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Questions tagged [ligatures]

{ligatures} occur where two or more graphemes are joined as a single glyph.

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The Clara font family removes bolded characters sequence

I'm using the clara font, but noticed that in boldface the font removes the character encoding "ffi", as in the MWE example below: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{clara} \RequirePackage[...
Fifteen12's user avatar
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right-to-left ligatures with luatex

In a comment to my answer to this question, it was pointed out that when \textdir TRT is set, ligatures seem to be formed before the text direction is reversed (I have no idea if that is the correct ...
mbert's user avatar
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How to use a ligature that is in the dlig without using all of them

In older versions, Junicode used to have the ft and fft ligatures when setting Ligatures=TeX. Recent version, though, seem to consider them as Rare. For consistency with other books in a series (and ...
dariok's user avatar
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Complex Ligatures in CMU Serif

Currently my LaTeX font (CMU Serif) only gives me the common ligatures (ie: fi, ff, fl, ffi, and ffl). But I want the discretionary ligatures to appear in my file (ie: fb, fj, st, ct, tt, Th, and many ...
Jacky Wang's user avatar
12 votes
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Is "double-lowercase-L" a ligature (Computer Modern Italic)?

Consider the following MWE: \documentclass{minimal} \begin{document} Which kerning do you prefer? \bigskip \emph{well willow wallow wellington} % \verb+ <--- Version 1, default kerning+ \...
mathmandan's user avatar
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different behaving of ligaturing callback with LaTeX

I am trying to reproduce the TeX following example (Paul Isambert, TUGboat, \directlua{ local GLYF ="glyph") function show_nodes (...
Maxime Chupin's user avatar
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Times New Roman Ligatures are not working in Overleaf

I was trying to get ligatures for Times New Roman to work in Overleaf. I have to use XeLatex for this. Through research, I have tried using [Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures=TeX], [Ligatures=TeX], [...
Coadon_Pile54321's user avatar
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Microtype confusion with both tracking and ligatures

I find section 5.3 of Microtype's documentation (v3.1b) confusing: about the no ligatures option, it starts by saying that "by default, ligatures in letterspaced fonts will be constructed as ...
Didier Verna's user avatar
7 votes
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Ligatures are not preserved by \textls letter spacing

Example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{microtype} \begin{document} fi \textls[1]{fi} \end{document} Output: Problem: the ligature is lost. How do I keep the ligature (preferably without ...
user202729's user avatar
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Ligature for quotes not enabled by default in TeXlive 2023 distributed by Arch Linux [duplicate]

I am using Arch Linux. I install TeXLive via system's package manager pacman (the packages installed will be listed later): If I compile the following code \documentclass{minimal} \newcommand{\...
Hoyan Mok's user avatar
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Double hyphen in Taiwanese language carries grammatical function

In the Taiwanese language, double hyphen carries grammatical function and is used frequently. Example: Āu--ji̍t chiah koh lâi. (Come again the day after tomorrow.) Āu-ji̍t chiah koh lâi. (Come again ...
Bêng-Hàn Lûi's user avatar
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TeX Gyre Cursor sometimes renders incorrectly

\RequirePackage[OT1]{fontenc} \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmonofont{TeX Gyre Cursor} \begin{document} \texttt{We shall fill in the blank.} \end{document} Unfortunately ...
zhtluo's user avatar
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After MikTex update the en-dash ligature doesn't work in XeLaTeX

Recently, after more than a year, I update my MikTex packages. After that, I notice that XeLaTeX makes PDF differently, in the sense that en-dash and em-dash ligatures don't work properly if they ...
Arimakat's user avatar
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How do you disable en and em dash ligatures in a biblatex/biber bibliography?

I am trying to write an MLA conforming paper with LaTeX for a school assignment, but I have a very strict professor when it comes to bibliography formatting. Specifically, my issue is that BibLaTeX/...
cachandlerdev's user avatar
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How to activate Discretionary Ligatures by default with "libertinus-otf" package?

