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Macro to change babel's caption for pre-defined sections for any language

So I came up with this handy little macro that in principle can change any pre-defined babel spanish caption: \newcommand{\spacaptchange}[2]% { \addto\captionsspanish% { \renewcommand*{...
Juan Manuel's user avatar
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2 answers

Splitting and forwarding to bool_lazy_any in LaTeX3?

I currently have a function which does the following: \NewDocumentCommand{\myfunction}{m m m}{ \str_if_eq:eeTF{\c_sys_engine_str}{#1}{#2}{#3} } which allows me to do something as: \myfunction{...
Vincent's user avatar
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Build a new command "newsymbol" with NewDocumentCommand

I want to create a new command \newsymbol, which functions like \newcommand, but with the difference that math is ensured. I also have another reason, why I want to define this new command, namely so ...
Make42's user avatar
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Best Practices for Integrating Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) into LaTeX Documents

I am currently working on enhancing my LaTeX documents to involve complex mathematical equations. Managing these equations manually often leads to errors, especially when changing dependent equations ...
Foad's user avatar
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if_exist macros in LaTeX 3: what are they doing if they do not check the type of things they are supposed to check?

In the documentation of interface3, for several macros with the pattern xxxx_if_exist for xxxx being bool, str, seq and many others the following appear: Tests whether the <boolean> is ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Is LaTeX a programming framework of TeX?

My take from What is the difference between TeX and LaTeX? is that TeX is the programming language that renders the document. LaTeX is a well-known macro package for TeX with the aim to make the ...
Ooker's user avatar
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A macro to check command expandability

I would like to create a command that checks whether an expression is fully expandable, and crashes if not (ideally printing an error message). I would like to do that without a specific TeX engine in ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Design a generic numeric comparator function using expl3 working for strings, counters, numexpr, dimexpr

I would like to design a generic compare function between numbers, ideally expandable with the following signature: \NewExpandableDocumentCommand{\compare}{r[] m m m m m}{%CODE HERE%} that would be ...
Vincent's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Problem with a command that prefixes words only if needed when the arguments are provided through macros

Consider the following code coming from this answer, where it adds a prefix to a word, only if the prefix is missing. \documentclass[border=6pt,varwidth]{standalone} \ExplSyntaxOn \...
Vincent's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

An expandable command that adds a string to an argument if the string is missing

I would like to write and expandable command which adds a string S1 at the beginning of another string S2 if S2 does not start with S1 in order to ensure that my string always start by S1. I currently ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Command color not working with the name of a color built through macros

Consider the following code and especially the command \nicecolorname which builds the name of a color following the pattern ["nice"][shade][hue]. In its current name, the command \color is ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Branch over number of characters of an argument provided to a macro

I currently have the following command: \newcommand*{\setfontshape}[1]{\@ifnotmtarg{#1}{\csname#1shape\endcsname}} that helps me produce the command: \scshape from text sc. I would like to modify my ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Automatically calculate years of experience from provided start/end dates

I'm very very new to LaTeX and not even sure if this is possible. \resumeSubheading {Undergraduate Research Assistant} {6 Years \& 3 Months} % 1 <---------------...
Aagam Sheth's user avatar
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Using external dependencies in my Latex main file

I'm using the package "snapshot" to generate a list of external dependencies of my filename.tex file. This list's result is stored in a filename.dep file. The goal would be to use this ...
Christophe's user avatar
7 votes
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Why can't I use <some macro> inside the argument of <some other macro>?

I have some macro X and Y, which works well when used independently. However, when I try to put one inside another, it results in some error. Why is that the case and how can I fix it? Note: this is ...
user202729's user avatar
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Blackout censor macro capable of handling italic and bold fonts

In the following TeX stackexchange answer, the author provides an excellent \blackout macro that produces very aesthetically pleasing underline effect. However, this macro does not work well with any ...
Underline Apprentice's user avatar
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Macros that can scan the contents of their arguments

I was thinking that it since the architecture of LaTeX is a collection of pre-processors on top of TeX, that it may be possible that some macros could in theory do some sort of find-and-replace within ...
Alex Petrosyan's user avatar
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"Situation management" in LaTeX / expl3?

