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29 votes

Is there a way to create Tex Live or LaTeX virtual environment?

You can use TeX Live's user mode for that purpose. As you have already mentioned in the comments, you can create a new user tree (allowing multiple trees) using $ tlmgr init-usertree --usertree ~/...
Henri Menke's user avatar
23 votes

What do these commands specifically do?

You provide several interpretations of what various commands do. \makeatletter and \makeatother are just necessary for redefining macros or something. Not quite. By default, the character @ is ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 528k
21 votes

How to suitably configure the TEXINPUTS variable in latexmkrc for detecting the sty and cls files present in a custom folder in the project directory?

Latexmk actually has a subroutine for adding items to search paths. You can write ensure_path( 'TEXINPUTS', './custom_cls_sty_files//' ); This takes care of using the correct operating-system-...
John Collins's user avatar
  • 11.7k
15 votes

Draw a car with TikZ

Update: To add arrows and others, You can do it as if they were nodes, obviously you have to define a specific point to leave and arrive, in this case in the drawing of the Texla car I added a point ...
J Leon V.'s user avatar
  • 13.1k
13 votes

Add gaps to lines with TikZ

Using @AboAmmar MWE, preaction can be used in the simple case: \documentclass[border=2pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[> = latex] \node [draw, thick, minimum ...
forrest's user avatar
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11 votes

How to include graphics with spaces in their path?

In the LaTeX2e 2019-10-01 Patch Level 2 release that should be arriving in distributions any day soon, you can use \includegraphics[...]{A file with spaces} just using the core graphicx package, no ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
10 votes

Add gaps to lines with TikZ

These gaps at line crossings can be achieved with a thick white-colored line drawn the same way as your crossing line. Here is an example: \documentclass[border=2pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \...
AboAmmar's user avatar
  • 47.1k
10 votes

How to escape percent sign (%) in \path or \texttt environment?

\path of package url directly supports percent characters, unless it is used inside arguments of other macros. \path (or \url) changes the category codes of special characters before and for reading ...
Heiko Oberdiek's user avatar
10 votes

Is there a way to draw the rest of a path by mirroring the existing part?

It can be done with spath3 \documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{spath3} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \path[spath/save=apath] (0, 0) -- ++(-9, 0) -- ++(5, 3) -- ++(2, 7) ...
hpekristiansen's user avatar
9 votes

Tex Live installation, and a problem of getting evince to show dvi files

Add the lines export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH export MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/doc/man:$MANPATH export INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/doc/info:...
gernot's user avatar
  • 50.7k
9 votes

Draw a car with TikZ

A command \mzncar is defined. It takes 2 arguments. The first argument is a coordinate used to shift the car. This argument is optional with default value (0,0). The second argument is the color. \...
matexmatics's user avatar
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8 votes

How to draw and label vertices of a polygon?

You can see the explanation why it is not working in the Heiko Oberdiek's answer. To overcome this you can replace node[position] (n) {n} by coordinate[label=position:n] (n). Here is the full code: \...
Kpym's user avatar
  • 23.2k
8 votes

After a completed TeX Live installation on Linux: how can I run just the "Create symlinks to standard directories" option?

From all the comments to the question and my experience after using them I write up an answer: If you want to create symlinks to standard directories after the install, do not try to run the install ...
halloleo's user avatar
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8 votes

! Use of \@x next doesn't match its definition, using memoir class, toc, chapter and begin{figure}

that is a known bug which will resolved when babel is updated is a few days As a work-around: \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage[british, ngerman]{babel} \...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
7 votes

How to draw and label vertices of a polygon?

That happens because your (1), (2), (3), etc. nodes are the labels, not the points. Here a possible solution using \coordinate: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \...
CarLaTeX's user avatar
  • 66.2k
7 votes

How to specify absolute paths

Just specify the path, eg \input{/users/someone/inputs/inp.txt} if you want to use ~ use \string~ otherwise it means nobreak space. \input{\string~/inputs/inp.txt} (added after edit to question) ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
7 votes

What is the easiest way to set path of updated(new version) texlive installation?

Open your .bashrc script and write the following lines at the end: PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH; export PATH MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/doc/man:$MANPATH; export ...
Mibi's user avatar
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7 votes

TiKz Path Exclusion - Compound Shapes (pathfinder functionality)

Here is a possibility using the spath3 TikZ library and following the steps from Andrew Stacey's excellent answer here. The code is not so short but is repetitive and easy to understand (I hope). We ...
Juan Castaño's user avatar
7 votes

Draw a car with TikZ

You can always create a \pic based of some part of your code which makes it easy to reuse it: \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \tikzset{ pics/my car/.style={ code=...
Jasper Habicht's user avatar
6 votes

Draw additional parallel paths in TikZ

I just found the nfold library from 2023 by Jonathan Schulz. It can do exactly that - also for Bézier curves and closed curves. \documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{nfold} \...
hpekristiansen's user avatar
6 votes

How to mention local drive path inside Latex?

I would strongly advise you to either use \verb or the url package. The \verb command is designed for typesetting entities that include characters that are special in LaTeX and it respects spaces in ...
Andrew Swann's user avatar
6 votes

How to draw and label vertices of a polygon?

The lines (3) -- (4) and (1) -- (2) connect the nodes, the center point of the nodes: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \path[...
Heiko Oberdiek's user avatar
6 votes

Place text along a path

Several changes. You should use \tikzset instead of \tikzstyle. See the code below for the syntax. Use anchor= to measure spacing from the edge of the node instead of the center. Use the decorations....
Sandy G's user avatar
  • 47.3k
6 votes

How can I define a custom TikZ path operation?

How feasible is it to define my own path operations, similar to --, to, rectangle, or parabola in TikZ? Depends on your input syntax If you need \path (1,1) myshape (3,3); you will need to hook into ...
Qrrbrbirlbel's user avatar
5 votes

%!TEX root = to parent directory

Although this is an old question, it seems still actual. I stepped over the same problem and ../thesis.tex did not do it for me. Since I am using Windows, I tried a backslash instead: ..\thesis....
pete's user avatar
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