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17 votes

Header and page numbers with pdfpages

I had a similar problem which was easily solved by using pagecommand but without any additional style or package. Just this way : \chapter{Title} Lots of multipage pdfs following \includepdf[pages=-,...
Ariane Chabert's user avatar
15 votes

\includepdf combined pdf highlights missing

There is a very simple work around to this problem: just print the pdf document using a pdf printer e.g. Adobe and choose to include the markings. When you include this new pdf document the markings ...
Harry Broeders's user avatar
14 votes

Border around included pdf

With the comment of samcarter I manage to solve it somewhat: With these options: \includepdf[ clip=0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm, trim=20mm 40mm 20mm 15mm, pages=-, frame, scale=.65, ...
Ravenix's user avatar
  • 413
11 votes

includepdf outputs blank pages

Your class contains a \pagecolor{white}. This hides the pdf included by \includepdf. You can reset the pagecolor with \nopagecolor: \documentclass{report} \usepackage{pdfpages} \begin{document} \...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
11 votes

Want pdf to fill the entire page in latex

You can use the scale option. \includepdf[scale=2]{filename}. Adapt the value of scale= to your needs. However, you can find the manual of pdfpages via texdoc pdfpages on the commandline. This ...
Keks Dose's user avatar
  • 31.7k
10 votes

\newcommand verbatim parameter

verbatim, like \verb, cannot be used in the argument to another command. What you seem to need is just \texttt{\detokenize{#1}} so the underscore becomes printable: \newcommand{\pdf}[1]{% \...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
10 votes

IEEEtran and pdfpages

This issue seems to be caused by calling \includepdf right after \begin{document}. You can either add some text, or use \null to put 'something' without any effect before including your pdf: \...
ebosi's user avatar
  • 11.9k
9 votes

\includepdf combined pdf highlights missing

In the documentation of pdfpages you find on page 2: Links and other interactive features of PDF documents When including pages of a PDF only the so called content stream of these pages is ...
knut's user avatar
  • 8,878
9 votes

How to include PDF pages without a newpage before the first page?

It worked including a minipage. \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \includepdf[scale=0.85,pages=1]{testpdf} \end{minipage}
Henrique Oliveira da Mata's user avatar
9 votes

Include PDF with small page size

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{pdfpages} \begin{document} \includepdf[page=1,fitpaper]{mooi} \includepdf[page=2,fitpaper]{mooi} \end{document} EDIT \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
JPi's user avatar
  • 13.8k
9 votes

includepdf and file with comma

Even in 2017, putting spaces and commas in filenames is a bad idea, however \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{pdfpages} \begin{document} \typeout{===} {\...
David Carlisle's user avatar
9 votes

Something like \includeonly but for \includepdf?

You can borrow the \includeonly test used by \include. This just includes the text and attachment for B \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{pdfpages} \makeatletter \let\oldincludepdf\includepdf \...
David Carlisle's user avatar
8 votes

How to include multiple pages in latex

A tcbraster combined with tcbincludepdf can also be used to include framed pages from an external file into another document. tcolorbox will do all scaling work. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[...
Ignasi's user avatar
  • 138k
8 votes

How to insert a pdf page at the very last page of a book?

\AtEndDocument can be used to place the included page a little later after the possible additions of other packages: \documentclass[12pt,twoside,a4paper]{book} \usepackage{chapterbib} %% Required \...
Heiko Oberdiek's user avatar
8 votes

Printing file name containing underscore

Use \detokenize: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{pdfpages} \newcommand{\INC}[1]{% \vspace*{\fill} \begin{center} \large\ttfamily\detokenize{#1} \end{center} \vspace*{\fill} \newpage \...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
8 votes

pdfpages clashes with graphicx (LaTeX Error: Option clash for package graphicx.)

pdfpages loads also graphicx, but without options. If you want to load graphicx with an option you should either load pdfpages behind graphicx: \documentclass[a4paper]{scrreprt} \usepackage[draft]{...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
8 votes

Read metadata of inserted PDF page?

You can use the following code to verify the entries in the Info dictionary: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{luacode,pdfpages} \begin{luacode*} function utf16to8(u16str) local result = "" ...
Marcel Krüger's user avatar
7 votes

How do I insert double blank pages

\newpage ~\newpage will simply do the trick.
Ahmed Bayoumi's user avatar
7 votes

How can I crop included PDF documents?

If you check now the pdfpages manual, you will read: Internally the command \includepdf makes use of the \includegraphics command from the graphicx (actually graphics) package. Hence it is possible ...
Andrestand's user avatar
  • 1,105
7 votes

Include many files of very similar names all with one command?

EDITED: I tried it to verify it works. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ifthen,pdfpages} \newcounter{countindex} \newcommand\includemultipdf[2]{% \setcounter{countindex}{0}% \whiledo{\value{...
Steven B. Segletes's user avatar
7 votes

Insert two pdf pages at the bottom

You can place the pages using \includegraphics and specify the pages separately: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx,lipsum} \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k
7 votes

Adding caption with minipages to \includepdf figure page

Option 1 Use \includegraphics for the page which needs the caption. It doesn't matter if this is the first page or not. Here, I exclude the first two pages of a seven page PDF, add a caption when ...
cfr's user avatar
  • 219k
7 votes

How to discard an area of a pdf page using pdfpages?

You can place the image (yes, the page is just an image) on a blank page using eso-pic and graphicx. Then you can overlay a white rectangular \rule to fill in over the area you don't want. \...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k
7 votes

pdfpages removes handwritten notes

I solved it using the print function in Drawboard PDF and then using "Microsoft print to PDF". Printing to PDF from Chrome did not do the trick.
Chester's user avatar
  • 251
7 votes

Inserting a digitally signed PDF to an article

For future users, I solved this by first printing the signed PDF to PDF, and then the signature showed up in my Latex document using \includepdf.
Michael's user avatar
  • 81
7 votes

Do calling \includepdf make the page dimension of output equal to that of the included document?

By default pdfpages respects the page size of the surrounding document. But you can use the fitpaper option to force the size. \documentclass[]{article} \usepackage{pdfpages} \begin{document} some ...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
7 votes

Is there a way to change the page number in the TOC when inserting a PDF?

pdfpages provides addtotoc as an option for specifying what of the included document should be added to the ToC. It takes 5 arguments: addtotoc={<page number>, <section>, <level>, &...
Werner's user avatar
  • 615k
6 votes

How to include PDF pages without a newpage before the first page?

I tried this but the PDF overwrote the section heading. Add [offset=0 -3cm] and the PDF is dropped 3cm. All OK. \includepdf[pages=1,pagecommand=\section{Section Heading}, offset=0 -3cm]{testpdf} \...
Geoff Senior's user avatar
6 votes

Include many files of very similar names all with one command?

You can use the \foreach command of tikz package: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pdfpages} \begin{document} \foreach \x in {1,2,...,38}{% \includepdf{xyz\...
ebosi's user avatar
  • 11.9k

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