It happens from time to time that I would like to implement LaTeX commands that behave differently depending on the situation. E.g., a command that returns different compositions of tokens depending ...
Ulrich Diez's user avatar
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How to ignore contents of an environment imported from another file?

Consider the following scenario: I define a package mypac.sty as follows % mypac.sty \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{mypac}[2020/10/08 v0.01 LaTeX package for my own purpose] ...
Display Name's user avatar
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How do i force \pagebreak on everything in LaTeX

I would like to learn how to force a page break on everything that goes over the page. Suppose I have a document that involves multiple images, paragraphs, figures connected to paragraphs and lists. ...
Alan Jones's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How to command LaTeX to treat a non-value as 0

I have this command \newcommand{\lines}[1]{\multido{}{#1}{\vskip 5mm \makebox[\linewidth]{\dotfill}} \vskip 8mm\setlength{\rightmargin}{5em}} It allows me to create dotted lines with ease. For ...
Alan Jones's user avatar
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Optional savebox with options

I'm working on a modified version of the report.cls for internal documents that might have a standard disclaimer text included. Ideally, I'd like to have something like \disclaimer{some category}{...
Antonio Ferreira's user avatar
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How add new argument to command to control scaling?

The following code, slightly modified from, allows creating new symbols \bigplus, \bigtimes, and \bigbox. However, it hard-codes the scaling factor \...
murray's user avatar
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Command works as "\csname cmd \endcsname" but not as "\cmd"

I'm trying to create a command (\dummy) for dynamic macro definition. It is supposed to return a macro that is named dynamically (#3) with the content of #2 concatenated after #1 iterations. \...
Mountain's user avatar
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How to use integer from one command into another?

I have following way to get number of spaces in a string \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentCommand{\HowManySpaces}{ m }{ \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_tmpa_seq { } { #1 } \int_eval:n {(\seq_count:N \l_tmpa_seq) ...
Girish's user avatar
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How can I create Local commands definitions in equations?

I would like to use small local macro expansion similar to how \newcommand works but on a per environment basis. Something that would expand \[ \begin{local} \local{\poly}[2][x]{#1^2 - #1^#2} \...
afiori's user avatar
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Convert string to one character with a hash table

I have a report where I mention some people. Sometimes I want to hide the real name of these people. I would like to write a macro that converts the name to a single character. \name{John Doe} ...
TeXtnik's user avatar
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modifying default tabular behaviour

I basically do all my tables the same way: Is it possible to make tabular automate the \toprule, \midrule, \bottomrule and \hdashlines? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{booktabs,array,arydshln} \...
voices's user avatar
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7 votes
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Macro for Automating Truth Tables

I used this truth table when writing a proof. Unfortunately I made a tiny typo; The first time around, I misplaced an additional ʹ symbol, which just happened to make the output exactly wrong. It ...
voices's user avatar
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How to define a macro that takes the definition of a macro as an argument

We would like to define a macro \ellipsis that takes four argument and has the following behaviour: \ellipsis{x^{#DUMMY#}}{0}{5}{+} and outputs: the pattern string #DUMMY# (which doesn't have to be ...
Lucas Vaca's user avatar
1 vote
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Define a `\newenvironment` that stores its content in a token register or in a macro

In the code below I want to define a new environment that stores its contents in order to use it later several times with different formats \documentclass{article} \newtoks\environmentcontents \...
Hafid Boukhoulda's user avatar
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writing functions and wrapping commands for abstraction

Can i write a little function (or macro or whatever) that wraps two commands (functions?) into one; united under a single alias? Specifically I want to wrap \input{} and \includegraphics{} into a ...
voices's user avatar
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Checking if argument is a floating point without breaking on control sequences in argument

Inspired by this answer to test whether an argument is a positive integer, I would like to extend this to floating point numbers. I want to have a macro \TestNumber that checks, whether its first ...
jessepeng's user avatar
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keyval - function for keyB should act dependent on value of keyA - how to do this?

