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How to find source of traffic to / on Win 10 desktop

TL;dr: turn off the In Game Overlay feature in NVIDIA GeForce Experience. Install/reinstall latest drivers, if necessary. So, based on this observation from mtlynch, I started my docker container and ...
Yardboy's user avatar
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How to find source of traffic to / on Win 10 desktop

The user agent contains: NVIDIACEFClient/rel_03_17/c6b7277 NVIDIAOSCClient/ I'm having the same issue, and I believe it's coming from NVIDIA GeForce tools, but I can't figure out how to ...
mtlynch's user avatar
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Does DNS-over-HTTPS hide domain name of websites from packet analyzers?

Yes and no. DoH will encrypt the communication between you and the DNS server, making it extremely difficult to track through DNS BUT If your traffic can be sniffed this information is also available -...
davidgo's user avatar
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How much internet speed does Youtube, Twitch, etc. have?

Yes. Of-course if the content is popular what will likely happen is it will be distributed/cached across multiple locations so that it can be distributed more efficiently. Strictly speaking there can ...
davidgo's user avatar
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How to record traffic which is inside a VPN?

If you're on a Mac and Wireshark can't capture the traffic, you can use the MacOS version of tcpdump with the special iptap interface option you can capture traffic e.g. if your VPN is using tun1 sudo ...
Pierz's user avatar
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Linux: per-application traffic monitoring (not nethogs)

You can use nethog with total bandwidth monitored per MB since it started with: sudo nethogs -v 3 you can use iftop as an alternative too.
Asme Just's user avatar
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Can Poor Wireless Performance at High Traffic Volume be resolved by high-end router?

To clarify: If the second router is connected to the first router via WiFi, then the second router is acting as a repeater, and not an extender. This will typically halve your available wireless ...
Dennis Mungai's user avatar
2 votes

NetFlow packet analyze

You need a Netflow collector, which receives the Netflow records generated by the 7200, organizes them and displays the data in a meaningful format. You can find commercial and freeware collectors ...
Ron Trunk's user avatar
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How can I identity which process is sending data to a certain host on Linux?

ss -put | grep <port number> will tell you.
Bob Goddard's user avatar
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How Do I Redirect HTTP(S) Requests From a Specific Domain to a Localhost Server?

You could achieve this in different ways: Performing destination-NAT on all IP addresses belonging to the target service. Thiss allows you to rewrite both the port and the destination IP of the ...
jvda's user avatar
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How can I copy a big file from one Windows machine to another limiting speed transfer?

Tried Robocopy but didnt work for me, both W7 and 2012 versions. Used UltraCopier and it worked beautifully, and I could raise and drop the usage as needed while the copy was in progress...
Dude named Ben's user avatar
1 vote

How to create a firewall that monitors all traffic

To log http traffic by URL you can go with two methods: 1) Inline: Use SQUID Proxy You can setup a transparent inline Squid Proxy to inspect and forward web traffic. This works by combining the proxy ...
glallen's user avatar
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Windows 7 Hidden Process with Network Traffic

Windows Updates? It's probably windows updates, if the system is that new. If you are that concerned switch to Linux something that doesn't update without your permission. I think windows 7 has some ...
haelmic's user avatar
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does AdvancedTomato Web Monitor 'Monitor Web Usage' also log HTTPS traffic?

It logs only HTTP traffic. I monitored my desktop's traffic with ntopng and saw that all HTTPS traffic doesn't appear in Tomato logs. ntopng is a web-based network traffic monitoring application ...
Sybil's user avatar
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Analyzing HTTP traffic

Other than the User Agent string, HTTP doesn't tell you much about the client process. If all you have is this one packet capture, you might be out of luck. If you were doing this debugging live, ...
Spiff's user avatar
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Will 100,000 probe requests per day impact network performance?

Let's see. 100,000 packets per day, and one day is 86,400 seconds. That's less than 1.2 small packets per second. Let's say they're 200 Bytes (1,600 bits) each, and sent at the least efficient data ...
Spiff's user avatar
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Aggregate network traffic by destination IP

IMHO turning on logging in iptables/ipfw/pf (whatever firewall) and parse it later would give you precise picture
Alex's user avatar
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Why does ADB appear to be using the network?

adb uses a client-server architecture to access your device. Let's say you want to adb shell into a device. You need to instances of adb. An adb server (adb start-server) which connect to the USB ...
A. Loiseau's user avatar
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