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Page number after clearpage, definitely known?

No. Consider: \documentclass[10pt]{book} \begin{document} \frontmatter \tableofcontents \clearpage \typeout{Page \thepage} \mainmatter \chapter{one} \end{document} The console output reports Page ii....
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How to limit `\lastpageref` to current/local pagination scheme when using multiple schemes (of the same type) with `pageslts`?

You nearly got it with \rfoot{\theCurrentPageLocal~of~\lastpageref*{pagesLTS.arabic.1}} \rfoot{\theCurrentPageLocal~of~\lastpageref*{pagesLTS.arabic.2}} \rfoot{\thepage~of~\lastpageref*{pagesLTS....
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2 votes

Page number after clearpage, definitely known?

I think @cfr's answer does handle the question that was actually asked in the OP, but there's still some discussion in the comments regarding the use case at hand. I suggested that a pair of ...
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Trying to Turn Off TOC Subsection Page Numbers with \titletoc Application

The starred version of \titlecontents is used for setting content entries within a paragraph style and has the following form: \titlecontents*{<section>} [<left>] {<above-code>} ...
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Create new counter and give it a specific value

The lastpage package does \gdef\lastpage@lastpage{??}, but if you want to use it for computations, \usepackage{lastpage} \makeatletter \gdef\lastpage@lastpage{1} \makeatother sets it to one and at \...
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Page numbering 143/141

The current version of modern lastpage uses \AddToHook{enddocument/afterlastpage}{...}, thus there can be no pages after the label. If an old LaTeX format is used, lastpage falls back to \...
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