Blast Off (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Blast Off" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Blast Off (disambiguation). |
- Blast Off is a Decepticon Combaticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Blast Off doesn't need a write-up in some pathetic, grubby little human database. It might matter to some robots what others think of them, or if they think of them at all, but Blast Off couldn't care less. No, he's literally and figuratively above your average Cybertronian riff-raff. The other Combaticons could completely forget he's up here, orbiting so far above the Earth, distant and alone... with only the empty void for company... and he couldn't care less. No, certainly not.
Lesser robots could hardly understand the joy... yes, that's it, the joy, he finds in efficiently and remorselessly annihilating targets from such a great distance. Blast Off was quite simply "built better" than the rest, you see, and so needs nothing from those tiny beings moving about so... so very... far away below. Blast Off... Blast Off is quite happy with his superior position, yes, quite happy and... and quite alone.
Blast Off condescends to combine with his fellow Combaticons to form Bruticus.
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
- Voice actor: Milt Jamin (English), Show Hayami (Japanese), Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4"), Eiji Yanagisawa (Japanese, "The Rebirth") , Edgar Wald (Latin American), Georges Atlas (European French, "Aerial Assault" & "Starscream's Ghost"), François Leccia (European French, "Starscream's Brigade" & "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Éric Etcheverry (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4"), Unknown (European French, "Chaos"), Michel Barbey (European French, "The Rebirth, Part 3"), Francisco José (Portuguese), Olney Cazarré (Portuguese, "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Dario de Castro (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4")
Blast Off was one of the five renegade Decepticons liberated by Starscream in the Air Commander's latest attempt to unseat Megatron. As an element of their imprisonment, they had been reduced to mere personality components, so Starscream installed them into abandoned World War II military vehicles. The transplant caused the vehicles to immediately reconfigure themselves: Blast Off in particular went from being a B-17 bomber[1] to being a space shuttle, of all things (though he still thought that it was a "crude carcass"). Starscream called them "Combaticons" and announced their names as they transformed, but they didn't recognize him. Nor did they feel particularly indebted to him for their release; in the end, Starscream only guaranteed their loyalty though having given them bodies bereft of energy absorbers, so they would be dependent upon him to refuel. While their first missions for Starscream were initially successful, the Stunticons' intervention meant the brigade's defeat, and Megatron exiled all six to a remote asteroid. Starscream's Brigade
Their exile would prove to be short-lived. With Blast Off providing the locomotion, the Combaticons returned to Cybertron, where they defeated Shockwave and his drone army. It took a temporary Autobot-Decepticon alliance to defeat the Combaticons, and the Autobots believed them destroyed after Cybertron's sort-of liberation. In reality, Megatron had Bruticus (and thus, Blast Off, we guess) reprogrammed to be more loyal. The Revenge of Bruticus
The Combaticons later ambushed the Aerialbots in a Middle Eastern country, and Blast Off heavily damaged Slingshot during the battle. He and the others then went off to help Megatron with his scheme to steal fighter aircraft from the country, and to protect his Giant Purple Griffin. Blast Off somehow failed to notice the Autobot insignias on the stolen and disassembled Slingshot and Skydive before deeming both jets "cheap junk" and leaving. Although to be fair, he probably would've said that even if he knew who they were. Blast Off participated in the following battle against the Aerialbots, but lost when they ignited an oil well, creating an explosion that sent Bruticus flying. Aerial Assault
Later, Blast Off and his teammates were driving around a city before abruptly forming Bruticus and just as abruptly getting blown to scrap by Defensor. Only Swindle was left in one piece, and he quickly took the opportunity to sell the parts of Blast Off and the others to various people. As soon as Megatron found out, he forced Swindle to get them back, and Blast Off was soon repaired. Then Bruticus was defeated by the Autobots again. B.O.T.
In 2006, the Decepticons were driven off Cybertron and took refuge on Chaar, with Blast Off and the others starved for energon. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 Blast Off joined in on the attack when the Decepticons noticed Rodimus Prime and Grimlock spying on them. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 When the Decepticons were offered energon by the Quintessons, the Combaticons joined up with them. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 For this decision, Blast Off was shot in the back by Galvatron and quickly re-pledged his loyalty to him. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 Blast Off was among those Decepticons sent to Earth to prevent the Autobots from delivering a new transformation cog to Metroplex, but they failed in that attempt. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5
Later, Blast Off was patrolling a litter void in Decepticon territorial space when he found a Skuxxoid on a rocket sled making target practice out of the junk. After running the little punk to ground, Blast Off "convinced" him to give over his impressive blaster cannon. In addition, the alien told him how to find the weapon's rare ammunition, death crystals, from Quig Mountain on the planet Dread. When the Autobots came to investigate, Blast Off and Runamuck attempted to chase them off the scene. Sky Lynx, another egotistical space shuttle, gave them a merry chase, but Runamuck managed to blow up a comet to cover their escape. Chaos
The Combaticons later failed to assassinate Decepticon exile Octane at Autobot City. Starscream's Ghost Blast Off followed Galvatron to Carbombya to track down Trypticon, where they temporarily formed an alliance with Abdul Fakkadi. Thief in the Night The Combaticons showed off some guerrilla tactics by appearing out of nowhere to damage a peace conference shuttle before escaping aboard Blast Off. Surprise Party Blast Off served as transport for Soundwave when the Decepticons attacked the planet of Junk. The Big Broadcast of 2006 When the Decepticons conquered Paradron, Blast Off and Swindle guarded jail cells, but didn't do very well when Rodimus Prime and his troops arrived to rescue the prisoners. Meanwhile, Blast Off was somehow also part of Bruticus, who was watching the whole affair alongside Galvatron. Fight or Flee As part of Bruticus, Blast Off battled Defensor in Japan, but the Combaticons were forced to separate and scatter when Sky Lynx arrived on the scene. The Burden Hardest to Bear
In 2007, the Combaticons were infected by the Hate Plague. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1 Later that year, the Decepticons attacked Cybertron in order to take control of the Plasma Energy Chamber. As the other Combaticons built a giant engine on the planet's surface, Blast Off shot down Silverbolt before reporting to Galvatron that the Aerialbots had been vanquished. He then ripped out Ultra Magnus's power pack to fuel the engine. The Rebirth, Part 3
Japanese cartoon continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages
Scramble City
The Combaticons were dispatched to assist the Stunticons in a battle against the Aerialbots. Together, the two teams overwhelmed the Autobot fliers, but before they could finish their enemies off, they were defeated by the newly constructed Scramble City. Scramble City: Mobilization
The Headmasters cartoon
In the year 2011, Galvatron ordered a large-scale Decepticon assault on Cybertron in order to get his hands on Vector Sigma. The Combaticons were part of the attack forces, and Blast Off was seen bombing random targets until he was shot out of the sky by Jazz. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky As the battle continued, Blast Off merged with his team to form Bruticus, but even alongside the other Decepticon combiners, he was no match for Battleship Maximus. The Mystery of Planet Master The Combaticons were driven away, and were instead sent to Earth with orders to stop Hot Rod from bringing the Matrix of Leadership to Optimus Prime. Before they got very far, they were ambushed by the Protectobots and were buried in a rockslide in the ensuing battle. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime Blast Off subsequently helped defend Trypticon against Twincast's infiltration, but the Autobot spy snuck past when the Combaticons were distracted by the timely arrival of the Aerialbots. The Great Cassette Operation
Blast Off later participated in another attack on Cybertron, this time because Galvatron wanted Cybertonuron. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 The Combaticons ended up facing Defensor yet again, and Bruticus was defeated by a swift kick to the neck. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2 As part of Bruticus, Blast Off later defended a giant carnivorous plant in San Francisco from Raiden. Head On!! Fortress Maximus Sixshot then took command of the Combaticons, who sent them to attack an Autobot energy facility in Miami alongside the Terrorcons and Horrorcons. Ultra Magnus Dies!! They also unleashed Bruticus at Sixshot's order as he continued his reign of terror over the Autobots on Earth. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg
When Scorponok officially took over leadership after Galvatron's death, Blast Off was amongst the cheering Decepticons. I Risk My Life for Earth On the planet Master, Bruticus later tried to divert attention away from the Decepticon base, to no avail. The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide Later, back on Earth, Bruticus stood by and laughed as Predaking sank the luxury liner Queen World in the Atlantic Ocean. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1) Blast Off was present at the massive Autobot-Decepticon battle in the Arctic, if only as part of Bruticus. The combiner fled into space when it seemed Scorponok was going to tear Earth apart for plasma energy. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Unite Warriors
During an illegal arms trading market hosted by the Combaticons, Blast Off inspected a treaded launch platform being sold by Ali. Shopping at the Dark Bazaar!
Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Blast Off was of those summoned, but only as part of Bruticus. Zone Part 1 Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!
Generations Selects Special Comic
In 2050, Blast Off and the Decepticons joined the revolution of the Selectors against their human masters. Blast Off was seen flying into battle with his onetime partner, Runamuck. Volcanicus comic 2 Later on, The Quintessons and the Terrorcons sided with the humans, and Abominus attacked all while craving Angolmois Energy. In battle with a scrambled version of Computron, Abominus crashed into Bruticus and Menasor and stole some of their limb components to make an even stronger version of himself, including Blast Off. Abominus comic 2
The makeshift combiner separated, but Blast Off and other Decepticons later followed the Terrorcons through a portal to the Precursor World. Finale Prelude He helped Turtler form the Scramble 7 combination. Finale
TV Magazine comic continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic
As part of Bruticus, Blast Off came to the Stunticons' aid when their new command outpost was attacked by the Aerialbots and Protectobots. Together with Menasor, Bruticus defeated Defensor, only for the two combiners to get their leg components shot off by Superion. First Aid and Streetwise took control of Bruticus's legs and flew away with Blast Off, Vortex and Onslaught, planning to drop them off somewhere over the ocean. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5
Blast Off later joined the Combaticons in hunting down an escaped dog on which the Decepticons had experimented. He reacted with horror when the Minibot warriors came to stop their evil activities, and the Combaticons combined into Bruticus. However, Powerglide, imbued with the dying dog's energy, defeated the giant using the "Minibot Warrior Spiral Attack". Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #8
The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers
In the year 2010, Blast Off participated in a Decepticon attack on the planet Feminia. He and his team merged into Bruticus in order to battle alongside Menasor and Devastator against their Autobot counterparts Superion, Defensor and Omega Supreme. The fight was fairly evenly matched until Galvatron called up his ace-in-the-hole, Predaking, whose power was unmatched by any of the Autobots... except for the Omnibots, who essentially tied Predaking's shoelaces together until he fell over, straight into Bruticus and his chums, sending them all toppling to the ground and knocking them to bits. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5
The Great Transformer War
Galvatron kidnapped Doctor Dalton of Eran to upgrade the might of his combiner warriors. When the Autobot combiners arrived to save Dalton, Blast Off and his teammates were deployed at high speeds from Onslaught's launcher mode. They met Superion in mid-air, and the force of their deployment enabled the combiner teams to tear him apart. The Combaticons then merged into Bruticus to move in for the kill. They were ultimately outwitted by the Autobots, however, who rescued Dalton and safely returned to Metroplex. The Great Transformer War #1
Super-God Masterforce comic
Blast Off formed the right arm of Scramble 7, a Decepticon combiner using various combiner team members in a supposedly "ideal" configuration. Scramble 7 attacked the Autobot base on Athenia, but was defeated by Super Ginrai, Lightfoot, and Ranger thanks to their use of Chōkon Power. The Battle Begins! The Earth-Space Alliance Army
Zone comic
Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Blast Off was of those summoned, but only as part of Bruticus. Zone
Madman The Transformers comic
In the year 2001, the Decepticons had managed to conquer Cybertron completely. As the Autobots evacuated off-planet, Blast Off was one of the many space-worthy Decepticons who pursued them into orbit and attacked. The Transformers
Wings Universe
Blast Off graduated from the Autobot Military Academy and was drafted into the Elite Guard. He underwent the flying upgrade program to become a Space Warrior, but was curiously outfitted with a rather situation-specific (re: useless) alternate mode as a planetary orbiter. Magnum and Sentinel Major recruited him into the Guard's Special Ops Team, the Combaticons. The Coming Storm: Part 2
On their first mission, the Combaticons were teamed with Metalhawk and his Elite Guard Strike Team. In the rundown city known as Median, an archeological dig had uncovered a powerful artifact known as the Heart of the Dragon, and the Decepticon raiders from Quarex called Stormtroopers were planning to swipe it. The Elite Guard arrived in Median to plan a defense and protect the dig team from the coming attack.
It was slow going converting the dilapidated ruins into a sturdy bunker to hold off an attack. Blast Off, Brawl and Dion worked with the dig's security chief Strika on the fortifications, but Blast Off's prissy manner made him little help. He bemoaned the perils of manual labor, while also complaining about his useless orbiter mode which kept him from being useful during manual labor. When the Stormtroopers arrived, Rage and his minions made it past Metalhawk's crew because he made the mistake of trying to take them alive. The operation went downhill from there, and the Decepticons soon escaped with the Heart.
Tracking the Stormtroopers back to their mobile base, the Metrotitan, Blast Off and the others fought their way through Rage's bizarre creations, the Minotorons. Seeing an opportunity to sneak inside, Blast Off, Swindle and Dion mounted the creatures when they were summoned back inside the Metrotitan. Inside the mechanimals pen, however, the only possible exit was an enclosed observation booth far above their heads. Once again, Blast Off lamented the uselessness of his alternate mode, since he could only fly straight up, unable to maneuver enough to get them into the booth. It was up to Dion to use his vehicle mode boosters as a makeshift jetpack to reach the upper levels.
