I am new to ConTeXt world, however what I need to achieve is simply to be able to typeset Arabic/Hebrew text along with English text (Bidi) in ConTeXt. I came across this part of the context garden being relevant to what I am after, but to no avail at compilation, no PDF was generated and no errors were thrown.

These steps were followed as described in the link above:

  1. create ara-sty.tex file (code provided in the same link above), presumably in the same dir of the .tex file
  2. create the MWE.tex file below:

MWE: (compile with luatex)

\environment ara-sty

    هذا نص بالعربية يحتوي على ارقام ١، ٢، ٣ بالعربية أيضاً.


%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: context
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% TeX-engine: luatex
%%% End:

Output file

Running `ConTeXt' on `MWE' with ``texexec --once --texutil  --engine=luatex --interface=en --passon="--synctex=1" --nonstop MWE.tex''

There is no PDF file generated, what am I missing here?


  1. compiling English-only files we successful using ConTeXt, the problem arises only dealing with Arabic/Hebrew text.
  2. ConTeXt version on mu Ubuntu machine context --version in the terminal: current version: 2015.05.18 12:26
  3. Luatex version luatex --version in terminal issues: This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.80.0 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) (rev 5238)


Now I updated ConteXt on my machine successfully as described in this link of ConTeXtgarden wiki for Ubuntu using the standalone installation and then initialized the tree in ./baschrc, and now I have these versions installed:

  1. ConTeXt

    mtx-context     | ConTeXt Process Management 1.01
    mtx-context     |
    mtx-context     | main context file: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
    mtx-context     | current version: 2017.06.27 18:05
  2. Luatex This is LuaTeX, Version 1.05.0 (TeX Live 2017)

  3. I get the same problem even with the latest stable release of ConTeXt: current version: 2017.05.15 21:48

So the same problem, no PDF file is generated, any help would be appreciated.

Update-2 After googling around, I found out that one issue is my Emacs setup (GNU Emacs 25.2.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9) of 2017-05-06) using AucTeX needs some adjustment which is to set the ConTeXt-Mark-version variable to "IV" instead of its default "II".

After setting this globally in my dot file (setup Emacs file) as follows:

(setq ConTeXt-Mark-version "IV")  

Now, when I do compilation of the MWE I got these lines of complaint: Problems after (1) page.

Running `ConTeXt' on `MWE' with ``context --once --texutil  --synctex=1 --nonstop MWE.tex''

mtx-context     | warning: synctex is enabled
mtx-context     | run 1: luatex --fmt="/var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/context/b47c3d3cee7cb6c86268d0595268c442/formats/luatex/cont-en" --interaction="nonstopmode" --jobname="MWE" --lua="/var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/context/b47c3d3cee7cb6c86268d0595268c442/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --synctex=1 --c:currentrun=1 --c:directives="system.synctex=1" --c:fulljobname="./MWE.tex" --c:input="./MWE.tex" --c:kindofrun=3 --c:maxnofruns=1 --c:nonstopmode --c:once --c:synctex="1" --c:texutil "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.80.0 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) (rev 5238) 
 \write18 enabled.

system          > synctex functionality is enabled (1)!
open source     > 1 > 1 > /usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv

ConTeXt  ver: 2015.05.18 12:26 MKIV current  fmt: 2016.5.14  int: english/english

system          > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded
open source     > 2 > 2 > /usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
close source    > 2 > 2 > /usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv

system          > files > jobname 'MWE', input './MWE', result 'MWE'
fonts           > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages       > language 'en' is active
open source     > 2 > 3 > /home/ffs/.emacs.d/docs/context/MWE.tex
open source     > 3 > 4 > ara-sty.tex

tex error       > error on line 64 in file ara-sty.tex: ! Undefined control sequence

l.64 \setcharactermirroring

54        \usetypescript[lm]%
55        \setupbodyfont[lm,20pt]}
57     \definestartstop
58       [latinpar]
59       [commands=\Arabic\LatinParDir]
61     \define[1]\LT
62       {{\LatinTextDir#1}}
64 >>  \setcharactermirroring[1]
66     \stopenvironment
70     %%% Local Variables:
71     %%% mode: context
72     %%% TeX-master: t
73     %%% End:

close source    > 3 > 4 > ara-sty.tex
fonts           > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage)
fonts           > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded
fonts           > bodyfont '20pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts           > bodyfont '24pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts           > bodyfont '16pt' is defined (can better be done global)
backend         > xmp > using file '/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml'
pages           > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1
close source    > 2 > 4 > /home/ffs/.emacs.d/docs/context/MWE.tex
close source    > 1 > 4 > /usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv

mkiv lua stats  > used config file: /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua;/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/web2c/texmfcnf.lua
mkiv lua stats  > used cache path: readable: '/var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/context/b47c3d3cee7cb6c86268d0595268c442' | readable+writable: '/home/ffs/.texmf-var/luatex-cache/context/b47c3d3cee7cb6c86268d0595268c442'
mkiv lua stats  > synctex tracing: synctex has been enabled (extra log file generated)
mkiv lua stats  > resource resolver: loadtime 0.129 seconds, 0 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 10 found files, scanned paths: <none>
mkiv lua stats  > stored bytecode data: 371 modules (0.335 sec), 78 tables (0.009 sec), 449 chunks (0.344 sec)
mkiv lua stats  > traced context: maxstack: 1134, freed: 2, unreachable: 1132
mkiv lua stats  > running in nuts mode: yes
mkiv lua stats  > cleaned up reserved nodes: 44 nodes, 439 lists of 438
mkiv lua stats  > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 penalty, 9 attribute, 35 glue_spec, 3 attribute_list, 2 temp
mkiv lua stats  > node list callback tasks: 6 unique task lists, 5 instances (re)created, 44 calls
mkiv lua stats  > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output)mkiv lua stats  > loaded patterns: ar::26 en::2, load time: 0.000
mkiv lua stats  > jobdata time: 0.000 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading
mkiv lua stats  > callbacks: 176 direct, 312 indirect, 488 total
mkiv lua stats  > result saved in file: MWE.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3
mkiv lua stats  > loaded fonts: 2 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf
mkiv lua stats  > fonts load time: 0.263 seconds for 7 fonts, 2 shared in backend, 0 common vectors, 2 common hashes
mkiv lua stats  > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: usr
mkiv lua stats  > luatex banner: this is luatex, version beta-0.80.0 (tex live 2015/debian) (rev 5238)
mkiv lua stats  > control sequences: 44153 of 65536 + 100000
mkiv lua stats  > lua properties: engine: lua, used memory: 90 MB (ctx: 90 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ)
mkiv lua stats  > runtime: 0.680 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.471 pages/second

