Scramble 7
From Transformers Wiki
- Scramble 7 is a Decepticon combiner from the Super-God Masterforce portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Scramble 7 (スクランブル7 Sukuranburu Sebun) is a Decepticon Scramble City-type combiner composed of Transformers from various Scramble City-type combiner teams. Scramble 7 is an ideal demonstration of the interchangeable limbs across the different subgroups.
Scramble 7 is made up of:
- Turtler, Seacon Commander (torso)
- Stunticon Dead End, King of Land Speed (left leg)
- Combaticon Brawl, Heavy Tank of the Land (right leg)
- Combaticon Blast Off, Cosmic Soldier (right arm)
- Terrorcon Cutthroat, Sovereign of the Skies (left arm)
- Seacon Lobclaw, Devil of the Sea (right gun)
- Seacon Tentakil (left gun)
Contents |
Super-God Masterforce comic
Scramble 7 appeared in a raid on Planet Athenia, where the Autobot base was located. He was so powerful that he defeated Chromedome and Raiden with ease, but he was defeated by Super Ginrai, Lightfoot and Ranger thanks to their use of Chōkon Power. The Battle Begins! The Earth-Space Alliance Army
Generations Selects Special Comic
Turtler and Hun-Gurrr started cheering together upon witnessing Volcanicus's attack on Neo Primus reverting it back to its Blue Planet form, but were shortly attacked by Red Megatron and Black Megatron. Turtler countered by rallying several cross-team Decepticons to form Scramble 7 and took the duo of Megatrons out. God Neptune promptly arrived and formed an alliance with Scramble 7, declaring the two a mighty god and king respectively. Generations Selects Special Comic Finale
The Transformers
- Scramble 7
- Turtler (Seacon, 1988)
- Lobclaw (Seacon, 1988)
- Tentakil (Seacon, 1988)
- Blast Off (Combaticon, 1986)
- Brawl (Combaticon, 1986)
- Cutthroat (Terrorcon, 1987)
- Dead End (Stunticon, 1986)
- There isn't any official release of Scramble 7, but it can be created from the toys of Seacons, Terrorcons, Stunticons, and Combaticons.
Unite Warriors/Generations Selects
- Scramble 7
- Menasor (Unite Warriors Multi-pack, 2015-08-22)
- Bruticus (Unite Warriors Multi-pack, 2016-06-25)
- Seacons Turtler (Generations Selects, 2020-01-25)
- Seacons Lobclow [sic] (Generations Selects, 2020-02-29)
- Seacons Tentakil (Generations Selects, 2020-03-28)
- Abominus (Generations Selects Multi-pack, 2021-04-17)
- Generations Selects Scramble 7 can be made using either the Combiner Wars or Unite Warriors versions of Dead End and Brawl, "Combiner Wars Special Edition" or Unite Warriors Blast Off, the Power of the Primes or Generations Selects versions of Cutthroat, and the Generations Selects Seacons Turtler, Lobclaw, and Tentakil. Scramble 7 uses the feet and hands of Generations Selects King Poseidon, and can thus use Lobclaw and Tentakil's Targetmaster gimmicks.