Once the team had reassembled inside, they were forced to confront Brimstone, a small but powerful Transformer with atom-smashing breath, brought to life by the Heart of the Dragon. They engaged in an accelerated advance to the rear long enough for the Strike Team's mad bomber weapons specialist Ironfist to cobble together his explosives and blast Brimstone to J'nwan. The blast didn't kill the creature, but it did upset his delicate energy containment protocols, causing him to explode from the inside out. Blast Off and the Elite Guard managed to escape the blast radius, and reported back to Magnum about a job well done. Flames of Yesterday
The Combaticons and Strike Team continued to work together on many missions over the following weeks. After successfully eliminating Shadowcaster, Blast Off and the Combaticons broke off from their partners to control patrolling the area and search for further leads on the Decepticon Warlords. Instead, they ended up being captured by Deathsaurus. The Coming Storm: Part 3
Deathsaurus saw potential in the Combaticons, and manipulated them into abandoning the Elite Guard and siding with him. For Blast Off, the manipulation required little more than the promise of a Triple Changer upgrade with both land AND space modes so he wouldn't have to be so... lonely up there... The Coming Storm: Part 4
Blast Off and the Combaticons led a squadron of Deathsaurus's troops in battle against the Elite Guard headquarters. Four Elite Guard teams returned to base quickly enough to eliminate the threat of most of the Decepticons. The Combaticons had one last ace to play, however, and used Deathsaurus's new combination technology to merge into Bruticus, killing Sentinel Major and starting the slaughter anew. The Coming Storm: Part 5 Bruticus managed to slaughter pretty much all of the Guard before Dion blinded the giant, forcing them to separate. They headed back to Deathsaurus's base for repairs. The Coming Storm: Part 6
Repairs proceeded, but the Combaticons were startled to learn that Deathsaurus could force them to combine into Bruticus at will. Battle Lines, Part 2 They still turned out to help defend the base against the remnants of the Elite Guard. Blast Off found himself grappling with Side Burn, but gained the upper hand when the Autobot was distracted by the sight of a sword-wielding Lyzack. The Combaticons attempted to merge, only to be blasted mid-combination. Battle Lines, Part 3 In the resulting confusion, Blast Off was bound and sat on by Side Burn, preventing the Combaticons from forming Bruticus again and ultimately resulting in their capture by the Elite Guard. Battle Lines, Part 4
In the hands of the compromised Gyronian Sentry Team, the Combaticons were whisked away to Deathsaurus's fortress, now under Megatron's control. Though Megatron gave them the option, none of them cared to help Deathsaurus, and they were imprisoned and their personality components subsequently interred in the Decepticon Detention Center. Battle Lines, Part 5
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
Buster Witwicky, who had held the power of the Creation Matrix inside his mind, once experienced nightmares of strange new Transformers, Special Teams with the ability to merge into a giants. Blast Off and his Combaticon teammates appeared in one of Buster's earlier dreams, before he sought help from the Autobots. To make sense of these dreams, Buster linked his mind with Optimus Prime's. They then both witnessed a scenario where the Combaticons and Stunticons lost against their Autobot counterparts, the Protectobots and Aerialbots, in a battle over the Pullen Power Plant. However, the dream was also spied into by Soundwave, and so the Decepticons started building the Decepticon Special Teams seen in the vision. Second Generation! The Special Teams Have Arrived
Blast Off and the other Combaticons were led by Megatron to steal a hydrothermocline energy device from Energy Futures Industries, only to be faced with Optimus Prime and his Protectobots. After some advice by a nearby human named Ethan Zachary, the two groups decided to fight virtually rather risk damage to the power plant. Transferring his mind into a computer, Blast Off teamed up with Vortex and ambushed Groove and Blades in the area called the "Cloud-Steppes". They did well at first with Blast Off hitting Blades with his x-ray laser, until the local AI turned against them and distracted the two fliers with a cloud, allowing Groove to blind them with his photon pistol so that they crashed into each other and lost the game.
That's right. Blast Off, Lord of the Skies, was beaten up by a cloud. Afterdeath! These events were observed by the time travelling Dicet Alpha-zero. The Quest!
When the Decepticons successfully acquired the hydrothermocline, they planned to relocate it to the Florida Keys. Megatron assembled a convoy to travel in disguise by road down to the Keys, and so Blast Off joined the convoy. Of cars. Traveling from Wyoming to Florida. While flying in shuttle mode. Down U.S.-1 at less than 100 mph. And yet, the Decepticons called Megatron mad for expecting an Autobot attack..? Gone but Not Forgotten!
On a mission for Commander Shockwave, Blast Off and the Combaticons secured a volcano where the nemeses Galvatron and Ultra Magnus had been found frozen in the cooled lava like flies in amber. Shockwave saw Galvatron as a threat to his power base and wanted the volcano destroyed with Galvatron stuck inside it. The Combaticons' mission was interrupted, however, by several female fleshlings trying to save Ultra Magnus. They sent a speeding jeep towards Blast Off and his comrades, but the Combaticons stopped the vehicle easily. However, they didn't fare as well against a tank the women had appropriated, which fired at the jeep and set off the storage of explosives the women had put inside it. Ladies' Night
He and his fellow Combaticons were sent on a hunting mission by Decepticon command and spent several weeks tracking and tormenting Blaster and the Throttlebots, who had recently interfered with their schemes. They were interrupted by both the Protectobots and a squadron of RAAT soldiers, though, and engaged in battle with the first of these two groups. Blast Off demonstrated his unmitigated superiority by beating up a pacifist. Darn peace-niks. Blast Off's team was unable to secure their targets while so occupied however, and beat a retreat after the humans had taken off with the Throttlebots themselves. Used Autobots Blast Off and his teammates chose to pursue the Protectobots, and tracked them on their return journey to the Ark. Ambushing them in a sprawling train yard, the Combaticons joined to form Bruticus, successfully bringing down the similarly merged Defensor after a prolonged battle. But the dim-witted combiner was then tricked into lowering his guard by Blaster, who knocked out his opponent by collapsing an electrical tower atop of him. Afterwards, Blast Off was slapped with a mode-lock device so that Blaster could remote-control him, taking his four newfound human friends for a spin around Earth's orbit. Child's Play Unfortunately, Blaster was at odds with Autobot leader Grimlock at the time as well, and Blast Off and his passengers were forcibly captured by the Ark. Spacehikers! The Decepticon later either escaped Autobot custody on his own or was rescued along with Omega Supreme's victims by the Constructicons. Totaled!
The Combaticons eventually wound up under the leadership of Scorponok. On his orders, they staged a raid on the Rutter U.S. Military Base. There, they secured two armed warheads and components from an advanced guidance computer. The Protectobots intervened part-way through the theft, but Blast Off managed to clear the area with the loot while his teammates provided cover, bringing his cargo all the way to Scorponok's orbital headquarters. Prime Bomb!
