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Blurr (G1)/toys

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G1 boxart Blurr.jpg

All toys of Blurr are fast!



The Transformers

Cybertron's zippiest doorstop wedge.
  • Blurr (Autobot Car, 1986)
    • Takara ID number: C-79
    • Accessories: electro-laser, vehicle nose/shield
The Transformers Blurr transforms into a blue Cybertronic hovercar. As his type of vehicle didn't have traditional rubber-tired wheels, he instead had small plastic wheels on his robot legs, which were tucked underneath the length of the hovercar mode. The nose portion of the vehicle detaches to serve as a shield in robot mode.
The initial releases of this toy have decals on the side of his vehicle mode pontoons that are cut in a "V" shape. Later releases made the decals a simpler four-sided shape with a darker blue in the former empty part of the "V", matching the plastic color beneath. There is also a variation to his rifle; the main body of the rifle has three small holes in the rectangular indent just over the hand-peg, but only on one side. Samples with the holes on either side of the rifle have been found. The large circular indent at the back of the rifle body, a detail that appears on both sides of the gun, is also deeper on the side that the three holes appear on.

G1-toy BlurrTargetmaster.jpg
A retool of the previous year's toy, Blurr was adapted to be able to hold his Nebulan/weapon Haywire, replacing his pistol from the previous release. His fist-holes were widened to accommodate Haywire's 5 mm post, plus a weapon-mount point was added to his midsection/vehicle-hood. Thanks to the wider fist-holes, the peg for Blurr's shield was also expanded.
This toy uses the "full" variant of the original toy's pontoon decals, as well as using a darker aqua-blue paint for the front tips of the pontoons. His shield has also been painted with this shade of aqua, an inexplicable addition to the toy's paint operations.
Unlike most of the 1987 Autobot Targetmasters, this version of the toy was not released in Japan.


He brought guns to a sword-toy.
  • Blurr (Deluxe Class, 2010)
    • Accessories: sniper rifle, left & right pistols
Generations Blurr is a retool of Drift, transforming into a cross between a Nissan Silvia S15 and a Mitsubishi FTO. Tooling changes involve a new head, a less prominent spoiler, a large sniper rifle to replace Drift's long sword, two smaller handguns to replace the smaller swords and modified inside panels of the doors to accommodate said handguns. The head sculpt is influenced by Guido Guidi's Blurr redesign from Spotlight: Blurr. The sniper rifle has a pivoting handle in the middle so that Blurr can hold the rifle easily with both fists, while the two handguns can plug into the end of the barrel, forming a bipod, or if you feel like it, a crazy (but awesome) THREE-barreled rifle.
For some reason, the ankle strut, molded in translucent plastic, is completely painted over.
The original version of this sculpt, though with Blurr's handguns also being included, was also used to make Shattered Glass Drift.
Generations mold: Drift
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:


Blurr, wearing his rarely seen nighty-nite pajamas.
  • Autobot Blurr (Deluxe Class, February 26, 2011)
    • ID number: UN-16
    • Accessories: "Blaster rifle", left & right "laser blaster guns"
Part of the third wave of United toys, "Autobot Blurr" is a redeco of Generations Blurr, being heavily inspired by the 2005 IDW continuity rendition of the character that the toy is based upon. Among other deco changes, he has been redecoed into multiple, less-contrasting shades of light blue, his torso and crotch have been painted silver, and his entire vehicle mode has been slathered in paint, including painting his vehicle sides in metallic blue, and painting his rear grille in silver.
Generations mold: Drift
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

Titans Return

I tell you, I'd lose my head if it didn't follow me around!
  • Hyperfire & Blurr (Deluxe Class, 2016)
    • Accessories: "Hyperfire" Titan Master, "Electro-laser" rifle, shield/hood
Part of the first wave of Titans Return Deluxe Class toys, Blurr transforms into a futuristic hovercar based on his original alternate mode. He possesses a set of small wheels that allow him to roll on any hard surface. Blurr comes with his Titan Master partner Hyperfire, who fits into his vehicle mode cockpit and transforms into his robot mode head. In his vehicle mode, Blurr can accommodate up to two additional Titan Masters via a pair of smaller pegs that allow other Titan Master figures to stand on him. Compared to most other figures in the toyline, Blurr features very minimal paint apps, creating a nearly monochromatic color scheme in robot mode.
In his robot mode, Blurr can use the hood of his vehicle mode as a shield, which plugs into his forearm via a 5 mm port. The shield can deploy a sort of skid and seat one Titan Master, serving as… a tiny hovercraft? Some kind of toboggan? (We're not entirely sure.) As with every other Titans Return toy, Blurr can accommodate any Titan Master figure in both robot and vehicle mode.
Blurr, along with his fellow sparsely-detailed blue-colored wavemate Scourge, was a strong shelfwarmer in the Titans Return toyline. Unlike the Legends release of the mold (see below) which is colored to match the Generation 1 cartoon, the Hasbro release is colored to invoke the Generation 1 toy.
Blurr was retooled and recolored into Titans Return Brainstorm, Nautica, and Arcee. His rifle is shared not only by his retools, but also with Titans Return Chromedome and his retool Breakaway.


  • Blurr (August 27, 2016)
    • ID number: LG25
    • Accessories: Gun, Headmaster
Legends Blurr is a redeco of Titans Return Deluxe Class Blurr colored in accordance to his cartoon appearance. Compared to the Hasbro release, this figure features a large amount of paint, which is reportedly easily susceptible to scratch damage due to the the transformation engineering causing friction between parts.
Takara later advertised that LG25 Blurr could be partnered up with the Haywire figure which was released a year later with LG51 Targetmaster Doublecross. Unfortunately there is no place to mount Haywire or any other weapons without a 5 mm peghole on the vehicle mode.

