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Text in fancyhdr header moves up or down when multiple languages are used with relsize

I am using LuaLaTeX to typeset a Hindi-English dictionary. The Devanagari font I am using for Hindi needs to be scaled to match the heights of a normal glyph in the Devanagari script with that in the ...
user22209's user avatar
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Getting around \maxdimen

I have made a latex document which is a huge diagram. In fact, it is so huge, that when I try to add to it, I get a Dimension too large. error by LaTeX. I would still like to add to it, but I need to ...
John's user avatar
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Why does a backwards R get replaced with a Cyrillic Ya?

I’m considering using a backwards R to represent a reflection (mirroing) operation. Although I expected \reflectbox to reflect the geometry of the character, somehow the character becomes replaced by ...
HoochBlake's user avatar
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Change the size of math symbols so that they are the same size as $T$

I would like to change the size $\bigvee$ so that the lowest point of the character is at the baseline and the character is no taller than an upper case character, say $T$. \documentclass[paper=letter,...
Jay's user avatar
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\mathsmaller in section title incompatible with hyperref

I would like to use \mathsmaller in a section title but it is incompatible with hyperref. Here is a MWE: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{amsmath} %automatically loads ansbsy which gives \...
schremmer's user avatar
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Getting exact font sizes with relsize

I'm fine-tuning the presentation of a book written using XeLaTeX, ready to send to the printers. The book has lots of tables which are all formatted in the same way. In one, column headings are just ...
richard's user avatar
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Custom font size in a math aligned environment

I am fairly new to LaTeX and I need help in finding a way to increase the font size in a math aligned environment. \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{relsize} \...
user15032172's user avatar
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Scale symbol only in displaystyle

Is it possible to scale a symbol with its default name only in displaystyle? For example, when calling \int_{a}^{b}, the results should be \mathlarger{\mathlarger{\int}}_{a}^{b} scaled with two \...
mert's user avatar
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Make the size in math mode larger with beamer

Because of my convenience and some other things from adaptation of things to beamer producing some arabic characters, I want to make all characters in math mode, bigger then the others (as much as ...
Faouzi Bellalouna's user avatar
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Altering the size of math mode while using (incompatible) xymtex package

I have to use variable sized math mode and also use some chemical figures. For chemical figures, I usually use chemfig package. However in some case using xymtexpdf is easier. The problem is, resized ...
magguu's user avatar
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relsize in footnote leads to too-small font size

I use relsize to create a pretty version of the string "C++". This produces warnings when put into footnotes or small environments, because the result would be "too small". How can I prevent this ...
user188968's user avatar
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Wrong scaled text size with relsize package and KOMA

The relsize package offers convenient ways to scale text in a document. The \textscale command allows to use arbitrary text sizes beyond the usual switches such as \large and \small. When KOMA script ...
ranguwud's user avatar
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Vertical alignment of \mathsmaller letters

Some context: In denoting a perturbation of a matrix, $A+\Delta A$ (in $$ or \[\]), I do not like how large the Δ is. Makes $\Delta A$ look like "Δ times $A$" rather than a descriptive prefix showing ...
Jake McClure's user avatar
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How increase math font size using DeclareMathSizes while using relsize package

Consider the following MWE: \documentclass[10pt]{report} \usepackage{relsize} \DeclareMathSizes{10}{28}{26}{25} % For size 10 text \begin{document}\relscale{1.7} \begin{equation} S = \frac{A}{B^2}...
A Diyanat's user avatar
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glossaries: how to typeset the list of page numbers in \textsmaller and reduce the vertical gap

I use glossaries-extra to typeset the list of symbols in a book. Since the book is large, the list of page numbers for each entry is long, making the whole glossary occupy too much space. I wish to ...
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"Beautifully" resize math align block (font and symbols)

I'm using \mathlarger from relsize package to get larger fonts in my beamer presentation (in some VERY special cases, not to all equations). But the symbols are not scaling correctly, I'm mostly ...
Lin's user avatar
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Odd (nasty) problem with relsize for quotes and linespread in preceding paragraph

On the last few metres of typesetting a book I encountered a very nasty issue which I luckily managed to isolate in a MWE. The problem is that blockquotes patched with relsize to have a slightly ...
Paul Burgh's user avatar
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How to resolve errors of acm template

I download acm journals template from following link, but running it gives error First it gives following error Undefined control sequence. \...
Infinity's user avatar
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relational algebra: make symbols pi rho and sigma bigger within an equaiton

Relational algebra notation in database design uses the Greek letters \sigma [selection], \rho [rename], and \pi [projection]. How can I increase the size of these symbols within an equation? \begin{...
S12000's user avatar
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\mathsmaller does not work inside align*

Here is a minimum working example \documentclass[11pt]{book} \usepackage{relsize} \usepackage{amsmath} \DeclareMathAlphabet{\denom}{T1}{lmss}{sbc}{n} \begin{document} $\denom{C\mathsmaller{ENTI}Meters}...
schremmer's user avatar
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