The Big Broadcast of 2006
In 2006 of an alternate future, Blast Off was drawn to a battle on Junkion after succumbing to the hypnotizing effect of a Quintesson signal. After the Autobots managed to disable the signal, returning all combatants to their senses, he helped the Decepticons retreat from the planet by serving as their transport. The Big Broadcast of 2006
Marvel UK future timelines
In 2008, Blast Off was briefly seen racing through the skies with his fellow Decepticons on the way to attack Autobase; the Decepticons had been fed information that the Autobots had mostly left Cybertron, leaving their territories vulnerable. This turned out to be a Quintesson ruse, and the aliens ambushed the Decepticons in a bid to forcefully colonize the Transformer homeworld. The Decepticons wound up having to temporarily join forces with the Autobots to thwart them. Space Pirates!
Transformers Comic-Magazin
As the Decepticons attacked a series of oil refineries, Blast Off and the Combaticons formed Bruticus to battle Superion. Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last ...
Marvel Generation 2 comic
Blast Off was one of the Decepticons who fell back under Megatron's command after Bludgeon was destroyed. He was among the crowd of Decepticons Megatron whipped up into a warrior frenzy before first confronting Jhiaxus and his second-generation Cybertronians. New Dawn He later showed concern when Onslaught buckled over in pain, despite no cause for it being apparent. Onslaught insisted he was fine, and sharply told Blast Off to leave him alone. Swarm Blast Off and his fellow Combaticons were the first Decepticons aboard the Warworld to meet the boarding party of Cybertronians led by the treacherous Starscream. He likely died alongside his fellows in the skirmish that ensued. Total War!
The Special Teams
Blast Off and the rest of the Combaticons were created by Starscream on a remote Pacific island, by combining military vehicles with Energon cubes. They then drove to the Pullen Power Plant, passing Optimus Prime en route, though the Autobot leader was none-the-wiser to the Decepticons in disguise. Blast Off crossed paths with Fireflight and Skydive in the air, who recognized Blast Off's Decepticon badge. Their cover ruined, Onslaught ordered to rest of his team to merge with him to form Bruticus. The Special Teams
Battle Beneath the Ice
When the humans discovered a city buried beneath the ice, Blast Off and the Decepticons came looking for an opportunity to loot it. Initially blamed for shooting down a research plane, Blast Off and the Combaticons fought the Aerialbots until Ravage alerted them that the city-dwellers were the true enemy of them all. After the Autobots and Decepticons worked together to neutralize the city-dwellers, Blast Off transformed to shuttle mode and ferried his fellow Combaticons and Ravage back to Megatron. Battle Beneath the Ice
Transformers in 3-D
Blast Off was monitoring things on the Decepticon's derelict space cruiser when he spotted one of the Autobot Clones though a doorway. Blast Off rushed towards him, only to be clocked on the head by the other Clone and rendered out cold. It was not a good day for Blast Off. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3
St. Michael The Transformers Sticker Book
Blast Off and the rest of the Combaticons served under Galvatron on a Decepticon ship, when they managed to shoot down the ship being captained by Ultra Magnus. After the Autobots crash-landed on planet Barrenikon, the Decepticons landed their ship nearby to finish off their enemies. In the many possible adventures that followed, Blast Off and the other Decepticons often underestimated you, which often led to them losing to the Autobots, leaving them either stranded on Barrenikon, or fleeing after they received too much damage. That is, if you somehow didn't get yourself killed at their hands. The Transformers Sticker Book
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Shortly after Optimus Prime became the new Autobot Supreme Commander, Blast Off took part in the Decepticon assault upon Iacon. The War Within #2 He attacked the Decagon, dogfighting with Powerglide, The War Within #3 and was later at Shockwave's side when he ordered his troops to make the final push. The War Within #4 Blast Off rushed to the front lines as the Decepticons managed to breach the last of the Autobots' defenses. The War Within #5
During the Dark Ages of Cybertron's civil war, while footage of a brawl between Defensor and Devastator was caught on-camera by Prowl's computers in his Autobase, Blast Off was also spotted by one of the hub's screens. Escalation
Millions of years later, Blast Off, along with his fellow Combaticons, was imprisoned by Shockwave, Cold War until they were released by Starscream. In a plot to plunder Earth of its resources, Starscream planned to abscond with the dormant Combaticons while Shockwave regime was in the midst of being overthrown by the Autobots. Revelation
Returning to the Nemesis via an uncooperative Sky Lynx, Starscream realized he needed to take parts from the Autobots' Ark if he ever hoped to get the Nemesis flying again, and for that he needed considerable firepower. Fortunately, there was a nearby abandoned military testing ground from which the Combaticons could scan Earth-based alternate modes. Black Sunshine When the attack on the Ark was launched, the Autobots had little problem defending against the first wave, successfully capturing Soundwave, Skywarp and Thundercracker, but several of the Autobots were soundly beaten when the Combaticons showed up and combined into the mighty Bruticus. The behemoth attacked the Ark freeing his Decepticon compatriots before going after Brawn and Ratchet. Unfortunately, the Autobots activated their ship's self-destruct before escaping, damaging the Combaticons in the resulting explosion. Night of the Combaticons
Damaged or not, the Combaticons soon had to face a powerful enemy when the crazed zealot Sunstorm appeared on Earth, but before they could attack him, Bruticus' head was blown apart by Cliffjumper in the Autobot supply ship Orion. In the aftermath, Bruticus's barely-conscious body was battered upon by an angry Brawn. Black Sunshine
The repaired Combaticons were brought to Guadalcanal, where they could hone their somewhat lackluster combat skills and listen to Starscream's long-winded aspirations of glory. Starscream ordered them to defeat the Autobot Sky Lynx as a means to train themselves for greater battles. Blast Off ordered Vortex to "take Sky Lynx down", but unfortunately, the Combaticons did not fare well when the Autobot split into his two forms, and Blast Off was embarrassingly grabbed in the flying form's jaws.