I am using the package libertinus-otf with LuaLatex, MikTeX and the KOMA-Script document class scrartcl. How do I activate Discretionary Ligatures by default for all fonts? I have tried many things as ...
Clzment's user avatar
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Some code ligatures work in xelatex but not lualatex

While looking at this question I noticed that some of the code ligatures from the JetBrains Mono font (freely available from their website) worked in xelatex, but not in lualatex. Compare: Xelatex ...
mbert's user avatar
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JetBrains arrow `->`, `<-` code ligatures do not apply consistently in different environments

I want to use JetBrains Mono (and its code ligatures) to render -> as an arrow. However, I get mixed results depending on the monospaced environment I am using. My goal is for this to work in the ...
Phrohlych's user avatar
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How to prevent diacritic characters from overlapping the next character inside a verbatim? (Font-specific?)

I'm producing a document using Xetex that contains code in the APL programming language. In this language, the character ¯ is used to denote negative numbers. The problem is that when I enter the ¯ ...
phantomics's user avatar
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How to remove default ligature definitions in semantic package?

By default, when I load \includepackage{semantic}, it includes default ligatures such as -> for \to. How can I disable this default behavior? I only want to include ligatures that I have defined ...
btshepard's user avatar
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3 answers

Adobe Garamond Pro & ligatures

I need to use Adobe Garamond Pro on LaTeX to build an editorial layout. I installed the Adamond Garamond Pro font files (Regular, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic, SemiBold, SemiBoldItalic) on my computer (...
JennyB's user avatar
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Placement of dots between section and subsection numbers with Gandhari Unicode font

I have been asked to use the Gandhari Unicode font for a paper, but I get weird formatting of the dots pertaining to the numbers of sections, subsections etc.: Particularly 1.4 looks ugly, with the ...'s user avatar
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Issues with unwanted ij ligature in NewTX

The issue in newtx bijection is bijection has re-emerged. Namely, compiling \documentclass{standalone}% 2018/03/26 v1.3a \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}% 2021/04/29 v2.0v \usepackage[dutch,ngerman,USenglish]{...
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Why is XeTeX's quotation mark ligature suppressed?

Compile this with xetex \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1 \XeTeXcharclass `' = 5 \XeTeXinterchartoks 5 3={\empty} ''。\par \XeTeXinterchartoks 5 3={} ''。\par \bye will get . An empty macro disables the ...
Tuff Contender's user avatar
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How do you insert a single ligature manually?

We have \/ and other commands to prevent a single ligature manually, e.g.: shelf\/ful. But what is the command to insert a single ligature manually? I am using the \nolig{st}{s|t} command to prevent ...
Lijishe's user avatar
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Force ligatures with accent

Latex fonts are famous (or infamous) for it tendency to use Ligatures like those in "ff","fl","fi". I was specting that from "f'i" but a minimal space appear. I ...
Ernesto Iglesias's user avatar
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Lato font not separating letters ft and ti

I am using the Lato font for a document, but whenever the letters "ft" and "ti" are next to eachother, this font cannot separate the characters. When doing a copy-paste of the word ...
user227689's user avatar
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Unable to disable ligatures for TrueType Collection in XeLaTeX

I'm writing a resume in XeLaTeX and I'd like to disable ligatures in my document so the text is properly parsed by ATS. I was able to disable ligatures for my OTF font but I'm having trouble with my ...
DontTurnAround's user avatar
7 votes
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Selectively disable a ligature in pdflatex + newtxtext [duplicate]

I had a wonderfully working setup with LuaLaTeX, but my publisher demands I use PDFLaTeX and newtxtext. This, however, replaces ">>" in monospaced text with "»" which looks ...
user188968's user avatar
2 votes
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How to fix ligatures with Source Sans Pro font and small caps?

The Source Sans Pro font (provided by sourcesanspro package) does not appear to provide ligatures for fi and fl. The following document shows the problem with small caps (and pdflatex): \documentclass{...
Paul Gaborit's user avatar
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Searchable umlauts without any font change

I have a document with some (very few) umlauts, for example: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \begin{document} This is the Hölder inequality: $$ \Vert f g \Vert_1 \leq \Vert f \Vert_p \Vert g \...
SampleTime's user avatar
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How do I get more ligatures to work in Luatex via Lyx?

