stole the Senator away for a private word. Chromia later made her way to Rubble's apartment, along with Geomotus, so she could borrow Windblade. Before leaving, Chromia linked her and Prowl's communicators' to Rubble's but, much to Windblade's disapproval, added a tracer, albeit an inactive one in the code. The World In Your Eyes Part Three


As the trio made their way back into the wilderness, Windblade and Chromia compared stories about Brainstorm, trying to find something nice to say, before they ran across Cyclonus. Though the veteran initially tried to avoid their questions, he revealed that he'd seen a blue Cybertronian near the transmission station on the night of the murder. Unsatisfied, Chromia gave him one cycle to present himself to Iacon for further questioning. The World In Your Eyes Part Four As she drove back into Iacon, Chromia was hailed by Sideswipe who revealed that, while several high ranking Rise members had gone into hiding, a total of two hundred Cybertronians had mysteriously dropped off the grid since the night of the murder. The World In Your Eyes Part Five

Tragedy soon struck again when Rubble was found dead in the Xeno-Quarter along with the missing Voin scavenger. Chromia largely kept to herself in the autopsy only speaking up to have Ratchet recite his analysis of Rubble's corpse. After seeing off Greenlight, Chromia assured Prowl that Rubble's death was not his fault. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part One


Alongside Prowl, Chromia was questioning Froid about Quake's psychology before Cyclonus crashed into the interrogation room, telling Chromia that he'd found the missing people beneath the Memorial Crater, hoarding an armory's worth of weapons. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Two

Breaking open their own armory, Chromia led Sideswipe and Windblade to the base, entering with the latter only to find that the place had been picked clean. As Chromia tried to salvage data from an energon station, she was attacked by Sixshot. Though proving nimble enough to evade the hexa-changer, Chromia failed to detain him. She returned to the surface in time to see the base detonate, Windblade's broken body being spat out of the explosion. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Three

After Sentinel Prime had returned to Cybertron, Chromia briefed the Prime on what he'd missed before she passed her confirmed list of Risers onto Orion. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Five While visiting Windblade in the hospital, Chromia was called away to a stand-off in the Cybertronian Mountains. Before she left, Ratchet suggested that Frenzy had been Brainstorm's killer. The Change In Your Nature Part One


Meeting up with Springer, Chromia attempted negotiation before Javelin was shot in the head. Ordering her troops into action, Chromia failed to smoke out the terrorists before the Ascenticon Guard arrived, Senator Soundwave entering the immersant Titan to conduct negotiations personally. Shortly after Soundwave returned, the Titan's corpse violently exploded. The Change In Your Nature Part Two Managing to capture two of Ruckus's cell, albeit in stasis, Chromia checked in with Orion and Bumblebee, revealing their suspicions to the yellow bot that Quake had killed Rubble, before she and Orion came before Sentinel. In light of their findings, Sentinel agreed to bend the Nominus Edict but also made several other changes to their operating procedures, diverting some of Chromia's authority in Security Operations to Colonial Security. The Change In Your Nature Part Three


Soon afterwards, disaster struck when the Rise caused the Tether to collapse, the space elevator devastating Iacon. In the midst of all this, Chromia received a distress call from Bumblebee, who'd begun to fear for his life among the Guard, and arrived in time to save him from Treadshot and Catgut. After confirming Bumblebee's suspicions, Chromia relieved him of his mission and thanked him for his services. All Fall Down Despite Bumblebee's report, hundreds of Ascenticons began to blockade the faction's headquarters, leaving Chromia and Sec-Ops unable to reach or interview Soundwave. Swindle's Chromia reported her failed attempts to Orion Pax, but remained confident her people had gathered enough evidence to pursue the Ascenticons for crimes in a court of law. Tremors