This was the least of their troubles, however, as Predaking showed up as soon as Sky Lynx was deactivated. This encounter also did not end well. The Route of All Evil
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
As part of Serpent O.R.'s forces, Blast Off defended the newly unified Decepticon army's base against a combined Autobot/G.I. Joe strike force. The Art of War #5
The Beast Within
During a particularly violent battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, Blast Off combined with his fellow Combaticons in order to square off against The Beast. The Beast Within
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Stormbringer #4
Blast Off is the second-in-command of the Combaticons. Till All Are One #2 Cast List

When Scorponok took command of the Decepticons, the Combaticons rebelled and left Cybertron, becoming mercenaries. While breaking into a weapons vault on the Presidium they were approached by Starscream and offered ample payment for returning to the Decepticon fold, which Blast Off and the other Combaticons accepted. Primacy #2
Blast Off was part of the troop complement aboard the Decepticon warship Thanatos under the command of Razorclaw. With respect to the desperate defense the Wreckers were mounting against Thunderwing, Razorclaw sent out two squads of Decepticons to assist the Autobots; Blast Off was among the aerial forces led by Divebomb. Stormbringer #4
He was later reassigned to the Combaticons operating under Banzai-Tron's Decepticon Secret Service. The Combaticons were used as an elite storming brigade in the attack on the Garrus-9 penitentiary in an effort to capture the prison's newest inmates and their so-called gestalt technology. Blast Off was right in the middle of chortling over the fun of killing folk when he was skewered by Arcee. The other Combaticons carried him out with them when they evacuated with their prizes. Spotlight: Arcee
After a deal was negotiated between Arcee and Banzai-Tron, Blast Off and the other Combaticons later helped her in an attempt to recapture Monstructor (who had been stolen by Jhiaxus and Nemesis Prime's forces), though the insane Autobot disappeared mid-battle. Spotlight: Sideswipe
While Blast Off didn't participate in the Combaticons' adventures on Earth for reasons unknown, he resurfaced years later on Cybertron as one of the Decepticons imprisoned by the Autobots following the end of the war. The Autonomy Lesson After the captive 'cons had gotten some level of freedom, Blast Off was part of a Cybertronian crowd recruited by Starscream to pressure Prowl into revealing a secret discovery below ground. Following Starscream into the cave, they witnessed a Titan declare him the Cybertronian destined to unite their whole race. He and the other Cybertronians celebrated afterwards with Starscream. Primus: All Good Things Once Megatron appeared in Iacon, Blast Off and the other Decepticons threw the peace aside and began rioting for a return to the good old days. City on Fire
Blast Off joined the riot for Metroplex's space bridge under Swindle's claims that a better life was possible on Caminus. You, Me, and the Universe He later rejoined his fellow Combaticon teammates as they stewed over Starscream's leadership of Cybertron, with Blast Off being particularly angry about his attempts to sweep the past aside. The Will of the Few A mysterious informant, DC-357, had already told them that Swindle might be a prisoner rather than a corpse 07:00:00 and they sprayed "SWINDLE LIVES" on a nearby wall as a statement of intent. The Will of the Few
To mark Chosen One Day, the Combaticons bought Onslaught a new grenade! Choose Me
Months in, Blast Off and the others became worried Onslaught was wasting his time in the Swindle search. Blast Off tried and failed to get him to stop. After Onslaught stormed out, it was Blast Off that saw a new DC-357 message come in and inform them that he'd left a Badgeless disguise outside. Hoping to finally shake the tree, as already the Badgeless' violence was provoking resentment, Blast Off donned the garb, joined a patrol, and as soon as he got a chance he shot a Decepticon escapee dead and sent footage of it to the press. 07:00:00 As riots broke out, a sickened Blast Off headed home telling himself it had to be done.
To his dismay, Onslaught decided not to exploit the Badgeless killing as he felt it could be a Starscream plot to draw them out and so Blast Off had to come clean. This led to a new plan: the Combaticons arranged a march on the government while they waited for an opening. When Ironhide emerged to say he was now in charge of reforming the Badgeless and he was throwing the doors open to anyone, Onslaught and Blast Off organised a 'fight' where Blast Off would protect Ironhide, denounce Onslaught's methods, and ask to join the coppers. It worked so well, Blast Off even found Tankor offering him a new place to crash. He then checked if Onslaught was alright and was told his boss was proud of him for such a sweet con. Applicable Skills
While undercover, Blast Off quickly became a star pupil of Ironhide, even becoming "good friends" with the other officers. After a while, his snooping paid off; he learned that Rattrap and Wheeljack had moved Swindle's body after his death. He quickly informed Onslaught and shortly later, he and Vortex were dispatched to capture Wheeljack. They were intercepted by Chromia but used her to convince Wheeljack into coming with them. Wheeljack and Rattrap informed them that Swindle was brain dead, and Blast Off tried to make Onslaught stop as it was now pointless, but to no avail. Blast Off followed Onslaught into the inner workings of Metroplex regardless and soon they found Swindle, hooked up to life support. Rattrap then came back and gave Onslaught the Enigma of Combination, who told Blast Off that after this, they won't need anyone else ever again. Things We Said We'd Never Do
The Combaticons merged and Bruticus was formed, Blast Off serving as the right arm. Because of the brain dead Swindle, the combiner was very unstable, leaving it up to Blast Off to try and keep everyone unified. He fought with Onslaught for control over Bruticus, saying that there is no point for this level of violence against civilians. Eventually Bruticus was stopped by Ironhide, and when the gestalt divided into its components, Blast Off apologized to Onslaught for not being able to save him before passing out. The Line Between Us
Blast Off and the other Combaticons were imprisoned and awaiting trial, though Ironhide was reluctant to prosecute them if their mental scarring proved too great. Ping
The Combaticons were still comatose when Starscream told the Eukarian mnemosurgeon Airachnid to turn them to his side as one of his combiners. In Blast Off's mind he woke up next to Onslaught, revealing that Blast Off had a thing for Onslaught. It was soon revealed by Starscream who was also there that this was all a dream, and that if Blast Off took his offer to help him sway the Combaticons for his side he could make this a reality. All he needed in exchange was for Blast Off to be aware of the false memories and to cover any holes in their story should the others get suspicious. Initially revolted by the idea of living a lie, Blast Off soon relented after Starscream reminded him that Onslaught would never let the past go or ever take any real interest in him. As a result, Onslaught and the others were made to believe that Onslaught's original deal with Starscream had worked out, with the Combaticons having been his secret and loyal bodyguards, and that their forming of Bruticus had been a last-ditch attempt to save Swindle's life with Starscream's approval.
