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Questions tagged [horizontal]

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Horizontal Bar chart: cut off top and bottom bars

I have the problem, that somehow the bars at the top and bottom are cut off when compiling them. The red one above with 421 and the blue one below which is 0 are not visible. I am quite new to latex, ...
developBeginner's user avatar
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How to position subfloat captions (subfig) individially per subfloat?

I'm trying to put several subfloats (tikzpicture) into one large figure. As you can see in the attatched image, the subfig captions ((a)...(f)) look weird. I am using: \usepackage{float} \usepackage[...
Sophie K.'s user avatar
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Too little space between brackets and italic text in math mode

When I wrap italic text in math mode with brackets the spacing looks off to me. Consider the output of the following code: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} $f(\textit{EX})$, $f(EX)$ \end{...
wijnand's user avatar
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Is multiple alignment in a multiline text cell possible in tabularray?

I would like in the cell below the text "ABC" to be at top and right aligned, the text "BIO" to be center and middle aligned as it is and the text "John Parker" to be ...
miltos's user avatar
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package titlesec error: entered in horizontal mode at each \section{} row

I have the red error bullet package titlesec error: entered in horizontal mode at each \section{} instruction row At the beginning I had the following command, that was causing the error \titleformat{\...
Ingrid's user avatar
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Horizontally list multiple tcolorbox

I am using tcolorbox in order to create several boxes containing various words, to have sort of a Trait system, much like they do at AoN (see image below). The boxes are created as below: \usepackage[...
Framedrop's user avatar
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Customized list environment with horizontal line after each item

I have this LaTeX code: \documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book} %%% Packages \usepackage[margin = 20mm]{geometry} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} %%% Macors \newenvironment{aims}{ ...
Emad's user avatar
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Chapter header runs off the side of the page on a few random horizontal pages

Edited I am very new to LaTeX and I have just compiled my thesis using twoside (it had been oneside previously). On a few random horizontal pages the Chapter header (which has been shortened using \...
martianmeteo's user avatar
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Tikz-feynman [blob] does not appear

I am trying to create a simple fermion that has both a blob and horizontally aligned paths. However, I cannot get my diagram to work with both. With \feynmandiagram, I can create a blob, but not a ...
Ale Frabetti's user avatar
-1 votes
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Horizontal Line with a down arrow in the center [closed]

To describe transformations from certain programming constructs into e.g. assembler I need a horizontal line with a downward pointing arrow in the center of the line. Is there also a way to achieve ...
Marcel Schaible's user avatar
-1 votes
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Small horizontal lines

How to draw this type of horizontal lines in Latex?
CAT's user avatar
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How to draw a horizontal line on a word in LaTeX

I want to draw a horizontal line on a word in LaTeX. I've tried \cancel but it draws a diagonal line. I checked the \cancel documentation and couldn't find anything about drawing a horizontal line.
negar pourmoazemi's user avatar
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On Scaling Horizontal Spacing Commands

Many horizontal spacing commands are of course, found in What commands are there for horizontal spacing?. I would like to inquire if, say, invoking the \enspace command, which produces a space of .5em,...
DDS's user avatar
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Horizontal lines (top and bottom of text) [closed]

I am a beginner and trying to re-create something that looks like the below. Please can someone help? Thanks If I use the following code \begin{centering} \hrule \title{$title$} \hrule \end{...
Seagoon's user avatar
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Items of an Enumerate Environment in Paragraph with Adjustable Gaps

Consider the code \documentclass{book} \begin{document} \parindent 0pt \begin{enumerate} \item[I.] The first item. \item[II.] The second item. \item[III.] The third item. \end{enumerate} \vspace{15pt} ...
DDS's user avatar
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Personalized TOC in Book: add a line before and after the part

I am struggling and I cannot find my way around this problem. I am using the book structure and I would like to have a nice TOC with the following elements: a "Part" that is included ...
Silvia F.'s user avatar
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How do you write text at the end of an equation? [duplicate]

Like how do they get the bit where it says (By linearity of expectation) whilst still aligning the equations
confusedstudent's user avatar
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Center alignment of images but with captions aligned at bottom

