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Ionic blaster

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Blast Off shouldn't even bother shooting you with his ionic blaster. You're beneath him. Literally. Should he deign you worthy of notice, however, you'll find yourself bombarded with ions, disrupting all of your electrical systems—should you have any.



Marvel The Transformers comics

Blast Off carried an ionic blaster, which fired a beam of highly charged particles that disrupted electronic systems. Blast Off's Universe profile

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

In robot mode, Blastoff was armed with an ionic blaster and two leg-mounted cannons. Blastoff's More than Meets the Eye profile


The Transformers

G1Blastoff toy.jpg
The Transformers Blast Off came with an ionic blaster, as identified in his instructions and packaging bio, that he can wield in robot mode.
This toy was available as part of a Bruticus giftset and reissued many times, additionally its mold was used to make Shuttle Gunner and Movor.

Generation 2

G2-toy BlastOff.jpg
  • Blast Off (Combaticon, 1994)
For Generation 2, Blast Off was redecoed along with his ionic blaster.

See also

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