She was wrong. Or, rather, her efforts were moot as Megatron and Soundwave led a full uprising against the elected government, capturing the Senate building and the senators inside, including Sentinel Prime and Orion Pax. Chromia joined with Ironhide, Hound, and Novastar to plan taking back their people and their government. Chromia accompanied Ironhide and the Senate Guard as they drilled into the Senate building's under-passages. Ironhide freed the rest of his Guard to retake the building, while Chromia found Orion and Sentinel to take them to safety. Once they exited the tunnels, however, the infuriated Sentinel Prime took off ahead of his escorts towards their south tower base. The First Senator intended to address his people as soon as possible about the uprising, but Chromia had no air support to provide protection for Sentinel's vehicle mode. He was intercepted by the Rainmakers and mortally wounded before Chromia and Orion Pax caught up with him. Before the optics of Chromia and the Guard, Sentinel Prime died and the Matrix emerged from his chest, bonding with Orion Pax. After receiving a vision from the Allspark, Pax stepped up to become what times required of him, declaring himself Optimus Prime. Prime

Chromia Van Damme

At Optimus Prime's direction, Chromia arranged for the release of Pyra Magna, one of the Great Generals of the War of the Threefold Spark who had been imprisoned ever since she continued fighting after the amnesty. It was a risky maneuver to gain credibility for the Autobots' opposition to the Decepticons, assuming Pyra Magna and her Companions agreed with their cause. Awakenings The street-fighting in Iacon continued until it became necessary to abandon the capital. Chromia lent security to a procession leading the Autobots away from Iacon to seek refuge in Crystal City. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness Those opposing Megatron united under the Autobot faction. Even Chromia and previous unaligned Security Operations personnel underwent the Autobranding ceremony as a symbol of their cause's unity. Sea of Rust I

When Ultra Magnus was captured and brought back to Iacon, Chromia assembled a small unit to bring him back. Her knowledge of the city as head of Security Operations was combined with Smokescreen's criminal contact Swindle to secure them an escape route. At the former Senate, they found Magnus imprisoned along with other political prisoners, Senators who refused to recognize Megatron's rule. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two Back at Swindle's, their escape brought heat down on the bar owner as Sixshot's Decepticons pursued Ultra Magnus. Chromia's team managed to escape through the underground tunnels, but they knew it was only a matter of time before the Decepticons followed them to Crystal City. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Three


As the siege of Crystal City began, Chromia coordinated their defenses with Streetwise and Novastar. The Autobots had all retreated back to a fortified bunker when the tide turned. The last Titan, Lodestar, had come home. A Dust of Crystals With a new combiner and a Titan as leverage, Optimus Prime negotiated a truce with Megatron. The Autobots gathered in a procession to make their way to Darkmount and use the last Ark to leave Cybertron behind, in Decepticon hands. Megatron still wanted his enemies dead, and orchestrated an artillery bombardment to trap the Autobots between his firepower and the approaching rust worms. Chromia tried to find a path beyond the bombardment, only to be blocked by the Seekers. Radical Time Unable to break their lines without more death, Chromia retreated back to Optimus and the main contingent. Fortunately, a plan was enacted that pitted the Insecticon clone horde against the rust worms, dealing with both threats. End of Time The truce collapsed, and a final battle was held at Darkmount until Chromia and the Autobots finally escaped the occupied planet, but not before pledging to return. Fate of Cybertron

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Transformers Legends

Huh! Vehicle kibble!

Chromia was part of Elita 1's team which carried out a series of raids on Decepticon installations, until they were taken down in a trap planned by Flamewar. Fatal Furies

Chromia was dispatched by Elita One in response to Flamewar's squad's retaliatory attacks on a number of Autobot bases. Fatal Furies: Flamewar's Revenge

Angry Birds Transformers

Chromia appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. She is portrayed by Stella and is a blue and red redeco of Arcee. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Chromia participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of her! She was a Super Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, and 10 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Earth Wars


Chromia arrived on Earth at the same time as Fellbat. Slumbering Giants

Transformers: Heavy Metal

TFHeavyMetal Chromia.jpg

Chromia was Windblade's bodyguard and a security and intel expert. As part of the Guardian Program, she insisted on being paired with humans as a security check before they met Windblade. Though confused by earthling communications, especially emojis, she worked on learning to master it. Transformers: Heavy Metal

