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2 votes

Numbering an equation when using \pause and showonlyrefs

Well, from the discussion in the comments to your last couple of questions (Jump by \zcref is not correct with \pause,, I think you should have realized ...
gusbrs's user avatar
  • 14.6k
0 votes

The current status of "cleveref"

I am writing a fix that can correctly deal with (and add more) resetby-information. For example, enumii is reseted by enumi, and so on. With the following code, cleveref knows that thmenumii is ...
CY Qian's user avatar
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1 vote

Cleveref cref problem with counters: use 'theorem' for all other labels in new ACM template

As of 2024, I still had this problem -- I didn't want to annotate all \labels with the counter information or patch the acmart class file as proposed by existing answers. The solution that worked for ...
a3nm's user avatar
  • 344
0 votes

Cleveref with counters with same name

On my LaTeX install on Debian, @GonzaloMedina's code does not work and produces the wrong labels. Theorem 0.1. test Lemma 0.2. test As shown in theorem 0.1 and theorem 0.2 This must be specific to my ...
a3nm's user avatar
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4 votes

cleveref treats all ntheorem environments as lemmas

cleveref patches lots of internals but hasn't been updated sind 2018 and so didn't follow development in the LaTeX kernel. You can reinstate the behaviour by declaring the alias explicitly with LaTeX ...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
1 vote

Nameinlink and \crefmultiformat avoid hyperlinks in figure names

Don't reinvent the wheel. Instead, just add spanish to the list of options passed to cleveref. I.e., change \usepackage[nameinlink]{cleveref} to \usepackage[nameinlink,spanish]{cleveref}. Upon making ...
Mico's user avatar
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0 votes

Cleveref does not use custom equation tags anymore

Using \tag in an equation is actually wrong: With hyperref the links will be faults. If you use the starred version everything works fine: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar

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