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The presented study explores the possibility of creating and implementing educational program which would reduce intergroup bias in realistic high school setting. The project was based on the assumption that there is the need of easily... more
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceAttitude change
School bullying also referred to as peer victimization is considered extremely harmful for all parties involved. It has been recognised as an important issue in Polish schools. This article presents the first stage of a project financed... more
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Abstract: Our paper reviews research studies that have investigated interventions aimed at prejudice reduction. The theories and research results are summarized in the following categories: intergroup contact, social identity, and... more
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      StereotypesStereotypes and PrejudicePrejudice Reduction
Abstract: Studies show that involuntary displacement often creates various threats for the community and individuals. To reduce these risks, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, and Social Assessment are... more
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      CommunityDevelopment Induced DisplacementResettlementCrisis Assessment and Interventions
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba analizy i opisu zjawiska przymusowych migracji ludności, ze specjalnym uwzględnieniem przesiedleń wywołanych rozwojem gospodarczym. Ten rodzaj ruchów migracyjnych jest szczególnie istotny ze względu... more
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      Development Induced DisplacementResettlement
Artykuł przedstawia opis projektu interwencji edukacyjnej mającej zapobiegać zjawisku wykluczenia rówieśniczego, które pojawia się w pierwszych tygodniach nauki w gimnazjum. Uzasadniono potrzebę stworzenia takiej interwencji na podstawie... more
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    • Anti Bullying
The present study aimed to investigate how those who had been chronic victims of bullying perceive their bullying experience from their initial attacks to their bullying exit, how they understood processes and actions causing a situation... more
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      Social PsychologyEducationEducational PsychologySocial Interaction