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9 votes

Return list of all values that match criteria

A neat solution that I think may work for these scenarios: =FILTER(A:A,B:B=D1,"") where D1 contains the number you want to filter by.
Scott M's user avatar
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5 votes

Replying in mailing lists

You are asking about two separate things – whether a message is part of a thread/conversation (References:, In-Reply-To: headers) and to whom a message is sent (To:, Cc: headers) are completely ...
grawity's user avatar
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5 votes

Return list of all values that match criteria

If you don't want a pivot table, you can use an array formula. I'm using D4 to store the number you want to return (in this case names that match 4)..but you can edit as necessary: =IFERROR(INDEX($A$...
BruceWayne's user avatar
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4 votes

List Every Single Registry Key in Windows

Thanks to a comment by IT Solutions, I found the answer to this. Below is the command line code: reg.exe export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE C:\path\machine_registry.txt reg.exe export HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT C:\...
B00TK1D's user avatar
  • 183
4 votes

What are the valid public ip address ranges 192.88....
hmuller's user avatar
  • 41
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Excel - extract values from multiple cells and list them

If you have Office 365 Excel or later then you can use TEXTJOIN as an Array Formula: =TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10),TRUE,IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(E4,$B$1:$B$3)),$A$1:$A$3,"")) Being an Array Formula it must be ...
Scott Craner's user avatar
  • 23.6k
4 votes

Is there an equivalent of a downloads list for attachments saved from MS Outlook?

Such a window exists in Outlook, it is only frequently overlooked: Right-click any attachment and choose Save As. ...then just open your file using right-click context menu > Open. Follow next steps ...
miroxlav's user avatar
  • 13.9k
3 votes

Windows 7/10 command line show running Applications/windows

To quote Raymond Chen, given the following source: When you go to the Processes tab in Task Manager, you see the processes ...
HelpingHand's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is my bullet formatting reset after changing a single bullet in Microsoft Word?

I have found something that works for me. I'm using Word 2010. If I create a list like you have, place the cursor on the line I want to change, and then select the new bullet type, it will change ...
Scot Dixon's user avatar
3 votes

Why does the dropdown button in Excel data validation disappear?

This appears to be a bug in some versions of excel. If you used the camera tool, then if the input cells of the camera tool object (the linked cells) are on a different worksheet as the data ...
NicChik's user avatar
  • 48
3 votes

How to specify space between each list item and space before/after the whole list

I've never found a way to do that with Word styles or styles in most publishing software, because paragraph styles do not usually have a way to specify or target "entire list." This is assuming we're ...
user8356's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there special characters that can be used for sorting but not displaying?

You might use zero - width space It has larger code than letters, so text without that is the first, text preceded by one is the second, text preceded by two zero-width space is the third and so on.
Máté Juhász's user avatar
2 votes

Windows7: Last files listing in start menu

You should try to reset your recent list of files, and hope that this will resolve your issue del /F /Q %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\* and for custom del /F /Q %APPDATA%\...
malakrsnaslava's user avatar
2 votes

How to test if a user part of a distribution list receives the email without sending any mail, to avoid spamming

You can't reliably do this. Spam filters may be picking up on the email based on the number of recipients receiving the same email as a factor - short of sending email to all the recipients, you can'...
davidgo's user avatar
  • 72.3k
2 votes

Excel how to deactivate "Most Recently used function" suggestion from drop down list

Please go to Excel->> Preferences...->> AutoComplete- please uncheck Use AutoComplete and Show AutoComplete options for functions and ranges: Please try this method.
Lee's user avatar
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2 votes

I'd like to generate a list based on selections made by students

1) Generate a header row of course names First things first, in sheet2 you need to generate a horizontal list of classes. You can either do this manually, or you can use the following formula to ...
Forward Ed's user avatar
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Use Drop Down Menu to change cells next to the drop down list

If I understand correctly, you could do this with either VBA or just a function. In my example, I have a list in A1 and in A4 Both containing "COMMENT" and "MOVE". In B1 I have the function =IF(A1="...
Christofer Weber's user avatar
2 votes

Is there an equivalent of a downloads list for attachments saved from MS Outlook?

Yes, it is possible to open the folder used to save the most recent attachment using the following AutoHotKey macro: #IfWinActive - Outlook ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32 ahk_exe OUTLOOK.EXE ^j:: ...
miroxlav's user avatar
  • 13.9k
2 votes

Excel: How to create a list of values in one cell for curent and previous values?

You can do it with a slight change in your table, 2 different formulas, and an understanding of anchoring. Table changes: you don't need column C and column E become really stock/usage. So, if you are ...
gns100's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I include the number twice in a Microsoft Word numbered list?

Given that your username is "jsharpminor", are you comfortable with coding a Word macro in VisualBasic? You can access the macro editor by: On the Developer tab, in the Code group, click ...
Nebu Pookins's user avatar
2 votes

Continue numbering in custom list

Ref: ' 1 as default value if nothing is given as parameter Sub ListaFemenino (s ...
Hannu's user avatar
  • 10.2k
2 votes

How to populate a cell with a comma separated list version of a list-like text?

Quick and dirty: combine two REGEXes to remove trailing minus signs, replace line breaks by commata. Put the following Formula in B1 to get the desired result: =REGEX(REGEX(A1;"\n- ";", ...
tohuwawohu's user avatar
  • 10.9k
2 votes

Copy multiple files/filetypes - from different folders (list of paths) - to a other folder

FOR Loops a FOR loop gets the list of directories from your text file Note: prepare your text file without quotes around the directories another FOR loop finds all the files in the supplied ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Overlapping administrative units - excel associations

If I understand correctly your goal, you could use the LET() function to achieve this. Assuming your data is stored in the range A1:B13 and for the moment a hard-coded lookup value, which can simply ...
karl's user avatar
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2 votes

Need to look up individual names on a list

If that's something (or similar) you're after, Then, Column D, find out unique names by, =UNIQUE(A:A) Column G, work out its frequency by, =COUNTIF($A:$A,D2) (for Alice in this case)
Derby9421's user avatar
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1 vote

Pivot table filter pane is not sorted. Why?

When you initially create a PivotTable, the default sort order is A to Z for text, or small to large for numeric: When you add new data and refresh, the new data is not sorted in the PivotTable, but ...
jeffreyweir's user avatar
1 vote

New to powershell and my foreach keeps failing. Trying to iterate over a list of cert files but it fails. Probably simple

Of course... so simple. Answer: $cert.Import($certGetList + "\" + $_) Somehow, it loses the origin of the object and tries to find the relative file locally, instead of on the network share. I ...
Tucker's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote

Linux, Fedora. Auto-install all software to a new machine from RPM list?

Assuming same linux version: on old: rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n" > list.txt on new: dnf install $(cat list.txt) Also assuming your repo lists are all the same and all represented on the new machine....
Sirex's user avatar
  • 11k
1 vote

Trying to sort my movie list by negative and positive

I'm assuming you mean you want to assign each movie positive or negative based on your personal preference. Open the text file in Excel. (Or select them from Notepad and paste them into Excel.) ...
Mike Fitzpatrick's user avatar

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