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Chromia was an Autobot security officer who specialized in sabotage and infiltration. Although she kept herself at arm's length from many of her fellow Autobots, she was fiercely protective of her comrades. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

Transformers: Forged to Fight


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That's no Moon(racer)!
  • Descent into Evil (Box set, 2005)
  • Accessories: Launcher, missile, scope, 2 tailpipes, energon chip
Timelines Chromia is a redeco and new-head retool of Energon Energon Class Arcee, transforming into a Cybertronic racing motorcycle. She has multiple clear-plastic "energon" parts that form side-thrusters in bike mode, and combine to form a massive compound bow with a spring-loaded missile. She also comes with an energon star that can attach to the spark crystal of any Energon-series mold.
The toy was originally intended to be Moonracer, but Fun Publications could not secure the trademark on the name. As such, Chromia's toy is in Moonracer's teal and white colors and has a head that resembles Moonracer's. (Fun Publications' intent was for the head to be a compromise between the Moonracer and Firestar head designs.)[2][3] Later Fun Publications stories would repurpose the Chromia toy as Moonracer.
She was only available as part of BotCon 2005's "Descent into Evil" set, packed in with Buzzclaw, Deathsaurus, Dirge, Fallback, Ironhide, and Ricochet.
Her base mold was also used to make Flamewar and the live-action movieverse Arcee and Elita-One, while the Chromia-retooled version was used to make Flareup.
Energon mold: Arcee
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:


STILL the fastest thing on the Grid.
  • Chromia (Deluxe Class, 2014)
  • Series / Number: 02 / #022
  • Accessories: Rifle
Released in the eleventh and final wave of Generations: Thrilling 30 Deluxes, Chromia is a heavy retooling of Prime: Robots in Disguise Arcee, transforming into a Cybertronian motorbike. Her blaster weapon can be mounted on the bottom of her bike mode.
Due to the nature of her transformation, Chromia's paint is extremely prone to chipping, especially the white paint on her head. Caution and care is recommended when transforming her to avoid damaging her paint.
Originally scheduled for March 2014 along with Arcee, Chromia was delayed to fall of that year and ultimately not released until December.
Hasbro's original stock photo for the figure depicting a hand-painted prototype (which is also featured on the back of the toy's packaging) showed her holding one of her wave-mate Arcee's guns along with her own. This was most certainly due to a mix-up error; the weapon's design, especially the size and shape of its handle and additional pegs (which are identical to those of Arcee's other weapon), make it very obvious that it was always intended to go with Arcee rather than Chromia. A different version of the stock photo was released in November 2014 on the official Transformers Facebook page, with the extra gun edited out. Some specimens of Chromia also feature a sticker on the back of the packaging that says "Additional weapon not included."
The original version of this sculpt was also used to make BotCon 2014 Flareup, and was differently retooled to make Prime: Beast Hunters Arcee. This version of the mold served as the model for the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising version of Blackarachnia.
Prime: Robots in Disguise mold: Arcee

Version 1:

  • HasbroPrime: Robots in Disguise 005 Arcee
  • TakaraTomyPrime AM-11 Arcee

Version 2:

  • HasbroPrime: Beast Hunters 012 Arcee
  • Fun Publications: Timelines Flamewar

Version 3:

  • Hasbro: Thrilling 30 022 Chromia
  • TakaraTomy: Legends LG11 Chromia


Legends-toy Chromia.jpg
  • Chromia (Deluxe, 2015)
  • ID number: LG11
  • Release date: February 14, 2015
  • Accessories: Gun
Released in the fifth wave of TakaraTomy's Legends toyline, Chromia is a redeco of Thrilling 30 Deluxe Class Chromia, making use of lavender and white in place of sky blue in a bid to appear more cartoon-accurate. Her wheels feature more black and much of her bike kibble is coated in metallic blue paint, including the back half of her canopy, which is now cast in translucent blue. Her eyes are also painted blue.
Chromia comes with a leaflet featuring a character profile, tech specs, and the mini-manga Legends Bonus Edition Vol. 11.
Prime: Robots in Disguise mold: Arcee