Once Onslaught woke up, he saw Blast Off watching over him. He then touched Blast Off's hand, revealing Starscream kept his promise to make Onslaught notice him. The Price of You Onslaught mistook Blast Off's guilt for worry, and Blast Off assured him that he was glad things had worked out. Soon the Combaticons "resumed" their work of protecting Starscream, and Blast Off and Onslaught arranged a date. After the latter's first day "back", Starscream questioned how things were working, mocking Blast Off on how terrible things must be for him now. Blast Off claimed he had never wanted this, but Starscream retorted that he shouldn't pretend it wasn't. Frustrated, Blast Off demanded to see Swindle to make sure Starscream had kept his word to have him repaired. As Airachnid was finishing up on manipulating and repairing him, Swindle greeted his teammate, thanking Blast Off for how far he and the others had apparently gone to save him. If I Know You
Vortex and Blast Off later stood guard outside Starscream's office as Windblade confronted Starscream, and Blast Off was disturbed at Vortex's suggestions as to what was going on. During the final debate, Starscream revealed all of his crimes to the public, including the manipulation of the Combaticons. As a result, all of the Combaticons were imprisoned for their rampage as Bruticus, and because of his role in their manipulation, Blast Off was ostracized by the others, being shunned by his former lover as a bittersweet aftertaste. The Chosen One
Transformers: All Spark
Another Episode, Part 1 Another Episode, Part 2
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
The Combaticons infiltrated G.I. Joe disguised as their vehicles, with Blast Off taking on the form of a transport plane. During the Decepticon-Cobra attack on the United Nations, the Combaticons revealed themselves and combined into Bruticus to fight GIJONIN. Expelled from the Garden
Win If You Dare
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Transformers Valentine's Day Special backup strip
Blast Off ran transit runs near Cybertron, and struck up a friendship over long-range communications with a lonely Cosmos. Open Comms As a member of The Rise, Blast Off came to pickup the Insecticons along with the Energon cubes they had produced off of Mayalx with Onslaught, Vortex, and Brawl. He asked Shockwave what would happen to those chumps on Mayalx that they left behind, to which Shockwave responded that he'll contact them again when their services are needed. Constructicons Rising, Part 4
Following the severing of the Tether and the Winged Moon being saved from Team Stream, Cosmos remained behind but asked Lancer to pass on a request to Blast Off to join him on the Moon. Moon Upon receiving the message, Blast Off flew off before the Combaticons could stop him. War's End Part One
Blast Off rendezvoused with Cosmos, and they spent some quality time alone together making the Winged Moon hospitable again. After the Autobots left Cybertron aboard the Ark, Lodestar, and Sky Lynx, they headed for the Winged Moon. Cosmos eagerly waited to greet the new arrivals, but Blast Off was just grumpy that their alone time was at an end. Fate of Cybertron
Energon Universe
Blast Off and the Combaticons chased down Elita One, cornering her. Before he could follow Onslaught and Brawl, the Autobot shot the spacebridge severing the connection between the two worlds. Transformers (2023) issue 9
Commercial appearances
Blast Off and the rest of the Combaticons charged down a ravine to face-off against Metroplex. As they neared him, the Combaticons combined into Bruticus and took to the skies. Bruticus and Metroplex commercial
Transformers Legends
When a team of Autobots led by Mirage went on the offensive, Blast Off, Swindle, and Vortex used superior military tactics to fight them off. War Dawn Blast Off was among the Decepticons who joined with the Quintessons in an attempt to destroy the Autobots. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Blast Off participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 160 units of Cybermetal, (20 Event Cores,) and 95 units of Transmetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Earth Wars
Able to roam the spaceways in his shuttle mode, Blast Off feels above his fellow Combaticons in every sense. To him, the travails of others are small, petty things, and his aloof and superior manner aggravate the heck out of everyone. But he doesn't care. Everything is remote to Blast Off, including the fate of his victims, blasted from orbit. That way, he never feels a trace of remorse. Blast Off bio
Along with the other Combaticons, he was summoned to Earth by Megatron. He feels he should have been the one to get to earth first instead of Swindle.
Blast Off can also form the right arm of Bruticus when he is in his 3star/4 star limb mode. Transformers: Earth Wars
- Class: Aerial
- Lowest Star Rating: 1 star
- Weapons: Blast off uses his Ionic rifle to blast enemy defenses.
- Ability: Air Strike: Shoots 4 powerful rockets at a target dealing moderately high damage.
- Cost: 4 ability points +2 for reuses.
Blast Off at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Blast Off is featured as a boss battle in the sixteenth Decepticon base attacked and destroyed by the Autobots. He appears once the player reaches 32,300,000 points.
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Blast Off was a member of the Combaticons. Decepticon Directive
On Earth, Blast Off and the other Combaticons acted as a liaison between the Decepticons and the forces of Cobra, offering them advanced alien technology in exchange for their full cooperation. While meeting with Chameleon in southern France, the Autobots attacked and only narrowly escaped after Onslaught wounded Bumblebee. The Combaticons, minus Swindle, spent days pursuing the battered Autobots before bumping into a G.I. Joe encampment; leery of their advanced weapons and unable to form Bruticus, the Combaticons retreated. Cobra/Con Fusion
The Transformers
- Blast Off (Combaticon, 1986)
- Team ID number: C3
- Takara/GiG ID number: D-65
- Accessories: left & right sonic cannons, ionic blaster
- The Transformers Blast Off transforms into an International NASA Space Shuttle. In this mode, he is armed with two laser cannons mounted to his engines. In robot mode Blast Off is armed with a small laser pistol and his two laser cannons, which are now mounted on his legs. He usually forms Bruticus' right arm, but as a Scramble City-style toy, he can be connected with any limb slot on Bruticus.
- The initial release of Blast Off had a die-cast metal chest, but like several other 1986 toys, later releases replaced this with colored plastic. In 1987, he came packaged with a random Decepticon Decoy.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons | ||
Version 1 (Bruticus):
Version 2 (Baldigus):
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released Onslaught (leader)
Version 1 (Onslaught):
Version 2 (Dolrailer):
Blast Off
Version 1 (Blast Off):
Version 2 (Shuttler):
Version 1 (Brawl):
Version 2 (Dangar):
Version 1 (Swindle):
Version 2 (Greejeeber):
Version 1 (Vortex):
Version 2 (Hepter):
| ||
- Bruticus (Gift set, 1985)
- Takara ID number: D-69
- Accessories: left & right sonic cannons, ionic blaster
- In addition to his single release, Blast Off was also sold in a "Bruticus" giftset alongside the other Combaticons. The gift set was never available in the USA or Canada, but only in Japan and Italy.
- In 1988, GiG also re-released the Bruticus set in Italy, with five random "Exogini Transformers" (Decoys) added.
- Decepticon Blast Off (1991)
- Accessories: left & right sonic cannons, ionic blaster
- Blast Off was re-released in 1991 as part of the European-market Classics line. This version uses the plastic chest, and his rubsign indent has been filled in for this release. Another change on this mold is that the inside of his arms does not contain the peg needed to attach to the other arm, as a result, in shuttle mode his arms do not lock together.
Generation 2
- Blast Off (Combaticon, 1994)
- Team ID number: C3
- Accessories: left & right x-ray laser cannons, ionic blaster
- Released in the second year of Generation 2, Blast Off was redecoed white with purple camouflage... for all the times you need purple camouflage in space.
- This version of the toy keeps all his accessories and functionality from the original release, but lacks any decal detailing.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons | ||
Version 1 (Bruticus):
Version 2 (Baldigus):
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released Onslaught (leader)
Version 1 (Onslaught):
Version 2 (Dolrailer):
Blast Off
Version 1 (Blast Off):
Version 2 (Shuttler):
Version 1 (Brawl):
Version 2 (Dangar):
Version 1 (Swindle):
Version 2 (Greejeeber):
Version 1 (Vortex):
Version 2 (Hepter):
| ||
- Bruticus (Box set, 2012)
- Accessories: 2 hand-held blasters/tailfins
- Known designers: Andrew Franks (deco artist)
- Part of a giftset exclusive to Amazon and BigBadToyStore, this version of Blast Off is a redeco of Generations Fall of Cybertron Blast Off in Generation 2 colors. He can form any arm or leg of Bruticus, but his nominal placement is as the right arm, as usual.
