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Is italic correction different in different fonts?

I am reading Knuth's The TeXbook and in Chapter 4, he talks about italic correction \/. He always uses it in the scope of the preceding font, for instance: {\sl slanted\/} words {\it italics\/} for `{...
Atom's user avatar
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4 votes
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A Non-Uniformly Spaced Display of \ldots. is Produced When Using Fontspec

Consider the following code which I compile with Lualatex: \documentclass{book} %\usepackage{fontspec} \begin{document} \LARGE Some words\ldots. % ellipsis and period without fontspec %Some words\...
DDS's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Best Practice: Package for Mathematical Documents - amsmath and Beyond

I am aware that best practice questions are not always appreciated since there there's not "one size that fits all". I am going to give a LaTeX introduction for phd students at my company. All of ...
Dr. Manuel Kuehner's user avatar
8 votes
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\@ifnextchar breaks kerning when expanded

I've defined a macro for an initialism (abbreviation) with periods, making sure that an end-of-sentence period is not printed twice: \gp prints "G.P." and \gp. prints "G.P." Here's an M.W.E.: \...
tanh's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Soft question - popularizing LaTeX for a class (of musicians)

I am afraid that this is close to be "off topic" of the site. If so, I will gladly close it. I need to popularize LaTeX for a class. There will be a special (non-optional) class about LaTeX basics to ...
Victor Pira's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there any difference between math mode and text mode for numbers? [duplicate]

Take the sentence: "The answer is 42". Is there any difference between The answer is $42$. and The answer is 42. In the final PDF I cannot see any difference. Does it make a difference whether I ...
Stephan Kulla's user avatar
27 votes
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Usage of mathbb versus mathds

Blissfully unaware of mathds for years I have used $\mathbb{Z},\mathbb{Q}$ and so on. No one has complained but is there a best practice on choosing between mathbb and mathds for these? There has ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
15 votes
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What is the recommended way to respond to bug reports for font packages where the bug is caused by characters missing from fonts?

I received a bug report for ebgaramond-maths. Although the issue is clearly caused by my package in one sense, it is not clear to me whether there is anything which I should do about it beyond ...
cfr's user avatar
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Column Space and Null Space of a Matrix [closed]

What are the notational best-practices for typesetting the column space and null space of a matrix A? Let's see how some of the different options look: Column Space: $col(\mathbf(A))$ $\mathrm{col}...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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How to define a bold font style for \emph text [duplicate]

Recently, I wanted to set all my \emphasized text to bold, because I think the default Italic of \emph is not distinctly emphasized. But I haven't found a solution for it. Please give me some idea. ...
scozv's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Best practice - how can I get my whole document (including math) to only use font X with LuaLaTeX and fontspec?

Considering one uses math symbols in a document, it is desirable to have them all displayed in the serif font one is using for text, or in basically any font x one would like to use for this sort of ...
henry's user avatar
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Contextual mix of lining and old-style numbers

I am developing a class that fits the needs of both academics and non-academics; the latter often need to write highly legible numbers that are not math (they will be prices, reference numbers, dates, ...
ienissei's user avatar
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12 votes
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Loading a font via package or fontspec

In Xe(La)TeX, what is the difference between loading a font via its package, i. e. \usepackage{tgpagella}, and loading it through fontspec (\fontspec{TeX Gyre Pagella}). When loaded with the package, ...
brian-ammon's user avatar
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Fonts: Is there any scientific proof about the choice? [closed]

It is common knowledge that the more you work with TeX, the more likely you are to make changes in the basic format so as to fit it in your needs. Of course, one of the most important things that ...
Pantelis Kazakis's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Inline math or \textit for author defined math constants?

