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Questions tagged [decimal-number]

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2 answers

Removing space after decimal comma (while also modifying fonts for maths and text)

As many others, I'd like to remove the space introduced by commas in numbers (where comma is used as decimal separator). As I want to use specific fonts for text and math, it seems that the usual ...
zezollo's user avatar
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Align by decimal points and flush left five columns but flush right one column

I have a table where I need to align the numbers by the decimal point. After that I need flush left five columns (from Country to Robust S.E. in the example below) but flush right the last one (p-...
cliu's user avatar
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Shorter ellipsis

In LaTeX \ldots gives dots which are spaced out properly for most uses in text and math. However, when placed after a decimal expansion, I find them too spaced out. Using 3.14... instead of 3.14\ldots ...
Arnaud's user avatar
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Is it possible to deactive comma , in maths so we can write 3,1416 without 3{,}1416 or siunitx \num{3,1416}? [duplicate]

Is it possible to deactive comma , in maths so in Spanish (for example) we can write 3,1416 without 3{,}1416 or siunitx \num{3,1416}?
juanfal's user avatar
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How to vertically align and format numbers in scientific notation inside tables?

I need to get a centered alignment inside the first column with respect to the dash "-" and insiedthe last column. Can you also show how to customize and visualize only two decimal places in ...
g_don's user avatar
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How to add decimals in \pgfplotstableread?

How to add decimals in \pgfplotstableread? The following code works without decimals... \pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{ label,startyear,endyear D, 2003, 2008 E, 2008, 2011 F, 2012, 2014 G, 2013, ...
Ommo's user avatar
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Symbol for decimal separator overwriten by `mathastext`

I found out that mathastext is interfering with spanish options for babel package. More precisely, when mathastext is loaded, the default decimal separator in Spanish, which is a comma, is replaced ...
Vicent's user avatar
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Aligning decimal places

I have this table that I want to align the numbers based on their decimal place while the numbers are still centered. I tried to siunitx package but it didn't work :( Any help is highly appreciated! (...
Khalid's user avatar
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2 answers

Negative decimal numbers missing decimal point in table using siuntix to align by decimal point

I'm trying to align the numbers within this table so that the decimal points are always underneath each other. This seems to work with the siunitx package. However, I have come across two difficulties:...
MadMads's user avatar
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Worksheet generator with random numbers

I would like to implement a worksheet generator in Latex with the following features: It should contain commands to generate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division exercises with random ...
nrf52840's user avatar
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pgfplots - decimal values for the bar plot

I need decimal values (they are in the code but in the plot. they are getting as integers) for the values above the bars. Also, the x-axis legend is overlapping so I need it in 2 lines. I mean each x ...
Siva Kumar's user avatar
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Align decimal numbers in part of the table that has parentheses

I want to create the following table, and I have several questions as follows: In the table, I want to align decimal numbers above the "Observations," including the numbers in the ...
Lernst's user avatar
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Align decimal numbers with different digital numbers

I am trying to create the following table, and I have two problems regarding this table: 1- The numbers before and after the "." in the table are different numbers. I am trying to use the ...
Lernst's user avatar
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How to show more decimal digits with siunitx package? [closed]

I use the following code to write a physical quantity: \SI[]{14.351368}{\deg} The problem is that I get only two decimal digits instead of six. How can I fix this problem?
g_don's user avatar
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repeating decimals with siunitx

I am using siunitx with comma as output-decimal-marker. (localization) For the representation of numbers with repeating decimals I use overlaps. Is there an easy way to request the current value of ...
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Tables with columns containg the same number of decimal places

I need to do a Table with the following data: \documentclass[t,11pt]{beamer} \usetheme{Warsaw} \usepackage[brazil,shorthands=off]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{...
Angelo Aliano Filho's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

How to remove zero decimal in numbers?