- This toy was retooled into Fall of Cybertron Autobot Topspin.
Universe (2008)
- Bruticus Maximus (2008)
- Series: G1 Series
- Accessories: Energon Gun-radar/hand, Decepticon-type energon star
- Universe Blast Off is a redeco of the Energon Kickback/Blight sculpt, transforming into a brown Gepard anti-aircraft tank. His markings include his initials on his tread housings and a five-pointed star which, combined with his color scheme, gives his tank mode a somewhat Soviet feel. When combined with the other Combaticons, Blast Off is nominally Bruticus Maximus's right arm, though he can be used in any other limb position.
- He was only available as part of the Universe Bruticus Maximus giftset, which also contains Decepticon Brawl, another redeco of the same sculpt used for Blast Off. The Universe version of the giftset was initially intended to be released as a Target exclusive in the United States, but ultimately ended up being only available in some non-American markets such as Australia and Singapore. Instead, American markets eventually received a rebranded version of this giftset (with no changes to the toys themselves) in Revenge of the Fallen packaging (thereby creating a new live-action film series Blast Off character as well as a new version of the pre-existing Brawl character), exclusively available at Target stores in the United States and at Zellers stores in Canada.
- This sculpt was also used to make Timelines Landquake, as well as the United versions of Blast Off (see below) and Brawl. Another planned redeco, Movie Gunbarrel, was canceled.
- Bruticus (2009)
- ID number: 16
- A reissue of the original G1 Blast Off toy at first sight, this toy is actually a redeco of the Robots in Disguise Movor retool of the sculpt. This version of Blast Off was only available as part of a Bruticus gift set released under TakaraTomy's Encore line of reissues.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons | ||
Version 1 (Bruticus):
Version 2 (Baldigus):
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released Onslaught (leader)
Version 1 (Onslaught):
Version 2 (Dolrailer):
Blast Off
Version 1 (Blast Off):
Version 2 (Shuttler):
Version 1 (Brawl):
Version 2 (Dangar):
Version 1 (Swindle):
Version 2 (Greejeeber):
Version 1 (Vortex):
Version 2 (Hepter):
| ||
- Blast Off (Deluxe Class, 2012)
- Series / Number: 01 / #008
- PART 2 OF 5!
- TakaraTomy ID number: TG03
- TakaraTomy release date: January 26, 2013
- Accessories: 2 hand-held blasters/tailfins
- A redeco of Blast Off from the Decepticon Bruticus gift set was available individually alongside his fellow Combaticons as part of the second wave of the Fall of Cybertron-themed 2012-onwards Deluxe Class Generations assortment. These versions of the Combaticons replace the game-accurate, Generation 1-inspired decoes with more "flashy" colors apparently homaging the color scheme of Bruticus Maximus. Blast Off replaces the primarily tan colors and purple details of the giftset release with a mainly purple body and yellow detailing, and features new yellow paint operations on his blaster.
- Unsurprisingly for an Aligned toy inspired by Generation 1, Fall of Cybertron Blast Off appeared in many Generation 1-based stories. The retail Hasbro deco appeared in IDW Publishing's Robots in Disguise comic series[2] while the TakaraTomy deco appeared in Transformers: All Spark and Transformers Cloud.
- Bruticus (Multi-pack, November 7, 2012)
- Accessories: Energon Gun-radar/hand, Decepticon-type energon star
- Released exclusively by TakaraTomy in non-Japanese Asian markets, this redeco of the Energon Bruticus Maximus set has colors similar to the previous Universe/Revenge of the Fallen release, but with a greater emphasis on G1-accuracy. Additionally, the gun-radar/combined mode foot/hand previously cast in translucent colored plastic is now opaque grey, though his energon star remains orange.
Bot Shots
- Combaticons (Multi-pack, 2013?)
- Number: T0??
- Fist strength: ???
- Blaster strength: 876
- Sword strength: ???
- Number: T0??
- Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
- A redeco of Bot Shots Jetfire, Blast Off automatically transforms from a booster-equipped jet to a robot when a sharp impact is applied to his front end. He was to be sold in a five-pack with Onslaught, Decepticon Brawl, Swindle, and Vortex, but this never saw release.
- Blast Off (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2012)
- Collection: 1
- Bag number: 22851 47
- Accessories: logo brick, built-up small pistol
- Known designers: Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
- Part of the first normal wave of Micro-Changer Kreons, Blast Off is a blindpacked-bagged mini-figure, though a stamped ID number can be found on the back of the bag, top-right corner. He comes with extra parts so he can be rebuilt into a vehicle that vaguely resembles a Space Shuttle.
- However, Blast Off can be built as part of Bruticus, if you have any sense of creativity.
- He uses the Mirage style helmet.
- Decepticon Blast Off (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2016)
- Collection: 1
- Accessories: logo plate, built-up small pistol
- In 2016, Collection 1 was re-released in a whole new production run for Dollar General stores in the US as part of a large collection of re-released Kre-O sets. But where most of these releases are nigh-identical to the originals, the re-released Micro-Changer blind-bags use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon, with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. (It is possible for some of the add-on pieces to be in the older hues.) Blast Off has the biggest change of all of the remade Kreons, as his dark brown plastics have been turned to an odd greenish-tan, the same color of his pre-release prototype at BotCon 2012. His torso tampograph has also been reworked to be slightly more detailed, and the formerly-bare legs now have extra detail tampographing on them. What flat gray paint he did have has been changed to metallic silver. Also the 1x2 "roof" block has been replaced with a 1x2 bare plate, possibly due to a factory change?
- Sadly, this release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.
Combiner Wars

- Decepticon Blast Off (Deluxe Class, 2016)
- Accessories: gun, double-barreled gun/hand/foot
- Released in the fifth wave of Combiner Wars Deluxes, "Decepticon Blast Off" is a redeco of Quickslinger, transforming from robot to what is more or less a Harrier jump jet (thematically fitting with the "Combaticon" moniker). We can only assume that the use of Quickslinger's head sculpt over Firefly's mouthplated one has something to do with the sort-of visor that Blast Off acquired via coloring error in the Generation 1 cartoon. He includes two 5 mm weapon accessories: an "ionic blaster" (sculpted to resemble a flamethrower) and "X-ray cannons" that can also transform into a hand or a foot.
- As a Combiner Wars Deluxe figure, Blast Off can also transform into an arm or a leg for a Combiner, including forming Bruticus with his fellow Combaticons. He can also form with any Unite Warriors Voyager Class figure or even into one of Legends Godbomber's legs.
- Copies of Blast Off in monolingual English packaging include a copy of Robots in Disguise #11, labelled in the indicia as Combiner Wars #3. In Canada, Latin America, and Europe, he was available in different types of multilingual packaging including a character card featuring his comic book cover/package art instead. He and the last three waves of Combiner Wars Deluxe and Voyager figures later showed up at TJ Maxx at reduced prices with the collector card.