Wondering if people here have a thought on what the best practice is here (if it matters). I used to use baskerville (well, the baskervald package) as my main font and charter as my math font (since ...
Dennis's user avatar
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8 votes
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Font formatting order

I want to set my chapterprefix font for scrbook class. This is what I want to do: \setkomafont{chapterprefix}{\centering\Huge\rmfamily\mdseries\scshape} However, as I was writting it, I asked ...
Mario S. E.'s user avatar
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How to backup custom fonts and packages

I'm about to format my computer but I have installed a lot of TeX fonts and some useful TeX packages. I'd like to backup them, especially the fonts, because it took me a long long time to install but ...
hazelnut's user avatar
9 votes
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Why to use [T2A, T1] when [T2A] is enough?

I am writing some seminar in Cyrillic for university \documentclass[a4paper,14pt]{extarticle} \usepackage[T2A,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{droid} \DeclareRobustCommand{\cyr}[...
Cortizol's user avatar
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15 votes
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How should I typeset the physical dimensions of quantities?

As an example: The Newton's Law gives F=ma vs. dim F=MLT^{-2} My question is: Should I typeset the "MLT" in \mathit shape? You can contrast \[\mathit{LT}\mathit{LT}\mathit{LT}\mathit{LT}\...
needhelp's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Is usage of \ell instead of l in math mode best practice?

Is usage of \ell instead of l in math mode best practice?
lpdbw's user avatar
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Where should I use \textsc? [closed]

When should I use macro \textsc ? What is common practice in document like diploma thesis? Should I use it for names of persons, names of described entities of particular interest or in some other ...
Rasto's user avatar
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8 votes
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XeTeX: better using system fonts or packages?

I've recently switched to XeTeX. In my document I use this code to set the fonts: \usepackage[math-style=ISO,bold-style=ISO]{unicode-math} \usepackage{xunicode} \usepackage{fontspec} \...
justmyfault's user avatar
3 votes
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Fonts too thin when A4 scaled down to A5 in printing

In my document I am using the same settings as in the MWE below. I need copies of the document in A4 and A5. Both have to be identical so I cannot optimise the appearance of both by using a4paper for ...
lpdbw's user avatar
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20 votes
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Style question: serif or sans fonts in figure and chart text?

Question for you design-y types: I like to use a serif font for all my text (title, headings, body). What I'd like to know is whether you think that I should go with a serif or sans serif for text in ...
Trevor's user avatar
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How to create a good document structure in advance for a book to be typeset using sanskrit fonts

I am taking up a task for typing an old text which is over 1200 pages. I am attaching a sample page. I am new to TeX, I still did not get the hang to create a good structure so that it will give me ...
Aku's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

Choosing font for bold small caps (or any other particular family+series+shape combination)

What is the best way (most proper and general solution) to get rid of the warning LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted. by explicitly setting which font ...
przemoc's user avatar
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54 votes
3 answers

Is there a difference between \textit and \itshape?

I have only ever used \textit (and \emph for emphasized text), but have noticed that in some TeX examples, \itshape is used instead of \textit. Is there a difference between \textit and \itshape? If ...
squidbear's user avatar
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When to use bold, italics, small caps, typewriter etc.?

I'm a little confused on the purposes of each kind of text in LaTeX. I know the function of some of them, but sometimes people use each for different reasons. For example: \texttt is for code (no ...
Tomas's user avatar
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224 votes
2 answers

\emph or \textit

In the comments section of Does it matter if I use \textit or \it, \bfseries or \bf, etc, I asked for a clarification of these points. The clarification has mostly been made, but it was requested that ...
BBischof's user avatar
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Is it OK to use \tt etc. in latex2e if you don't want the text to inherit the font of the containing text?

I want some words to always be in upright teletype (they are defined to be something specific). If the sentence is emphasised and this word appears I do not want the text to be italic teletype, but ...
Niall Murphy's user avatar
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130 votes
5 answers

Does it matter if I use \textit or \it, \bfseries or \bf, etc

I typically use \textit{Some italicized text} while some of my colleagues use {\it Some other text} Should I bother changing one or the other, or does it matter? Related: Is there any reason ...
KeithB's user avatar
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