I want to pass a command as an option, so that the command is applied to the argument, something like

\PrintSomething{opt = \makebox[5cm]{\textbf{\sffamily #1}}}{Hello}

which should produce the word Hello in a box, sffamily, bold.

I don't know how to do it, so here is M(non-W)E




    /Section/.is family,
    default/.style = {
        opt         =   {},
    opt = \Format

\NewCommandCommand{\PrintSomething}{ m m }{%
    \pgfkeys{/Section, default, #1}

\PrintSomething{opt = \makebox[5cm]{\textbf{\sffamily #1}}}{Hello}


1 Answer 1


You can use an auxiliary macro that gets defined by your opt key. Note that inside of the first \pgfkeys call you need to double the # for those parameters which should not mean the actual parameter of that .code or .style.

Also I removed a few spurious spaces at in your \PrintSomething, and made the first argument an optional one that defaults to being empty.



  /Section/.is family,
  default/.style = {
    % will define \PrintSomethingAUX to just directly output its argument
    opt = ##1,
  opt/.code = {\long\def\PrintSomethingAUX##1{#1}},

\NewDocumentCommand{\PrintSomething}{ O{} m }{%


\PrintSomething[opt = \makebox[5cm]{\textbf{\sffamily #1}}]{Hello}


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