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4 votes

How to find which ip is hammering my website?

There is no simple solution to your problem as it is not well defined (particularly with respect of how it reaches your network), however there are a number of tools in your toolbox, including - ...
davidgo's user avatar
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2 votes

Capture traffic over https in work area

As with most things, that depends... In an enterprise environment, you will likely have some sort of security appliance that your connection will have to use. When your https connection passes that ...
Adwaenyth's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I get router traffic from my vpc on amazon web service?

A VPC doesnt really have a router. At least not one you could do this with. You should look at VPC flow logs.
B. Miller's user avatar
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How does a modem "know" what to listen to?

As a general principle of networking, if your physical layer (layer 1) is a shared medium (where everyone can see all the traffic, or at least anyone might see traffic not meant for them), then every ...
Spiff's user avatar
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2 votes

Redirect own WAN traffic to LAN

In short, you're missing the "NAT loopback" (aka "NAT hairpin") configuration option. There is some inherent issue with sending packets to your own IP (this seems unlikely), and my old router ...
grawity's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you analyse the traffic of a website from the outside?

Reviewing traffic information requires access to the Webalizer/AWstats (or similar) metrics, which as an outsider you won't have access to. Scraping will only allow you to take a copy of the website ...
spikey_richie's user avatar
2 votes

Adding both Delay + Bandwidth restrictions via TC

Apparently netem also now offers the rate parameter. sudo tc qdisc add dev enp5s0f0 root netem delay 20ms rate 100mbit
raycons's user avatar
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2 votes

How to reliably get the amount of internet traffic used on an Ubuntu server?

Probably all methods involve polling the interface statistics every minute and recording to persistent storage (e.g. SQLite database). For example, the vnstat package does exactly that. There exist ...
grawity's user avatar
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1 vote

How does a modem "know" what to listen to?

There are 2 different technogies at play here which are often confused. Once you understand these it becomes easier. A true modem serves 1 purpose - it converts analog signals to digital ones and ...
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

Capturing traffic with Wireshark on mirrored port on cisco switch

I think you are looking for SPAN/RSPAN. you want your adapter in promiscuous mode/monitor mode. And not engaging in layer-2 or layer-3 traffic. This should get you going
Tim_Stewart's user avatar
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