SyncTeX written on MWE.synctex.gz.
mtx-context     | fatal error: return code: 1
TeX Output exited abnormally with code 1 at Thu Jun 29 03:50:01

I noticed from the error message above that my luatex is 2015 instead of being updated to 2017 as shown earlier in this post, so how can I fix that?

  • I get an error when I try to compile your document. Undefined control sequence \setarabic.
    – TH.
    Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 19:06
  • @TH. You have to create ara-sty.tex first. The file's contents can be found in the Garden: wiki.contextgarden.net/Arabic_and_Hebrew Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 21:33
  • @HenriMenke Thanks, I read the question too quickly and missed that.
    – TH.
    Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 21:44
  • Seems like \setcharactermirroring is not available in MKIV. Commented Jun 29, 2017 at 3:00

1 Answer 1


[Disclaimer: Neither do I speak arabic nor do I have any understanding of the arabic script.]

I copied the relevant stuff to setup the arabic font from ara-sty.tex. That is the font features and setting right-to-left mode. Then I wrote a typescript for the arabic Amiri font with a fallback to Latin Modern for latin characters. It works with ConTeXt MKIV on TL2017, but I don't know if this is what you are looking for.



\starttypescriptcollection [amiri]

  \starttypescript [serif] [amiri]
    \definefontsynonym [Serif]           [file:amiri-regular.ttf]     [features=arabic]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic]     [file:amiri-slanted.ttf]     [features=arabic]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifBold]       [file:amiri-bold.ttf]        [features=arabic]
    \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [file:amiri-boldslanted.ttf] [features=arabic]

  \starttypescript [amiri]
    \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [rm] [serif] [amiri]  [default] [fallbacks=latin-fallback]
    \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [ss] [sans]  [modern] [default] 
    \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [tt] [mono]  [modern] [default] 
    \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [mm] [math]  [modern] [default] 


\starttypescriptcollection [sblhbrw]

  \starttypescript [serif] [sblhbrw]
    \definefontsynonym [Serif] [file:SBL_Hbrw.ttf] [features=arabic]

  \starttypescript [sblhbrw]
    \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [rm] [serif] [sblhbrw] [default] [fallbacks=latin-fallback]
    \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [ss] [sans]  [modern]  [default] 
    \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [tt] [mono]  [modern]  [default] 
    \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [mm] [math]  [modern]  [default] 



  \pagedir TRT \bodydir TRT \pardir  TRT \textdir TRT

  \pagedir TRT \bodydir TRT \pardir  TRT \textdir TRT

  \pagedir TLT \bodydir TLT \pardir  TLT \textdir TLT


هذا نص بالعربية يحتوي على ارقام ١، ٢، ٣ بالعربية أيضاً.

{\it هذا نص بالعربية يحتوي على ارقام ١، ٢، ٣ بالعربية أيضاً.}

{\bf هذا نص بالعربية يحتوي على ارقام ١، ٢، ٣ بالعربية أيضاً.}

{\bi هذا نص بالعربية يحتوي على ارقام ١، ٢، ٣ بالعربية أيضاً.}

\input lorem



enter image description here

  • Great! thanks a lot. It works now, could you please extend your example to put English (left-to-right) as well as Hebrew (e.g. אברית) text (right-to-left) in flow text along with the Arabic text? The idea is to write bidirectional text. I deeply appreciate your help.
    – doctorate
    Commented Jun 29, 2017 at 7:07
  • I compiled the above MWE successfully with PDF output, but the log file shows the following: mkiv lua stats > luatex banner: this is luatex, version beta-0.80.0 (tex live 2015/debian) (rev 5238) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 43238 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua, used memory: 125 MB (ctx: 125 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 1.072 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 0.933 pages/second My concern is that compilation shows luatex version 2015 while I installed the 2017 version?
    – doctorate
    Commented Jun 29, 2017 at 7:11
  • @doctorate See updated answer. I downloaded the SBL Hebrew from here and placed it in the working directory. Commented Jun 29, 2017 at 10:27
  • @HenriMenke You can remove the \pagedir and \bodydir settings because ConTeXt disables both commands. To change the direction of texts and paragraphs use \setupalign[r2l] or \righttoleft instead of \textdir and \pardir because ConTeXt’s alignment commands set flags which are used for other mechanism (e.g. itemize). Commented Jun 29, 2017 at 17:15
  • @Metafox, you are right about those replacements you mentioned above, and they gave the same results, except for one difference at least to my eyes and with a different flow bidi text than what in the MWE above, that there was a difference in the glue spaces between the glyphs, i.e. with the former code text looks more compact (less glue) than with the latter code you suggested.
    – doctorate
    Commented Jun 30, 2017 at 8:46

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