I want to write a macro for removing the zero in the decimal. e.g. convert 2.0 to 2 as number. this is my try for removing one zero but it doesn't work and produces error: \documentclass[borders=2cm]{...
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2 answers

Mixed decimal input with siunitx

Does siunitx take mixed decimal inputs like 0,004319689898685966 and 0.004319689898685966? It looks like it, but is it intended to work like this? I am using Python for my calculations with a ".&...
hobbicon's user avatar
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Setting position of decimal point in exponential number format

How can I change the number of digits displayed before the decimal point when displaying a number in scientific format? In the code below, I'd like to get something like 13.9e9 displayed in the x-axis ...
Dominik Huber's user avatar
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Remove trailing zeros in auto-generated data tables

I am using Siunitx for an auto-generated table (Stata). I wish to remove trailing zeros. For instance, in the following MWE I want the "Min" Column to be 0 and 1. instead of 0.00 and 1.00. MWE: %:...
Morzen's user avatar
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Approximation of module gsl or Asymptote own calculation is the best?

Example: import graph; import gsl; size(12cm,false); defaultpen(linewidth(.7bp)); real f(real x){return x^2;} real g(real x){return 2^x;} draw(graph(f,-1.5,5),red); draw(graph(g,-1.5,5),blue); draw(...
user avatar
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siunitx: horizontal alignment of rows with integers, non-integers with variable number of decimals, "surrounding material", and brackets

I have the following table: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{MnSymbol} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{...
Euclides's user avatar
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2 answers

Align columns with numbers by decimal point and ratio symbol (colon :)

I want to achieve alignment by decimal number AND the colon (:) ratio symbol, similar to what is shown in the code below as opposed to what is shown in the figure. I would welcome any suggestions for ...
Vuro H's user avatar
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Overfull Heading when using Decimal Point Alignment in Table

I want decimal point alignment in my table (below). However this messes up the heading (overfull error), even though I have it across 2 lines. How can I overcome this problem? Thanks \begin{table}[!t]...
Vuro H's user avatar
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Pgfplots mixes scientific and decimal labels as plot ticks [duplicate]

I am creating a simple plot like this \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[% width=14cm, ] \addplot table{% -0.02 0.976511902149045 0.02 0.974250140430107 0.06 0.92759014496851 0.10 ...
Crown's user avatar
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How to display numbers like 10,000.42 using siunitx?

I would like to do something like \SI{10,000.42}{\m} using siunitx. But using two potential decimal markers always results in the following error message: Package siunitx Error: Duplicate decimal ...
Ramona's user avatar
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3 answers

How to center values of an r@{}l column? (r@{}l aligns all column numbers along their decimal points)

Writing \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{lr@{}lr@{}l} \hline & \multicolumn{2}{c}{First column} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{...
Incognito's user avatar
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tikz: from scientific notation to decimal form

How can I get the first abscissa value in decimal form as 0.05 in (0.05,31.9)? It is set to the scientist notation automatically. \documentclass[border=2mm]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \...
user3204810's user avatar
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Convert decimal to percentage value

How can I convert a given decimal into the respective percentage value with a certain amount of positions q after the comma? The percentage should be rounded with respect to q+1. For example, I am ...
BJPrim's user avatar
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5 answers

Test of integers? Or, round the number if the first two decimal numbers are sufficiently close to 0 or 1?

The following is a MWE, which explains my intention. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{math} \begin{document} \tikzmath{ \integer = 4/2; \decimal = 5/3; \integerB=1/3*3; } $\...
Glenn's user avatar
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Formatting numbers with smaller glyphs for decimals

I am currently writing up a coursebook in which I handle sets of decimal numbers. As the language of the coursebook is French, the decimal separator has to be a comma and the thousands separator a ...
Rémi Peyre's user avatar
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Tikz - loglog Scale with strange powers of 10

I am trying to plot some data from numerical simulations and I want to display the data (see code below). But the powers of 10 do have strange additional decimal places (see picture). Is there a way ...
MrYouMath's user avatar
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siunitx: Always force two decimal numbers behind decimal marker

I want to display 2.00 m instead of 2 m, even if the leading number is not a decimal number (= is an integer). Unfortunately all \sisetup-commands I tried did not work... Minimum Working Example (...
Dave's user avatar
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