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28 votes

What is best practice to set up Multi-file tex documents?

I think that the multifile howto is pretty easy, but as commented, it depends on what you want to achieve or how you organize your contents in the hard disk. Also, you must be aware that some packages ...
Fran's user avatar
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12 votes

Bibliographies when using subfiles

I also used Audrey's approach ( for a while, but I got annoyed of having to write \printbibliography at the end of each subfile. Now I'm using the ...
BR123's user avatar
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9 votes

In TeXstudio, how to compile only the subfile?

You can use a magic comment called %!TeX root at the beginning of your subfile.tex to override the default root detection by TXS. This way, when you are in subfile.tex and press compile, TXS will ...
Troy's user avatar
  • 13.8k
8 votes

path of figures in different directories with subfile latex

If you add \providecommand{\main}{..} in each of your subfiles before documentclass and \providecommand{\main}{.} in the same position in the main file, you can now replace every relative paths with, ...
markellos's user avatar
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8 votes

How not to switch context when working on hierarchical documents in TeXStudio?

TeXStudio offers the option to declare a file as the master file. This is done in "Options > Root Document". This should also work in Texmaker.
Skillmon's user avatar
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8 votes

Chapter bibliography using subfiles

Sub-bibliographies work with subfiles from version 1.5 onwards, available from Github or from CTAN. See its documentation. Note that it is no longer necessary to manipulate the path of files oneself. ...
gernot's user avatar
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8 votes

Problem with packages subfiles and import.sty after using TexLive Utility for updating

That is due to the recent addition to import.sty: % Check for "./" currdir, and make \import@path@fix ensure trailing / (see third-last paragraph of the manual too). I don't know why one would ...
Donald Arseneau's user avatar
7 votes

Bbl file not generated

If you use TeXMaker, you should run bibtex or biblatex to generate the bbl file. It is not done automatically. What I used to do, is first run pdflatex and then bibtex followed by two times pdflatex. ...
Martin's user avatar
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7 votes

How to work and compile efficiently in a multi-file project in Texworks?

You can use magical comments just as !TeX root=mainfile.tex with relative path as first line of your subfile. Let's say you have the following document tree: thesis.tex chapters/ - chapone.tex - ...
TeXnician's user avatar
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7 votes

Subfiles package - two levels (subfile in subfile)

Answer 1 Don't worry about paths yourself, but make tex find the files for you by modifing the input path. % !TeX root = main.tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]...'s user avatar
7 votes

Subfiles failing with custom class

This problem is resolved in version 1.2 (dated 2018/07/31) of the package, now available from CTAN. If your LaTeX system does not provide an integrated update mechanism, download the files subfiles....
gernot's user avatar
  • 50.7k
7 votes

Problem with packages subfiles and import.sty after using TexLive Utility for updating

The new import package code mis-handles an empty path segment and looks in the root of the filesystem rather than the current directory and unfortunately subfiles uses this form. I think this gets ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
6 votes

path of figures in different directories with subfile latex

I approach this type of problem in this way. I have a command defined in the preamble that (re)sets the graphics path ... \newcommand*{\resetfigpath}[1]{ \graphicspath{{#1/figures/}} } I call ...
Jeffrey J Weimer's user avatar
6 votes

Latexdiff with subfiles

2 years after the question was asked, but I ended up writing a batch file for solving this in a windows environment: @echo off setlocal set "old_path=..\..\tags\old_version\my_folder\" set "new_path=...
Ryan B's user avatar
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6 votes

Bibliographies when using subfiles

Since version 2.0 of subfiles, one can also use the condition macro \ifSubfilesClassLoaded{}{} to do something similar as Audrey's approach ( With my ...
Hans's user avatar
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6 votes

Trouble when using the subfiles and wrapfig packages together

You need to make sure that the paragraph ends while wrapfig is in scope, subfiles probably ought to make \end{document} end the paragraph but it doesn't so unless you change the package you need a ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
6 votes

Is there a way to always compile the main document?

(Tom from Overleaf Support here.) To me it seems that always wanting to compile the main file quite defies the purpose of using subfiles, but if you wish, you can do that by replacing \documentclass[.....
yo''s user avatar
  • 52.1k
5 votes

Subfolders and Subfiles

Inspired by the link that Timothy provided, I've come up with something slightly different: main.tex: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{subfiles} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} % First ...
user1476176's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I get consecutive section numbering for an entire document using subfiles?

Using the refcount and xr (or xr-hyper if you are using hyperref) packages in the main file, you could automatically retrieve the correct chapter (or whatever counter you want) number from the main ...'s user avatar
5 votes

Possible ways to split up and then recombine lecture notes

Using subfiles you can get correct page numbering by using the zref-xr package. Assuming your main file is main.tex: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{subfiles} \usepackage{...'s user avatar
5 votes

Does subfiles work with memoir?

Answer to the main question: Yes, the subfiles package will most likely work. I edited the almost correct answer of B Hos to make his example work. The crucial point when using subfiles is to ensure ...
gernot's user avatar
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5 votes

How to make bibliography to work in subfiles of a subfile?

If your goal is to print the complete bibliography at the end of every subfile, a simpler thing to do is the following: Remove all \biblio... and \IfSubfil... commands from your current files. Change ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
5 votes

Including standalone tikz in beamer

You never “can simply include” a file with \documentclass or other preamble code “with \input” into another document, because only one \documentclass per document is allowed and \documentclass inside ...
cabohah's user avatar
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5 votes

Including standalone tikz in beamer

You could use the standalone package: \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \input{stand.tex} \end{frame} \end{document} (...'s user avatar
4 votes

Subfiles in subdirectory, file not found

I came accross the same problem you did when i compiled my first multi-file document using the subfiles package. Since I am not a long term latex user i do not fully understand the mechanics of the ...
Kobus Pieters's user avatar
4 votes

Reference list from file for citations

\input is not the right tool; you can use catchfile instead to save the file contents in a macro that you can then expand at the right time. \begin{filecontents}{\jobname-biblist1.tex} ref1,ref2 \end{...
egreg's user avatar
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4 votes

how to handle subfiles picture in latex

You need to add the search path to the image in the main document. Assuming that: (1) dolphin-book-2020.tex is in the directory BOOK (2) The chapters are in BOOK/chapters (3) The images are in BOOK/...
Simon Dispa's user avatar
  • 40.2k
4 votes

Does subfiles work with memoir?

I used TeX Studio, default compiler and XeLaTeX both worked. In addition to the example below I tried the article class. Main.tex: \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage{lipsum} \...
B Hos's user avatar
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