Combiner Wars mold: Firefly | ||
- Bruticus (Collection Pack, 2016)
- Accessories: gun, double-barreled gun/hand/foot
- The entire Combiner Wars Combaticon team was redecoed into close approximations of their Generation 2 colors; let's be real, how hard is it to mess up white and black? Nailed it easy. Unfortunately, he still has the original Decepticon faction symbol, not the Generation 2 style one.
- This version of the team was only available as a large boxed set, which also included a Generation 2-ish version of Shockwave. This was the fourth of five different combiner "Collection Pack" box sets, which were "shared exclusives" sold by numerous online retailers... though many ultimately ended up at US discounters like Ross and TJ Maxx.
Combiner Wars mold: Firefly | ||
- Decepticon Blast Off (Special Edition, 2018)
- Accessories: gun, double-barreled gun/hand/foot, "Megatronus" Prime Master
- Combiner Wars Special Edition Blast Off is a redeco of Unite Warriors Shuttler, which in turn is a slight retool and reassembly of Unite Warriors Blast Off. This is the first release of this tooling by Hasbro, featuring a dark brown deco more accurate to his original toy as well as the toy-accurate Shuttler-style reverse chest as compared to the Unite Warriors release. If desired, his arms can be popped off and assembled in the same configuration as the Unite Warriors release. Like Shuttler, this Blast Off features a retooled neck piece that prevents his head from falling off while handling and enlarged tabs on his legs to prevent the vehicle and arm modes from falling apart. Unlike Shuttler, however, Blast Off has his arms swapped at his shoulders' ball joints as opposed to at the bicep swivel; as a result, the protrusions on the shoulders prevents the arms from folding up in properly in arm mode if not corrected. As part of a trio of "Special Edition" toys celebrating the Prime Wars Trilogy, he is packaged in a premium window box and includes a redeco of the Megatronus Prime Master (sans Bomb-Burst decoy suit) cast in translucent red plastic. Unlike the other Combiner Wars Combaticons (including his original Combiner Wars figure), his hand/foot/gun has metallic silver paint, making it stand out from the dull bare gray plastic of the others.
- He is also mildly mistransformed in the box, as his feet are unfolded into vehicle mode position and the tip of his shuttle nose isn't folded away into his backpack.
- Blast Off was first publicly revealed via preorder listings on Amazon and several Asia-based toy retailers without a prior announcement from Hasbro. This set was an Amazon exclusive in the U.S. but was available at retailers such as Toys"R"Us in Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Singapore.
- Unlike Repugnus and Punch-Counterpunch, this Blast Off didn't have a Japanese release as this mold was already released two years prior.
Unite Warriors
- Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)
- Sold as part of Takara's Unite Warriors Bruticus gift set with his fellow Combatrons, this version of Blast Off is an entirely new, G1-accurate mold (including the misplaced color application of his animation model visor) that transforms into a space shuttle instead of a jet like the Hasbro deluxe. Blast Off also comes with a newly-sculpted weapon based on his G1 blaster, as well as a new hand/foot/gun accessory that can be used to transform him into an arm or a leg compatible with any Unite Warriors/Combiner Wars combiner teams, or into one of Legends Godbomber's legs. In vehicle mode, his blaster pegs under his nosecone to become landing gear. The shuttle's tailfin is removed during transformation and pegged (in halves) on the robot mode's back, replicating his original character model.
Generation 2
- Blast Off Watch (Watch, 1995)
- A non-transforming digital wristwatch of Blast Off's shuttle mode manufactured by Ostrum International was released during Generation 2, in the same white and purple coloration as his concurrent toy.
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the tenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Guardian" (with his components Blades, First Aid, Hot Spot, Groove, and Streetwise) and Bruticus (with his components Blast Off, Vortex, Onslaught, Swindle and Brawl) along with character profiles and tech specs.
- Blast-Off had the working name of Countdown.
- Blast Off's odd choice of alternate mode compared to his teammates can be chalked down to the Combaticons' original wavemates, the Aerialbots, all possessing jet alternate modes. Hence, the desire to give the two airborne Combaticons unique alternate modes.
- The character models of the Combaticons are kinda... okay, heavily made-up. Early models of the team which were a bit more accurate to the toys-except for the heads, oddly enough–have shown up in various sourcebooks, though Blast Off's is still off in some very odd ways. Blast Off's final animation model apparently mis-interpreted his forehead crest as a visor, giving him one funkily arranged face, for example.
- The packaging of the 1991 European Classics release of the original Onslaught toy depicted the Combaticons in (mostly) new color schemes, despite the fact that the actual toys looked identical to their original releases. While it may never be known for certain, it has been theorized that these colors originated from a packaging printing error rather than a legitimate attempt to redeco the Combaticons.
- In the Wings Universe continuity the Combaticons are swayed to the Decepticon side by Deathsaurus appealing to their darker natures, represented by one of the Seven Deadly Sins. As noted above, Blast Off is convinced by the offer of a Triple Changer upgrade so he'd be, y'know, useful (he already has three different vehicle modes in his various toy representations that all tickle down as Blitzwing). His vice is thus Envy.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Blast Off (ブレストオフ Buresuto Ofu)[3]
- Mandarin: Bào Zhà (爆炸 "Explosion")
- French: Propulsio (Canada)
- Hungarian: Kilövő ("Launcher")
- Italian: Exploder
- Russian: Vzryv (cartoon, Взрыв, "Explosion")
- ↑ "Starscream's Brigade" shooting script
- ↑ Blast Off's first appearance in "season 1" of Robots in Disguise came in the the 2012 Robots in Disguise annual, wherein artist Andrew Griffith drew him according to the contemporary High Moon Studios game model that debuted in Fall of Cybertron.
- ↑ Normally, the word "blast" is rendered in katakana as ブラスト (burasuto)—like in Blastarm or Broadblast. However, the katakana used in Blast Off's Japanese name is most decidedly ブレスト (buresuto)—which is usually used to render the English word "breast". This same spelling was later used to render the first part of Blast Master's name, an unrelated shuttle character released years later. It is likely that this was simply one of the many name mistransliterations in Generation 1 that stuck.
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Unreleased toys
- Amazon exclusives
- Combaticons
- Combiner Wars Decepticons
- Dreamwave Generation 1 Decepticons
- Elite Guard
- Encore
- Energon Universe Decepticons
- Generation 1 cartoon Decepticons
- Generation 1 Decepticons
- Generation 1 toy Decepticons
- Generation 2 Decepticons
- Generations Selects Decepticons
- IDW (2005) Decepticons
- IDW (2019) Decepticons
- Kre-O Decepticons
- Kreons
- Marvel Generation 1 Decepticons
- Repurposed toys
- Second Cybertron Alliance
- Super-God Masterforce Decepticons
- The Headmasters Decepticons
- Transformers Character Card Decepticons
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Decepticons
- Turncoats
- Unite Warriors Decepticons
- United Decepticons
- Universe (2008)
- Wings Universe Autobots
- Wings Universe Decepticons