Version 1:

  • HasbroPrime: Robots in Disguise 005 Arcee
  • TakaraTomyPrime AM-11 Arcee

Version 2:

  • HasbroPrime: Beast Hunters 012 Arcee
  • Fun Publications: Timelines Flamewar

Version 3:

  • Hasbro: Thrilling 30 022 Chromia
  • TakaraTomy: Legends LG11 Chromia

Combiner Wars

This is how Chromia auditions for a new Final Fantasy game.
  • Combiner Hunters (Multi-pack, 2015)
  • Release date: July 9, 2015
  • Accessories: Gun, "Primeon Blade" sword
The Combiner Hunters redeco of Thrilling 30 Chromia not only has many of her coloring details changed to represent her attendance to the Camien religious ceremony, but in fact mostly stands out for its new accessory: a huge Primeon Blade sword. The tooling for this weapon was originally used for the 16"-tall electronic version of Robots in Disguise Titan Heroes Optimus Prime.
This version of Chromia was only available in a Combiner Wars gift set together with Combiner Hunters redecoes of Generations Arcee and Windblade, each with their own giant new melee weapons. In the U.S., this set was exclusive to the Hasbro Toy Shop website and the Hasbro Toy Shop booth at San Diego Comic-Con 2015. In Asia, it was also available at Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong 2015 and subsequently stocked by Toys"R"Us Hong Kong. Later, it was also available at The Falcon's Hangar booth at Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention 2015.
Prime: Robots in Disguise mold: Arcee

Version 1:

  • HasbroPrime: Robots in Disguise 005 Arcee
  • TakaraTomyPrime AM-11 Arcee

Version 2:

  • HasbroPrime: Beast Hunters 012 Arcee
  • Fun Publications: Timelines Flamewar

Version 3:

  • Hasbro: Thrilling 30 022 Chromia
  • TakaraTomy: Legends LG11 Chromia

War for Cybertron: Siege

"I'm in the same wave as Ironhide?!"
  • Chromia (Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Hasbro ID number: WFC-S20
  • TakaraTomy ID number: SG-22
  • TakaraTomy release date: May 31, 2019
  • Hidden message code: SIIEXXXIITSFAT
  • Accessories: "RT-5 Anti-thermo Blaster," "SR Hushfuze," and 2 "EMP-Grenades"
  • Known designers: Aaron Gray (Hasbro), AJ Piejko-Brown (packaging)
Part of the second wave of Siege Deluxe Class figures, Chromia transforms into a Cybertronian car, based on her original Sunbow animation model. She includes the "RT-5 Anti-thermo Blaster," a gun compatible with the C.O.M.B.A.T. System. Two "EMP-Grenades" can connect to the barrel, and the "SR Hushfuze" scope can be detached and can extend the barrel as well, allowing you to change the length of the barrel and/or scope. The grenades can also attach to the back of the vehicle, as if they are big exhaust pipes. As with all non-gimmick Siege figures, Chromia features "battle damage" paint applications on her vehicle mode front. She also features multiple hardpoints all over herself and her weapon to accommodate "Fire Blasts" from the Battle Masters assortment, which can be used to simulate blaster fire or explosions.
Despite Chromia sharing a similar transformation scheme with the Power of the Primes Moonracer/Novastar mold, the Chromia mold is mostly unique, save for the wheels, thighs and hip ball joint sockets.
In a rather amusing design flaw, moving both her hips together at an angle may pop off her crotch piece.
The final figure differs quite a bit from the initial promotional renders. Her shoulders are pale blue, her ankles, scope, and backpack hinges are the deeper shade of blue, her entire collar and toes are painted pale blue, and there are minor molding differences on her helmet. Namely, the red part is much thinner and the dark blue part is taller and less rounded. Additionally, her blaster and scope feature pale blue and red paint applications not present on the final figure. Half of the official promotion pictures have the backpack wheels folded back in robot mode, and the head not visible on the back of the vehicle, the other half of the official promotional images have the backpack wheels splayed out to the sides and the robot head visible on the back of the vehicle. Strangely, some of these photos also (poorly) paint out the red on her collar for no apparent reason.
She is infamous for shelfwarming in multiple markets, and could still be found in plentiful numbers after the next toyline began.
This mold was redecoed into War for Cybertron Trilogy Chromia (below), retooled into Generations Selects Nightbird, and further retooled into Ascenticon Kaskade. This toy also served as the model for Moonracer in the War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon.