Titans Return mold: Hyperfire
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

Platinum Edition

  • Autobot Heroes (5-pack, 2016)
    • Accessories: Springer's weapons (dual missile launcher, two missiles, rotor blades/sword), Arcee's weapons (2 swords), Kup's "laser musket" rifle/exhaust pipe, Ultra Magnus's 2 guns, Blurr's weapons (Sniper rifle, left & right pistols), Minimus Ambus figure
Part of Hasbro's Platinum Edition offerings for 2016 intended to commemorate the 30th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, Blurr is a more "screen-accurate" redeco of his Generations Deluxe Class toy, with his primary plastic color being cast in a more vibrant shade of blue, and featuring additonal new paint operations (including painted rims), with the end result looking similar, but not identical to his United version.
Blurr was released as part of 5-pack with Ultra Magnus (including Minimus Ambus), Autobot Springer, Arcee, and Sergeant Kup. The set also included a recreation of the theatrical poster for the 1986 movie. In the United States, this set was officially a Target exclusive, but was only available via the company's website, never sold in stores. It was also released in Singapore, although it's currently unknown whether it was exclusive to any particular stores there or not. In Canada, it was available via the Canadian Walmart website but never found in stores, whereas in the United Kingdom, it was available via the UK Toys"R"Us website and also sold in stores. In Spain, it was available via the Spanish subsidiaries of both Amazon and Carrefour, as well as the department store chain El Corte Inglés, supposedly also only available online. In Germany, it was available via retailer Real and specialty store Rappelkiste Ahlen, also only available online.
Generations mold: Drift
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

Studio Series

  • Blurr (Deluxe Class, 2020)
Released to commemorate the 35th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, Studio Series Blurr is accurate to his appearance in the Generation 1 cartoon. In addition to his usual weapon, this figure also includes the welding tool that we saw him use during the Planet Junk scenes. The back of his head is cast in translucent plastic to enable the light-piping feature in his eyes.
Unlike the vast majority of Blurr's toys that have included wheels for the figure to move around on in hovercar mode, this one opts for a more accurate, wheel-less design. His transformation has been designed so his vehicle mode rests on his robot mode feet, which form the bottom of his undercarriage, and stick out far enough to create the illusion of him floating. The nose of the vehicle mode is held in by a friction hinge and can be easily removed, but it's not intended to be used as a shield like with previous toys, and there isn't any way for him to hold it. A darker paint application on the end of this vehicle nose is based not on Blurr's appearance in the movie, but on his pre-final character model (or the fan-colored models floating around online).
If one chooses, Studio Series Blurr can accommodate with the Haywire Targetmaster included in the Legends Targetmaster Doublecross, though there is no possible way to mount him onto the car mode.
Like all Studio Series figures, the interior of the package forms a display scene for the toy. In this case, it is the area of Autobot City where Blurr received his battle orders from Ultra Magnus.
Due to being reissued sometime between late 2021- early 2022, he and his wave mate Kup could be found shelfwarming in mass almost four years after being initially released.
This figure was retooled with a new head into Shattered Glass Collection Blurr and similarly retooled into Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Blurr (below). He was more heavily retooled into Legacy Evolution Devcon.


Waitwaitwaitwaitwait, you too?
  • Blurr (Deluxe Class, 2022)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TL EX-01
  • TakaraTomy release date: January, 2023
  • Accessories: Blaster, energon canteen/spark welder
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro)
Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Blurr is a retool of the Studio Series 86 Blurr that resembles his appearance in the IDW Comics, specifically Spotlight: Blurr. Although the front end of the alt mode has been retooled, the figure’s transformation remains identical to past uses of the mold. The newly molded black wheels on the vehicle mode's front are molded directly onto the struts and cannot roll. (In fact, they don't even touch the ground.) He retains the blaster and spark welder accessories from his Studio Series release, this time cast in blue plastic. However, the official listings refer to the spark welder as an "energon canteen", apparently choosing to repurpose the hooked tip of the welder as a straw to sip energon from. Both accessories can be stored together on the alt mode’s retooled front end. They are packaged together in a small paper bag at the bottom of his box, so be sure not to accidentally throw them away.
Unlike the original Studio Series release, this Blurr's instructions fail to mention that the panel behind his windshield in vehicle mode can be flipped up to form a driver's seat. However, the renders on the back of his box show the seat properly flipped up.
The Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection was exclusive to Walmart in the US, with Hasbro Pulse receiving limited quantities of the figure. The series went up for pre-order on July 21st 2022, and started arriving in stores by August 1st. The series was a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive in Japan, and a Farmers department store exclusive in New Zealand.


Tiny Titans

  • Blurr (Tiny Titans, 2016)
    • Series: 6
    • Number: 6/12
Part of the sixth assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Blurr is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in his robot mode from the IDW comics.
He includes a collectible card that renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Blurr, Fastest Bot in the Galaxy (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T11/T46
    • Stars: 12
Blurr, Fastest Bot in the Galaxy is one of forty character cards released in Wave 2 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, Rise of the Combiners.
The artwork for the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game, and is based on the Transformers: Generations Blurr figure.


I used to have a huge zit on my forehead unsightly unsightly unsightly!
  • So an early version of Blurr was pretty different, huh? Weird.


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