New answers tagged thmtools
Avoid orphaned mdframed box after section heading at end of page
As Ulrike mentions in the comments, tcolorbox is much better at preventing the behavior in your post. Here is an implementation of your boxed theorem using keytheorems' tcolorbox-no-titlebar key. Note ...
Duplicate hyperref links after update to latest version
It seems to be a known bug of thmtools. A workaround was provided here:
It amounts to adding the line
\renewcommand\theHThm{\thesection .\arabic {Thm}}
decrease height of separator in custom theorem style
You seem to have answered your question in the comments, so here I'll recommend considering tcolorbox over mdframed. It has far fewer bugs and is actively maintained. Here is a possible implementation ...
List of definitions: how to remove the prefix "Definition"?
With keytheorems, you can do this with a combination of note-code and format-code.
Mdframed infinite loop within declare theorem style
Here is something cobbled together from the thmbox compatibility code in keytheorems. It is not well-written; many lengths that depend on each other are hard-coded instead of given as variables with ...
How to port this ntheorem solution to amsthm + thmtools?
You can use tcolorbox and the tikz fadings library. Here is a version implemented with keytheorems (which, disclaimer, I wrote) but it could just as easily be done with tcolorbox's theorems library.
Drop-cap (lettrine) with thmtools
Here is an option using using keytheorems and wrapstuff (English doc here), adapted from my answer to this question. You can tune the parameters in \fontsize, rightsep, and \hspace to your liking. I ...
Changing content of \listoftheorems and hyperlinking to text
Here's a version using keytheorems' list keys format-code and note-code. If the theorem does not have a note, it prints the usual thing.
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thmtools × 292theorems × 117
amsthm × 70
mdframed × 23
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hyperref × 18
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environments × 12
tcolorbox × 12
page-breaking × 9
ntheorem × 9
errors × 7
amsmath × 7
indentation × 7
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thmbox × 6
incompatibility × 5
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