I'm new to LaTeX. I learn and I use article class. I struggle learning working with keyval package: I try to write macro \macro which only uses one mandatory argument where user can provide key value ...
Jevdokija's user avatar
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Is there a way to define \xmat*{M}{n}{m} in the physics package

As titled, I want the command\mqty(\xmat*{M}{n}{m}) to generate a matrix like this: $$ \begin{pmatrix} M_{ 11 } & M_{ 12 } & M_{ 13 } & \cdots & M_{ 1m } \\ M_{...
Frank Wang's user avatar
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Save command result in other command

I am getting a value by a command. Now I am temporarily changing a saved variable which changes the command output. After I finished some code I want to reset the stored value if the value before the ...
miile7's user avatar
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Unwanted spaces in user defined structures and the uses of % [duplicate]

This question arise from my recent activity on user defined commands of various kind. In the answer to a recently posed question, @egreg pointed out to me the importance of not forgetting a % after ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
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expl3: lowercase sequence elements with line break breaks

I have some short text (book author names) stored in a sequence. Some author names are long, and therefore I have to insert manually a line break (\\). In a specific case, I have to typeset these ...
TeXtnik's user avatar
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Accessing a possibly undefined system environment variable from LaTeX (followup question)

This question is a followup to this thread in which @egreg provided a command \getenv to access a system environment variable. In response to my comment, he suggested a way to expand his script so ...
Leo Simon's user avatar
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Overwrite default values of pgf keys

I defined a pgf key with a default value. In the following code I can overwrite its value in the default argument I created but I can't change the value using the pgfsetkeyvalue macro. \documentclass{...
TeXtnik's user avatar
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expl3: loop over a sequence with \int_do_while

I have a sequence where I get the elements by item number (needed for a macro don't show here). I am trying to iterate over the elements of the sequence in a do_while loop but I get an error about the ...
TeXtnik's user avatar
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expl3: lowercase a token list inside a tikz node

This question ask for a variant of the answer to expl3: lowercase a token list given by Joseph Wright I want to convert to lowercase a token list that is composed by letter, digits and the control ...
TeXtnik's user avatar
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expl3: lowercase a token list

I want to convert to lowercase a token list that is composed by letter, digits and the control sequence \\. I try to use \str_lowercase:n but the control sequence is not covered also to text. \...
TeXtnik's user avatar
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Programming with LaTeX -- Add names and characteristics [duplicate]

I have to do a lot of certificates and I have a list of names, every name has a characteristic (A,B or C). I have designed the whole structure for the certificate and have the 'name' and '...
luisfelipe18's user avatar
4 votes
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Summing up values in an automatic generated table based on a meta tag

I am generating a table automated with a macro based on my other question (Time calculation with spreadtab). There will be three (maybe four, maybe n - don’t know if the answer to this question can ...
user69453's user avatar
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How to write a command to format different letters?

I hope I can have a command MyFormatter, which can make letters p and k bold and make letters m and t italic. For example: \MyFormatter{Supermarket} will output as follows: Supermarket How to ...
xmllmx's user avatar
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How to assign arbitrary LaTeX text to a variable for use in different places in a document?

I have lots of LaTeX text duplication in my files, since the file has to compile with pdflatex and tex4ht and text4ht does not support all packages, So my files are littered with things like this all ...
Nasser's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to save and restore the nodes between tikzpictures?

My English is not good enough so I beg you to excuse me if the question is long The next code is not very interesting but it may illustrate correctly my problem. I have a lot of macros and I need ...
Alain Matthes's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the best way to check if an argument of a control sequence is a control sequence?

I try to find a way actually I get update : \documentclass{article} \def\IsArgaCs#1{% \ifcat\relax\noexpand#1true \else false \fi% }% \begin{document} \def\a{a}% \let\b=~% \def\c{1}% 1)\IsArgaCs{\a}...
Alain Matthes's user avatar
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How to handle syntax errors in a macro?

I would to indicate in the log file that if I use () instead of {} in the line \macro[red,circle]{2/3/a,4/4/b,5/0/c}, an error occurs . What is the best way to do this ? \documentclass{article} \...
Alain Matthes's user avatar