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Is LaTeX a programming framework of TeX?

My take from What is the difference between TeX and LaTeX? is that TeX is the programming language that renders the document. LaTeX is a well-known macro package for TeX with the aim to make the ...
Ooker's user avatar
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7 votes
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A more elegant version of the \ifnot macro

A TUGboat article of 15 years ago mentions an \ifnot macro by David Kastrup whose implementation is: \def\ifnot#1{#1\else \expandafter\expandafter\fi \iffalse\iftrue\fi} However, this macro ...
Yossi Gil's user avatar
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14 votes
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What practices are there regarding the use or avoidance of "internal" TeX or LaTeX commands?

What practices are there regarding the use or avoidance of "internal" TeX or LaTeX commands? (About "command" vs "macro", there is some discussion in this TeX.SX answer, though I don't know whether ...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
36 votes
3 answers

How to know whether or not we need \expandafter?

The following is quoted from Peter Grill's answer on question LaTeX dynamic macro definition. The \expandafter is requried as the \newcommand needs to be dealt with after the \csname. As a ...
kiss my armpit's user avatar
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TeX Programming questions (and stuff about parcolumns)

I'm trying to modify the inner workings of parcolumns. I'm starting to understand the TeX macro "programming" language a bit but I have some issues. In paracolumns there are three issues I want to ...
Uiy's user avatar
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Which is better: a dimension or a macro?

When messing around with TikZ/PGF then I frequently find myself wanting to store a length for later use. By "length" here, I mean the word in its non-TeX meaning. As I'm doing stuff in TikZ/PGF then ...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

How to add a hook to a macro

LaTeX uses hooks extensively, one method employed is the command g@addto@macro. It is defined in source2e as: \long\def\g@addto@macro#1#2{% \begingroup \toks@\expandafter{#1#2}% \xdef#1{\...
yannisl's user avatar
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