I have two different figures that I want to center align in a figure environment and I want the captions aligned at the bottom. Both figures have different sizes (see attached). Thanks!
el_maxx's user avatar
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Horizontal Multicols

Since the answer for my last question Tasks not accepting environments was pretty much: doesn't work, is there any alternative to tasks where the items are horizontally aligned? Normal behavior of ...
Astrina's user avatar
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Good names for \, and \! with nonempty glues

Let's assume that you often wish to insert a stretchable thin space instead of a fixed-size\,. Your document is full of \mskip3mu plus1.5mu minus1.5mu in math mode or \hskip.16667em plus.08333333em ...
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Can I retrieve the position of some specified text on the pdf page for subsequent use?

I'm working on a text in LaTeX (I have TeXLive 2017 installed on my system), and it would really be of great help if there was any way to "save" the horizontal position of a word (either the ...
pulv's user avatar
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What's the best way to avoid ignoring leading space tokens with arguments of LaTeX commands where command before argument does space-hacking?

In LaTeX there are commands that process arguments but do not produce visible output. For example, the command \label, or, if you use the package color or xcolor, the command \color. When the closing ...
Ulrich Diez's user avatar
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I want a code to rep a big matrix in row wise

\begin{align} \begin{bmatrix} \big| & \big| & \cdots & \big| \\ x_1 & x_2 & \cdots & x_{m-1} \\ \big| & \big| & \cdots & \big| \\ ...
Cutie's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Tab space to create a horizontal space and then align the texts ? I used \quad and \qquad but it doesn't work

\begin{itemize} \item Structure porteuse (y. c. infrastructure) \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad 75 ans \item Parapets / bordure de pont \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \...
Yafiet Yohannes's user avatar
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Why are there two commands \> and \: that do the same thing?

The file latex.ltx says: \DeclareRobustCommand\:{\tmspace+\medmuskip{.2222em}} \let\>=\: Why are there two equally long commands \> and \: doing exactly the same thing? To me, they look ...
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Why does align character & remove horizontal space?

This is something I've been wondering and annoyed about for a long time but cannot find an answer to. Assume that I have a chain of equations: \begin{align*} a &= b \\ &= c \end{...
hexcoffee's user avatar
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nudge caption left or right along with figure or table?

I periodically need/want to slightly 'nudge' the placement of a figure, or table, to slightly off-centre (xx em to the left, or xx em to the right). This is easy enough with \hspace{xxem} as shown in ...
Johnny Canuck's user avatar
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How to Redefine the fbox Command to Increase the Default Space Between It and the Beginning of the Subsequent Sentence

Here is a MWE that displays the use of the \fbox command in multiple paragraphs: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{xcolor} \begin{document} \parskip 10pt \Large {\color{red}{\...
DDS's user avatar
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width of a control space in relation to a quad, thin, medium, and thick spaces

In the majority of fonts such as Computer Modern, NewTX Math, or TeX Gyre Termes Math, how wide is the control space \ (visibly: \␣) in relation to the other math-mode space commands \quad, \;, \&...
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How to insert references in horizontal mode?

I am defining an exercise environment as follows: \newtheorem{aufg}{Exercise} \newenvironment{aufgabe}[2] % #1: Anzahl der Punkte, #2: Anzahl der Karozeilen unter der Aufgabenstellung {\setcounter{...
Corram's user avatar
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How do you make the caption in a Figure fill horizontally?

I have a tex for rendering a figure below, in which the figure caption has text which is not filling the page horizontally. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.30]{image} \\ \flushleft \...
QuantumEyedea's user avatar
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Automatic split rows in a table of data

So I was trying to contain some data I collected during an experiment in a table. There are 25 entries in total, but each row can only contain around 13 entries, which means I have to split them into ...
Ian Hsiao's user avatar
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Wide landscape tabular doesn't fit

So I'm making this table for a assignment at school but it didn't fit. After making it use landscape it still cuts off at the sides. Is there some way I can let it continue on another page or make ...
Daan Breur's user avatar
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Horizontal and vertical lines in a table