War for Cybertron Trilogy

Now covered in crap.
  • Chromia (Deluxe Class, 2020)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: WFC-03
  • TakaraTomy release date: October 23, 2020
  • Accessories: "RT-5 Anti-thermo Blaster," "SR Hushfuze," and 2 "EMP-Grenades"
Promoting the Siege season of the Netflix-exclusive War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon, this redeco of Siege Chromia slathers the Autobot in an extensive paint wash coating to represent accumulated grime and battle scars. Unlike the other War for Cybertron Trilogy toys, the battle-worn deco is not accurate to the cartoon.
This toy also included a portion of a cardstock background of Teletraan I. Chromia's part has tabs D and L, and slot E.
This release was exclusive to Walmart in the U.S. and Canada, and in Japan as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive.


  • Cyberverse Universe Chromia (Deluxe Class, 2024)
Released in the second wave of Legacy: United Deluxe Class toys, "Cyberverse Universe Chromia" is a new-head retool of Legacy: Evolution Animated Universe Prowl (making her look much closer to her canceled Heavy Metal design), and transforms into a motorcycle in 20 steps. She comes with two Mecha Stars which can be stored in her motorcycle wheels, and deployed by twisting the blade housing. Both hands are sculpted to hold the stars by their blades, while her right hand can additionally hold 5 mm accessories. Like Prowl, Chromia has a twin speedometer molded into the back of her head, present in vehicle mode.
Chromia shares the same design problem with Prowl; her right hand cannot securely hold one of the Bladed Mecha Stars. Because of this, one of TakaraTomy's stock photos had a slightly visible adhesive tack when the figure was holding the weapon.
Official Hasbro promotional photography by Matthew Cohen shows Chromia performing the iconic "motorcycle slide" from the Japanese animated film Akira.


Tiny Titans

TinyTitans Chromia.jpg
  • Chromia (Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series: 5
    • Number: 1/12
Part of the fifth assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Chromia is a very small, soft-plastic figure of her in robot mode, based mainly on the original animation model.
She includes a collectible card that renders her in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.

Transformers Trading Card Game

The difference between Chromia and Liz Truss is that Chromia can become a leader again...
  • Chromia, Special Ops (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T11/T40
    • Stars: 8
Chromia, Special Ops is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile card game
For some unknown reason, she loses her leader trait while in alt mode. She is the only leader character in the game with this oddity.

  • Sergeant Chromia, Special Ops-Counterintelligence (2019)
    • Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T41/T48
    • Stars: 7
Sergeant Chromia, Special Ops-Counterintelligence is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege I.
The card's artwork is based on the Siege Chromia toy, with the Bot Mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art, and with original Alt Mode artwork (line-art by Dan Khanna).


  • Chromia, together with Moonracer and Firestar, hold the distinction of being the first female Transformers to appear in the entire franchise. Chromia is the first of the group to speak!

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Chromia (クロミア Kuromia)
  • Hungarian: Krómia
  • Korean: Chromia (크로미아 Keuromia)
  • Mandarin: Chroria (克劳莉娅 Kèláolìyà)



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