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Questions tagged [liningnums]

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3 votes
2 answers

Use old-style figures in textstyle and displaystyle math, but lining figures in scriptstyle? (libertine, newtxmath)

I’m trying to roughly recreate some historical typography. Following the source material, I’d like my document to use old-style figures in text mode and in non-subscript math (i.e. under \textstyle/\...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to make headings use lining figures but leave the main text alone?

I have this problem, I know how to specify a font feature. But I don't know how to limit it to only the header portion of the document. Here is the code: \definefontfamily [brill] [rm] [Brill] \...
Adrik Ivanov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Combining small caps with lining figures

I use small caps in my document for all abbreviations, even though it can be challenging sometimes (e.g. in abbreviations like "dACL"). I also use old-style figures in the body of my text ...
Tommiie's user avatar
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Use lining figures in specific places with `newpxtext`

I have a LaTeX document set up with \usepackage[osf]{newpxtext} in the preamble. There are a few places I want to use lining figures (in text mode). How can I switch to lining figures for a short part ...
dbmag9's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting siunitx to use text numerals, but only when it isn't in a table

I'm using a lot of numbers in my thesis, and I'm use the cfr-lm package to make them old style instead of lining, so that they aren't so distracting- Otherwise it looks like I have random all caps ...
Canageek's user avatar
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0 votes
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Empty citeindex using biblatex DeclareCiteCommand

I want to prevent biblatex using OldStyle figures for supercite indices. MWE: % !TEX engine=xelatex \documentclass{scrreprt} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont [ BoldFont = ...
ju.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Problem Libertine semi-bold with lining nums

I wish I could use the semi-bold version of the Libertine font. By default, I use elzevirian numbers and there, no problem, I can have elzevirian numbers in semi-bold. On some occasions, I would ...
Bastien's user avatar
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Lining numbers for footnotes

Referring to this thread: OldStyle Numbers in Body Text Only—Lining Numbers Otherwisem how can I instruct LuaLatex to use lining numbers for \textsuperscript and footnote markers if my font use by ...
user41063's user avatar
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siunitx and XeLaTeX with OldStyle in text, but Lining in math

The attached example (not really an MWE) explains the problem better than I probably can here: % !TeX program = xelatex \documentclass{scrreprt} \usepackage{siunitx} \sisetup{% % detect-...
Alex Povel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Lining figures in sidenote marks

I would like my sidenote marks to be lining figures, not old-style figures. I have defined a new font family with lining figures, but how do I get this into the definition of the sidenote marks? \...
J. Bratt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Babel discarding lining figures?

I am using Baskervaldx’s Baskerville for main text with osf option and Newtx’s Times for math with baskervaldx option. When pdflatex compiles without babel enabled, text figures are oldstyle and math ...
gwenj's user avatar
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1 answer

Temporary use lining (new style) numbers when default is oldstyle numbers?

I'd like to use oldstylenums by default. Now I do it with package kpfonts. But sometimes I need to use lining numbers here and there, for example with capital letter stuff, like ISO 9000. Is there an ...
Paapaa's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing font of numbers (Importing from a different font)

I want to use \usepackage[sfdefault]{merriweather}, but without the oldstyle numbers. I wanted to change the font of Sans Serif numbers to Helvetica, Epigrafica, ..., so I can use lining numbers. ...
Costa PR's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Change \item font in beamer's enumerate environment

Below I'm using oldstyle numbers in the document, but I've defined a new font with lining numbers to use in enumerated lists: \documentclass{article} %\documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{fontspec} ...
Sverre's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Use monospaced numbers in gb4e's example number, but proportional elsewhere

I'm using proportional numbers in my document. But in gb4e's example numbers, I would like to have monospaced numbers, so that the width of the example parenthesis remains the same throughout my ...
Sverre's user avatar
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