I'm having a problem with horizontal lines, \multicolumn and \cdashline. As you can see in my MWE, I use \multicolumn to put section headings which I close by \cdashline but the vertical lines don't ...
nino_user183677's user avatar
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Multiple horizontally stacked side-by-side listings

I am using acmart. They define a full-text (two-column) listing environment listing*. If I put multiple minteds inside it, they are stacked vertically. I would like to have them side-by-side. Is that ...
Domi's user avatar
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Are the Packages etoolbox and scrextend Incompatible? (Trying to Increase Horizontal Space Between Bold Footnotemarks and Their Text)

This question is an extension of How to Make Bold the Footnotemarks Appearing After the Footnote Line Starting with the code from Werner's excellent answer which makes bold the footnotemarks after ...
DDS's user avatar
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I'm looking for general code to get labels the same orthogonal distance from their lines in a forest probability tree

I've got this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{forest,tikz} \forestset{ ptree/.style={ for tree={ grow'=east, %grow' reverses direction of reading...for horizontal to the ...
Susie Arnholt's user avatar
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how to reduce horizontal space between figures in tabular

I'm using this code \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{tabular}{ll} % after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ... \includegraphics[trim = {3.32cm 10.61cm 3.32cm 10.61cm},clip,width=...
user253730's user avatar
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long table problems with horizontal line

Hi all I want to produce long table so I wrote this code: \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,english]{report} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[table,xcdraw]{...
Nour's user avatar
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How to Realign a Horizontal Stack with the Above Item

Consider the MWE \documentclass{article} \textheight 8.25in \textwidth 4.75in \usepackage{scalefnt} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} %\blacksquare\hspace*{.7em} \usepackage{stackengine,xcolor,lipsum} \...
DDS's user avatar
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Horizontal spacing in document class book

Here is my document from the beginning: \documentclass[11pt, openany]{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[a4paper, margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \...
Happy's user avatar
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Are Lettrines Incompatible with the Adjustwidth Environment? [duplicate]

Consider the following code. \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{changepage} % for adjustwidth environment \usepackage{lettrine} \usepackage{xcolor} \begin{document} \noindent \...
DDS's user avatar
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Why \hskip and \hspace* Produce Shifts of Different Measures

I have noticed, for example, that \hskip 20pt and hspace*{20pt} produce horizontal shifts not of the same length. Consider, for instance, \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{graphicx} ...
DDS's user avatar
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Table of contents in a tabular environment - how to align horizontal lines between entries?

Problem: I am trying to put a table of contents into a table so that an agenda tick list can be automatically generated from sections/subsections titles that have been defined in another file. ...
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Double Align in Side to Side equations

I want to align two equations side to side. In alignment, I can use $a=b && c=d$ to do that. However, I can only align with one equal sign with that method. That is, \begin{align*} 189410 &...
CELLSecret's user avatar
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Horizontal bar charts with min and max data in pgfplots [duplicate]

I am trying to create a horizontal bar chart like the one in the picture below. For that I want to use data stored in a table like this: \pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{ system, Tmin, Tmax, ...
Enclds's user avatar
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Need more dots after section title in ToC

I would like to fix a little dots glitch in my ToC. Here's a MWE showing the issue: \documentclass[11pt,letterpaper,twoside]{book} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[total={6in,...
Cham's user avatar
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Horizontal alignment of columns

How can I leave the final 2 columns, evenly spaced horizontally? Here is the code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{array,multirow,amsmath} \providecommand\legend[1]{#1} % ?? \begin{document} \...
Sílvio's user avatar
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How do I add a Picture (png) in its full size as an entire horizontal page in my otherwise A4 document?

I am currently working with Texmaker trying to add a png that is 2000x1800 px in size as an entire page into my document, which has an A4 format set. I do not want to have a margin on any pageside for ...
1 Stack Riegel YO's user avatar
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Latex: How to add dashed lines for matrix?

In a $4\times5$ matrix, \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,bm,mathdots} \begin{document} $$\left(\begin{matrix} 1 &2 &-1 &3 &4\\ 0 &1 &3 &-2 &...
Scott 's user avatar
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