I came across the question "Ligatures for fi, fl, ffl do not work for Times New Roman (XeLaTeX)," and it had two solutions; but neither works completely for LuaTex. The first is Xetex/...
CodeLurker's user avatar
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Forcing ligature between any two letters

I frequently find myself confronted with naming new operator in my mathematical research. What I would really want is them to not consist of two different letters that have a space between them. E.g. \...
MyCatsHat's user avatar
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LuaTeX does not find liga OpenType feature

I created a custom font in FontForge and generated an OTF of it. It contains the usual ligatures fi, fl, ff, ffi, and ffl. I use the font like this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \...
Torsten Bronger's user avatar
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Disabling ligatures only for small caps style?

I want to write the word Beruflich in small caps using the \scshape command. However, when the letters fl are next to each other they are output without small caps. When they are separated by a space ...
Philip Z.'s user avatar
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Ligatures in mathrm mode

In an equation, I want to print a subscript without ligatures. LaTeX automatically connects the characters when in math mode with \mathrm. I tried using the selnolig package providing the command \...
Radiofreak1041's user avatar
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ConTeXt: Disable emdash

Background Some manuscript submission guidelines prefer em dashes to remain typeset as --- rather than —. Problem Setting features=none for the document's body font does not appear to affect the tlig ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
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Use FiraCode ss01 font feature with fontspec and LuaLaTeX

How can I set specific stylistic sets of a font (ss01, ss03, but not ss02) with fontspec and LuaLaTeX? For instance, with the FiraCode font. This question is not a duplicate of How to replace a letter?...
Polizi8's user avatar
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How do you use ligatures if word stem and syllables do not coincide?

I use ligatures. They are a beautiful typographic tradition and many fonts support them. Unfortunately the rules to apply ligatures are not hard and fast. One rule says that you use ligatures only ...
Stefan Schroeder's user avatar
6 votes
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Trying to understand the interaction between baskervillef and fontspec

My high level goal is to get a good, free Baskerville font working that supports smallcaps and "rare" ligatures. I have achieved this, apart from rare ligatures, using the baskervillef ...
Vermoulian's user avatar
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Prophet symbol in LaTeX

How do you get this symbol in LaTeX?
user716881's user avatar
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Deactivate ligatures in small caps in xelatex

In the following minimal example using the Palatino Linotype font: \documentclass[twoside]{book} \usepackage{mathspec} \setmainfont{PalatinoLinotype}[ Extension = .ttf, Ligatures = TeX,...
yannis's user avatar
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Font for U+A734, U+A735?

I use Unicode Hex Input on macOS Catalina, and have the MWE \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \begin{document} testꜵ \end{document} However, my ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
3 votes
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Problem with ligatures not copying and pasting correctly with newcomputermodern and LuaLaTeX

Using Latin Modern (via lmodern), this word copies fine: Verlagsgesellschaft. MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \begin{document} Verlagsgesellschaft \end{...
Canageek's user avatar
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How to suppress Ligatures in XeLaTeX

I am using the Accanthis font in XeLaTex and it has unfortunate ligatures, especially abbreviations containing AE are converted to Æ. I have controlled this by editing the accanthis.sty file to change ...
user1683586's user avatar
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How to achieve a ff ligature with a smaller first f "on the back of" the second

I am laying out a third party text that requires a ff ligature with the first f slightly smaller and "on the back of" the second f. How can I achieve this in LaTeX?
fundagain's user avatar
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Baskervaldx swash shape not working

I am trying to use the latest Baskervaldx package (2020-Nov-07; included in TeXLive2020) with the swash feature either as a package option or using the \swshape command. I use latexmk -pdf to compile ...
Mike W's user avatar
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How to avoid ligatures of double less equal sign in latex

I have lots of C++ code snippets in my article. Just see the following tex content and you'll get what I mean. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{xspace} \NewDocumentCommand{...
Qiang's user avatar
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selnolig Turns en and em Dashes into Hyphens if polyglossia is loaded Before the Fonts

Consider the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainfont{Stix Two Text} \usepackage{selnolig} \begin{document} -- --- \end{document} Of which ...
TivV's user avatar
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Precompiled Preamble does not respect fontspec Tex Ligatures fontspec

I have successfully setup a precompiled preamble as described in this Tex-Stackexchange post. However, one problem remains: If I move fontspec to the preamble the ligatures stop to work. Currently my ...
nhck's user avatar
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newtx bijection is bijection

Feeding \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{newtxtext}%%% 2020/07/22 v1.628 \begin{document} bijection \end{document} to pdflatex leads to a PDF document (here is the image of it, ) in which you ...
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