I am using the Libertine font family in a document as follows:
\input glyphtounicode
The document is compiled via the pdflatex engine and I need to open in a graphic tool like Inskcape. Upon opening, I get the following error message:
The font LinBiolinumT is missing. The font LinBiolinumTB is missing. The font LinLibertineT is missing. The font LinLibertineTB is missing. The font txexs is missing.
I've investigated a bit and see that the OpenType version of Libertine is available on CTAN: http://mirror.neu.edu.cn/CTAN/fonts/libertine/opentype/. However, it looks like the above requested families are not available in the OpenType format. I also see that the latter are listed here: https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/libertine/tfm
Is it possible to convert them to OpenType?