I have the following setup to apply macros to certain data of a command:
%the user macros are maintained in a separate folder
\def\mykeys@@defmacro#1=#2\myqu@rck{\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/#1/.code=#2}}
The usage then is:
\mycomplicatedcmd[macro={bold=\textbf {#1}},temperature=bold,pressure,density]{<data>}
and when temperatures are found in <data>
, these are printed in bold.
To centralize the definition of the macros I want another command were I can define all these macros.
Working set up
yields: \pgfkeys{mykeys/macro={bold=\textbf{#1}}}
and then: \pgfkeys{mykeys/user macros/bold=\textbf{#1}}}
and it works:
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/bold=test}
prints test
Multiple macros can be defined at once:
macro={small caps=\textsc{#1}}
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/italic=test};
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/math=\tau};
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/small caps=test}
Modified setup (non working)
\mymacros{upper case=\MakeUppercase{#1}}
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/upper case=test}
Works, but now I can not insert a list:
% math=$#1$,
% small caps=\textsc{#1}
% yields: \pgfkeys{mykeys/macro=<list>}} which is wrong
So, \mymacros
should loop over the list.
With pgfkeys
it does not work:
\pgfkeys{mykeys/macro/.list={upper case=\MakeUppercase{#1}}}
%! Illegal parameter number in definition of \pgffor@values
With a \@for
loop it dose not work either.
\mymacros{upper case=\MakeUppercase{#1}}}
%! Illegal parameter number in definition of \@fortmp
The complete MWE:
% the user macros are maintained in a separate folder
\def\mykeys@@defmacro#1=#2\myqu@rck{\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/#1/.code=#2}}
\subsection*{working setup}
% yields: \pgfkeys{mykeys/macro={bold=\textbf{#1}}}
% and then: \pgfkeys{mykeys/user macros/bold=\textbf{#1}}}
% and it works:
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/bold=test}
multiple macros can be defined at once:
macro={small caps=\textsc{#1}}
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/italic=test};
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/math=\tau};
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/small caps=test}
\subsection*{modified setup (non working)}
%I would like to avoid to write \verb|{macro={<macro>=<code>}}| every time.
It works for one:
\mymacros{upper case=\MakeUppercase{#1}}
\pgfkeys{/mykeys/user macros/upper case=test}
but now I can not insert a list.
%%%pgfkeys does not work
%\pgfkeys{mykeys/macro/.list={upper case=\MakeUppercase{#1}}}
%%%! Illegal parameter number in definition of \pgffor@values
%%% this does not work either
%\mymacros{bold=\textbf{#1}} %! Illegal parameter number in definition of \@fortmp