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Research shows that foreign aid promotes economic development in democracies but not in autocracies. Although explanations for this phenomenon vary, a common theme is that autocracies are more likely to misuse aid. We provide evidence of... more
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      Development EconomicsForeign Policy
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      Criminology, Criminal Law and Justice in BangladeshCriminal and Procedural Law
The tax system is consisted of two major components of determination and collection of tax. Tax procedure and dispute resolution authorities to tax protests are the most important parts of the tax system in the process of tax collection... more
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      Political ScienceLaw PsychologyPledge
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Specific performance and the right to cure are often two main concepts in question when there is a breach in an international sale contract. This article, in a different approach, compares the differences between provisions of English... more
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      Commercial LawEnglish lawInternational Sale of GoodsUnited Kingdom
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      Maritime LawIranian LawUS- Iran nuclear deal
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      International Sale of GoodsWTOIranian LawCISG
بررسی اجمالی حضور وکیل در مرحله تحت نظر بودن متهم؛ ایرادات تبصره ی ماده 48 قانون جدید آیین دادرسی کیفری ایران و مقایسه ی موضوع با قوانین مربوطه در انگلستان
کانون وکلای دادگستری اصفهان - مجله مدرسه حقوق شماره 108
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCustodyAccess to Legal Advice
قاضی شعبه بازرگانی دادگاه عالی انگلیس و ولز در دوازدهم اکتبر ۲۰۱۸ (برابر با ۲۰ مهر ۱۳۹۷) در پرونده‌ای با موضوع «بیمه دریایی»رأیی را صادر کرد که با توجه به وضعیت کنونی تحریم‌های حمل و نقل و بیمه‌های دریایی، حاوی نکات حائز اهمیتی است. مفاد... more
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      Maritime LawMarine Insurance LawSanctionsEconomic Sanctions
یکی از قواعد مرسوم حاکم بر مطالبه و تحویل کالای حمل‌شده از طریق دریا، قاعدۀ ارائۀ سند حمل است؛ به این معنا که تحویل کالا از سوی متصدی حمل صرفاً در قبال ارائۀ سند حمل از سوی مطالبه‌کنندۀ دریافت کالا صورت پذیرد. مبنای تأسیس این قاعده... more
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      Maritime LawTransportationCarriage of Goods by SeaShipping and Carriage of Goods by Sea Law
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Background and Aim: Article 134 of the Charter of Women's Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the right of women to access law enforcement and female justice officers in case of assault, victimization, accusation... more
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    • Social Psychology
Police have imposed a three - dimensional roles prevention , law and order and solidarity in society, and not only in the implementation of the law , but also in the other two dimensions should also play a role . the police as leading... more
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